Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Since I don't benefit from social welfare but pay the taxes that fund them, it means I contribute. Freeloaders that get social welfare but don't pay the taxes that fund them don't. That means they expect others to be part of the solution for situations in which they find themselves.

I already give up something. It's time those that don't do something for the society they live in that you Liberals say all of us should fund.

For fucks sakes don't understand that you live in a democracy, within political process?

You nuh-uh-don't-you-touch-my-tax-cut! conservatives are NEVER going to win this one. NEVER going to convince Americans that the way out of this budget mess is to increase the burden on those barely making ends meet, while everyone else keeps their tax cuts.

I say you conservatives need to put your big boy pants on and come to the bargaining table with something. You are not going to get everything you want, but we, together, can get that budget in order.
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How did republicans decide that giving the low wage earners ALL their tax money back in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit was "fair"? Can you answer that?

Come on easy. You hate some low wage earners. Why did the republicans give them the EITC?

The EITC doesn't give back money that was taken in taxes. It gives someone back MORE than they had taken in taxes. It's easy to understand if you can do simple math.

Single mother with two kids making $10/hour or $20,800/year. Based solely on the makeup of the family, she pays no income taxes. The standard deduction for head of household, 3 exemptions, and 2 child tax credits makes her tax liability zero. The EITC had nothing to do with her getting back everything. She already did so based on the makeup of the family.
Since I don't benefit from social welfare but pay the taxes that fund them, it means I contribute. Freeloaders that get social welfare but don't pay the taxes that fund them don't. That means they expect others to be part of the solution for situations in which they find themselves.

I already give up something. It's time those that don't do something for the society they live in that you Liberals say all of us should fund.

For fucks sakes don't understand that you live in a democracy, within political process?

You nuh-uh-don't-you-touch-my-tax-cut! conservatives are NEVER going to win this one. NEVER going to convince Americans that they out of this budget mess is to increase the burden on those barely making ends meet, while everyone else keeps their tax cuts.

I say you put your big boy pants on and come to the bargaining table with something. You not going to get everything you want, but we can get that budget in order.

I did. You refused and only want to put more taxes on those that already pay while allowing those that pay nothing to continue to pay nothing.

When your contribution to the society you live in is NOTHING, you already get the ultimate tax cut. Your answer is to let that continue while demanding those that already contribute and are worthwhile members of society pay more. In other words, you support those paying nothing saying "don't touch my failure to be a worthwhile member of society. I want to be a leech."
The EITC doesn't give back money that was taken in taxes. It gives someone back MORE than they had taken in taxes. It's easy to understand if you can do simple math.

Why did republicans give the working poor the EITC?
That is the question.

Btw, not all.get back more than they paid in. Some do..Why did republicans give away the store with the EITC.

If you can't answer that, then stfu bitching about all those people who pay no income tax. It is the republicans fault that situation exists.
The EITC doesn't give back money that was taken in taxes. It gives someone back MORE than they had taken in taxes. It's easy to understand if you can do simple math.

Why did republicans give the working poor the EITC?
That is the question.

Btw, not all.get back more than they paid in. Some do..Why did republicans give away the store with the EITC.

If you can't answer that, then stfu bitching about all those people who pay no income tax. It is the republicans fault that situation exists.

Didn't say all but that some do is wrong.

I'll STFU explaining things when you're man enough to back up the demand. Man enough or are you going to suggest your lawyer again, pussy?

No you didn't. You came with NOTHING. ZILCH. ZERO.

There is NOTHING you've shown willingness to give on to get the budget in order.

I'm willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do. You Liberals talk about equality until it comes time for those not wanting to contribute yet benefit to do their part.

Across the board same percentage tax. Isn't that equal?

No you didn't. You came with NOTHING. ZILCH. ZERO.

There is NOTHING you've shown willingness to give on to get the budget in order.

I'm willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do. You Liberals talk about equality until it comes time for those not wanting to contribute yet benefit to do their part.

Across the board same percentage tax. Isn't that equal?

...jezus fucking stupid.

You don't get to offer up what you WANT as a concession for bargain dumbass. It's like liberals offering up more taxes as a bargain to conservatives :cuckoo:

What you are saying is straight retarded.

No you didn't. You came with NOTHING. ZILCH. ZERO.

There is NOTHING you've shown willingness to give on to get the budget in order.

I'm willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do. You Liberals talk about equality until it comes time for those not wanting to contribute yet benefit to do their part.

Across the board same percentage tax. Isn't that equal?

...jezus fucking stupid.

You don't get to offer up what you WANT as a concession for bargain dumbass. It's like liberals offering up more taxes as a bargain :cuckoo:

I offered something where EVERYONE contributes not just those that you want to contribute more while others do nothing. Are you opposed to equality? Thanks for proving the only time you want equality is when you benefit not when you have to contribute.
I offered something where EVERYONE contributes

No you didn't. You offered up more taxes on the poor while you keep your tax cut. Of course liberals and democrats have no interest in such an offering, so it's not actually anything you can bargain on. You want something for nothing and that will never happen.

