Can Reps modify abortion stance?

It's a bad law that was forced upon an unwilling populace by corrupt courts.

It should go.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

I don't know why abortion is an issue these days anyway. There are a helluva lot more things to worry about right now, such as the budget deficit, the national debt, jobs, infrastructure etc.

To me, it's a non-issue any time. I would like to see a politician, Republican or Democrat, get in front of a microphone and ask "Does the issue of abortion really matter?" and see where the debate goes. In fact, i'd like to see a politician (again, Repub or Dem) do one better and say "I don't care about the issue of abortion, period!" and see which way the wind blows.

Oh yeah, declaring that he or she doesn't give a shit about human life (like some here) would be a real winning move.

Yeah, I don't recommend that, I think we need to do the opposite, by having a comprehensive position on abortion, birth control, and motherhood. At this point it looks like we have a hidden agenda. Not surprised that woman don't trust the, we don't like abortion so we don't talk about it, plan.
We do talk about it, but for all that we talk about it, the left keeps lying about what we say. And that is what gets the press. Just like that loon Jake is racing around saying that "no abortion ever for any reason" is "part of the Republican platform" based on a NYT article that says our platform doesn't specify exceptions in the platform.

The left maintains that unless we embrace abortion whole heartedly, then we won't allow medically necessary abortion...and women will die because they're "forced" to bear monster killer children. It's a fantasy...and it's what gets the press.
Your confusing government with your faith, which you are free to express in your life. Does your faith call you to impose it on others?

Having principles and sticking to them is NOT 'imposing one's faith on others.'

When you write laws to enforce your principles on people that don't share your principles, that's imposing. Let's not play word games, this stems from faith, no one is saying you can't act on your beliefs. Our dogged way of trying to control others is backfiring as we are losing our freedoms. Now we are forced to pay for abortions, it's time to be smart about our options. We need to do that together.
Bullshit. Preventing human rights violations is NOT "controlling" others in any negative way.
We do talk about it, but for all that we talk about it, the left keeps lying about what we say. And that is what gets the press. Just like that loon Jake is racing around saying that "no abortion ever for any reason" is "part of the Republican platform" based on a NYT article that says our platform doesn't specify exceptions in the platform.

The left maintains that unless we embrace abortion whole heartedly, then we won't allow medically necessary abortion...and women will die because they're "forced" to bear monster killer children. It's a fantasy...and it's what gets the press.

Your right, the media can't wait to ask us about abortion, and then Reps look like a deer in the headlights. So we talk about it, trying not to anger the hard right that don't want abortion of any kind. Abortion is not going to be made illegal in the US so we need to close that door and move on. Guy was nice enough to provide this link on the GOP platform, Renewing American Values - GOP

No mention of abortion. Reps need to be out in front of this issue, we should be grabbing reporters saying hey I want to talk to you about reproductive rights. If we keep trying to avoid it, then we just suck. If we don't win elections and hold office, we don't have a say about this or anything else, the economy, education, and so on. We don't need to embrace abortion wholeheartedly, but if we want to limit abortions what's our plan? Do Reps want to help a pregnant woman with her decision, will they respect it?
How does allowing someone ELSE to have an abortion go against YOUR principles?
You can still oppose it all you want and encourage all you want folks NOT to have an abortion.
Principles are for your personal life. What a woman does with her body is her business, her principles.
How does allowing someone ELSE to have an abortion go against YOUR principles?
You can still oppose it all you want and encourage all you want folks NOT to have an abortion.
Principles are for your personal life. What a woman does with her body is her business, her principles.

If someone was standing in the street holding a knife to a 6 month olds neck, would it not be "against your principals" to allow them to kill the baby without doing anything to stop it?
We do talk about it, but for all that we talk about it, the left keeps lying about what we say. And that is what gets the press. Just like that loon Jake is racing around saying that "no abortion ever for any reason" is "part of the Republican platform" based on a NYT article that says our platform doesn't specify exceptions in the platform.

The left maintains that unless we embrace abortion whole heartedly, then we won't allow medically necessary abortion...and women will die because they're "forced" to bear monster killer children. It's a fantasy...and it's what gets the press.

Your right, the media can't wait to ask us about abortion, and then Reps look like a deer in the headlights. So we talk about it, trying not to anger the hard right that don't want abortion of any kind. Abortion is not going to be made illegal in the US so we need to close that door and move on. Guy was nice enough to provide this link on the GOP platform, Renewing American Values - GOP

No mention of abortion. Reps need to be out in front of this issue, we should be grabbing reporters saying hey I want to talk to you about reproductive rights. If we keep trying to avoid it, then we just suck. If we don't win elections and hold office, we don't have a say about this or anything else, the economy, education, and so on. We don't need to embrace abortion wholeheartedly, but if we want to limit abortions what's our plan? Do Reps want to help a pregnant woman with her decision, will they respect it?

See, you just did it again.

The far right is NOT against abortion of any kind. That's a lie, and you're repeating it. Even the far right is okay with abortion for medical reasons...when the mother's life is in danger.
How does allowing someone ELSE to have an abortion go against YOUR principles?
You can still oppose it all you want and encourage all you want folks NOT to have an abortion.
Principles are for your personal life. What a woman does with her body is her business, her principles.

The same way that allowing someone else to kill someone in front of me is a violation of my principles.

We're talking about human rights. We're obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Regardless of the opposition. It's about doing the right thing, even when you stand against many to do it.

