Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Did I use big words? I'm sorry.

But what I said stands...we could race around all day and all night filling gaps in our platform to prevent leftie wackjobs from attributing false stances to us...and you'd still come up with garbage and claim we owned it.

I'm not at all surprised that you don't understand what principles are. And I've told you that the "you don't have a uterus!" talking point is a ridiculously failed argument, moron.

I understand your principles very well.

you have serious issues with women.

Because please don't tell me it's because you are all concerned about fetuses...

You post offensive shit like this and PROVE that you don't understand a fucking thing. What a typical far-far-left douche that you have so trained yourself to pretend human life means nothing to you that you can't imagine everyone else is just as morally bankrupt. Well guess what, asshole?
Probably 80% support the stupidity that is the war on drugs or the prostitution laws, but the fact is, enough people disregard them to render them meaningless.

A law can only function if there is agreement that it should be a law.

Are you really too stupid to understand what you yourself wrote there? I guess you are.
Your confusing government with your faith, which you are free to express in your life. Does your faith call you to impose it on others?

Having principles and sticking to them is NOT 'imposing one's faith on others.'

When you write laws to enforce your principles on people that don't share your principles, that's imposing.

EVERY law is based on society's shared principles. Your notion of 'imposition' would preclude the writing and enforcement of ANY laws.
How does allowing someone ELSE to have an abortion go against YOUR principles?
You can still oppose it all you want and encourage all you want folks NOT to have an abortion.
Principles are for your personal life. What a woman does with her body is her business, her principles.

And if you personally oppose drunk driving that's just for your personal life, right? What a drunk driver does with his body is his business, his principles, right?
Bullshit. Preventing human rights violations is NOT "controlling" others in any negative way.

Human rights are commonly understood as "inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.

Like the 'right' not to have your life taken due to no fault of your own?

I'm not at all surprised that you don't understand what principles are. And I've told you that the "you don't have a uterus!" talking point is a ridiculously failed argument, moron.

I understand your principles very well.

you have serious issues with women.

Because please don't tell me it's because you are all concerned about fetuses...

You post offensive shit like this and PROVE that you don't understand a fucking thing. What a typical far-far-left douche that you have so trained yourself to pretend human life means nothing to you that you can't imagine everyone else is just as morally bankrupt. Well guess what, asshole?

I find the motives of any man who fights for abortion suspect...a man who will disregard the life of a child towards the ultimate end of keeping a woman sexually active is no friend to women.
A fetus is not the moral equivalent of a 6-month old child.

And that 6 month-old child is not the moral equivalent of a 1 year-old child? And that 1 year-old is not the moral equivalent of a 15 year-old? Is this how your fucked up notion about the value of human life works, douchebag?
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The obvious answer is to agree that secularists should have abortion on demand, but maintain and reinforce Christian principles that Christians should have babies.

This is one of the reasons that islam is growing in Europe, they do not limit their families and have twice as many children, if not more, than the secularists of the nations that host them. It's also the reason why hispanics are such a fast growing population here. They have more babies.

It's a simple resolution. Allow the secularists to kill themselves off.

That would work fine, if all the Christian kids remained Christian.

Case in point. Me.

Grew up Catholic. Went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Whole boat. Baptism, Communion, Confirmation...

And I was an atheist ten minutes after we put my mother into the ground.

You were never really a Catholic.
Your logic fails, as usual. Difference of kind not degree. A fetus is not a child.

A fetus is not the moral equivalent of a 6-month old child.

And that 6 month-old child is not the moral equivalent of a 1 year-old child? And that 1 year-old is not the moral equivalent of a 15 year-old? Is this how your fucked up notion about the value of human life works, douchebag?
A fetus is a human, just as a child, an adolescent, an infant, and a toddler are. They're all the same thing, at different stages.

But all the same thing.
You are entitled to your unfounded opinion.

A fetus is not the moral equivalent of a 6-month old child.

Really, how did you get here?

Did your mother skip this step?

It's so profound how you and many others defend this stage as having no meaning to human life, is this how you created your kids?

Unfounded? You where created in a test tube then?

Jake, stop while you are behind, my god, you shame your whole family...
We have different notions of crazy..

I think it's crazy to race around trying to find good reasons to kill infants.

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