Can Reps modify abortion stance?

God, not only are you Misogynistic...

Can you prove that accusation? No, you cannot. Do you have the strength of character to therefore retract the accusation and apologize like a man would? No, you do not.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

1. So called "anti-abortion" is a non-issue. The people who are the most vehement anti-abortion really don't give a crap about children and have often said so in threads here. They just want and need something to belong to and, more important, something to hate. Wen it gets right down to feeding and housing poverty level children (and elderly), they'll form a double line to say they should all starve to death in the streets rather than get any government help.

2. When this thread title first appeared, the first thing I thought was, "Yeah, the R needs to LIE. They need to sound like they're not as crazy as they actually are".

3. And, the so-called "anti-abortion" froop loop rw's are just fine with that.

IOW, this is just more of the usual rw hypocrisy that we've all come to know and throw up on daily.
Only leftists are arrogant enough to believe that THEY get to dictate to others how those others practice their own beliefs . . . beliefs which the leftists don't share, but nevertheless consider themselves experts on.

When you write laws to enforce your principles on people that don't share your principles, that's imposing. Let's not play word games, this stems from faith, no one is saying you can't act on your beliefs. Our dogged way of trying to control others is backfiring as we are losing our freedoms. Now we are forced to pay for abortions, it's time to be smart about our options. We need to do that together.

Hey, genius, which laws do we have that AREN'T "imposing principles" on people? What else do laws DO, precisely? I know it's a shock to you to realize that everyone else has had principles, and you've been living with them, all along, but welcome to reality.

Let's not play word games. You're just pissed by the idea that someone might write a law that 1) you don't agree with, and 2) is approved of by religious people.

Call me when you find a society that DOESN'T "try to control people" . . . except that wouldn't be a society, by definition.

God, leftists are stupid, and they only make it worse when they go through these justification contortions.

I am not pissed as you put it, I started this thread to have some intelligent dialogue about a weak area of the Republican platform. Most of what I have seen in response is a bumper sticker mentality, A lot of polarization, and no critical thinking. I have been a Republican and a Christian for 20 years. Apparently one of your principals is hate, I don't share that. I can see your on quite a rant that will no doubt continue. Here is some reality you can continue to ignore. Outlawing abortion will not make it go away, It didn't stop drugs murder, prostitution, and so on.

::snore:: "I'm going to dismiss your points and ignore your questions in order to carry on a dissertation about my personal feelings and opinions and everything I believe says that I'm not only correct, but BRILLIANT."

Since absolutely none of this paragraph has fuck-all to do with anything I said, other than to drivel some kindergarten "You're mean and should be nice" accusation at me, I'm not going to dignify it with further response. Hopefully, the rest of your post will redeem you as a debater.

Reality: How many Abortions Occur in the Philippines each Year?
It's illegal so it's hard to know but it was reported in 2005 that official estimated 400,000-500,000 abortions and the World Health Organization estimated 800,000. According to the WHO 70% of all pregnancies end in abortion in the Philippines. Every year 80,000 women end up i hospital for abortion related complications due to illegal and unsafe abortions.

I guess not. Not only are you not addressing the post you putatively are responding to, you are now blithering on about abortion in the Phillipines? May I ask with all the respect you are due - and believe me, that is decreasing fast - what the FUCK that has to do with anything I said?

Your desire to outlaw abortion is a pipe dream, It won't stop abortions. Your way of acting on your principles is worse then unproductive, it's counter productive. You think of a pregnant woman considering abortion as a stupid, arrogant, leftist, which means you will have no chance to change her mind. You care about the baby but not the mother, which makes no sense, like most of your arguments. If you really want to save a baby open your heart to the mother.

Reality: 73% of Americans call themselves Christian. 50% of those Christians voted for President Obama. He won 51% of the popular vote, Romney got 47%.

50% of Christians did not vote Republican, yet you claim to be the authority on principals. you may fool some weak minds to hate people that don't agree with you, but I am not one of them.

Where in my post did I say anything about Christians? Why the hell are you quoting my post, and then bloviating about Christians as though it's somehow a response to me?

So basically, what I'm seeing here is that you have no desire - not to mention no guts - to actually debate with a real person. What you've got is a burning desire to invent anti-abortion arguments, shove them into someone's mouth, and then gas away endlessly about how stupid they are for the opinions YOU invented, and they never espoused.

Let me give you a little tip, Sparkles: you can demand respect and courtesy, which will have the effect of signaling to me that you don't deserve it (assuming your asinine, totally-unrelated-to-this-plane-of-reality post didn't do that already), or you can post in a manner that earns it. This time around, you failed abysmally in that regard.

In the future, please do not even bother pretending to respond to my posts if you're not going to say a single word that even vaguely relates to what I said. If all you're going to do is speechify to yourself, you can do that without ever quoting anyone and giving the mistaken impression that you read their posts and gave a nanosecond of thought to them.
Hello, anyone there?
What remedy stops abortion?

