Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Across the board same percentage tax. Isn't that equal?

Well ain't that stupid. Tell you what sleazy, when we all have the same income, then we.can all pay the same tax rate. You good with that. What could be more fair than equal income and equal tax liability?

Rate and amount aren't the same thing, moron. I didn't say everyone paid the same AMOUNT. I said they paid the same PERCENTAGE.
m willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do.

LMAO. You are "willing" eh? Like what you want means jack shit.
You stupid fuck, take it up with the republican party you support. They gave us the EITC and they control both houses of congress and won't even try to repeal the EITC.

And don't give me that Obama will veto Bullshit. Didn't stop republicans from trying to repeal Obama care did it?

Will the negro sign it? You and I both know he won't.

Are you saying that it will become law if Obama vetoes it?

If you leave the "Kill Obamacare" language out of it, he may at least look at it
m willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do.

LMAO. You are "willing" eh? Like what you want means jack shit.
You stupid fuck, take it up with the republican party you support. They gave us the EITC and they control both houses of congress and won't even try to repeal the EITC.

And don't give me that Obama will veto Bullshit. Didn't stop republicans from trying to repeal Obama care did it?

Will the negro sign it? You and I both know he won't.

Are you saying that it will become law if Obama vetoes it?

If you leave the "Kill Obamacare" language out of it, he may at least look at it

Prior to many things coming to his desk that had nothing to do with Obamacare, he said he would veto them.

Why shouldn't Obamacare go away? I have proposed a solution where both of us get what we want completely and it doesn't involve the government at all when it comes to healthcare. Do you agree?
m willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do.

LMAO. You are "willing" eh? Like what you want means jack shit.
You stupid fuck, take it up with the republican party you support. They gave us the EITC and they control both houses of congress and won't even try to repeal the EITC.

And don't give me that Obama will veto Bullshit. Didn't stop republicans from trying to repeal Obama care did it?

Will the negro sign it? You and I both know he won't.

Are you saying that it will become law if Obama vetoes it?

If you leave the "Kill Obamacare" language out of it, he may at least look at it

Prior to many things coming to his desk that had nothing to do with Obamacare, he said he would veto them.

Why shouldn't Obamacare go away? I have proposed a solution where both of us get what we want completely and it doesn't involve the government at all when it comes to healthcare. Do you agree?

Republicans have show an open disdain and an unwillingness to work with our President. That is why they could not get a simple thing like Keystone passed.
Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little
If you cared as much as you claimed, you'd do what you think needs to be done with your own money. The government does not need to be involved if people like you actually showed you care as much as you SAY your care.

Nonsense. I care, which is WHY I support government helping those in need with my, and your, money.

You obviously don't and I have ZERO reservations in MAKING assholes like you contribute.

Don't like it? Get enough people to agree with you to get rid of safety net programs. Good luck with that.

And while you are busy doing that guess what - debt will continue to increase because conservatives are not willing to make any concessions at all to balance the budget, so save your crocodile tears about deficits for someone else.
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If you cared as much as you claimed, you'd do what you think needs to be done with your own money. The government does not need to be involved if people like you actually showed you care as much as you SAY your care.

Nonsense. I care, which is WHY I support government helping those in need with my, and your, money.

Since compassion can't come from how much of someone else's money you want used for something, the only money that matters is what you voluntarily give. If you believe that people without should have something, why do you wait to be told to do it. Shouldn't you do it without being IF you care?

Compassion doesn't come from a mandate but a voluntary act by the giver. You've proven you don't care because you only "give" when told to do so.
m willing to let those currently not paying do their part for society. Let them do what the rest of us already do.

LMAO. You are "willing" eh? Like what you want means jack shit.
You stupid fuck, take it up with the republican party you support. They gave us the EITC and they control both houses of congress and won't even try to repeal the EITC.

And don't give me that Obama will veto Bullshit. Didn't stop republicans from trying to repeal Obama care did it?

Will the negro sign it? You and I both know he won't.

Are you saying that it will become law if Obama vetoes it?

If you leave the "Kill Obamacare" language out of it, he may at least look at it

Prior to many things coming to his desk that had nothing to do with Obamacare, he said he would veto them.

