Can Reps modify abortion stance?

There is no hypocrisy involved at all. And moral issues that necessarily involve the life and death of innocent human beings are not merely personal and subjective.

Of course it’s hypocritical – you either abide by a doctrine of less and limited government or you don’t.

And if one abides by a doctrine of less and limited government, he does so with the understanding that follow Americans are going to believe in and do things he disagrees with, and will respect those actions and beliefs, even if he considers them ‘immoral.’

Only leftists are arrogant enough to believe that THEY get to dictate to others how those others practice their own beliefs . . . beliefs which the leftists don't share, but nevertheless consider themselves experts on.


'Leftists’ aren’t interested in ‘dictating’ anything to anyone. And obeying Establishment Clause or privacy rights jurisprudence isn’t ‘arrogance,’ nor does it interfere with anyone practicing his beliefs.
Gadawg is on one of his nonsensical lunatic tracks again. Stand by for him to repeat the same idiotic meme over and over for the next 3 years.

Because you and your idiot clan are the reason we lose elections.
You oppose abortion yet offer NOTHING OF ANY SUBSTANCE to attempt to stop it.
What is your remedy to stop it.
Do you raise your kids this way? "Johnny, quit cheating on your tests at school" and then when he is caught YOU OFFER NOTHING WHATSOEVER to stop him.
Morons like you could care less about winning elections for Republicans.
All you care about are your OPINIONS AND BELIEFS above all else.
The know it all DO NOTHINGS that you are.
We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

lots of liberals are brain damaged retarded moron idiots.....they believe the liberal lies about abortion that make things seem all good and rosy....maybe this makes it easier for them to swallow the propaganda......but here's the real truth on abortion....and why we have a million dead babies every year...

It is important that the reader understand the current legal status of abortion in America. There seems to be a widespread perception that the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade (1973) only permits abortions up to 24 weeks, and after that time only to save the life of the mother. This false perception—fueled in large part by groups supporting abortion rights—is uncritically accepted by the media.

The fact is that the current law does not restrict a woman from getting an abortion for practically any reason she deems fit during the entire nine months of pregnancy. In order to understand why this is the case, a brief history lesson is in order.

In Roe, Justice Harry Blackmun divided pregnancy into three trimesters.

First and Second 3 Months
He ruled that aside from normal procedural guidelines (e.g., an abortion must be safely performed by a licensed physician), a state has no right to restrict abortion in the first six months of pregnancy. Thus a woman could have an abortion during the first two trimesters for any reason she deemed fit, whether it be an unplanned pregnancy, gender selection, convenience, or rape.

Last 3 monthsIn the last trimester the state has a right, although not an obligation, to restrict abortions to only those cases in which the mother's health is jeopardized.

In sum, Roe v. Wade does not prevent a state from allowing unrestricted abortion for the entire nine months of pregnancy if it so chooses.

Why is abortion-on-demand legal in America?

What is your plan to end abortion?

1. Prevention
2. Support
3. Adoption
4. Create a culture of Life
Many of us in the Republican community have been trying to do that since January 22, 1973: contraceptive prevention, support of pregnant women during, birth, and after if they keep the child; great adoption services, if they don't; and work for a culture of life.

Unfortunately, it is No 2, support, where we all have to dig deep into our pockets regardless of who or what culture or what race or what religion is where it all falls apart.

Women overwhelmingly no longer trust the GOP far right wing statist progressive christians to do what they say they will do.

Our own christian hypocrisy has failed us and failed women. If we could change our families and our churches, we could change the country. We have failed as God's people.
Many of us in the Republican community have been trying to do that since January 22, 1973: contraceptive prevention, support of pregnant women during, birth, and after if they keep the child; great adoption services, if they don't; and work for a culture of life.

Unfortunately, it is No 2, support, where we all have to dig deep into our pockets regardless of who or what culture or what race or what religion is where it all falls apart.

Women overwhelmingly no longer trust the GOP far right wing statist progressive christians to do what they say they will do.

Our own christian hypocrisy has failed us and failed women. If we could change our families and our churches, we could change the country. We have failed as God's people.

Yeah, everyone trust Oblamer and the liberal ideologues...

Tells us how it works Fakey Jakey, your such a leader and you do it for free...
lots of liberals are brain damaged retarded moron idiots.....they believe the liberal lies about abortion that make things seem all good and rosy....maybe this makes it easier for them to swallow the propaganda......but here's the real truth on abortion....and why we have a million dead babies every year...

