Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Poor Ray. The most stupid fucking truck driver in Cleveland. Everybody has it better than Ray but no one but Ray Ray works. Everyone else is living better than Ray Ray while on welfare and food stamps. And Ray Ray is jealous.

Oh the injustice of it. Oh the injustice. Poor and stupid Ray. What a combination. But very common among right wingers on here.

And your posts are very common among left-wingers: no substance, just insults.

You never have anything else to add to any discussion, you just keep trolling around USMB hoping somebody is stupid enough to take you seriously.

It sure seems I'm the only one working here. All you liberals claim to be wealthy, work from home, or are otherwise self-supportive and not on welfare. Me? I'm the only one proud to say I wake up in the morning and go to work everyday.

The funny thing about you liars............em, I mean successful liberals, is you come here and bash successful people, you bash wealthy people, you even bash people that make a good living. Everybody should give more money to the government because it certainly won't end up in your hands. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Those that complain about it must like it since they do the thing you listed keeping those corporations going.

If they think corporations are doing that, shouldn't their next communication with us be written on a piece of paper with a quill pen delivered by someone on horseback?

I keep telling these liberals over and over again.

If we took all the so-called poor people from our country, put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, it would improve our society because of the reduction in spending, great reduction in crime, neighborhoods being rebuilt, and more disposable income for working people.

If we took all the rich from our country and put them on an island somewhere, our country collapses.

They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

You really think the Mexicans are going to pay for that yuuuge wall?

How many billions in aid to they get from this country?

That is your one and only clue, you ignorant puppet.

For 2013, it was $560 million (rounded). I don't know how much a wall would cost to build but I bet $560 million would put a yuuuuge dent in it.
They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.

The problem we have in our country is our liberal governments promote procreation among the poor. The more kids you have, the more welfare you get, the bigger SNAP's card, the larger HUD home in the suburbs, and free healthcare for everybody.

How can we ever end poverty when we deliberately create more poor people? Well, we can't and the Democrats know this. That's why it's to their advantage to have so many poor. It keeps them depending on the government which means more power for the Democrat party.

If we in the US were able to get rid of all our government dependents and victims in this country, the only time anybody would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.

The problem we have in our country is our liberal governments promote procreation among the poor. The more kids you have, the more welfare you get, the bigger SNAP's card, the larger HUD home in the suburbs, and free healthcare for everybody.

How can we ever end poverty when we deliberately create more poor people? Well, we can't and the Democrats know this. That's why it's to their advantage to have so many poor. It keeps them depending on the government which means more power for the Democrat party.

If we in the US were able to get rid of all our government dependents and victims in this country, the only time anybody would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.

The sad part is those who continue to enable freeloaders to be freeloaders wonder why they continue to do that. If you give someone that doesn't want to work a chance to not work then hand them a "living" more in value than they could earn, they're not going to work and will continue to vote for those enabling them. Liberals that allow it to continue either do it on purpose or are too stupid to realize they're doing that because of their so called compassion. I would say it's a combination of both.
We don't have an obsession with federal income tax, but you have an obsession with Reagan.

Nah, your obsession is with Bullshit and lies. Obsessed with Bullshit and lies. What a great contribution you make to American life. You even believe your own Bullshit and lies.


Poor Ray. The most stupid fucking truck driver in Cleveland. Everybody has it better than Ray but no one but Ray Ray works. Everyone else is living better than Ray Ray while on welfare and food stamps. And Ray Ray is jealous.

Oh the injustice of it. Oh the injustice. Poor and stupid Ray. What a combination. But very common among right wingers on here.
Truck driving is honest work, asshole. And if I didn't drive a truck and pay taxes to finance entitlements, you would be screwed sitting around in your mother's basement collecting disability and pretending that posting shit on the internet is a contribution to society.
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Turning companies inward again and lessening the Pac Man Feeding Frenzy of speculation and sheltering...

The Corporatists have had things all their way, for far too long, and have enjoyed far too many tax breaks and tax cuts and tax incentives...