Nothing stops murder doesn't mean we should just smile and say oh well let them kill anyway..You liberals are insane.

I had a liberal tell me today that all Republicans work from a place of hatred...then he commenced to say that we were all ignorant and he didn't want to shoot....but he would.


We're the hateful ones? I have yet to say, on facebook, no less, that I will shoot democrats "if I have to". What douches.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps...

When public opinion is turning more and more against unrestricted abortion, that hardly seems the case.

Only a total fucking idiot and retarded moron believes there is "unrestricted abortion". Glad that's not you. So what was it you actually meant? Before you made a misprint?
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.
When public opinion is turning more and more against unrestricted abortion, that hardly seems the case.

Only a total fucking idiot and retarded moron believes there is "unrestricted abortion". Glad that's not you. So what was it you actually meant? Before you made a misprint?
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.

We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.
Only a total fucking idiot and retarded moron believes there is "unrestricted abortion". Glad that's not you. So what was it you actually meant? Before you made a misprint?
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.

We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

Yes, we do. You ask for an abortion, you get one...and PP doesn't keep records and has repeatedly been busted for giving unrestricted abortions...i.e., abortions to girls/women who are being coerced, abortions to rape victims that they don't report, late term abortions, etc.
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.

We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

Yes, we do. You ask for an abortion, you get one...and PP doesn't keep records and has repeatedly been busted for giving unrestricted abortions...i.e., abortions to girls/women who are being coerced, abortions to rape victims that they don't report, late term abortions, etc.
We don't have the restrictions you want. That's not the same as having unrestricted abortions.
Only a total fucking idiot and retarded moron believes there is "unrestricted abortion". Glad that's not you. So what was it you actually meant? Before you made a misprint?
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.

We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

lots of liberals are brain damaged retarded moron idiots.....they believe the liberal lies about abortion that make things seem all good and rosy....maybe this makes it easier for them to swallow the propaganda......but here's the real truth on abortion....and why we have a million dead babies every year...

1. the right of a woman to have an abortion during the first six months of a pregnancy.
2. an abortion performed on a woman solely at her own request.

url=]Abortion-on-demand | Define Abortion-on-demand at[/url]

It is important that the reader understand the current legal status of abortion in America. There seems to be a widespread perception that the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade (1973) only permits abortions up to 24 weeks, and after that time only to save the life of the mother. This false perception—fueled in large part by groups supporting abortion rights—is uncritically accepted by the media.

The fact is that the current law does not restrict a woman from getting an abortion for practically any reason she deems fit during the entire nine months of pregnancy. In order to understand why this is the case, a brief history lesson is in order.

In Roe, Justice Harry Blackmun divided pregnancy into three trimesters.

First and Second 3 Months
He ruled that aside from normal procedural guidelines (e.g., an abortion must be safely performed by a licensed physician), a state has no right to restrict abortion in the first six months of pregnancy. Thus a woman could have an abortion during the first two trimesters for any reason she deemed fit, whether it be an unplanned pregnancy, gender selection, convenience, or rape.

Last 3 monthsIn the last trimester the state has a right, although not an obligation, to restrict abortions to only those cases in which the mother's health is jeopardized.

In sum, Roe v. Wade does not prevent a state from allowing unrestricted abortion for the entire nine months of pregnancy if it so chooses.

Why is abortion-on-demand legal in America?
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.

We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

lots of liberals are brain damaged retarded moron idiots.....they believe the liberal lies about abortion that make things seem all good and rosy....maybe this makes it easier for them to swallow the propaganda......but here's the real truth on abortion....and why we have a million dead babies every year...

1. the right of a woman to have an abortion during the first six months of a pregnancy.
2. an abortion performed on a woman solely at her own request.

url=]Abortion-on-demand | Define Abortion-on-demand at[/url]

It is important that the reader understand the current legal status of abortion in America. There seems to be a widespread perception that the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade (1973) only permits abortions up to 24 weeks, and after that time only to save the life of the mother. This false perception—fueled in large part by groups supporting abortion rights—is uncritically accepted by the media.

The fact is that the current law does not restrict a woman from getting an abortion for practically any reason she deems fit during the entire nine months of pregnancy. In order to understand why this is the case, a brief history lesson is in order.

In Roe, Justice Harry Blackmun divided pregnancy into three trimesters.

First and Second 3 Months
He ruled that aside from normal procedural guidelines (e.g., an abortion must be safely performed by a licensed physician), a state has no right to restrict abortion in the first six months of pregnancy. Thus a woman could have an abortion during the first two trimesters for any reason she deemed fit, whether it be an unplanned pregnancy, gender selection, convenience, or rape.

Last 3 monthsIn the last trimester the state has a right, although not an obligation, to restrict abortions to only those cases in which the mother's health is jeopardized.

In sum, Roe v. Wade does not prevent a state from allowing unrestricted abortion for the entire nine months of pregnancy if it so chooses.

Why is abortion-on-demand legal in America?

