Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

You are not fit to lick Washington's boots.
Considering that you just said he stood for nothing, and bent over for everything, I very much doubt he'd let you clean up after his dog.

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington
Freeing slaves and supporting national sovereignty for colonies is not really all that "liberal" anymore....
Then what is it, assuming people are slaves and live in colonies?

Liberalism is Liberty, that will never change.
No, I am saying that those things are no longer considered radical.
You are not fit to lick Washington's boots.
Considering that you just said he stood for nothing, and bent over for everything, I very much doubt he'd let you clean up after his dog.

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington
Freeing slaves and supporting national sovereignty for colonies is not really all that "liberal" anymore....
Then what is it, assuming people are slaves and live in colonies?

Liberalism is Liberty, that will never change.
No, I am saying that those things are no longer considered radical.
A liberal success then, just as expected over time as humanity grows up.

"A liberal success. " ^
Without nationalism nations don't exist and everyone lives in the same shit the world over.

Globalism is never good,ever.

It inevitably leads us back to the Stone Age.

[nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m, nash-nuh-liz-]

See more synonyms on
spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
the desire for national advancement or political independence.
the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.
an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.
a movement, as in the arts, based upon the folk idioms, history, aspirations, etc., of a nation.
the definition of nationalism

Patriotism can be good, nationalism is not.

One world, no nation before another.
That entire definition was "good".

Without nationalism patriotism has no real bite and quickly collapses.

One Islamic shithole of a world you mean.
This is nationalism, now.

Fair or not.
Because of the racist and bigoted interpretation of politics today.
If the jackboot fits, Proud To Be White.
Apparently you have comprehension problems.

My post was a slight at you and your ilk for being racist idiots, and your post here just proves how right I am.
I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something.
Didn't see it, can you link it? And how do they reveal net worth? It doesn't add up.

I don't want to look it up but this article about covers it:

The Tax Analysts’ Tax History Project is compiling an online archive of candidates’ returns. Project Director Joseph J. Thorndike wrote in a May 12 blog post on that beyond an effective tax rate, “[r]eturns can shed light on the way a candidate lives his life. It can tell us about charitable giving as well as personal borrowing and investment activity. Returns can also illuminate the complicated business arrangements that often provide the bulk of a candidate’s income, especially for a real estate mogul like Trump.”

And the returns also “tell us a lot about how candidates conduct themselves in the gray areas of the tax law,” Thorndike wrote. “Some items on a tax return are black and white, like the income reported on a W-2. But other items, especially for someone with lots of non-salary business income, are open to debate and interpretation.” Trump’s Tax Returns
It doesn't cover shit. Did you even read it? Nowhere does it predict his tax liability or net worth.

I don't know where you got the idea that it doesn't cover shit because that assumption is patently false. You can learn plenty from tax returns and that's a simple fact. It isn't necessary to prove his net worth but it most definitely can show that a claim is false.
Rather than farting in the wind why don't you simply point out where it makes your case?

My case is simple. By not releasing his tax returns he is essentially disqualifying his candidacy. No modern candidate is going to skate and not show the people that he pays no tax, is off-shoring tons of money, can you imagine if Trump has moved his name offshore and doesn't even own the right to it? There is a lot you can learn, but not releasing those returns puts you under a cloud and no serious contender should be so stupid to ignore the cost of not releasing his returns.

[nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m, nash-nuh-liz-]

See more synonyms on
spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
the desire for national advancement or political independence.
the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.
an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.
a movement, as in the arts, based upon the folk idioms, history, aspirations, etc., of a nation.
the definition of nationalism

Patriotism can be good, nationalism is not.

One world, no nation before another.
That entire definition was "good".

Without nationalism patriotism has no real bite and quickly collapses.

One Islamic shithole of a world you mean.
This is nationalism, now.

Fair or not.
Because of the racist and bigoted interpretation of politics today.
If the jackboot fits, Proud To Be White.
Apparently you have comprehension problems.

My post was a slight at you and your ilk for being racist idiots, and your post here just proves how right I am.
Someone who based their nickname on White Pride is calling others racist?

Sure thing, kiddo.
Did anybody ever ask that question when Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama was running? I mean seriously his biography, allegedly written by friend ,political confidant and (former) terrorist Bill Ayers was titled "dreams of my father" but Barry's father was an African Nationalist radical who hated America.

I give Obama almost no chance of winning in 2016.
Liberals. Standing for nothing, bending over for everything.
liberalism | politics

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington
Doesn't mean what it does today, Sport. George didn't envision men in the ladies room or two guys getting married.
George lived before we knew germs caused disease.

And I doubt he cared about gay men, either way.

