Can Reps modify abortion stance?

If there's a chance of being wrong..I would prefer to say I was wrong in my defense of the weak and vulnerable, and not wrong in my desire to kill them.
They see children as a disease, and women as afflicted with them.

They despise the thing that makes females female...their capacity to bear life, and that is in and of itself a sign of a hatred of women.

They don't see it that way. But they are wrong. And sick.
Your logic fails, as usual. Difference of kind not degree. A fetus is not a child.

A fetus is not the moral equivalent of a 6-month old child.

And that 6 month-old child is not the moral equivalent of a 1 year-old child? And that 1 year-old is not the moral equivalent of a 15 year-old? Is this how your fucked up notion about the value of human life works, douchebag?

You don't understand logic at all.

In the normal course of events, barring illness, accident, or brutality, from the instant of conception a human life will develop into a fetus. In the normal course of events, barring illness, accident, or brutality, that fetus will develop into a 6 month-old child. In the normal course of events, barring illness, accident, or brutality, that 6 month-old child will develop into a 1 year-old child. In the normal course of events, barring illness, accident, or brutality, that 1 year-old child will develop into a 15 year-old child. And so on.

I understand this amazingly complex idea may be too much for you.
It's not too complex, he understands it and he just doesn't care.

That's the thing.. They understand exactly what a baby is, and what it isn't. And they don't care. They are okay with killing. They don't mind killing babies, they don't mind killing adults, they don't mind killing elderly, disabled, poor, or otherwise 'defective' in their sight.
Republicans don't need to modify their pro-life stance. Although getting a tighter handle on the crazies would be nice.

Only a sick twisted fuck sees respecting the sanctity of innocent life as crazy.

Legitimate rape, the body shuts that down, rape is a gift from God, asprine between the knees... And on and on and on.
Like I said, you're okay with killing.

So long as we aren't killing CRIMINALS. That's a different thing altogether...criminals must be protected.

But babies must die.
Like I said, you're okay with killing.

So long as we aren't killing CRIMINALS. That's a different thing altogether...criminals must be protected.

But babies must die.

I'm ok with abortion. I'm also aware that you are not. I don't require you to agree with me, i dont feel the need to try to sway your opinion or berate you for what I consider to be the house of sand you've built those opinions on. I don't even require republicans I may vote for to agree with me.:)
Like I said, you're okay with killing.

So long as we aren't killing CRIMINALS. That's a different thing altogether...criminals must be protected.

But babies must die.

I'm ok with abortion. I'm also aware that you are not. I don't require you to agree with me, i dont feel the need to try to sway your opinion or berate you for what I consider to be the house of sand you've built those opinions on. I don't even require republicans I may vote for to agree with me.:)

And if someone was "ok" with assualt and battery, or kidnapping, or drunk driving even though you are not, you'd be happy to just leave it at agreeing to disagree? You wouldn't berate them for their 'legitimate' view? You might even vote for them?
Like I said, you're okay with killing.

So long as we aren't killing CRIMINALS. That's a different thing altogether...criminals must be protected.

But babies must die.

I'm ok with abortion. I'm also aware that you are not. I don't require you to agree with me, i dont feel the need to try to sway your opinion or berate you for what I consider to be the house of sand you've built those opinions on. I don't even require republicans I may vote for to agree with me.:)

So you're OK with murder too...

You being aware of anything would be a stretch at best...
Like I said, you're okay with killing.

So long as we aren't killing CRIMINALS. That's a different thing altogether...criminals must be protected.

But babies must die.

I'm ok with abortion. I'm also aware that you are not. I don't require you to agree with me, i dont feel the need to try to sway your opinion or berate you for what I consider to be the house of sand you've built those opinions on. I don't even require republicans I may vote for to agree with me.:)

And if someone was "ok" with assualt and battery, or kidnapping, or drunk driving even though you are not, you'd be happy to just leave it at agreeing to disagree? You wouldn't berate them for their 'legitimate' view? You might even vote for them?

Like I said, you're okay with killing.

So long as we aren't killing CRIMINALS. That's a different thing altogether...criminals must be protected.

But babies must die.

