Can somebody please name just one thing, just one, that NK has done to anybody??


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

Um, turning a few dozen million men, women and children into destitute prisoners?

Shooting people who try to escape the country?

Torturing and killing a few hundred thousand people who spoke their mind?

Stuff like that, you mean?
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

He said the N word.
Um, turning a few dozen million men, women and children into destitute prisoners?

Shooting people who try to escape the country?

Torturing and killing a few hundred thousand people who spoke their mind?

Stuff like that, you mean?
You forgot the kidnapping of Japanese citizens in an attempt to turn them into NK spies.

You also forgot the assassination of a brother-in-law in a SE Asian airport.

You also forgot the random shelling of SK and the sinking of SK ships.
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

Family of Otto Warmbier sues North Korea for 'barbaric treatment' of their son
The parents of Otto Warmbier, the American college student who was imprisoned in North Korea for 17 months, have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against North Korea, charging that the regime tortured and killed their son.
You libtards go bonkers when it was found out, we do a Perrier sprits of water up the nose of Radical Muslim Killers of men, women and children, but cant even keep up about the torture of one of our own, in North Korea? Damn bitch pull your peabrain out of your ass. you might learn something....
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?


And this is, hands down, the DUMBEST thread ever posted.

You, who are supposed to be all about equal treatment and human rights....makes a thread like this.

Good God
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

I'm not sure what your point is, but this morning I was thinking, this is the bullshit we end up with when two major world powers stick their nose in a little bitty country's civil war. Ought to be illegal for any country to get involved in another country's business. We were terrified that communism was going to take over the world and China was jovially playing along with the North Koreans who wanted to go red.
Now 65 years later, instead of Korea being able to sort it out for themselves and end this damned thing, the US and China are the ones who will decide if peace happens for Koreans.
Sometimes the US makes me sick.
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?


What have the North Koreans done to anyone?

How about kidnapping Japanese citizens and taking them back to NK as part of their spy education program?
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

I'm not sure what your point is, but this morning I was thinking, this is the bullshit we end up with when two major world powers stick their nose in a little bitty country's civil war. Ought to be illegal for any country to get involved in another country's business. We were terrified that communism was going to take over the world and China was jovially playing along with the North Koreans who wanted to go red.
Now 65 years later, instead of Korea being able to sort it out for themselves and end this damned thing, the US and China are the ones who will decide if peace happens for Koreans.
Sometimes the US makes me sick. do realize that Communism WOULD have taken over the world if it wasn't for constant U.S. intervention throughout the 60's - 80's??
1) Soviet Union would absolutely still exist.
2) They would have most likely controlled the VAST majority of world oil reserves.
3) China and the USSR would most likely have a strong relationship, with China likely controlling all of Asia including Japan.

You could go on.
The world would look entirely different if not for the USA.
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

I'm not sure what your point is, but this morning I was thinking, this is the bullshit we end up with when two major world powers stick their nose in a little bitty country's civil war. Ought to be illegal for any country to get involved in another country's business. We were terrified that communism was going to take over the world and China was jovially playing along with the North Koreans who wanted to go red.
Now 65 years later, instead of Korea being able to sort it out for themselves and end this damned thing, the US and China are the ones who will decide if peace happens for Koreans.
Sometimes the US makes me sick. do realize that Communism WOULD have taken over the world if it wasn't for constant U.S. intervention throughout the 60's - 80's??
1) Soviet Union would absolutely still exist.
2) They would have most likely controlled the VAST majority of world oil reserves.
3) China and the USSR would most likely have a strong relationship, with China likely controlling all of Asia including Japan.

You could go on.
The world would look entirely different if not for the USA.
Remember you are dealing with media fed puppets.
Sometimes the US makes me sick.

.....but those who are intelligent instead of mindless leftists can look at the stark contrast between the two countries and thank the U.S. for helping to bring prosperity to at least one of them.

