Can Reps modify abortion stance?

GoneBezerk continues to speak for a deranged minority.

A fetus is not a child: difference of kind, not degree.

GoneBezerk is like a Nazi trying to improve the Germanic race by making sure no one can have abortion.

Is there any case that warrants abortion, in your estimation, GoneBezerk. Any equivocation from yes or no will be treated as a Silent Affirmation, meaning "no".
You're fucking insane, someone should find you and lock you in a rubber room until you die.

You need to explain how it is legal for a mother to kill a fetus but a stranger killing the fetus would be murder/manslaughter. Typical liberal hypocrisy and demented logic.

You talking to yourself here is lunatic....

GoneBezerk continues to speak for a deranged minority.

A fetus is not a child: difference of kind, not degree.

GoneBezerk is like a Nazi trying to improve the Germanic race by making sure no one can have abortion.

Is there any case that warrants abortion, in your estimation, GoneBezerk. Any equivocation from yes or no will be treated as a Silent Affirmation, meaning "no".
It's simple. Option a. A woman is forced into a moral choice by the government even if she does not believe in it(let's say on religious grounds, since the repubs on here think a religious viewpoint is a good reason for people to opt out oh health care) .

Or option b, you make it legal and women get to make the choice on their own morality.

I don't know why repubs are so cool with the gov. Being involved in this personal choice.

It's simple. A woman is forced into a moral choice by the consequences of her PREVIOUS moral choices, and by nature and simple biology. Society has a say in whether or not its members are killed without consequence, whether or not medical morons like you are able to comprehend their humanity or not.

I don't know why leftists think they are going to be allowed to simply impose their personal viewpoints on the debate by fiat. "Okay, you just accept that we're right that fetuses aren't living beings, and that this is all just a personal choice on the same level as what brand of mascara a woman buys, and THEN we'll debate abortion."

Not happening, Sparkles. So when you have the sack to tackle the ACTUAL debate, instead of trying to declare yourself the winner and polevault over it to a world where everyone agrees with you, you come on back. Until then, you've forfeited and have nothing else to say.
Offer her alternatives- real alternatives - and she might not.

So being a mother is not real?

Adoption is not real?

Need to get your story straight, wouldn't want you to look foolish or anything like that...

Uh, yeah, adoption isn't a real alternative. True, the rich are trying to make the poor into baby machines for them, but frankly, don't be surprised when the machines don't dispense.

You can't force anyone to be a "mother". That has to be a choice at the end of the day.

Hey Joe, just let stupid get out of your mind, just once, you never know you might like it...

Then again, you offer no proof, so maybe you should keep stupid as your best friend, apparently you like it...
GB's insane evangelical hysteria hypocritically and dementedly reveals how he and those like him have less and less every influence day, and are becoming more irrelevant in America.

Leave women, hispanics, and gays alone, GoneBezerk. Your evil day is over.

GoneBezerk continues to speak for a deranged minority.

A fetus is not a child: difference of kind, not degree.

GoneBezerk is like a Nazi trying to improve the Germanic race by making sure no one can have abortion.

Is there any case that warrants abortion, in your estimation, GoneBezerk. Any equivocation from yes or no will be treated as a Silent Affirmation, meaning "no".
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

I don't know why abortion is an issue these days anyway. There are a helluva lot more things to worry about right now, such as the budget deficit, the national debt, jobs, infrastructure etc.

To me, it's a non-issue any time. I would like to see a politician, Republican or Democrat, get in front of a microphone and ask "Does the issue of abortion really matter?" and see where the debate goes. In fact, i'd like to see a politician (again, Repub or Dem) do one better and say "I don't care about the issue of abortion, period!" and see which way the wind blows.

Um, abortion is an issue "these days" because no one elected you to set priorities for everyone else, and some of us are silly enough to take advantage of our right to care about things that haven't been pre-approved by you.

Contemplate the possibility that the sun doesn't rise and set in your belly button. If we're ever interested in what things are "to you", we'll be sure and let you know.
How sad is it, that the MAN has no say in the killing of his child (abortion)..

but they want THE MAN to pay when they have the child..

twisted society

If that was important to a THE MAN, maybe he should have sex with a woman he trust to love his baby.:confused:

If all the sob story reasons we hear for abortion were really so important to THE WOMAN, maybe she should lay off the tequila and stop taking home men she doesn't like and doesn't want to have a baby with.