To the 1st, I say see my reply to KG. To the 2nd, that's a lot of nonsense.
If you support the womens right to kill her unborn child then you are pro abortion.....

Tell us what you are pro Moe and get out of my and other's business.
I oppose abortion.
Show me ONE REMEDY that stops women from having abortions.
Just one Moe. I will wait until hell freezes over for your answer.
What remedy stops abortion.
And again I OPPOSE ABORTION if you can read.

You oppose abortion yet feel women should have it anyway... Like most liberals you are trying to have it both ways.

Been voting Republican for FORTY YEARS

You are the reason we lose elections.
You, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity do more harm than good for the Republican party.

Again, if you can read English WHAT REMEDY DO YOU SUPPORT TO END ABORTION?
You are just another whiny ass bitch.
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.

We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

lots of liberals are brain damaged retarded moron idiots.....they believe the liberal lies about abortion that make things seem all good and rosy....maybe this makes it easier for them to swallow the propaganda......but here's the real truth on abortion....and why we have a million dead babies every year...

1. the right of a woman to have an abortion during the first six months of a pregnancy.
2. an abortion performed on a woman solely at her own request.

url=]Abortion-on-demand | Define Abortion-on-demand at[/url]

It is important that the reader understand the current legal status of abortion in America. There seems to be a widespread perception that the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade (1973) only permits abortions up to 24 weeks, and after that time only to save the life of the mother. This false perception—fueled in large part by groups supporting abortion rights—is uncritically accepted by the media.

The fact is that the current law does not restrict a woman from getting an abortion for practically any reason she deems fit during the entire nine months of pregnancy. In order to understand why this is the case, a brief history lesson is in order.

In Roe, Justice Harry Blackmun divided pregnancy into three trimesters.

First and Second 3 Months
He ruled that aside from normal procedural guidelines (e.g., an abortion must be safely performed by a licensed physician), a state has no right to restrict abortion in the first six months of pregnancy. Thus a woman could have an abortion during the first two trimesters for any reason she deemed fit, whether it be an unplanned pregnancy, gender selection, convenience, or rape.

Last 3 monthsIn the last trimester the state has a right, although not an obligation, to restrict abortions to only those cases in which the mother's health is jeopardized.

In sum, Roe v. Wade does not prevent a state from allowing unrestricted abortion for the entire nine months of pregnancy if it so chooses.

Why is abortion-on-demand legal in America?

What is your plan to end abortion?
We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

Yes, we do. You ask for an abortion, you get one...and PP doesn't keep records and has repeatedly been busted for giving unrestricted abortions...i.e., abortions to girls/women who are being coerced, abortions to rape victims that they don't report, late term abortions, etc.
We don't have the restrictions you want. That's not the same as having unrestricted abortions.

No, we have unrestricted abortions. I have never heard of a woman who wanted an abortion who was turned away...ever. I've been in clinics where women who were obviously very far along in their pregnancies were waiting for their abortion, and we've all seen the videos of PP workers breaking the law in order to provide abortion for all.

So I mean unrestricted abortion. You want it, you can get it. And they will lie to cover it. the future, refrain from telling me what I want. I'm pretty sure you aren't a mind reader, though perhaps you think you are.
Last edited:
Hello, anyone there?
What remedy stops abortion?

Nothing stops murder doesn't mean we should just smile and say oh well let them kill anyway..You liberals are insane.

Murderers are PROSECUTED and sent to prison if they are convicted.

You people are a bunch of ignorant idiots comparing the remedy for abortion is the same as abortion.

No wonder we lose elections with dumbasses like you making comparisons like that.
Amazing the ignorant that support those moronic claims.
Again, for the 1009th time:
"I oppose allowing women the right to have an abortion but I have no clue how to stop, refuse to offer any proposals to stop it other than bitch and moan and cry about it"
Gadawg is on one of his nonsensical lunatic tracks again. Stand by for him to repeat the same idiotic meme over and over for the next 3 years.
Yes, we do. You ask for an abortion, you get one...and PP doesn't keep records and has repeatedly been busted for giving unrestricted abortions...i.e., abortions to girls/women who are being coerced, abortions to rape victims that they don't report, late term abortions, etc.
We don't have the restrictions you want. That's not the same as having unrestricted abortions.

No, we have unrestricted abortions. I have never heard of a woman who wanted an abortion who was turned away...ever. I've been in clinics where women who were obviously very far along in their pregnancies were waiting for their abortion, and we've all seen the videos of PP workers breaking the law in order to provide abortion for all.

So I mean unrestricted abortion. You want it, you can get it. And they will lie to cover it. the future, refrain from telling me what I want. I'm pretty sure you aren't a mind reader, though perhaps you think you are.

And you've heard everything, right?:rolleyes:

Every state has different laws and different restrictions on abortion, waiting periods, counseling sessions, ultrasounds, what week they are limited to, who can perform them, where they can take place, parental consent... And on and on and on.

Lots of restrictions.

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