It's about time to get them off their asses and to start pulling their weight again, in society, and ensuring that they're vested in the betterment of this country...

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
There is the tax rate...

Then there is the amount actually paid out in taxes...

When you have too many shelters, and too many tax breaks, the rate itself still doesn't matter, if you're not contributing your share...
The only people not contributing their share are the 47% who pay zero federal income tax. Those are the people you should target.
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Turning companies inward again and lessening the Pac Man Feeding Frenzy of speculation and sheltering...

The Corporatists have had things all their way, for far too long, and have enjoyed far too many tax breaks and tax cuts and tax incentives...

It's about time to get them off their asses and to start pulling their weight again, in society, and ensuring that they're vested in the betterment of this country...

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
There is the tax rate...

Then there is the amount actually paid out in taxes...

When you have too many shelters, and too many tax breaks, the rate itself still doesn't matter, if you're not contributing your share...
The only people not contributing their share are the 47% who pay zero federal income tax. Those are the people you should target.

you mean like active military and social security recipients, willow ijit?

The sad part is those who continue to enable freeloaders to be freeloaders wonder why they continue to do that. If you give someone that doesn't want to work a chance to not work then hand them a "living" more in value than they could earn, they're not going to work and will continue to vote for those enabling them. Liberals that allow it to continue either do it on purpose or are too stupid to realize they're doing that because of their so called compassion. I would say it's a combination of both.

Liberal politicians never enact anything without an ulterior motive. As long as the dressing looks nice and compassionate, the sheep will never know because they never look for the man behind the curtain.

DumBama took over and put over 20 million more Americans on food stamps, another 15 million on Commie Care, and I won't even go into the disability numbers.

To a liberal, that was a pure accident. The Democrats were only trying to help all those poor people. It was never the Democrats intention to create all those government dependents even though most government dependents vote Democrat.

It's just like with immigration. The same song and dance: Democrats are out to help those poor people from other countries. Yeah? I bet if foreigners were known to vote Republican when they get a chance, our borders would be locked up solid today and nobody would be able to get in.
More corporate taxation...

Coupled with severe penalties for heading off-shore...

Result in less 'discretionary' money to speculate with...

Requiring a closer focus on mission-critical areas - and less focus upon skimming profits to invest elsewhere...

Turning companies inward again and lessening the Pac Man Feeding Frenzy of speculation and sheltering...

The Corporatists have had things all their way, for far too long, and have enjoyed far too many tax breaks and tax cuts and tax incentives...

It's about time to get them off their asses and to start pulling their weight again, in society, and ensuring that they're vested in the betterment of this country...

The study’s key findings include:

  • The United States has the second highest marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment in the developed world at 35.3 percent—behind only France.
  • While the U.S.’s marginal effective tax rate has remained stagnant around 35 percent over the last 10 years, the average marginal effective tax rate on corporate investment has fallen by 2.9 percent in the OECD and 6.8 percent in the G7.
  • Since 2005, 63 countries have cut their statutory corporate tax rate, lowering the average statutory tax rate to 24.4 percent across the 95 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, the U.S. corporate tax rate has remained stagnant at above 39 percent.
  • The lack of U.S. corporate tax competitiveness reduces investment and economic growth, undermines productivity, and encourages companies to move business to other countries.
  • Options to reform the U.S. corporate tax code include: reducing the top rate to 25 percent, limiting tax preferences, moving to a territorial tax system, and improving the integration of the individual and corporate tax codes.
How Much Do Corporations Pay In Taxes?
There is the tax rate...

Then there is the amount actually paid out in taxes...

When you have too many shelters, and too many tax breaks, the rate itself still doesn't matter, if you're not contributing your share...
The only people not contributing their share are the 47% who pay zero federal income tax. Those are the people you should target.

you mean like active military and social security recipients, willow ijit?

