Can Reps modify abortion stance?


Absolutely wrong. It is nobody's "business" more than the human life that hangs in the balance, and anything that involves the lives of millions of members of society is the business of every member of society. Obviously.

The contents of medical waste containers are not members of society.


Never were...

Practical matter. Women who don't want a baby will find a way to get rid of a fetus. Period.

Probably easier now than it was in 1972. They sell pills for it now.

Absolutely wrong. It is nobody's "business" more than the human life that hangs in the balance, and anything that involves the lives of millions of members of society is the business of every member of society. Obviously.

The contents of medical waste containers are not members of society.

Sorry. .

And now those comments are there next to your name for all to see. You really hate yourself this much, huh?
Plenty of gay and lesbian conservatives that are with us, every year.
And we lose them to the religious beliefs of a few in the party.
Log Cabin Republicans is booming in Atlanta. They recruit junior attorneys at one of the large law firms in Atlanta that I do business with.
Abortion? Wow, what an issue to hang one's hat on when even if it was illegal nothing changes. I am against smoking yet where is that in any political platform? I also strongly oppose abortion but as a strict conservative oppose giving that power to government to decide who gets one "for the health of the mother", a vague and 100% unenforceable bar.
Abortion and gay rights opposition we dump and the White House is ours in 2016-2024 and beyond.

Abortion effects no one but the woman who decides to have it. By your own standard, you've admitted it's none of your business.

Wrong. Wipe the shit out of your eyes and read again, idiot.

Abortion is no one's business but the woman who has one. Period.

The law on this is already established, but even if it weren't that would still be the case.

The dirty little secret about Roe v. Wade. Women were having abortions before the Supreme Court legalized them.

And legal ones at that, thousands of them every year, legally.
"It was in the best interest of the health of the mother" was what the doctor CLAIMED each and every time and NO ONE ever questioned it.
As long as the check for $3000 had the doctor's name on it and the other $3000 in cash went into his pocket.
But to hell with with poor woman that has no $$ and resources. She is forced to have her baby by MEN, a child in most instance she has no clue how to raise and does not want to begin with.
Abortion is about POWER and power alone to men that oppose it. They just can not have it that a woman is in charge of her own body.
Plenty of gay and lesbian conservatives that are with us, every year.
And we lose them to the religious beliefs of a few in the party.
Log Cabin Republicans is booming in Atlanta. They recruit junior attorneys at one of the large law firms in Atlanta that I do business with.
Abortion? Wow, what an issue to hang one's hat on when even if it was illegal nothing changes. I am against smoking yet where is that in any political platform? I also strongly oppose abortion but as a strict conservative oppose giving that power to government to decide who gets one "for the health of the mother", a vague and 100% unenforceable bar.
Abortion and gay rights opposition we dump and the White House is ours in 2016-2024 and beyond.

Guy, you really think any of those working class Christians are going to vote for Plutocracy without the yummy Theocratic "My God is better than your God" coating?

Frankly, I'm all for you trying it. Please, do.

Fact is, the religious bullshit is how the Plutocrats have gotten working folks to vote against their own economic interests for decades.

I don't think you guys are going to win by being honest about what you are now.
Wrong. Wipe the shit out of your eyes and read again, idiot.

Abortion is no one's business but the woman who has one. Period.

The law on this is already established, but even if it weren't that would still be the case.

The dirty little secret about Roe v. Wade. Women were having abortions before the Supreme Court legalized them.

And legal ones at that, thousands of them every year, legally.
"It was in the best interest of the health of the mother" was what the doctor CLAIMED each and every time and NO ONE ever questioned it.
As long as the check for $3000 had the doctor's name on it and the other $3000 in cash went into his pocket.
But to hell with with poor woman that has no $$ and resources. She is forced to have her baby by MEN, a child in most instance she has no clue how to raise and does not want to begin with.
Abortion is about POWER and power alone to men that oppose it. They just can not have it that a woman is in charge of her own body.

Actualy, and I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp.

A lot of doctors peformed abortions for reasonable rates back then. Because they knew it was important.

Not everyone is looking to screw someone over for a quick buck. Some people... and I know you just CRINGE at this thought.. actually just do things because it's the right thing to do.
The morality of abortion is no one's business. However, the statist right wing social values progressives in the GOP believe that it is. The women of America, in our last election, have clearly indicated that if the GOP does not change its platform, the GOP will continue to lose their vote.
Plenty of gay and lesbian conservatives that are with us, every year.
And we lose them to the religious beliefs of a few in the party.
Log Cabin Republicans is booming in Atlanta. They recruit junior attorneys at one of the large law firms in Atlanta that I do business with.
Abortion? Wow, what an issue to hang one's hat on when even if it was illegal nothing changes. I am against smoking yet where is that in any political platform? I also strongly oppose abortion but as a strict conservative oppose giving that power to government to decide who gets one "for the health of the mother", a vague and 100% unenforceable bar.
Abortion and gay rights opposition we dump and the White House is ours in 2016-2024 and beyond.

Guy, you really think any of those working class Christians are going to vote for Plutocracy without the yummy Theocratic "My God is better than your God" coating?

Frankly, I'm all for you trying it. Please, do.

Fact is, the religious bullshit is how the Plutocrats have gotten working folks to vote against their own economic interests for decades.

I don't think you guys are going to win by being honest about what you are now.

