Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Also, they underpay their employees who we all support through public assistance.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.
It is true that they don't pay taxes. They are taxed at 35%...but the consumers pay their taxes for them by way of increased prices for their goods and services.

This was the FIRST thing that an Economics professor told my class in college. CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES.

You are mistaken if you think taxing them more is a good thing to do.

Cutting their US taxes would allow them to lower their prices and remain competitive even if they STAY IN THE US and employ AMERICANS. They might even be able to give raises.

You are a blooming idiot!
You have to also understand that the elites (socialists) want a stagnant economy that does NOT grow. There is only one way for the socialists to reach their goal. That is getting the larger part of the populace sucking on the government teet or teets if you will.

The more stagnant the economy, the more people they capture. The more people they capture the more power they acquire and the more acquire they maintain. The other aspect to their scheme and it is equally important is to ALWAYS have a scapegoat for the false promises not being fulfilled.

How long have we heard those pieces of shit promising the poor the sun and the moon? There they are. Still there. Always there. How many blacks thought that by having a black DEMOCRAT president that their situations would change? There they are. Still in the ghetto and many of their situations are exponentially worse. How to deal with that from the democrats. Full court press on creating racial strife. Push the narrative and make sure they blame their bleak situation on (wait for it).......WHITE REPUBLICANS. WHITE PEOPLE. WHITE COPS. Why do you think pravda jumps on a story where the colors match the narrative? HYPE HYPE HYPE. FERGUSON FERGUSON FERGUSON and to HELL with the truth.

This what we see, and the lying cackling witch goes on with the stupid narrative again today. "Tax the rich."

There they are. The stupid lambs clapping away. Listening to the rich elitists on the left who live in Disney Land to lead them down their roads to perdition. Hollywood, and the rest of the devilish perverted godless entertainment industry. As they live behind their walls in their castles and pretend to be on their side.

It is quite unreal.
Also, they underpay their employees who we all support through public assistance.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.
It is true that they don't pay taxes. They are taxed at 35%...but the consumers pay their taxes for them by way of increased prices for their goods and services.

This was the FIRST thing that an Economics professor told my class in college. CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES.

You are mistaken if you think taxing them more is a good thing to do.

Cutting their US taxes would allow them to lower their prices and remain competitive even if they STAY IN THE US and employ AMERICANS. They might even be able to give raises.

You are a blooming idiot!

I learned that in the 3rd grade running my lemonade stand these fuckers will never understand even basic economics.
ACTUALLY, with all the GOP loopholes, they pay an effective rate of 12%, mainly from smaller corporations who can't afford many accountants and lobbyists, dupe. Great job, New BS GOP.
Also, they underpay their employees who we all support through public assistance.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.
It is true that they don't pay taxes. They are taxed at 35%...but the consumers pay their taxes for them by way of increased prices for their goods and services.

This was the FIRST thing that an Economics professor told my class in college. CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES.

You are mistaken if you think taxing them more is a good thing to do.

Cutting their US taxes would allow them to lower their prices and remain competitive even if they STAY IN THE US and employ AMERICANS. They might even be able to give raises.

You are a blooming idiot!

I learned that in the 3rd grade running my lemonade stand these fuckers will never understand even basic economics.
ACTUALLY, with all the GOP loopholes, they pay an effective rate of 12%, mainly from smaller corporations who can't afford many accountants and lobbyists, dupe. Great job, New BS GOP.
And Democrats did exactly what when they had the chance?
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!
You know what is funny? The morons defending socialism are the same people who deny they are socialists.


God they are idiots.
Socialists are simply fair capitalists. If one says one's a socialist, ignorant hater dupes immediately call them communists. Ignoramuses like you.
Yep. Fair capitalism.

How do you Americans say? " Equal misery?"
And the dupe jumps to communism as usual....

Your words, Slick.

Venezuela is not communist.

Everyone is sharing the misery.

Progressive Marxists.

Make shit up. Attack what you didn't say.

Fucking Dupe.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

All anyone needs to know, to know how Socialism is an abject failure, is to look at the most recent example of the disaster it causes.



Venezuela is getting to the point where they may have to embrace capitalism, again.........:idea:

Either that or they're ripe for a violent revolution, the Venezuelan people are now absolutely desperate, they're not going to be able to control their desperation for much longer.[/QUOTE

They're going to be good little Socialists.

The jack boot thugs, who are well fed, will ensure compliance.

You can't fight when you are hungry.
And the oligarchs on the other side are innocent little Any chance we can get back to the OP, in the 1st world?
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!
Monsatan says let them eat gmo corn and pig.
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!
Monsatan says let them eat gmo corn and pig.

Okay then..........2028!
...Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet. Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.
They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.

Your timing is impeccable! No sooner does the OP claim, without evidence, that "American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet" than you come along and provide the evidence. Nice work!

How the fuck can we fund the country and pay down the debt without taxes? Would you rather we just taxed working stiffs and let the companies off ? Oh. All the winner countries are socialists .

See if you can quote where the OP suggests that corps should pay no taxes. I will say this: you and hazlnut have quickly proven the OP's point about American socialists. Thanks
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!
Monsatan says let them eat gmo corn and pig.

Okay then..........2028!
Why wait for more thugs to be let loose everywhere in the country? That is both upper and lower thugs. It would make more sense to start cleanup sooner than later.
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!