It used to be something Americans were admired for.
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Bullshit. Preventing human rights violations is NOT "controlling" others in any negative way.

Human rights are commonly understood as "inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Forcing a woman to have a baby is as much a human right violation as China forcing abortions. Your not going to save any lives by outlawing abortion. That would be a cheap shortcut, you may sleep better but abortions would still happen. Or maybe you think there's no murder, or prostitution. Why do you care if someone you don't know has one? There are pregnant woman in your city, grab a sign and go yell at them till they see things your way. I am saying let's talk to them, and help them deal with something that scares them, and help them decide.
We do talk about it, but for all that we talk about it, the left keeps lying about what we say. And that is what gets the press. Just like that loon Jake is racing around saying that "no abortion ever for any reason" is "part of the Republican platform" based on a NYT article that says our platform doesn't specify exceptions in the platform.

The left maintains that unless we embrace abortion whole heartedly, then we won't allow medically necessary abortion...and women will die because they're "forced" to bear monster killer children. It's a fantasy...and it's what gets the press.

Your right, the media can't wait to ask us about abortion, and then Reps look like a deer in the headlights. So we talk about it, trying not to anger the hard right that don't want abortion of any kind. Abortion is not going to be made illegal in the US so we need to close that door and move on. Guy was nice enough to provide this link on the GOP platform, Renewing American Values - GOP

No mention of abortion. Reps need to be out in front of this issue, we should be grabbing reporters saying hey I want to talk to you about reproductive rights. If we keep trying to avoid it, then we just suck. If we don't win elections and hold office, we don't have a say about this or anything else, the economy, education, and so on. We don't need to embrace abortion wholeheartedly, but if we want to limit abortions what's our plan? Do Reps want to help a pregnant woman with her decision, will they respect it?

See, you just did it again.

The far right is NOT against abortion of any kind. That's a lie, and you're repeating it. Even the far right is okay with abortion for medical reasons...when the mother's life is in danger.
Nonsense, plenty of people think life of the mother should not be an exception.

Why the Life of the Mother is Not a Valid Exception for Abortion - Vision Forum Ministries

I could find a bunch of posts from people on this site saying something similar.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

You never raise the white flag just because you're losing a moral based fight. The prostitute mainstream media has been in the hip pocket of the baby murdering left for years now, it's time the Republican Party uses another marketing strategy to promote goodness and decency.
The obvious answer is to agree that secularists should have abortion on demand, but maintain and reinforce Christian principles that Christians should have babies.

This is one of the reasons that islam is growing in Europe, they do not limit their families and have twice as many children, if not more, than the secularists of the nations that host them. It's also the reason why hispanics are such a fast growing population here. They have more babies.

It's a simple resolution. Allow the secularists to kill themselves off.
We do talk about it, but for all that we talk about it, the left keeps lying about what we say. And that is what gets the press. Just like that loon Jake is racing around saying that "no abortion ever for any reason" is "part of the Republican platform" based on a NYT article that says our platform doesn't specify exceptions in the platform.

The left maintains that unless we embrace abortion whole heartedly, then we won't allow medically necessary abortion...and women will die because they're "forced" to bear monster killer children. It's a fantasy...and it's what gets the press.

Your right, the media can't wait to ask us about abortion, and then Reps look like a deer in the headlights. So we talk about it, trying not to anger the hard right that don't want abortion of any kind. Abortion is not going to be made illegal in the US so we need to close that door and move on. Guy was nice enough to provide this link on the GOP platform, Renewing American Values - GOP

No mention of abortion. Reps need to be out in front of this issue, we should be grabbing reporters saying hey I want to talk to you about reproductive rights. If we keep trying to avoid it, then we just suck. If we don't win elections and hold office, we don't have a say about this or anything else, the economy, education, and so on. We don't need to embrace abortion wholeheartedly, but if we want to limit abortions what's our plan? Do Reps want to help a pregnant woman with her decision, will they respect it?

See, you just did it again.

The far right is NOT against abortion of any kind. That's a lie, and you're repeating it. Even the far right is okay with abortion for medical reasons...when the mother's life is in danger.

So you say, I don't see anything in writing so I am free to make up things just like you.:cool:
You will find kg early on this board saying the same thing: no abortion for any reason.

My GM believes it, God bless him. Years ago we had to implement a written policy that politics and religion and sports could not be discussed at work. :lol:

Your right, the media can't wait to ask us about abortion, and then Reps look like a deer in the headlights. So we talk about it, trying not to anger the hard right that don't want abortion of any kind. Abortion is not going to be made illegal in the US so we need to close that door and move on. Guy was nice enough to provide this link on the GOP platform, Renewing American Values - GOP

No mention of abortion. Reps need to be out in front of this issue, we should be grabbing reporters saying hey I want to talk to you about reproductive rights. If we keep trying to avoid it, then we just suck. If we don't win elections and hold office, we don't have a say about this or anything else, the economy, education, and so on. We don't need to embrace abortion wholeheartedly, but if we want to limit abortions what's our plan? Do Reps want to help a pregnant woman with her decision, will they respect it?

See, you just did it again.

The far right is NOT against abortion of any kind. That's a lie, and you're repeating it. Even the far right is okay with abortion for medical reasons...when the mother's life is in danger.
Nonsense, plenty of people think life of the mother should not be an exception.

Why the Life of the Mother is Not a Valid Exception for Abortion - Vision Forum Ministries

I could find a bunch of posts from people on this site saying something similar.

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