There are other hobbies in the world besides fucking, amazingly enough.
Hmmmm, I haven't gone to church since high school when my parents forced me....that was over 25 years ago.

Of course, a piece of shit like you claims protecting a human from being killed is "religious." Strange that our courts don't use the Bible to declare a crime has been done or not.

Yeah, it's picking on "women" to stop them from killing unborn humans, picking on "hispanics" because they illegally invaded this country, and picking on you "gays" if we don't want them running naked through the streets during gay pride parades. You are fucking insane and will burn in hell someday.

GB's insane evangelical hysteria hypocritically and dementedly reveals how he and those like him have less and less every influence day, and are becoming more irrelevant in America.

Leave women, hispanics, and gays alone, GoneBezerk. Your evil day is over.

GoneBezerk continues to speak for a deranged minority.

A fetus is not a child: difference of kind, not degree.

GoneBezerk is like a Nazi trying to improve the Germanic race by making sure no one can have abortion.

Is there any case that warrants abortion, in your estimation, GoneBezerk. Any equivocation from yes or no will be treated as a Silent Affirmation, meaning "no".
No one cares if you go to church, GoneBezerk, you deranged fool; they care what you do that is good. And you lie about you lack of religious side if you are talking about hell. You fool no one. The evangelical right is hysterically deranged, as are you.

The American people have told you that picking on woman, picking on Hispanics, and picking on gays will lead only to continued political defeat.

Hmmmm, I haven't gone to church since high school when my parents forced me....that was over 25 years ago.

Of course, a piece of shit like you claims protecting a human from being killed is "religious." Strange that our courts don't use the Bible to declare a crime has been done or not.

Yeah, it's picking on "women" to stop them from killing unborn humans, picking on "hispanics" because they illegally invaded this country, and picking on you "gays" if we don't want them running naked through the streets during gay pride parades. You are fucking insane and will burn in hell someday.

GB's insane evangelical hysteria hypocritically and dementedly reveals how he and those like him have less and less every influence day, and are becoming more irrelevant in America.

Leave women, hispanics, and gays alone, GoneBezerk. Your evil day is over.

GoneBezerk continues to speak for a deranged minority.

A fetus is not a child: difference of kind, not degree.

GoneBezerk is like a Nazi trying to improve the Germanic race by making sure no one can have abortion.

Is there any case that warrants abortion, in your estimation, GoneBezerk. Any equivocation from yes or no will be treated as a Silent Affirmation, meaning "no".
Your confusing government with your faith, which you are free to express in your life. Does your faith call you to impose it on others?

Having principles and sticking to them is NOT 'imposing one's faith on others.'

When you write laws to enforce your principles on people that don't share your principles, that's imposing. Let's not play word games, this stems from faith, no one is saying you can't act on your beliefs. Our dogged way of trying to control others is backfiring as we are losing our freedoms. Now we are forced to pay for abortions, it's time to be smart about our options. We need to do that together.

Hey, genius, which laws do we have that AREN'T "imposing principles" on people? What else do laws DO, precisely? I know it's a shock to you to realize that everyone else has had principles, and you've been living with them, all along, but welcome to reality.

Let's not play word games. You're just pissed by the idea that someone might write a law that 1) you don't agree with, and 2) is approved of by religious people.

Call me when you find a society that DOESN'T "try to control people" . . . except that wouldn't be a society, by definition.

God, leftists are stupid, and they only make it worse when they go through these justification contortions.
47,079 posts on abortion here this year.
Still NO ONE has ever produced anyone, anywhere that IS PRO ABORTION.
Where is that person?
Just as in the ID, anti evolution movement and most all causes the kooky religious right take on they twist, distort and slant in all of their claims. They have to.
There IS NO SUCH THING as someone that IS PRO ABORTION.

If you support the womens right to kill her unborn child then you are pro abortion.....

Tell us what you are pro Moe and get out of my and other's business.
I oppose abortion.
Show me ONE REMEDY that stops women from having abortions.
Just one Moe. I will wait until hell freezes over for your answer.
What remedy stops abortion.
And again I OPPOSE ABORTION if you can read.
Bullshit. Preventing human rights violations is NOT "controlling" others in any negative way.