I'm ok with abortion. I'm also aware that you are not. I don't require you to agree with me, i dont feel the need to try to sway your opinion or berate you for what I consider to be the house of sand you've built those opinions on. I don't even require republicans I may vote for to agree with me.:)

And if someone was "ok" with assualt and battery, or kidnapping, or drunk driving even though you are not, you'd be happy to just leave it at agreeing to disagree? You wouldn't berate them for their 'legitimate' view? You might even vote for them?

And once again: assault/battery, kidnapping, and drunk driving all involve one actual, legal person taking adverse action against another actual, legal person or persons, that’s not the case with abortion.
I'm ok with abortion. I'm also aware that you are not. I don't require you to agree with me, i dont feel the need to try to sway your opinion or berate you for what I consider to be the house of sand you've built those opinions on. I don't even require republicans I may vote for to agree with me.:)

And if someone was "ok" with assualt and battery, or kidnapping, or drunk driving even though you are not, you'd be happy to just leave it at agreeing to disagree? You wouldn't berate them for their 'legitimate' view? You might even vote for them?

And once again: assault/battery, kidnapping, and drunk driving all involve one actual, legal person taking adverse action against another actual, legal person or persons, that’s not the case with abortion.

And once again a liberal shamelessly avoids the central moral issue involved in the subject of abortion.
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I'm ok with abortion. I'm also aware that you are not. I don't require you to agree with me, i dont feel the need to try to sway your opinion or berate you for what I consider to be the house of sand you've built those opinions on. I don't even require republicans I may vote for to agree with me.:)

And if someone was "ok" with assualt and battery, or kidnapping, or drunk driving even though you are not, you'd be happy to just leave it at agreeing to disagree? You wouldn't berate them for their 'legitimate' view? You might even vote for them?

And once again: assault/battery, kidnapping, and drunk driving all involve one actual, legal person taking adverse action against another actual, legal person or persons, that’s not the case with abortion.

Yeah, try telling that story the day you meet your maker....
Cuz we all know if you don't recognize a person as a person, it's okay to abuse and kill them.

That's the same justification the Nazis used, and slave owners, and the men who participate in honor killings. Cuz they didn't/don't recognize their victims as being quite as human as they were/are.

Monsters always have good *reasons* for being monsters. At least in their own minds. History, and God, will view them differently, though.
Cuz we all know if you don't recognize a person as a person, it's okay to abuse and kill them.

That's the same justification the Nazis used, and slave owners, and the men who participate in honor killings. Cuz they didn't/don't recognize their victims as being quite as human as they were/are.

Monsters always have good *reasons* for being monsters. At least in their own minds. History, and God, will view them differently, though.

I should start a thread to compile your love of Nazis.

Actually, when it comes to human rights offenses we are obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Otherwise, nobody would concern themselves with anyone's murder or crimes against anyone except themselves. Anarchy.

My position on abortion will not change...

Success has nothing to do with it...

Your position may not change but the laws and the country are changing everyday. I am talking about having some input on that change or continuing to lose elections and becoming irrelevant. We need a comprehensive, well reasoned position on abortion that Americans will support. Success has everything to do with what will happen.

What kind of success is it if you sacrifice life for votes, your no better than your foe...

I doubt that it matters to you, but that makes NO sense, you haven't saved a life by not getting votes. If you feel like your better then your foe, good for you, but your opening all the doors to abortion that you don't want open. You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for the moral high ground:clap2:
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I'm not at all surprised that you don't understand what principles are. And I've told you that the "you don't have a uterus!" talking point is a ridiculously failed argument, moron.

I understand your principles very well.

you have serious issues with women.

Because please don't tell me it's because you are all concerned about fetuses...

You post offensive shit like this and PROVE that you don't understand a fucking thing. What a typical far-far-left douche that you have so trained yourself to pretend human life means nothing to you that you can't imagine everyone else is just as morally bankrupt. Well guess what, asshole?

If you were concerned about fetuses,you'd support family and medical leave, universal health care, sex education and practical, pragmatic steps that would reduce the number of abortions...

Instead, you advocate a policy you've been told YOU CAN'T HAVE for 40 years now. Because the thought of women controlling their own bodies horrifies you.

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