Why shouldn't Obamacare go away? I have proposed a solution where both of us get what we want completely and it doesn't involve the government at all when it comes to healthcare. Do you agree?

Republicans have show an open disdain and an unwillingness to work with our President. That is why they could not get a simple thing like Keystone passed.
Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little

Yeah, the we won now sit down and STFU attitude he has is a willingness to work. When he has indicated he'd veto something before it's ever written because it includes something he doesn't like, that's not willing to work.
Since compassion can't come from how much of someone else's money you want used for something, the only money that matters is what you voluntarily give..

yep, that's the standard bullshit that assholes who don't want to pay taxes that gawd forbid go to help someone come up with.

Voluntary safety net DOES NOT WORK and I'm into stuff that does work. We pay taxes, government runs the programs to help the needy. It is the way it is done in EVERY developed country here on planet earth.

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Since compassion can't come from how much of someone else's money you want used for something, the only money that matters is what you voluntarily give..

yep, that's the standard bullshit that assholes who don't want to pay taxes that gawd forbid go to help someone come up with.

Voluntary safety net DOES NOT WORK and I'm into stuff that does work. We pay taxes, government runs the programs to help the needy. It is the way it is done in EVERY developed country here on planet earth.


Oh, so someone not doing with what they earned to the level you think means you should have a say in it? Not how it works. I can understand why. It's the only way you'll ever get something in life.
LMAO. You are "willing" eh? Like what you want means jack shit.
You stupid fuck, take it up with the republican party you support. They gave us the EITC and they control both houses of congress and won't even try to repeal the EITC.

And don't give me that Obama will veto Bullshit. Didn't stop republicans from trying to repeal Obama care did it?

Will the negro sign it? You and I both know he won't.

Are you saying that it will become law if Obama vetoes it?

If you leave the "Kill Obamacare" language out of it, he may at least look at it

Prior to many things coming to his desk that had nothing to do with Obamacare, he said he would veto them.

Why shouldn't Obamacare go away? I have proposed a solution where both of us get what we want completely and it doesn't involve the government at all when it comes to healthcare. Do you agree?

Republicans have show an open disdain and an unwillingness to work with our President. That is why they could not get a simple thing like Keystone passed.
Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little

Yeah, the we won now sit down and STFU attitude he has is a willingness to work. When he has indicated he'd veto something before it's ever written because it includes something he doesn't like, that's not willing to work.

Well here is your problem

When you slip "kill Obamacare" or "kill Planned Parenthood" language into every bill, it may please your batshit crazy base but the bill is DOA
Oh, so someone not doing with what they earned to the level you think means you should have a say in it? Not how it works. I can understand why. It's the only way you'll ever get something in life.

it is not what "I" think. It is what this democracy, through political process thinks.

Americans have long rejected your ass-holism and decided through the political process that yes we do need government programs to help the needy and it will be financed by taxing income.

Don't like this social arrangement? Pack your bags and go live somewhere else.
Oh, so someone not doing with what they earned to the level you think means you should have a say in it? Not how it works. I can understand why. It's the only way you'll ever get something in life.

it is not what "I" think. It is what this democracy, through political process thinks.

Americans have long rejected your ass-holism and decided through the political process that yes we do need government programs to help the needy and it will be financed by taxing income.

Don't like this social arrangement? Pack your bags and go live somewhere else.

The other option is to stay right here and stand up for Constitutionally limited government. The idea that democracy is the ultimate representation of the 'will of the people' is false. It only represents, at best, the majority. The only thing protecting the minority from abuse is clear and consistent limits on what can be imposed on them by government, democratic or otherwise.
Oh, so someone not doing with what they earned to the level you think means you should have a say in it? Not how it works. I can understand why. It's the only way you'll ever get something in life.

it is not what "I" think. It is what this democracy, through political process thinks.

Americans have long rejected your ass-holism and decided through the political process that yes we do need government programs to help the needy and it will be financed by taxing income.

Don't like this social arrangement? Pack your bags and go live somewhere else.