What is your plan to end abortion?

1. Prevention
2. Support
3. Adoption
4. Create a culture of Life

Sounds Good to me. Help woman make responsible decisions about her life and the life of her baby.
What is your plan to end abortion?

1. Prevention
2. Support
3. Adoption
4. Create a culture of Life

Sounds Good to me. Help woman make responsible decisions about her life and the life of her baby.

It should sound good to everyone, provided it’s understood such a plan is implemented by private sector entities only, where women remain at liberty to make decisions free from government interference.
Gadawg is on one of his nonsensical lunatic tracks again. Stand by for him to repeat the same idiotic meme over and over for the next 3 years.

Because you and your idiot clan are the reason we lose elections.
You oppose abortion yet offer NOTHING OF ANY SUBSTANCE to attempt to stop it.
What is your remedy to stop it.
Do you raise your kids this way? "Johnny, quit cheating on your tests at school" and then when he is caught YOU OFFER NOTHING WHATSOEVER to stop him.
Morons like you could care less about winning elections for Republicans.
All you care about are your OPINIONS AND BELIEFS above all else.
The know it all DO NOTHINGS that you are.

No that would be cause of liberals like you. Why pick the almost democrat when you can have the full democrat.
1. Prevention
2. Support
3. Adoption
4. Create a culture of Life

Sounds Good to me. Help woman make responsible decisions about her life and the life of her baby.

It should sound good to everyone, provided it’s understood such a plan is implemented by private sector entities only, where women remain at liberty to make decisions free from government interference.

You don't want that.
lots of liberals are brain damaged retarded moron idiots.....they believe the liberal lies about abortion that make things seem all good and rosy....maybe this makes it easier for them to swallow the propaganda......but here's the real truth on abortion....and why we have a million dead babies every year...

What is your plan to end abortion?

1. Prevention
2. Support
3. Adoption
4. Create a culture of Life

That is what we have now.
What is your prevention?
Gadawg is on one of his nonsensical lunatic tracks again. Stand by for him to repeat the same idiotic meme over and over for the next 3 years.

Because you and your idiot clan are the reason we lose elections.
You oppose abortion yet offer NOTHING OF ANY SUBSTANCE to attempt to stop it.
What is your remedy to stop it.
Do you raise your kids this way? "Johnny, quit cheating on your tests at school" and then when he is caught YOU OFFER NOTHING WHATSOEVER to stop him.
Morons like you could care less about winning elections for Republicans.
All you care about are your OPINIONS AND BELIEFS above all else.
The know it all DO NOTHINGS that you are.

No that would be cause of liberals like you. Why pick the almost democrat when you can have the full democrat.

Tell us who you are fool.
I vote Republican for 40 years.
You are a right wing kook.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

I doubt that a strong minority will ever modify their stance. They've already proven how much they believe and how far they will go when they murder doctors who perform legal abortions. They also listen to a country preacher on their portable while they clean their AK-47.
Are you brain damaged?

Abortion on demand is alive and flourishing, thanks to the courts. Even though the majority of people find it repugnant.

We don't have abortion on demand, and we don't have unrestricted abortion.

Yes, we do. You ask for an abortion, you get one...and PP doesn't keep records and has repeatedly been busted for giving unrestricted abortions...i.e., abortions to girls/women who are being coerced, abortions to rape victims that they don't report, late term abortions, etc.

You actually have a point here.

And what's going to stop them from doing it after you pass a comprehensive abortion law?
Once again let me appeal to folks' common sense and reason.
If Roe was overturned TODAY this is what has to happen UNDER THE LAW.
Abortion laws will go back to the states.
And I FULLY SUPPORT what each state does no matter what. I support all of what will happen and this is what WOULD HAPPEN BY LAW.
In some states it will be banned 100%, NO EXCEPTIONS FOR ANYTHING. Okay, fine with me.
Some states it will be banned with a few exceptions. OK.
Some states it will be banned with many exceptions. Again, okay with me.
Some states will allow it outright, no exceptions. Ok
Some states will allow it with many exceptions. Ok
Some states will allow it with few exceptions.
So what do we end up with Roe ending TODAY?
In those states that ban it outright with no exceptions a woman with $$$ drives or flies to another state that allows it and has her abortion.
And women that have no resources or $$$ are forced by the power of government to have her baby that she does not want and does not know how to care for in many instances.
NOTHING CHANGES except poor women have government telling them what to do.
Facts AND THE LAW sure a bitch to ignorant ideologues.

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