Can Senate Democrats be arrested for extortion?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA

The Senate began work on its own proposals while the House was still working on the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Instead, the Senate took up H.R. 3590, a bill regarding housing tax breaks for service members.[88]

In the Senate of the United States,
December 24, 2009.
That the bill from the House of Representatives (H.R. 3590) entitled ‘‘An Act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers credit in the case of members of the Armed Forces and certain other Federal employees, and for other purposes.’’, do pass with the following amendments​

As the United States Constitution requires all revenue-related bills to originate in the House,[89] the Senate took up this bill since it was first passed by the House as a revenue-related modification to the Internal Revenue Code. The bill was then used as the Senate's vehicle for their healthcare reform proposal, completely revising the content of the bill.[90] The bill as amended would ultimately incorporate elements of proposals that were reported favorably by the Senate Health and Finance committees.

We being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise

Can Senate Democrats be arrested for extortion?


But the removal of House republicans from office through the democratic process is both warranted and vital to the survival of the Nation.

Sen. Hutchison (R-TX) opposed the health care bill and the motion to end debate on the Reid amendment. She argued that the bill “has not seen the light of day for very long. It is a bill that is going to change health care policy in this country forever . . . The reason we are talking about this bill and trying to let people know what is in it is because we hope there is still a chance this bill will not become law. This bill was drafted behind closed doors without Republican input. . . this bill increases taxes by over $1.2 trillion over a 10-year period . . . .” - See more at: ProgressivePunch : (H.R. 3590) Legislation making major changes in the national health care system - - on a motion to table (kill) an amendment that had been offered by Sen. Reid of Nevada as a procedural tactic : All Members

Can Senate Democrats be arrested for extortion?


But the removal of House republicans from office through the democratic process is both warranted and vital to the survival of the Nation.

Sen. Hutchison (R-TX) opposed the health care bill and the motion to end debate on the Reid amendment. She argued that the bill “has not seen the light of day for very long. It is a bill that is going to change health care policy in this country forever . . . The reason we are talking about this bill and trying to let people know what is in it is because we hope there is still a chance this bill will not become law. This bill was drafted behind closed doors without Republican input. . . this bill increases taxes by over $1.2 trillion over a 10-year period . . . .” - See more at: ProgressivePunch : (H.R. 3590) Legislation making major changes in the national health care system - - on a motion to table (kill) an amendment that had been offered by Sen. Reid of Nevada as a procedural tactic : All Members


You keep right on believing the bullshit from your radical right wing propaganda outlets :lol:
So, if a bill is drafted without input from the opposing party, the party drafting the bill can be arrested? What are you talking about?

But the removal of House republicans from office through the democratic process is both warranted and vital to the survival of the Nation.

Sen. Hutchison (R-TX) opposed the health care bill and the motion to end debate on the Reid amendment. She argued that the bill “has not seen the light of day for very long. It is a bill that is going to change health care policy in this country forever . . . The reason we are talking about this bill and trying to let people know what is in it is because we hope there is still a chance this bill will not become law. This bill was drafted behind closed doors without Republican input. . . this bill increases taxes by over $1.2 trillion over a 10-year period . . . .” - See more at: ProgressivePunch : (H.R. 3590) Legislation making major changes in the national health care system - - on a motion to table (kill) an amendment that had been offered by Sen. Reid of Nevada as a procedural tactic : All Members


You keep right on believing the bullshit from your radical right wing propaganda outlets :lol:

Show Mr Radical Fascist where the Republicans considered and debated the bill?


So, if a bill is drafted without input from the opposing party, the party drafting the bill can be arrested? What are you talking about?

Of course not, I am being facetious.

But they should for they corrupt way the boondoggle known as ACA was adopted .

Sen. Hutchison (R-TX) opposed the health care bill and the motion to end debate on the Reid amendment. She argued that the bill “has not seen the light of day for very long. It is a bill that is going to change health care policy in this country forever . . . The reason we are talking about this bill and trying to let people know what is in it is because we hope there is still a chance this bill will not become law. This bill was drafted behind closed doors without Republican input. . . this bill increases taxes by over $1.2 trillion over a 10-year period . . . .” - See more at: ProgressivePunch : (H.R. 3590) Legislation making major changes in the national health care system - - on a motion to table (kill) an amendment that had been offered by Sen. Reid of Nevada as a procedural tactic : All Members


You keep right on believing the bullshit from your radical right wing propaganda outlets :lol:

Show Mr Radical Fascist where the Republicans considered and debated the bill?



You are correct that the bill passed without any GOP support as they stated they would vote no, no matter what. The steaming pile of bullshit is the insane claim by a single radical right wing politician about raising taxes, which is downright laughable.

This is how the right wing propaganda machine works, put in a drop of truth, with a gallon of partisan BS, and you idiots lap it up without question.
Shutdown the government, force a default, and there may not be a single Republican vote to be had in either the House or Senate in a few years.

The Senate began work on its own proposals while the House was still working on the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Instead, the Senate took up H.R. 3590, a bill regarding housing tax breaks for service members.[88]

In the Senate of the United States,
December 24, 2009.
That the bill from the House of Representatives (H.R. 3590) entitled ‘‘An Act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers credit in the case of members of the Armed Forces and certain other Federal employees, and for other purposes.’’, do pass with the following amendments​

As the United States Constitution requires all revenue-related bills to originate in the House,[89] the Senate took up this bill since it was first passed by the House as a revenue-related modification to the Internal Revenue Code. The bill was then used as the Senate's vehicle for their healthcare reform proposal, completely revising the content of the bill.[90] The bill as amended would ultimately incorporate elements of proposals that were reported favorably by the Senate Health and Finance committees.

We being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise


How about blackmail?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -
You keep right on believing the bullshit from your radical right wing propaganda outlets :lol:

Show Mr Radical Fascist where the Republicans considered and debated the bill?



You are correct that the bill passed without any GOP support as they stated they would vote no, no matter what. The steaming pile of bullshit is the insane claim by a single radical right wing politician about raising taxes, which is downright laughable.

This is how the right wing propaganda machine works, put in a drop of truth, with a gallon of partisan BS, and you idiots lap it up without question.

You are missing the point .

The ACA was enacted BEHIND CLOSE FUCKING DOORS and they would not allow any debates or amendments.

Can Senate Democrats be arrested for extortion?


But the removal of House republicans from office through the democratic process is both warranted and vital to the survival of the Nation.

The parasitic faction is close to 50% - probably more. So long as those who receive government handouts vote the politicians will not go wrong pandering to the majority.



The Senate began work on its own proposals while the House was still working on the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Instead, the Senate took up H.R. 3590, a bill regarding housing tax breaks for service members.[88]

In the Senate of the United States,
December 24, 2009.
That the bill from the House of Representatives (H.R. 3590) entitled ‘‘An Act to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the first-time homebuyers credit in the case of members of the Armed Forces and certain other Federal employees, and for other purposes.’’, do pass with the following amendments​

As the United States Constitution requires all revenue-related bills to originate in the House,[89] the Senate took up this bill since it was first passed by the House as a revenue-related modification to the Internal Revenue Code. The bill was then used as the Senate's vehicle for their healthcare reform proposal, completely revising the content of the bill.[90] The bill as amended would ultimately incorporate elements of proposals that were reported favorably by the Senate Health and Finance committees.

We being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise


How about blackmail?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts , Senate GOP says -
ultimately the entire congress voted on the tax cuts and unemployment's benefits.

but republicans never had a chance to review or amend the aca. the bill approved by the House had NOTHING to do with ACA.
“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee."

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee."



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