Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Asking a woman to put up with 9 months of pregnancy so someone else can get a child- usually someone too self-absorbed to have their own- isn't an alternative.

"Too self-absorbed to..."

WTF :confused:

Take a look at who is trying to adopt today... It's usually wealthy yuppies. Oh, wait, my biological clock ran out. Maybe I can talk some teenager into giving me hers... if I bribe her wth enough money.
But this isn't about the babies for you, it's about ladies controlling their own lady parts.

When did I ever say that, you fucking liar? Don't duck this time, pussy. When did I ever say that? Are you really so insecure in your positions that you have to lie, fabricate, and try to put words in peoples mouths? Is that what a weak and dishonest person you are? Sure seems that way.

What you say is obvious. Your misogyny drips off the page....

You are so insecure in your position that you can't defend it without resorting to baseless lies? You're fucking pathetic.
GB's insane evangelical hysteria hypocritically and dementedly reveals how he and those like him have less and less every influence day, and are becoming more irrelevant in America.

Leave women, hispanics, and gays alone, GoneBezerk. Your evil day is over.

GoneBezerk continues to speak for a deranged minority.

A fetus is not a child: difference of kind, not degree.

GoneBezerk is like a Nazi trying to improve the Germanic race by making sure no one can have abortion.

Is there any case that warrants abortion, in your estimation, GoneBezerk. Any equivocation from yes or no will be treated as a Silent Affirmation, meaning "no".

Fakey has gone from stupid and wrong to full-on crazy now.
Asking a woman to put up with 9 months of pregnancy so someone else can get a child- usually someone too self-absorbed to have their own- isn't an alternative.

"Too self-absorbed to..."

WTF :confused:

Take a look at who is trying to adopt today... It's usually wealthy yuppies. Oh, wait, my biological clock ran out. Maybe I can talk some teenager into giving me hers... if I bribe her wth enough money.

You think everyone who adopts is rich? Are you fucking insane? Are you so enthusiastic about killing the unborn that you will make up shit like this just to string along your asinine argument? What the fuck kind of of inhuman shit are you?
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Says Crazy Unkotare, whose candidate, his and mine, could not beat the weakest candidate in American history. McGovern was weaker than Obama, and we got beat soundly, 332 to 206 EC votes.

The women, Hispanics, minorities, youth, and regular dems of America have told the religious far right, "Enough of you, wads."

Either our GOP changes to meet the changing needs, or we the GOP is finished.
GB's insane evangelical hysteria hypocritically and dementedly reveals how he and those like him have less and less every influence day, and are becoming more irrelevant in America.

Leave women, hispanics, and gays alone, GoneBezerk. Your evil day is over.

GoneBezerk continues to speak for a deranged minority.

A fetus is not a child: difference of kind, not degree.

GoneBezerk is like a Nazi trying to improve the Germanic race by making sure no one can have abortion.

Is there any case that warrants abortion, in your estimation, GoneBezerk. Any equivocation from yes or no will be treated as a Silent Affirmation, meaning "no".

Fakey has gone from stupid and wrong to full-on crazy now.[/QUOTE]

Shhh..remember, he's a member of *our* party.

No remedy stops abortion except love of all men and women.

This does not exist enough on all sides of the issue.
Only leftists are arrogant enough to believe that THEY get to dictate to others how those others practice their own beliefs . . . beliefs which the leftists don't share, but nevertheless consider themselves experts on.

Having principles and sticking to them is NOT 'imposing one's faith on others.'

When you write laws to enforce your principles on people that don't share your principles, that's imposing. Let's not play word games, this stems from faith, no one is saying you can't act on your beliefs. Our dogged way of trying to control others is backfiring as we are losing our freedoms. Now we are forced to pay for abortions, it's time to be smart about our options. We need to do that together.

Hey, genius, which laws do we have that AREN'T "imposing principles" on people? What else do laws DO, precisely? I know it's a shock to you to realize that everyone else has had principles, and you've been living with them, all along, but welcome to reality.

Let's not play word games. You're just pissed by the idea that someone might write a law that 1) you don't agree with, and 2) is approved of by religious people.

Call me when you find a society that DOESN'T "try to control people" . . . except that wouldn't be a society, by definition.

God, leftists are stupid, and they only make it worse when they go through these justification contortions.

I am not pissed as you put it, I started this thread to have some intelligent dialogue about a weak area of the Republican platform. Most of what I have seen in response is a bumper sticker mentality, A lot of polarization, and no critical thinking. I have been a Republican and a Christian for 20 years. Apparently one of your principals is hate, I don't share that. I can see your on quite a rant that will no doubt continue. Here is some reality you can continue to ignore. Outlawing abortion will not make it go away, It didn't stop drugs murder, prostitution, and so on.

Reality: How many Abortions Occur in the Philippines each Year?
It's illegal so it's hard to know but it was reported in 2005 that official estimated 400,000-500,000 abortions and the World Health Organization estimated 800,000. According to the WHO 70% of all pregnancies end in abortion in the Philippines. Every year 80,000 women end up i hospital for abortion related complications due to illegal and unsafe abortions.

Your desire to outlaw abortion is a pipe dream, It won't stop abortions. Your way of acting on your principles is worse then unproductive, it's counter productive. You think of a pregnant woman considering abortion as a stupid, arrogant, leftist, which means you will have no chance to change her mind. You care about the baby but not the mother, which makes no sense, like most of your arguments. If you really want to save a baby open your heart to the mother.

Reality: 73% of Americans call themselves Christian. 50% of those Christians voted for President Obama. He won 51% of the popular vote, Romney got 47%.

50% of Christians did not vote Republican, yet you claim to be the authority on principals. you may fool some weak minds to hate people that don't agree with you, but I am not one of them.
'We don't know how many, so we'll make up a number'

Sounds like PP has been here.
47,079 posts on abortion here this year.
Still NO ONE has ever produced anyone, anywhere that IS PRO ABORTION.
Where is that person?
Just as in the ID, anti evolution movement and most all causes the kooky religious right take on they twist, distort and slant in all of their claims. They have to.
There IS NO SUCH THING as someone that IS PRO ABORTION.

If you support the womens right to kill her unborn child then you are pro abortion.....

Tell us what you are pro Moe and get out of my and other's business.
I oppose abortion.
Show me ONE REMEDY that stops women from having abortions.
Just one Moe. I will wait until hell freezes over for your answer.
What remedy stops abortion.
And again I OPPOSE ABORTION if you can read.

You oppose abortion yet feel women should have it anyway... Like most liberals you are trying to have it both ways.
What is legally murder is not defined by the opinion of Thanatos. It's merely his weak opinion.

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