Can Reps modify abortion stance?

The current platform is fine. It's the continual misrepresentation of it that is a loser.

Not sure how to battle that. When you have a state propaganda machine working against you, you don't really have a lot of recourse, aside from revolution.
The GOP abortion platform as it stands now guarantees that the GOP will lose national elections for a long, long time. Either the social values right wing statist progressives in the Party agree to a platform that includes exceptions for rape and incest, or they will have to leave the party.
You are the one propagating lies about what the platform is, you lying hack. You did it in this thread, you do it everywhere.
How sad is it, that the MAN has no say in the killing of his child (abortion)..

but they want THE MAN to pay when they have the child..

twisted society

If that was important to a THE MAN, maybe he should have sex with a woman he trust to love his baby.:confused:
If Republicans have to "embrace" homosexual marriage and abortion, then why bother having two parties..

Just merge them and we can have one big government with masters against us taxpayers

Your confusing government with your faith, which you are free to express in your life. Does your faith call you to impose it on others? I would love to see smaller government, a budget, controlled immigration, tax reform, coherent foreign policy, and honesty from our president. Do you think we have that now?
Abortion isn't a issue, it's just one Democrats make up to use because they have to have it for their Fear Mongering

It's an issue if it causes Reps to lose votes, and we do because our view on this is simplistic, and ignorant of the facts.
If Republicans have to "embrace" homosexual marriage and abortion, then why bother having two parties..

Just merge them and we can have one big government with masters against us taxpayers

There are many democrats who are opposed to abortion and same-sex couples’ access to marriage.

Although the National Democratic Party respects their opinions, they’re smart enough to not make it a National issue.

The GOP need only do the same – and there are scores of other issues over which democrats and republicans disagree.
The political power of the social values statist right wing progressives in the GOP rapidly declines.

We do not have the right to enforce our religious values on the 70% of the country who believe differently than we do.
The current platform is fine. It's the continual misrepresentation of it that is a loser.

Not sure how to battle that. When you have a state propaganda machine working against you, you don't really have a lot of recourse, aside from revolution.

It's not propaganda when you lose the votes of single woman. There is no mention of abortion in the platform. Wow, sit back and let the propaganda come, good plan.
Abortion isn't a issue, it's just one Democrats make up to use because they have to have it for their Fear Mongering

Then why do you guys keep nominating idiots like Murdoch and Akin who talk about "Legitimate" and "Gift from God" rape.

The only problem here is that this issue isn't helping you guys anymore, it's hurting you, because women are getting out and voting on it.
JoeB, the lefty, is 100% correct on this. The far right in Iowa and Indiana won't budge, which means the party leadership will have to cut them off and go trolling for independents, centrists, and conservative Dems.
The current platform is fine. It's the continual misrepresentation of it that is a loser.

Not sure how to battle that. When you have a state propaganda machine working against you, you don't really have a lot of recourse, aside from revolution.

It's not propaganda when you lose the votes of single woman. There is no mention of abortion in the platform. Wow, sit back and let the propaganda come, good plan.

The alleged abortion stance of the Republican party that is trumpeted from the rooftops by the leftists is indeed propaganda. I didn't say that we shouldn't have a plan; I said I didn't know what sort of plan works against statist lies. Historically, they are very difficult to contest, particularly when people expect the state to provide for them.
Wow, shocker...the lying piece of garbage Jake is aligning himself with the #1 commie propagandist the site has...go figure.
JoeB, the lefty, is 100% correct on this. The far right in Iowa and Indiana won't budge, which means the party leadership will have to cut them off and go trolling for independents, centrists, and conservative Dems.

Well, it wasn't like your boy, the Weird Mormon Robot, was standing up to these assholes, was it?

Nope, he just kept playing along, until that day he was going to surprise us all by saying "Surprise, I'm a Moderate!!!"

In Jakes world, cowardice and mendacity are virtues.
JoeB, the lefty, is 100% correct on this. The far right in Iowa and Indiana won't budge, which means the party leadership will have to cut them off and go trolling for independents, centrists, and conservative Dems.

Well, it wasn't like your boy, the Weird Mormon Robot, was standing up to these assholes, was it?

Nope, he just kept playing along, until that day he was going to surprise us all by saying "Surprise, I'm a Moderate!!!"

In Jakes world, cowardice and mendacity are virtues.

You jump on any and every band wagon that goes by.
JoeB is not very bright or emotionally secure.

For that matter, neither is koshergrl.
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Neither are you. Plus you're a lying pig. I'm not sure he's a liar; he's just pathetically brain washed.

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