Human rights are commonly understood as "inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Forcing a woman to have a baby is as much a human right violation as China forcing abortions. Your not going to save any lives by outlawing abortion. That would be a cheap shortcut, you may sleep better but abortions would still happen. Or maybe you think there's no murder, or prostitution. Why do you care if someone you don't know has one? There are pregnant woman in your city, grab a sign and go yell at them till they see things your way. I am saying let's talk to them, and help them deal with something that scares them, and help them decide.

I remain bewildered by the leftist belief that we are going to let them set debate parameters and re-define words for everyone.

Human Rights - The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often held to include the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.

Please show me "killing my baby because I fucked around and got pregnant when I didn't want to be" in that definition. No? How about "government intervention in the consequences of my bad life choices"? Still not there. How very strange. So please tell me how not allowing a woman to kill the child SHE MADE is a human rights violation of any kind.
Actually, when it comes to human rights offenses we are obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Otherwise, nobody would concern themselves with anyone's murder or crimes against anyone except themselves. Anarchy.

Your position may not change but the laws and the country are changing everyday. I am talking about having some input on that change or continuing to lose elections and becoming irrelevant. We need a comprehensive, well reasoned position on abortion that Americans will support. Success has everything to do with what will happen.

What kind of success is it if you sacrifice life for votes, your no better than your foe...

I doubt that it matters to you, but that makes NO sense, you haven't saved a life by not getting votes. If you feel like your better then your foe, good for you, but your opening all the doors to abortion that you don't want open. You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for the moral high ground:clap2:

How many lives do you save by abandoning your principles in order to court votes? If the GOP says, "Oh, never mind the abortion thing, fuck it, no big deal", and then wins election, what have they accomplished? If you have to abandon your principles to win, have you actually won at all?

I doubt that that matters to you, though, because you've made it clear that elections are just about winning a competition to you.
So being a mother is not real?

Adoption is not real?

Need to get your story straight, wouldn't want you to look foolish or anything like that...

Uh, yeah, adoption isn't a real alternative. True, the rich are trying to make the poor into baby machines for them, but frankly, don't be surprised when the machines don't dispense.

You can't force anyone to be a "mother". That has to be a choice at the end of the day.

Hey Joe, just let stupid get out of your mind, just once, you never know you might like it...

Then again, you offer no proof, so maybe you should keep stupid as your best friend, apparently you like it...

Asking a woman to put up with 9 months of pregnancy so someone else can get a child- usually someone too self-absorbed to have their own- isn't an alternative.
It's not too complex, he understands it and he just doesn't care.

That's the thing.. They understand exactly what a baby is, and what it isn't. And they don't care. They are okay with killing. They don't mind killing babies, they don't mind killing adults, they don't mind killing elderly, disabled, poor, or otherwise 'defective' in their sight.

Well they do mind killing cop killers.....

They'd lose a major source of the books they read, the radio programs they listen to, and the commencement speakers they invite if they got rid of cop killers.
Uh, yeah, adoption isn't a real alternative. True, the rich are trying to make the poor into baby machines for them, but frankly, don't be surprised when the machines don't dispense.

You can't force anyone to be a "mother". That has to be a choice at the end of the day.

Hey Joe, just let stupid get out of your mind, just once, you never know you might like it...

Then again, you offer no proof, so maybe you should keep stupid as your best friend, apparently you like it...

Asking a woman to put up with 9 months of pregnancy so someone else can get a child- usually someone too self-absorbed to have their own- isn't an alternative.

The #1 reason for adoption is infertility. Adoption is an alternative to abortion, for many. I agree that it's not viable for everyone.
I pointed out that I thought her judgement is stupid. It was after that I stopped letting people drag me into their personal soap operas...

I think a lot of behavior is stupid. I think reality TV is stupid. I don't think it should be banned just because I don't like it.

And that's the point, dumbass. She's going to get an abortion, no matter how many vile names you call her.

Offer her alternatives- real alternatives - and she might not. .

She had alternatives - lots of them. And YOU have called her names, not me, you fucking liar.

Yup, she had alternatives, all of which she rejected.

Then why did YOU suggest she didn't?

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