I'm just going to assume you are too dumb to understand that, since we've been over this a couple of times and you clearly don't get it still.
I offered something where EVERYONE contributes

No you didn't. You offered up more taxes on the poor while you keep your tax cut. Of course liberals and democrats have no interest in such an offering, so it's not actually anything you can bargain on. You want something for nothing and that will never happen.

I'm just going to assume you are too dumb to understand that, since we've been over this a couple of times and you clearly don't get it still.

Apparently you support freeloaders that don't contribute a dime getting something for nothing. You oppose them paying anything. I offered those that do nothing but breathe good air a chance to be contributing members of society like those of us that already pay. You refused. Means you support freeloaders. Tells me you're one of them.
m willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do.

LMAO. You are "willing" eh? Like what you want means jack shit.
You stupid fuck, take it up with the republican party you support. They gave us the EITC and they control both houses of congress and won't even try to repeal the EITC.

And don't give me that Obama will veto Bullshit. Didn't stop republicans from trying to repeal Obama care did it?
Apparently you support freeloaders that don't contribute a dime getting something for nothing. You oppose them paying anything. I offered those that do nothing but breathe good air a chance to be contributing members of society like those of us that already pay. You refused. Means you support freeloaders. Tells me you're one of them.

I support common sense safety nets that help those less fortunate among us, the poor, the children, the elderly, the disabled.

The way you talk about these much needed programs is nothing short of disgusting. It is sickening how fucking wrapped up conservatives are in their own little memememe fantasy world. You are nothing but another self-interest serving right wing asshole.
m willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do.

LMAO. You are "willing" eh? Like what you want means jack shit.
You stupid fuck, take it up with the republican party you support. They gave us the EITC and they control both houses of congress and won't even try to repeal the EITC.

And don't give me that Obama will veto Bullshit. Didn't stop republicans from trying to repeal Obama care did it?

Will the negro sign it? You and I both know he won't.

Are you saying that it will become law if Obama vetoes it?
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

With unions, those jobs get paid more than the skills are worth.
No they don't. A union ensures that the workforce is getting a fair share of the wealth they create

$50 trillion in wealth has been added to our economy since 2009. Workers saw very little of that. Strong unions would have ensured it

Fair share? Tell me how much is your fair share of someone else's money?

It is the workers creating that wealth. Because their ability to collectively negotiate, they see less and less of that wealth they generate

There's your mistake ... workers don't "create" the wealth. They work for a wage .... they are a tool the employer uses to create wealth, no different than a hammer, or a printing press. Are you suggesting we should pay hammers a 'living wage', not? What do you think the 'living wage' is for a printing press these days.

Yep. If I ad no value, why am I able to hire all the employees I want? Why do they need me at all?

Obviously I'm a lot rarer than they are
Republicans did not control congress when either Obamacare or the stimulus passed. In fact that was when the Democrats had a supermajority and the Republicans couldn't even filibuster them. Remember the Democrats rushed Obamacare through after Ted Kennedy died before Scott Brown could be the 41st vote to filibuster it

I don't really believe that Republicans would have done it much differently, but trying to blame ACA on them is pretty pathetic. It's the biggest corporatist sellout I've seen and the Democrats own it outright.
So who owns the massive job and career losses that occurred under GW and thus created the need for ACA?

W and the Democrat congress own the massive job losses since they did it together. As for that creating the need to bleed more jobs, WTF is that supposed to mean?

This man's been shot, shoot him again!

You think it might be a case of the Democratic controlled congress ignoring W's attempts to rein in subprime mortgages by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? That have anything to do with it?

W EXPANDED subprime loans. He did say it was a bad idea, but that he attempted to rein them in is just factually not true. He said that, then expanded the programs. W, Slick and both parties in congress created that fiasco. I'm not defending Bush, I'm just disputing the Democrat lie it was W
Apparently you support freeloaders that don't contribute a dime getting something for nothing. You oppose them paying anything. I offered those that do nothing but breathe good air a chance to be contributing members of society like those of us that already pay. You refused. Means you support freeloaders. Tells me you're one of them.

I support common sense safety nets that help those less fortunate among us, the poor, the children, the elderly, the disabled.

The way you talk about these much needed programs is nothing short of disgusting. It is sickening how fucking wrapped up conservatives are in their own little memememe fantasy world. You are nothing but another self-interest serving right wing asshole.

If you cared as much as you claimed, you'd do what you think needs to be done with your own money. The government does not need to be involved if people like you actually showed you care as much as you SAY your care.

It's not a safety net when the person receiving it caused their situation. It's one group paying for the results of another group's bad choices.

Unless you can show me that those receiving these handouts actually give a shit about those forced to pay for them, the only self interest assholes are those you think deserve someone else's money. Just how much of what one person earned is a fair share for someone that didn't earn it? Not one of you bleeding hearts has ever been able to explain how someone that earned what they want to keep is greedy and how someone demanding a portion of it they didn't earn isn't greedy.

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