Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Only a sick twisted fuck sees respecting the sanctity of innocent life as crazy.

Legitimate rape, the body shuts that down, rape is a gift from God, asprine between the knees... And on and on and on.

I am responsible for some idiots statement? Oh and by the way dummy keeping your legs close will help prevent pregnancy as well as keeping your pecker in your pants will. It is amazing how one sided you people are.

Are you personally responsible? Of course not. Does it reflect poorly on your party? Yes.
"Bad reasons"? Who are you to judge her reasons? And why would you care since human life means nothing to you?

Knew a gal back in the 1990's, Asian gal, college educated, stopped taking her birth control pills so she'd get pregnant and her boyfriend would finally make good on her promise to marry her.

He didn't. Sucked it into a sink. Then she tried the same trick on the same guy a year later and was amazed she got the same result.

I don't think she was evil or a Nazi, she was just someone who made dumb decisions, starting with who to have sex with.

I also suspect she would have found a way go get an abortion no matter what the law was.

I didn't ask you for a story, I asked you: Who are you to judge her reasons? And why would you care since human life means nothing to you?

I pointed out that I thought her judgement is stupid. It was after that I stopped letting people drag me into their personal soap operas...

I think a lot of behavior is stupid. I think reality TV is stupid. I don't think it should be banned just because I don't like it.

And that's the point, dumbass. She's going to get an abortion, no matter how many vile names you call her.

Offer her alternatives- real alternatives - and she might not.

But this isn't about the babies for you, it's about ladies controlling their own lady parts.
Knew a gal back in the 1990's, Asian gal, college educated, stopped taking her birth control pills so she'd get pregnant and her boyfriend would finally make good on her promise to marry her.

He didn't. Sucked it into a sink. Then she tried the same trick on the same guy a year later and was amazed she got the same result.

I don't think she was evil or a Nazi, she was just someone who made dumb decisions, starting with who to have sex with.

I also suspect she would have found a way go get an abortion no matter what the law was.

I didn't ask you for a story, I asked you: Who are you to judge her reasons? And why would you care since human life means nothing to you?

I pointed out that I thought her judgement is stupid. It was after that I stopped letting people drag me into their personal soap operas...

I think a lot of behavior is stupid. I think reality TV is stupid. I don't think it should be banned just because I don't like it.

And that's the point, dumbass. She's going to get an abortion, no matter how many vile names you call her.

Offer her alternatives- real alternatives - and she might not. .

She had alternatives - lots of them. And YOU have called her names, not me, you fucking liar.
But this isn't about the babies for you, it's about ladies controlling their own lady parts.

When did I ever say that, you fucking liar? Don't duck this time, pussy. When did I ever say that? Are you really so insecure in your positions that you have to lie, fabricate, and try to put words in peoples mouths? Is that what a weak and dishonest person you are? Sure seems that way.
I didn't ask you for a story, I asked you: Who are you to judge her reasons? And why would you care since human life means nothing to you?

I pointed out that I thought her judgement is stupid. It was after that I stopped letting people drag me into their personal soap operas...

I think a lot of behavior is stupid. I think reality TV is stupid. I don't think it should be banned just because I don't like it.

And that's the point, dumbass. She's going to get an abortion, no matter how many vile names you call her.

Offer her alternatives- real alternatives - and she might not. .

She had alternatives - lots of them. And YOU have called her names, not me, you fucking liar.

Yup, she had alternatives, all of which she rejected. Because she didn't want her parents (whom she was still living with at 24) to know she was having sex.

(Oh, please point out where I called her a name. Not that I couldn't think of a few choice names for this woman.)
But this isn't about the babies for you, it's about ladies controlling their own lady parts.

When did I ever say that, you fucking liar? Don't duck this time, pussy. When did I ever say that? Are you really so insecure in your positions that you have to lie, fabricate, and try to put words in peoples mouths? Is that what a weak and dishonest person you are? Sure seems that way.

What you say is obvious. Your misogyny drips off the page...

You are really a very angry guy.. all the time. It's kind of sad.
Offer her alternatives- real alternatives - and she might not.

So being a mother is not real?

Adoption is not real?

Need to get your story straight, wouldn't want you to look foolish or anything like that...

Uh, yeah, adoption isn't a real alternative. True, the rich are trying to make the poor into baby machines for them, but frankly, don't be surprised when the machines don't dispense.

You can't force anyone to be a "mother". That has to be a choice at the end of the day.
Yes, you are racist and, yes, you are misogynistic, and, yes, you are a nativist.

We in the GOP are turning away from your beliefs, finally.

But this isn't about the babies for you, it's about ladies controlling their own lady parts.

When did I ever say that, you fucking liar? Don't duck this time, pussy. When did I ever say that? Are you really so insecure in your positions that you have to lie, fabricate, and try to put words in peoples mouths? Is that what a weak and dishonest person you are? Sure seems that way.
Evil people telling the GOP to embrace killing unborn humans to get more votes.

Abortion is not going away since there are enough evil people in this country like JaketheFake, so the GOP should just try to limit abortion istead of trying to stop it which is impossible.

When Democraps want abortion to be legal up to the delivery room moment, the GOP must block them. We can't stop scumbags using abortion as birth control early in the pregnancy, but we can stop them from killing the baby late term like liberals salivate over.
GoneBezerk speaks for a deranged minority when he states this.

One, fetuses are not children.

Two, American women have politically decided this for the country: they will not vote GOP unless there is a change to abortion in cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother, at the very least.

This issue is over except for the GBs crying.
So are they dogs, cats, pigs? A fetus is a human in development, so when you kill it you are killing a human in development. If not cut to pieces inside its mother, the fetus will come out an air breathing human.

Your argument that a fetus can't live without support of its mother could easily be used against someone paralyzed to a bed....well since they can't live without others feeding them, bathing them, can just kill them off too.

You are a just like a Nazi, an evil scumbag that will burn in hell someday. You think in terms of winning elections like a typical liberal, not doing the right thing.

GoneBezerk speaks for a deranged minority when he states this.

One, fetuses are not children.

Two, American women have politically decided this for the country: they will not vote GOP unless there is a change to abortion in cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother, at the very least.

This issue is over except for the GBs crying.
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