You mean those Americans that are on the receiving end of the handouts? What else would you expect someone so dishonorable they won't do for themselves and their families to do. Would you expect them to vote for something where they actually had to do something besides beg to get anything in life. That's like asking the fox to guard the hen house then wondering why the hens went missing.
Will the negro sign it? You and I both know he won't.

Are you saying that it will become law if Obama vetoes it?

If you leave the "Kill Obamacare" language out of it, he may at least look at it

Prior to many things coming to his desk that had nothing to do with Obamacare, he said he would veto them.

Why shouldn't Obamacare go away? I have proposed a solution where both of us get what we want completely and it doesn't involve the government at all when it comes to healthcare. Do you agree?

Republicans have show an open disdain and an unwillingness to work with our President. That is why they could not get a simple thing like Keystone passed.
Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little

Yeah, the we won now sit down and STFU attitude he has is a willingness to work. When he has indicated he'd veto something before it's ever written because it includes something he doesn't like, that's not willing to work.

Well here is your problem

When you slip "kill Obamacare" or "kill Planned Parenthood" language into every bill, it may please your batshit crazy base but the bill is DOA

The problem is the claim of a veto is made BEFORE the content of the bill is written.
Are you a clown?
You were a Representative in a one car town and you're trying to generalize that into the big city?
That's a Talmud 1.0 FAIL.

I was? Why don't you tell me where I live since you seem to know about it so much.
You didn't react so well to my response.
I'm in the Big City fill with corruption and I experience it from the INSIDE of the room.

You made a claim about where I lived yet nothing about where it is. Since you don't know, your claim is dismissed for being stupid.
So tell me you were in charge of hundreds of millions of dollars over hundreds of departments over several million people.

Very few, if any, LOCAL governments are. Doesn't change that you said local government officials were beholden to business. You were incorrect.
YOU are living in Mayberry RFD.
You mean those Americans that are on the receiving end of the handouts? What else would you expect someone so dishonorable they won't do for themselves and their families to do. Would you expect them to vote for something where they actually had to do something besides beg to get anything in life. That's like asking the fox to guard the hen house then wondering why the hens went missing.

You are delirious, "on the receiving end" are a small minority that could not possibly pass anything without the general consent of the "giving" majority, especially considering how little influence and political organization that group has.
The other option is to stay right here and stand up for Constitutionally limited government.

You can stand all you want, safety net is not going anywhere and conservatives that propose the phase out of these programs are in for a lifetime of rejection by America and developed world in general.

May as well pack up if you can't stand it.
You mean those Americans that are on the receiving end of the handouts? What else would you expect someone so dishonorable they won't do for themselves and their families to do. Would you expect them to vote for something where they actually had to do something besides beg to get anything in life. That's like asking the fox to guard the hen house then wondering why the hens went missing.

You are delirious, "on the receiving end" are a small minority that could not possibly pass anything without the general consent of the "giving" majority, especially considering how little influence and political organization that group has.

So you call more people receiving means tested welfare of some sort than those working full time year around as a small minority? That's strange. If out of two groups those getting a handout is greater than those working to fund them, that makes the handout freeloaders a majority.

Over 100 million people receive means tested welfare. If they weren't such a large group that had influence, the Democrats wouldn't pander to them with someone else's money.
The other option is to stay right here and stand up for Constitutionally limited government.

You can stand all you want, safety net is not going anywhere and conservatives that propose the phase out of these programs are in for a lifetime of rejection by America and developed world in general.

May as well pack up if you can't stand it.

It's OK that you get handouts. If you're so meaningless that you have to have it to live, I can live without it. Understand one thing. Even with you having it handed to you and it be taken from me, I'll still have way more than you ever will.
The other option is to stay right here and stand up for Constitutionally limited government.

You can stand all you want, safety net is not going anywhere and conservatives that propose the phase out of these programs are in for a lifetime of rejection by America and developed world in general.

May as well pack up if you can't stand it.

It's OK that you get handouts. If you're so meaningless that you have to have it to live, I can live without it. Understand one thing. Even with you having it handed to you and it be taken from me, I'll still have way more than you ever will.
Why not simply start a thread pushing a REAL Conservative who is electable and not detestable.

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