No asshole, military and social security recipients pay federal income tax. They tax social security. They should tax welfare checks too.
Truck driving is honest work, asshole. And if I didn't drive a truck and pay taxes to finance entitlements, you would be screwed sitting around in your mother's basement collecting disability and pretending that posting shit on the internet is a contribution to society.

What is it with asshole truck drivers talking shit they know nothing about. Bouncing around in that cab all day has scrambled your fucking brain..

But like I have said before; anytime you want to bet all your meager possessions that I don't live in a basement nor collect snap, let me know. I have an attorney who will provide the proof and collect my money. He will get a cut of your money also.

If you don't have the balls to bet the house, shut the fuck up.
Truck driving is honest work, asshole. And if I didn't drive a truck and pay taxes to finance entitlements, you would be screwed sitting around in your mother's basement collecting disability and pretending that posting shit on the internet is a contribution to society.

What is it with asshole truck drivers talking shit they know nothing about. Bouncing around in that cab all day has scrambled your fucking brain..

But like I have said before; anytime you want to bet all your meager possessions that I don't live in a basement nor collect snap, let me know. I have an attorney who will provide the proof and collect my money. He will get a cut of your money also.

If you don't have the balls to bet the house, shut the fuck up.
You're a loser piece of shit living off the productive part of society.

And by the way, pro bono legal aid doesn't count as having a lawyer on retainer, you fucking inbred loser.
You never have anything else to add to any discussion, you just keep trolling around USMB hoping somebody is stu

LMAO. You want me to address the fucking lies and Bullshit you write? What the fuck for? No one can argue against lies and Bullshit. Just put me on ignore and I will keep fucking with you.

That's what makes this fun. Don't ya think. Or do you think you are providing a valuable service by spreading right wing lies and Bullshit?
They won't leave...

The US can make departure or off-shoring cost-prohibitive...

Staying (and paying the tax increase) would be much cheaper than leaving...

As well as Nationalizing any security-critical firm that might attempt such a stunt...

Plenty of ways to get 'radical' with these Corporatists without killing the goose that laid the golden egg...

Yep, because that's exactly why our founders allowed for a tax system: to tax people into submission.
Not People... Corporations... and the Corporatists have been raping America long enough, so... phukk 'em.
In that case, where do you think jobs come from? Why do you think the candidate representing all of the corporations that buy politicians is advocating raising the corporate tax? What do you think happens when corporations leave the US? Do you really think we need to raise taxes to pay for the 400+ government agencies we don't need instead of cutting them and actually balancing the government's budget?
Jobs come from the private sector, of course.

And yes, we can certainly reduce or eliminate a number of government agencies.

We can even pull-in our horns a bit, and reduce our military footprint, and let some of the rest of the world fend for itself for a while.

But mega-corporations have used America as a profit-generating playground for far too long and have not been putting enough back in.

If corporations are "people" (a vile notion, indeed), then, those "people" have not been acting like members of the community, to the extent required.

As to corporations fleeing overseas, or off-shoring jobs, it is time to get 'radical' with these thieves, and either force them back on-shore, or ban their products from these shores, through legal means...

Those that don't like it can have their companies nationalized...

Their shareholders stripped of ownership, paid-off with 10 cents on the dollar, and the companies put into the public trust until new domestically-focused ownership and management can be appointed, to operate that company more like a 'person' that is vested in the community (country) in which it 'lives'...

Meanwhile, we can start doing some Trust-Busting, just like Teddy Roosevelt (R), to whittle 'em down to size, so that they're (a) not so arrogant, (b) not so inclined to go (or remain) off-shore, and (c) make it easier to nationalize them, if that becomes necessary as a final line of defense...

The Corporatists have been exploiting Slave Labor in Mexico, China, India, et al, at the expense of the American Worker, and pocketing the profits, and not re-investing those profits in the 'community' like a vested member would, for far too long...

Time to party... time to get 'radical' with these 'people' (big corporations who either control too much or operate off-shore)... using The Law to do so.