That makes you sick, but it makes me along with my various Korean friends quite grateful.
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

Oh wait! Didn’t they send an American home in a brain dead condition? Yes, and haven’t they starved millions, and oh yes, didn’t they shoot a defector in full view of the cameras?
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

I'm not sure what your point is, but this morning I was thinking, this is the bullshit we end up with when two major world powers stick their nose in a little bitty country's civil war. Ought to be illegal for any country to get involved in another country's business. We were terrified that communism was going to take over the world and China was jovially playing along with the North Koreans who wanted to go red.
Now 65 years later, instead of Korea being able to sort it out for themselves and end this damned thing, the US and China are the ones who will decide if peace happens for Koreans.
Sometimes the US makes me sick. do realize that Communism WOULD have taken over the world if it wasn't for constant U.S. intervention throughout the 60's - 80's??
1) Soviet Union would absolutely still exist.
2) They would have most likely controlled the VAST majority of world oil reserves.
3) China and the USSR would most likely have a strong relationship, with China likely controlling all of Asia including Japan.

You could go on.
The world would look entirely different if not for the USA.
You could be right. But communism collapsed of its own horrific idealized weight, didn't it? I'm not saying the US is the only one who stuck their noses in. Communism was what some folks wanted, bless their hearts. China and Russia had a bazillion peasants who were sick of living like slaves, anyway. No way it could have taken over in the West without a bunch of unhappy plebes. Which we were smart enough not to have.
I'm talking out my ass. Forgive me. I just hate all this sticking our noses in.
Sometimes the US makes me sick.

.....but those who are intelligent instead of mindless leftists can look at the stark contrast between the two countries and thank the U.S. for helping to bring prosperity to at least one of them.

That makes you sick, but it makes me along with my various Korean friends quite grateful.
I'm not talking about who has the best economic system. A democracy vs. a dictatorship is going to have a preordained outcome. A representative, fair government is always going to win in the long run. Sometimes it is just a very long run, at least from our perspectives. From the perspective of history, though, not so long at all.
Sometimes the US makes me sick.

.....but those who are intelligent instead of mindless leftists can look at the stark contrast between the two countries and thank the U.S. for helping to bring prosperity to at least one of them.

That makes you sick, but it makes me along with my various Korean friends quite grateful.
I'm not talking about who has the best economic system. A democracy vs. a dictatorship is going to have a preordained outcome. A representative, fair government is always going to win in the long run. Sometimes it is just a very long run, at least from our perspectives. From the perspective of history, though, not so long at all.

Boy, do you ever talk out of both sides of your mouth. The U.S. helped bring that representative, fair government to South Korea yet you say you hate the United States for it.

Intelligent, fair minded people would curse China for propping up North Korea, instead. It's too bad your reflexive anti-Americanism does not allow you to be either fair or intelligent on the subject.
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

I'm not sure what your point is, but this morning I was thinking, this is the bullshit we end up with when two major world powers stick their nose in a little bitty country's civil war. Ought to be illegal for any country to get involved in another country's business. We were terrified that communism was going to take over the world and China was jovially playing along with the North Koreans who wanted to go red.
Now 65 years later, instead of Korea being able to sort it out for themselves and end this damned thing, the US and China are the ones who will decide if peace happens for Koreans.
Sometimes the US makes me sick. do realize that Communism WOULD have taken over the world if it wasn't for constant U.S. intervention throughout the 60's - 80's??
1) Soviet Union would absolutely still exist.
2) They would have most likely controlled the VAST majority of world oil reserves.
3) China and the USSR would most likely have a strong relationship, with China likely controlling all of Asia including Japan.

You could go on.
The world would look entirely different if not for the USA.
You could be right. But communism collapsed of its own horrific idealized weight, didn't it? I'm not saying the US is the only one who stuck their noses in. Communism was what some folks wanted, bless their hearts. China and Russia had a bazillion peasants who were sick of living like slaves, anyway. No way it could have taken over in the West without a bunch of unhappy plebes. Which we were smart enough not to have.
I'm talking out my ass. Forgive me. I just hate all this sticking our noses in.
Right, Reagan had nothing to do with it. Gorbachev was just Reagan's boy, huh?
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

I'm not sure what your point is, but this morning I was thinking, this is the bullshit we end up with when two major world powers stick their nose in a little bitty country's civil war. Ought to be illegal for any country to get involved in another country's business. We were terrified that communism was going to take over the world and China was jovially playing along with the North Koreans who wanted to go red.
Now 65 years later, instead of Korea being able to sort it out for themselves and end this damned thing, the US and China are the ones who will decide if peace happens for Koreans.
Sometimes the US makes me sick. do realize that Communism WOULD have taken over the world if it wasn't for constant U.S. intervention throughout the 60's - 80's??
1) Soviet Union would absolutely still exist.
2) They would have most likely controlled the VAST majority of world oil reserves.
3) China and the USSR would most likely have a strong relationship, with China likely controlling all of Asia including Japan.