Considering he owned people, it wasn't the best of times for equality but he was still a liberal.
I see, so libs can own slaves. No, actually most of the founders, with few exceptions wanted a small limited government. They were rebelling against the throne and all its' glory after all. That does not describe modern day "liberalism".
You are not fit to lick Washington's boots.
Considering that you just said he stood for nothing, and bent over for everything, I very much doubt he'd let you clean up after his dog.

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington
Freeing slaves and supporting national sovereignty for colonies is not really all that "liberal" anymore....
Then what is it, assuming people are slaves and live in colonies?

Liberalism is Liberty, that will never change.
No, I am saying that those things are no longer considered radical.
A liberal success then, just as expected over time as humanity grows up.
Except the vast majority of the world is moving backwards, and globalism will make sure all advancements of the west are erased as well.
Like the America hating trash you are, you've been told countless times but you choose to ignore it.

That's the 3rd time you said this without including what you told him.

It has been stated many times. All you liberal trash have been told repeatedly. All you want to do is troll more. You have nothing so you twist and smoke and blow and turn and pretend. You stand for nothing but you'll bend over for anything.

How bout, instead of typing that over and over you could just, I don't know....quote what you told him? Is that Possible?
Didn't see it, can you link it? And how do they reveal net worth? It doesn't add up.

I don't want to look it up but this article about covers it:

The Tax Analysts’ Tax History Project is compiling an online archive of candidates’ returns. Project Director Joseph J. Thorndike wrote in a May 12 blog post on that beyond an effective tax rate, “[r]eturns can shed light on the way a candidate lives his life. It can tell us about charitable giving as well as personal borrowing and investment activity. Returns can also illuminate the complicated business arrangements that often provide the bulk of a candidate’s income, especially for a real estate mogul like Trump.”

And the returns also “tell us a lot about how candidates conduct themselves in the gray areas of the tax law,” Thorndike wrote. “Some items on a tax return are black and white, like the income reported on a W-2. But other items, especially for someone with lots of non-salary business income, are open to debate and interpretation.” Trump’s Tax Returns
It doesn't cover shit. Did you even read it? Nowhere does it predict his tax liability or net worth.

I don't know where you got the idea that it doesn't cover shit because that assumption is patently false. You can learn plenty from tax returns and that's a simple fact. It isn't necessary to prove his net worth but it most definitely can show that a claim is false.
Rather than farting in the wind why don't you simply point out where it makes your case?

My case is simple. By not releasing his tax returns he is essentially disqualifying his candidacy. No modern candidate is going to skate and not show the people that he pays no tax, is off-shoring tons of money, can you imagine if Trump has moved his name offshore and doesn't even own the right to it? There is a lot you can learn, but not releasing those returns puts you under a cloud and no serious contender should be so stupid to ignore the cost of not releasing his returns.
So you couldn't back it up. Didn't think so.
You’re not going to get a serious response from any Trump supporter, or most republicans, for that matter, as they blindly fall in line behind Trump – although a few months ago they were denouncing him and refusing to vote for him.

But you knew that already.

Yeah like this is about the 1.034th Trump thread and it's not like it's a new question or other words ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Maybe if some Trumpbot would answer the question there wouldn't be more of these threads.
That entire definition was "good".

Without nationalism patriotism has no real bite and quickly collapses.

One Islamic shithole of a world you mean.
This is nationalism, now.

Fair or not.
Because of the racist and bigoted interpretation of politics today.
If the jackboot fits, Proud To Be White.
Apparently you have comprehension problems.

My post was a slight at you and your ilk for being racist idiots, and your post here just proves how right I am.
Someone who based their nickname on White Pride is calling others racist?

Sure thing, kiddo.
Why are you so scared of equality?

"A liberal success. " ^
In their police state, that's their version of freedom fighters.

Article (Amendment 1 - Freedom of expression and religion) 13
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Their methods could use some moderation.

How bout, instead of typing that over and over you could just, I don't know....quote what you told him? Is that Possible?

It has been stated many times. All you liberal trash have been told repeatedly. All you want to do is troll more. You have nothing so you twist and smoke and blow and turn and pretend. You stand for nothing but you'll bend over for anything.
Bill Clinton's sex life = big deal.
Donald Trump's = no big deal.

You morons made the rules, now they have come back to haunt you.

Deception and misdirection is the number one rule for the traitor liberals trash infesting us.

Trumps sex life has not yet included an extramarital affair in the oval office of the president of the united states. And that matters. If Clinton had any moral character, I'm you traitors wouldn't think near as much him as you do.

I like how that was qualified with a “yet”… :redface::lmao:
This is nationalism, now.

Fair or not.
Because of the racist and bigoted interpretation of politics today.
If the jackboot fits, Proud To Be White.
Apparently you have comprehension problems.

My post was a slight at you and your ilk for being racist idiots, and your post here just proves how right I am.
Someone who based their nickname on White Pride is calling others racist?

Sure thing, kiddo.
Why are you so scared of equality?
Equality is what you seek, White Pride boy?


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