And, that's probably what' coming, so... bon appetit... enjoy.
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You never have anything else to add to any discussion, you just keep trolling around USMB hoping somebody is stu

LMAO. You want me to address the fucking lies and Bullshit you write? What the fuck for? No one can argue against lies and Bullshit. Just put me on ignore and I will keep fucking with you.

That's what makes this fun. Don't ya think. Or do you think you are providing a valuable service by spreading right wing lies and Bullshit?
Do you ever criticize left wing lies and bullshit?
They won't leave...

The US can make departure or off-shoring cost-prohibitive...

Staying (and paying the tax increase) would be much cheaper than leaving.
No once they leave you cannot make them pay anything.
As well as Nationalizing any security-critical firm that might attempt such a stunt...

Plenty of ways to get 'radical' with these Corporatists without killing the goose that laid the golden egg...

Yep, because that's exactly why our founders allowed for a tax system: to tax people into submission.
Not People... Corporations... and the Corporatists have been raping America long enough, so... phukk 'em.
In that case, where do you think jobs come from? Why do you think the candidate representing all of the corporations that buy politicians is advocating raising the corporate tax? What do you think happens when corporations leave the US? Do you really think we need to raise taxes to pay for the 400+ government agencies we don't need instead of cutting them and actually balancing the government's budget?
Jobs come from the private sector, of course.

And yes, we can certainly reduce or eliminate a number of government agencies.

We can even pull-in our horns a bit, and reduce our military footprint, and let some of the rest of the world fend for itself for a while. Which countries would you lend military support to?

But mega-corporations have used America as a profit-generating playground for far too long and have not been putting enough back in.

If corporations are "people" (a vile notion, indeed), then, those "people" have not been acting like members of the community, to the extent required.

As to corporations fleeing overseas, or off-shoring jobs, it is time to get 'radical' with these thieves, and either force them back on-shore, or ban their products from these shores.

Those that don't like it can have their companies nationalized...

Their shareholders stripped of ownership, paid-off with 10 cents on the dollar, and the companies put into the public trust until new domestically-focused ownership and management can be appointed, to operate that company like a 'person' that operates more like a vested member of the community.

Meanwhile, we can start doing some Trust-Busting, just like Teddy Roosevelt (R), to whittle 'em down to size, so that they're (a) not so arrogant, (b) not so inclined to go (or remain) off-shore, and (c) make it easier to nationalize them, if that becomes necessary as a final line of defense...

The Corporatists have been exploiting Slave Labor in Mexico, China, India, et al, at the expense of the American Worker, and pocketing the profits, and not re-investing those profits in the 'community' like a vested member would, for far too long...

Time to party... time to get 'radical' with these 'people' (big corporations who either control too much or operate off-shore)... using The Law to do so.

And, that's probably what' coming, so... bon appetit... enjoy.
I think Obama did that to GM. Robbed the people who helped keep the company alive. He paid the shareholders ten cents on every dollar they invested. What an asshole. Yep! And GM is in Mexico. Way to stimulate other countries economies. Good thinking libtards.
There is the tax rate...

Then there is the amount actually paid out in taxes...

When you have too many shelters, and too many tax breaks, the rate itself still doesn't matter, if you're not contributing your share...

There's that term again--share.

When you have a society or government that rewards failure and penalizes success, how do you expect that society to advance?

"What is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Doesn't matter.

When the general public shells out trillions for the national and regional and local infrastructure which these tax-shelter recipients utilize to operate, and when the general public shells out billions to provide the schools and services that grow and sustain their worker bees...

And when the worker-bee farm ends-up needing help...

Then those tax-shelter recipients must do more to help pay for the worker bee farm.

Your 'rewards' argument would have met with far more receptive minds, prior to 30+ years of Trickle-Down Reaganomics, which has resulted in the 1% vs 99% state of affairs.

This is what happens when the time comes to press the Reset button.

Think of it as a Market Correction.

Should make it easier to swallow.

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