You could go on.
The world would look entirely different if not for the USA.
You could be right. But communism collapsed of its own horrific idealized weight, didn't it? I'm not saying the US is the only one who stuck their noses in. Communism was what some folks wanted, bless their hearts. China and Russia had a bazillion peasants who were sick of living like slaves, anyway. No way it could have taken over in the West without a bunch of unhappy plebes. Which we were smart enough not to have.
I'm talking out my ass. Forgive me. I just hate all this sticking our noses in.
It is truly amazing that our government STILL has American troops on the Korean Peninsula. It only inflames relations between the two nations. The North Koreans will never forget the American air force bombing the shit out of them, just as they did the Germans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Iraqis...see a pattern yet? We need to get our government to stop intervening militarily all around the world.

Also, have they not put sanctions on NK? Which only harms the people, not their leadership which caused the problem...funny they also sanctioned Russia, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Japan, etc............................................sanctions are an act of war.

Remember this gem from a disgusting blood thirsty warmonger? Madeline as she justifies 500,000 deaths of children.
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?

I'm not sure what your point is, but this morning I was thinking, this is the bullshit we end up with when two major world powers stick their nose in a little bitty country's civil war. Ought to be illegal for any country to get involved in another country's business. We were terrified that communism was going to take over the world and China was jovially playing along with the North Koreans who wanted to go red.
Now 65 years later, instead of Korea being able to sort it out for themselves and end this damned thing, the US and China are the ones who will decide if peace happens for Koreans.
Sometimes the US makes me sick. do realize that Communism WOULD have taken over the world if it wasn't for constant U.S. intervention throughout the 60's - 80's??
1) Soviet Union would absolutely still exist.
2) They would have most likely controlled the VAST majority of world oil reserves.
3) China and the USSR would most likely have a strong relationship, with China likely controlling all of Asia including Japan.

You could go on.
The world would look entirely different if not for the USA.
You could be right. But communism collapsed of its own horrific idealized weight, didn't it? I'm not saying the US is the only one who stuck their noses in. Communism was what some folks wanted, bless their hearts. China and Russia had a bazillion peasants who were sick of living like slaves, anyway. No way it could have taken over in the West without a bunch of unhappy plebes. Which we were smart enough not to have.
I'm talking out my ass. Forgive me. I just hate all this sticking our noses in.

It did not, USSR collapsed because it could not keep up with America's militarily or economically. And it needed to do both in order to maintain it's world influence. If it didn't not have to A) keep up with America for influence and B) Not have to worry about a war with America, it would have certainly flourished.
If Russia/China got to do whatever they wanted without having to worry about the VERY big brother in the west...they would have long ago taken over the Middle East...including Afghanistan. They lost in Afghan because of several reasons, one of them being America supplying Afghan with weaponry and using it's influence to get Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to provide military aide as well. They would have strongarmed everyone else to control the entire Peninsula. Of that, there is no doubt.

People across the globe owe their existence to America having the worlds biggest far.
America's influence and protection are what gives most people across the globe their freedom and Democracies.
Um, turning a few dozen million men, women and children into destitute prisoners?

Shooting people who try to escape the country?

Torturing and killing a few hundred thousand people who spoke their mind?

Stuff like that, you mean?
Have you been to Africa lately? Just askin
Korean Leaders Call For ‘Complete Denuclearization’ Of The Peninsula, End Of Korean War
“The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun,” the declaration said.

Other than showing the world these half ass NUKE test, what harm exactly has this little yellow guy done?


And this is, hands down, the DUMBEST thread ever posted.

You, who are supposed to be all about equal treatment and human rights....makes a thread like this.

Good God
Uh, ever hear of a country called Africa?

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