Can Reps modify abortion stance?

From the NY Times, 21 August 2012. G.O.P. Approves Strict Anti-abortion Language in Party Platform
By MICHAEL COOPER 5:35 p.m. | Updated Even as the Republican establishment continued to call for Representative Todd Akin of Missouri to drop out of his Senate race because of his comments on rape and abortion, Republicans approved platform language on Tuesday calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion with no explicit exceptions for cases of rape or incest.
From the NY Times, 21 August 2012. G.O.P. Approves Strict Anti-abortion Language in Party Platform
By MICHAEL COOPER 5:35 p.m. | Updated Even as the Republican establishment continued to call for Representative Todd Akin of Missouri to drop out of his Senate race because of his comments on rape and abortion, Republicans approved platform language on Tuesday calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion with no explicit exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

So some guy from the NY Slimes says it's there and you buy it, but the platform itself doesn't say that and you disbelieve it?

Here's the link, Joke, please go find what you claim is there and prove me wrong...

Renewing American Values - GOP
Guy is wrong, period, as the article clearly explains, and as research in Google will affirm.

The GOP has to change its stance on abortion to acceptance in the first tri-mester on demand, and for incest, rape, or health of the mother after that.

The women of America have spoken. They won't change their mind.

From the NY Times, 21 August 2012. G.O.P. Approves Strict Anti-abortion Language in Party Platform
By MICHAEL COOPER 5:35 p.m. | Updated Even as the Republican establishment continued to call for Representative Todd Akin of Missouri to drop out of his Senate race because of his comments on rape and abortion, Republicans approved platform language on Tuesday calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion with no explicit exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

So some guy from the NY Slimes says it's there and you buy it, but the platform itself doesn't say that and you disbelieve it?

Here's the link, Joke, please go find what you claim is there and prove me wrong...

Renewing American Values - GOP
That in no way supports the lefty psycho lie that the Republican platform suggests no abortion even to save the life of the mother.

In other words, you are liars.
For those who are reading impaired.

Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
From the NY Times, 21 August 2012. G.O.P. Approves Strict Anti-abortion Language in Party Platform
By MICHAEL COOPER 5:35 p.m. | Updated Even as the Republican establishment continued to call for Representative Todd Akin of Missouri to drop out of his Senate race because of his comments on rape and abortion, Republicans approved platform language on Tuesday calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion with no explicit exceptions for cases of rape or incest.
Thank you, Amy. I think an exception for rape, incest and the life of the mother would be 'acceptable', even though I personally find the idea of murdering a baby to be totally abhorrent.

Of course, if people took RESPONSIBILITY for their behavior SERIOUSLY, this 'issue' wouldn't exist...
For those who are reading impaired.

Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
From the NY Times, 21 August 2012. G.O.P. Approves Strict Anti-abortion Language in Party Platform
By MICHAEL COOPER 5:35 p.m. | Updated Even as the Republican establishment continued to call for Representative Todd Akin of Missouri to drop out of his Senate race because of his comments on rape and abortion, Republicans approved platform language on Tuesday calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion with no explicit exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

So we should take the word of the NYT lying interpretation over the actual wording.

Got it, lying extremist.
For those who are reading impaired.

Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey
From the NY Times, 21 August 2012. G.O.P. Approves Strict Anti-abortion Language in Party Platform
By MICHAEL COOPER 5:35 p.m. | Updated Even as the Republican establishment continued to call for Representative Todd Akin of Missouri to drop out of his Senate race because of his comments on rape and abortion, Republicans approved platform language on Tuesday calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion with no explicit exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

So we should take the word of the NYT lying interpretation over the actual wording.

Got it, lying extremist.

Calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion in of itself is idiocy.
Not really, but the point is, the left is (per usual) propagating a lie when they say the Republican platform asserts an intention to eliminate all abortion including abortion to save the life of the mother.

We have never asserted that and never will. You guys are lying, and you know it. You're foul.
Who is saying the plank does not exclude for the life of the mother?

Saying abortion is murder is a moral and ethical fallacy.

To exclude abortion except for rape and incest and the life of the mother will be the very best we in the GOP can hope for if ever we wish to win a national election again.

The women of America have voted the GOP down on this.
That in no way supports the lefty psycho lie that the Republican platform suggests no abortion even to save the life of the mother.

In other words, you are liars.

of course they are, they have to use it for Fear mongering
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Dunno.. But it is important to know that "mods" can "rep" your stance on abortion.
It's a losing national issue because the left attributes stances to us that we have never had.

There's no need to change our stance, because our stance isn't what is causing the issue. It's the left's lies about our stance.
Who is saying the plank does not exclude for the life of the mother?

Saying abortion is murder is a moral and ethical fallacy.

To exclude abortion except for rape and incest and the life of the mother will be the very best we in the GOP can hope for if ever we wish to win a national election again.

The women of America have voted the GOP down on this.

Or better yet, leave it to the individual to decide what’s best, free from government interference – it’s the conservative thing to do.

Anyway, you are lying when you claim the Republican platform is to criminalize abortion even in the event of medical necessity.
Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.

The republican party lost this one, not Romney. 3 million Reps didn't vote, likely the hardcore right like you. On the other hand Reps lost big with single woman, and Hispanics. Reps sound like unprepared idiots on abortion and issues that effect the majority of the population, woman. Reps need to make priorities that have a chance of winning. The current platform is a loser.

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