Can Reps modify abortion stance?

And legal ones at that, thousands of them every year, legally.
"It was in the best interest of the health of the mother" was what the doctor CLAIMED each and every time and NO ONE ever questioned it.
As long as the check for $3000 had the doctor's name on it and the other $3000 in cash went into his pocket.
But to hell with with poor woman that has no $$ and resources. She is forced to have her baby by MEN, a child in most instance she has no clue how to raise and does not want to begin with.

Abortion is about POWER and power alone to men that oppose it. They just can not have it that a woman is in charge of her own body.

Actualy, and I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp.

A lot of doctors peformed abortions for reasonable rates back then. Because they knew it was important.

Not everyone is looking to screw someone over for a quick buck. Some people... and I know you just CRINGE at this thought.. actually just do things because it's the right thing to do.

No shit Joe? There were doctors that performed abortions for free and reasonable rates?
Wow, news flash there. Did not know that.
I lump all doctors together just like you lump all people that own their own business together.
How many of those doctors were/are Plutocrats Joe?
The ones that charge "too much" are the Plutocrats and the ones that charge "reasonable" rates are not.
Thanks for that valuable information Joe, that doctors charge different rates.
Man, I can always count on your for such valuable information.

Go back and read your original statement. You were the one bemoaning greed, which is quite out of character for you...

Usually, you are all for greedy people screwing others. Not sure why it bothered you in that case.
Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.

Uh, that conservative woman Democratic voter that Reagan got did not vote for Romney because Reagan had tight reigns on dumb ass Senators and Congressmen that would sometimes run their mouth.
And we do not.
Abortion ran women to Obama, conservative women.

So you think women only care about killing babies?
Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.

Uh, that conservative woman Democratic voter that Reagan got did not vote for Romney because Reagan had tight reigns on dumb ass Senators and Congressmen that would sometimes run their mouth.
And we do not.
Abortion ran women to Obama, conservative women.

So you think women only care about killing babies?

No, but they care about controlling their own lives, and frankly, the idea that the government should force you to have your rapist's baby was kind of terrifying to most sensible people.
Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.

Uh, that conservative woman Democratic voter that Reagan got did not vote for Romney because Reagan had tight reigns on dumb ass Senators and Congressmen that would sometimes run their mouth.
And we do not.
Abortion ran women to Obama, conservative women.

So you think women only care about killing babies?

No, women rejected Romney because they cared about their privacy rights and don’t want government interfering in their personal lives.
Uh, that conservative woman Democratic voter that Reagan got did not vote for Romney because Reagan had tight reigns on dumb ass Senators and Congressmen that would sometimes run their mouth.
And we do not.
Abortion ran women to Obama, conservative women.

So you think women only care about killing babies?

No, women rejected Romney because they cared about their privacy rights and don’t want government interfering in their personal lives.

What a fucking lie....the only one saying he would do that is lying pukes like you.
Romney would have lost worse if he had gone super conservative.

The women of America punished the GOP.

Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.
Yeah, I asked for evidence of that previously, and I never did get it.

You have a citation and a link?
Women don't, Thanatos, care what you think.

Abortion didnt decide this election....Romney did with his lack of getting the conservative democrat vote that Reagan won. Romney lost this cause he was too much like Obama not the other way around.

Uh, that conservative woman Democratic voter that Reagan got did not vote for Romney because Reagan had tight reigns on dumb ass Senators and Congressmen that would sometimes run their mouth.
And we do not.
Abortion ran women to Obama, conservative women.

So you think women only care about killing babies?
How sad is it, that the MAN has no say in the killing of his child (abortion)..

but they want THE MAN to pay when they have the child..

twisted society
Abortion is about POWER and power alone to men that oppose it. They just can not have it that a woman is in charge of her own body.

That kind of silly shit is nothing but a pro-death attempt to avoid the topic.
If Republicans have to "embrace" homosexual marriage and abortion, then why bother having two parties..

Just merge them and we can have one big government with masters against us taxpayers
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

I don't know why abortion is an issue these days anyway. There are a helluva lot more things to worry about right now, such as the budget deficit, the national debt, jobs, infrastructure etc.

To me, it's a non-issue any time. I would like to see a politician, Republican or Democrat, get in front of a microphone and ask "Does the issue of abortion really matter?" and see where the debate goes. In fact, i'd like to see a politician (again, Repub or Dem) do one better and say "I don't care about the issue of abortion, period!" and see which way the wind blows.
Abortion isn't a issue, it's just one Democrats make up to use because they have to have it for their Fear Mongering
I decided to go read the Republican platform myself and quote EVERY mention of abortion.

Through Obamacare, the current Administration has promoted the notion of abortion as healthcare. We, however, affirm the dignity of women by protecting the sanctity of human life. Numerous studies have shown that abortion endangers the health and well-being of women, and we stand firmly against it.

We oppose the FDA approval of Mifeprex, formerly known as RU-486, and similar drugs that terminate innocent human life after conception.

We likewise support the right of parents to consent to medical treatment for their children, including mental health treatment, drug treatment, and treatment involving pregnancy, contraceptives and abortion. We urge enactment of pending legislation that would require parental consent to transport girls across state lines for abortions.

Where is the part that says "Repeal Roe v. Wade and ban ALL abortions"?

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