WTF are you babbling about Joe?
As usual, your "argument" is all over the place always ending up with "plutocracy" in it somewhere.
Seriously Joe, you have posted that word 1017 times over the last 3 weeks here and just as it does not have anything to do with this subject here, it has nothing to do with any subject on this board.
The morality of abortion is no one's business. However, the statist right wing social values progressives in the GOP believe that it is. The women of America, in our last election, have clearly indicated that if the GOP does not change its platform, the GOP will continue to lose their vote.

To hell you say.
It is the fault of the Plutocrats.
JoeB's plutocracy argument has no merit, so ignore it. It's his populism popping out.
Darn those plutocrats.

The morality of abortion is no one's business. However, the statist right wing social values progressives in the GOP believe that it is. The women of America, in our last election, have clearly indicated that if the GOP does not change its platform, the GOP will continue to lose their vote.

To hell you say.
It is the fault of the Plutocrats.
Abortion is no one's business but the woman who has one. Period.

The law on this is already established, but even if it weren't that would still be the case.

The dirty little secret about Roe v. Wade. Women were having abortions before the Supreme Court legalized them.

And legal ones at that, thousands of them every year, legally.
"It was in the best interest of the health of the mother" was what the doctor CLAIMED each and every time and NO ONE ever questioned it.
As long as the check for $3000 had the doctor's name on it and the other $3000 in cash went into his pocket.
But to hell with with poor woman that has no $$ and resources. She is forced to have her baby by MEN, a child in most instance she has no clue how to raise and does not want to begin with.
Abortion is about POWER and power alone to men that oppose it. They just can not have it that a woman is in charge of her own body.

Actualy, and I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp.

A lot of doctors peformed abortions for reasonable rates back then. Because they knew it was important.

Not everyone is looking to screw someone over for a quick buck. Some people... and I know you just CRINGE at this thought.. actually just do things because it's the right thing to do.

No shit Joe? There were doctors that performed abortions for free and reasonable rates?
Wow, news flash there. Did not know that.
I lump all doctors together just like you lump all people that own their own business together.
How many of those doctors were/are Plutocrats Joe?
The ones that charge "too much" are the Plutocrats and the ones that charge "reasonable" rates are not.
Thanks for that valuable information Joe, that doctors charge different rates.
Man, I can always count on your for such valuable information.
Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.
It's simple. Option a. A woman is forced into a moral choice by the government even if she does not believe in it(let's say on religious grounds, since the repubs on here think a religious viewpoint is a good reason for people to opt out oh health care) .

Or option b, you make it legal and women get to make the choice on their own morality.

I don't know why repubs are so cool with the gov. Being involved in this personal choice.
Plenty of gay and lesbian conservatives that are with us, every year.
And we lose them to the religious beliefs of a few in the party.
Log Cabin Republicans is booming in Atlanta. They recruit junior attorneys at one of the large law firms in Atlanta that I do business with.
Abortion? Wow, what an issue to hang one's hat on when even if it was illegal nothing changes. I am against smoking yet where is that in any political platform? I also strongly oppose abortion but as a strict conservative oppose giving that power to government to decide who gets one "for the health of the mother", a vague and 100% unenforceable bar.
Abortion and gay rights opposition we dump and the White House is ours in 2016-2024 and beyond.

Guy, you really think any of those working class Christians are going to vote for Plutocracy without the yummy Theocratic "My God is better than your God" coating?

Frankly, I'm all for you trying it. Please, do.

Fact is, the religious bullshit is how the Plutocrats have gotten working folks to vote against their own economic interests for decades.

I don't think you guys are going to win by being honest about what you are now.

WTF are you babbling about Joe?
As usual, your "argument" is all over the place always ending up with "plutocracy" in it somewhere.
Seriously Joe, you have posted that word 1017 times over the last 3 weeks here and just as it does not have anything to do with this subject here, it has nothing to do with any subject on this board.

Wow. That was a great evasion, you managed to dance around the point.

If you are a working class Christian, you have no good reason to vote for Free Trade, Union Busting, Right to Work, At Will Employment, or weakened consumer and regulatory standards. Those things are just not in your interest. You might as well be voting to get bent over without any vasoline.

Which is why since Reagan, the GOP has wrapped up that poison in a nice coating of Theocratic goodies. Kind of the Democrats own fault for embracing the counter-culture in the 1970's. Not that they ever move the ball on any of those issues.

Abortion is still legal.
Gay marriage is becoming more legal.
Kids are still being taught Evolution
Kids are still not being allowed to pray in Public Schools.
You still can't stick your 10 Commandments or your manger in the Public Square.

Because those issues were just to keep working class guys mad about something. It's classic distraction and misdirection a magician would be proud of.

Except that shit gets you less far downrange every year.

I agree, the GOP should drop these social issues, but they need to get right with working people at the same time.
Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.

A lot of that "conservative vote" Reagan won are pushing up daisies now.

I knew we'd hear this shit, that Romney wasn't a "Real" conservative and that's why he lost.

Never had a good thing to say about Romney, but he was everything you guys asked him to be on these issues.
Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.

Uh, that conservative woman Democratic voter that Reagan got did not vote for Romney because Reagan had tight reigns on dumb ass Senators and Congressmen that would sometimes run their mouth.
And we do not.
Abortion ran women to Obama, conservative women.

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