Only a sociopath like Franco would believe that mass starvation is funny..........
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!

Only a sociopath like Franco would believe that mass starvation is funny..........
Venezuela is pretty under developed for the resources it has available.
Also, they underpay their employees who we all support through public assistance. want companies to pay for the food, clothing, shelter and healthcare of their employees....instead of paying a wage for work they need to get done.....

The system that controls the food, clothing, shelter and healthcare of called slavery......we made the democrats give up their slaves in the 1880s......stop trying to bring it back.
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!

Only a sociopath like Franco would believe that mass starvation is funny..........
Venezuela is pretty under developed for the resources it has available.

It is called socialism....
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!
Monsatan says let them eat gmo corn and pig.

Okay then..........2028!
Why wait for more thugs to be let loose everywhere in the country? That is both upper and lower thugs. It would make more sense to start cleanup sooner than later.

From a Stalinist point of view, it makes sense for Venezuela to not expend their military in keeping their population 'in line' and instead use gangs/thugs to do their current bidding.

Democrats are now positioning gangs/thugs here to do the same later on...........thus they lock arms with groups like BLM, now!
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!

Only a sociopath like Franco would believe that mass starvation is funny..........
Venezuela is pretty under developed for the resources it has available.

It is called socialism....
It is not just socialism. They have had corrupt leaders who made deals for themselves without looking at the possibilities what it would bring in the future. It also pissed off Cargill when Chavez took over their plants in 2009 and nationalized them. All it takes is pissing off one multi-national to starve out a country.
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!
Monsatan says let them eat gmo corn and pig.

Okay then..........2028!
Why wait for more thugs to be let loose everywhere in the country? That is both upper and lower thugs. It would make more sense to start cleanup sooner than later.

From a Stalinist point of view, it makes sense for Venezuela to not expend their military in keeping their population 'in line' and instead use gangs/thugs to do their current bidding.

Democrats are now positioning gangs/thugs here to do the same later on...........thus they lock arms with groups like BLM, now!
The devil really does not change his MO. Hence you see the same thing happening over and over again.

Did you see the gathering at the DNC? I mean they get scarier every 4 years. They are full fledged possessed scumbags.

I mean do you see their space cadet mesmerized scumbag brainwashed expressions?

I hate them.
You know what is funny? The morons defending socialism are the same people who deny they are socialists.


God they are idiots.
Socialists are simply fair capitalists. If one says one's a socialist, ignorant hater dupes immediately call them communists. Ignoramuses like you.
Yep. Fair capitalism.

How do you Americans say? " Equal misery?"
And the dupe jumps to communism as usual....

Your words, Slick.

Venezuela is not communist.

Everyone is sharing the misery.

Progressive Marxists.

Make shit up. Attack what you didn't say.

Fucking Dupe.
You just throw around labels randomly lol....the same thing would have happened under a GOP oligarchy down there- as it has in the past.
The endgame of Socialism is mass starvation.
Using Venezuelas' timeline, as Chavez was in power for 14 years, Maduro now for 3; and given we've had Obie for 8 years and project Hillary for 8 more, give or take 4 years, US supermarket shelves will be bare by the year 2026. And this estimate is on the conservative side.
Vote Hillary, 2016!
Monsatan says let them eat gmo corn and pig.

Okay then..........2028!
Why wait for more thugs to be let loose everywhere in the country? That is both upper and lower thugs. It would make more sense to start cleanup sooner than later.

From a Stalinist point of view, it makes sense for Venezuela to not expend their military in keeping their population 'in line' and instead use gangs/thugs to do their current bidding.

Democrats are now positioning gangs/thugs here to do the same later on...........thus they lock arms with groups like BLM, now!
The devil really does not change his MO. Hence you see the same thing happening over and over again.

Did you see the gathering at the DNC? I mean they get scarier every 4 years. They are full fledged possessed scumbags.

I mean do you see their space cadet mesmerized scumbag brainwashed expressions?

I hate them.
That's hilarious after watching the brainwashed lynch mob at the GOP convention....Hate at the GOP, hope and justice at the Dem...
You know what is funny? The morons defending socialism are the same people who deny they are socialists.


God they are idiots.
Socialists are simply fair capitalists. If one says one's a socialist, ignorant hater dupes immediately call them communists. Ignoramuses like you.
Yep. Fair capitalism.

How do you Americans say? " Equal misery?"
And the dupe jumps to communism as usual....

Your words, Slick.

Venezuela is not communist.

Everyone is sharing the misery.

Progressive Marxists.

Make shit up. Attack what you didn't say.

Fucking Dupe.
You just throw around labels randomly lol....the same thing would have happened under a GOP oligarchy down there- as it has in the past.

You are so clueless.

Get a fucking grip.

I reject the few having control over anyone.

Republican or Democrat. Conservative or Liberal.

Marxist, Nazi, Socialist, Fascist, Communist or what the fuck ever.

We agree that our Government and our Corporations are fucking us.

Give me some ideas that can change this without depriving us of our Constitutional rights.

Reagan hasnt been in office for years. You can't blame him any longer.

I'm a stone's throw from these idiots in DC who control our lives.

All I hear from you is Dupe. Hater. Dupe.

But now that I have your attention, let's fucking hear it genius.

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