Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

George lived before we knew germs caused disease.

And I doubt he cared about gay men, either way.

Considering he owned people, it wasn't the best of times for equality but he was still a liberal.
I see, so libs can own slaves. No, actually most of the founders, with few exception want a small limited government. They were rebelling against the throne and all its' glory after all. That does not describe modern day "liberalism".

Right, that's why they made the Louisiana purchase and set a tax so that Navy veterans could have health care.
"They" being Jefferson. It was a great chance to expand, France needed money desperately for their war. That isn't a sign of liberalism that I can figure. Military is necessary for any nation. Along with borders. That's not liberalism by any definition.

Ha ha, Do you have any idea how greatly that expanded government?
In comparison to the increase in mass? I'd say almost nothing.

Expanding the country to twice its size has consequences, the move was completely a liberal undertaking a rube would have had apoplexy at the very thought.
My case is simple. By not releasing his tax returns he is essentially disqualifying his candidacy. No modern candidate is going to skate and not show the people that he pays no tax, is off-shoring tons of money, can you imagine if Trump has moved his name offshore and doesn't even own the right to it? There is a lot you can learn, but not releasing those returns puts you under a cloud and no serious contender should be so stupid to ignore the cost of not releasing his returns.
So you couldn't back it up. Didn't think so.

Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

Tax returns demonstrate his liabilities. His net worth is your creation and was never a subject of what his tax return would show. The returns would however establish what he was not worth and for someone who claims to be worth $10 billion that might be embarrassing.
Lying turd. You yammered on and on about how the WSJ and Forbes claims he wasn't worth near as much and now you are saying I made it an issue and somehow the tax returns wouldn't necessarily show what he was worth but what he was not worth?


LOL, If he produced his tax returns we wouldn't even have the basis for a disagreement.
I don't know where you got the idea that it doesn't cover shit because that assumption is patently false. You can learn plenty from tax returns and that's a simple fact. It isn't necessary to prove his net worth but it most definitely can show that a claim is false.
Rather than farting in the wind why don't you simply point out where it makes your case?

My case is simple. By not releasing his tax returns he is essentially disqualifying his candidacy. No modern candidate is going to skate and not show the people that he pays no tax, is off-shoring tons of money, can you imagine if Trump has moved his name offshore and doesn't even own the right to it? There is a lot you can learn, but not releasing those returns puts you under a cloud and no serious contender should be so stupid to ignore the cost of not releasing his returns.
So you couldn't back it up. Didn't think so.

Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

The problem here is that you object to the idea that his returns would show his net worth. An idea you and only you brought up.
This reminds US of the liberal airheads who say there aren't any instances of Islamization going on. (when there have been THOUSANDS OF THEM), All because THEIR MEDIA TELLS THEM THERE HAVEN'T BEEN, and doesn't report Islamizaiton, so they not only remain ignorant of it, but they remain ignorant of the fact that they're ignorant. That's what happen when you put stock in people for years, who OMIT information from you and lie to you, continually.

Be that as it may, why do you support Trump? Why can none of these rabid Trump supporters tell me why they support him?
Probably because you are using terms like rabid to describe them. You're just a dumbfuck on the internet. Nobody owes you anything.

So you have no idea why you support Trump. It seems there is a lot of that going around on the right.
I do and said so many times. I'm just not going to repeat myself to every stupid liberal that claims his supporters know nothing. It doesn't work that way.

But notice all the talk is on Trump. Reason being there's nothing to spotlight on the left.

I can only believe that the reason you won't give any reason for supporting Trump is because you can't articulate any logical, clear policies that Trump advocates.

But I have some reasons for opposing him.

1. He appears too unstable a personality to put in charge of government.

2. He has chosen advisers who would continue the economic practices that widen the divide between the rich and the majority.

3. He doesn't appear to have any real values. There are Trump quotes recorded over several years that show him to be on every side of every issue.

4. He is emotionally adolescent and crude. But this may be his appeal to immature non-thinkers.
Many here, including me have articulated it many times. We could spend the rest of the day saying it again and tomorrow liberals would create a new thread wondering why we supported Trump.

This isn't kindergarten, you can't get away with it. If you admit to being clueless it's on you.
If the jackboot fits, Proud To Be White.
Apparently you have comprehension problems.

My post was a slight at you and your ilk for being racist idiots, and your post here just proves how right I am.
Someone who based their nickname on White Pride is calling others racist?

Sure thing, kiddo.
Why are you so scared of equality?
Equality is what you seek, White Pride boy?


I want the right for white college students to be able to create their advocacy groups without any major controversy and I want the colleges to fund their endeavors with tuition payments, just like every other racial group on these campuses.

I want Native Europeans to be recognized as indigenous peoples of Europe with rights protected by groups like Amnesty International(which would kill off all but the "far right" parties there).

I want white people anywhere and everywhere to be able to have the same reverence for their ancestors and their culture as anyone else is allowed to without being called "a racist".

This is equality.
That would be this? Pass.

Have no fear, hummus is here.

The white man will be equal, when all others are.
Rather than farting in the wind why don't you simply point out where it makes your case?

My case is simple. By not releasing his tax returns he is essentially disqualifying his candidacy. No modern candidate is going to skate and not show the people that he pays no tax, is off-shoring tons of money, can you imagine if Trump has moved his name offshore and doesn't even own the right to it? There is a lot you can learn, but not releasing those returns puts you under a cloud and no serious contender should be so stupid to ignore the cost of not releasing his returns.
So you couldn't back it up. Didn't think so.

Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

The problem here is that you object to the idea that his returns would show his net worth. An idea you and only you brought up.

Then please show where I said that.
So you couldn't back it up. Didn't think so.

Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

Tax returns demonstrate his liabilities. His net worth is your creation and was never a subject of what his tax return would show. The returns would however establish what he was not worth and for someone who claims to be worth $10 billion that might be embarrassing.
Lying turd. You yammered on and on about how the WSJ and Forbes claims he wasn't worth near as much and now you are saying I made it an issue and somehow the tax returns wouldn't necessarily show what he was worth but what he was not worth?


LOL, If he produced his tax returns we wouldn't even have the basis for a disagreement.
Who cares about your disagreement? How can you still think your opinion matters???
Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

Tax returns demonstrate his liabilities. His net worth is your creation and was never a subject of what his tax return would show. The returns would however establish what he was not worth and for someone who claims to be worth $10 billion that might be embarrassing.
Lying turd. You yammered on and on about how the WSJ and Forbes claims he wasn't worth near as much and now you are saying I made it an issue and somehow the tax returns wouldn't necessarily show what he was worth but what he was not worth?


LOL, If he produced his tax returns we wouldn't even have the basis for a disagreement.
Who cares about your disagreement? How can you still think your opinion matters???

If you're going to be a smartass, first and foremost you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
My case is simple. By not releasing his tax returns he is essentially disqualifying his candidacy. No modern candidate is going to skate and not show the people that he pays no tax, is off-shoring tons of money, can you imagine if Trump has moved his name offshore and doesn't even own the right to it? There is a lot you can learn, but not releasing those returns puts you under a cloud and no serious contender should be so stupid to ignore the cost of not releasing his returns.
So you couldn't back it up. Didn't think so.

Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

The problem here is that you object to the idea that his returns would show his net worth. An idea you and only you brought up.

Then please show where I said that.

You said:
How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Do you see it?
Yes, and tax professionals say that the returns can show that he is not worth the $10 billion he claims, but at the more modest number Forbes and the Wall Street Journal point to.
Apparently you have comprehension problems.

My post was a slight at you and your ilk for being racist idiots, and your post here just proves how right I am.
Someone who based their nickname on White Pride is calling others racist?

Sure thing, kiddo.
Why are you so scared of equality?
Equality is what you seek, White Pride boy?


I want the right for white college students to be able to create their advocacy groups without any major controversy and I want the colleges to fund their endeavors with tuition payments, just like every other racial group on these campuses.

I want Native Europeans to be recognized as indigenous peoples of Europe with rights protected by groups like Amnesty International(which would kill off all but the "far right" parties there).

I want white people anywhere and everywhere to be able to have the same reverence for their ancestors and their culture as anyone else is allowed to without being called "a racist".

This is equality.
That would be this? Pass.

Have no fear, hummus is here.

The white man will be equal, when all others are.
More racist nonsense....
Someone who based their nickname on White Pride is calling others racist?

Sure thing, kiddo.
Why are you so scared of equality?
Equality is what you seek, White Pride boy?


I want the right for white college students to be able to create their advocacy groups without any major controversy and I want the colleges to fund their endeavors with tuition payments, just like every other racial group on these campuses.

I want Native Europeans to be recognized as indigenous peoples of Europe with rights protected by groups like Amnesty International(which would kill off all but the "far right" parties there).

I want white people anywhere and everywhere to be able to have the same reverence for their ancestors and their culture as anyone else is allowed to without being called "a racist".

This is equality.
That would be this? Pass.

Have no fear, hummus is here.

The white man will be equal, when all others are.
More racist nonsense....
When you represent White Pride, playing the Race Card is very ineffective.
So you couldn't back it up. Didn't think so.

Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

The problem here is that you object to the idea that his returns would show his net worth. An idea you and only you brought up.

Then please show where I said that.

You said:
How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Do you see it?

His tax returns will show how much he made and how much he lost, to a great extent. Cumulatively you can get a rough idea of his net worth. That's my guess anyway.
Why are you so scared of equality?
Equality is what you seek, White Pride boy?


I want the right for white college students to be able to create their advocacy groups without any major controversy and I want the colleges to fund their endeavors with tuition payments, just like every other racial group on these campuses.

I want Native Europeans to be recognized as indigenous peoples of Europe with rights protected by groups like Amnesty International(which would kill off all but the "far right" parties there).

I want white people anywhere and everywhere to be able to have the same reverence for their ancestors and their culture as anyone else is allowed to without being called "a racist".

This is equality.
That would be this? Pass.

Have no fear, hummus is here.

The white man will be equal, when all others are.
More racist nonsense....
When you represent White Pride, playing the Race Card is very ineffective.
Only to a racist bumpkin.
Sorry, that is backup. No taxes, no presidency. You must be the only person in America who it doesn't matter to.
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

The problem here is that you object to the idea that his returns would show his net worth. An idea you and only you brought up.

Then please show where I said that.

You said:
How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Do you see it?

His tax returns will show how much he made and how much he lost, to a great extent. Cumulatively you can get a rough idea of his net worth. That's my guess anyway.

The question that everyone wants to know is does he even pay taxes?
Why are you so scared of equality?
Equality is what you seek, White Pride boy?


I want the right for white college students to be able to create their advocacy groups without any major controversy and I want the colleges to fund their endeavors with tuition payments, just like every other racial group on these campuses.

I want Native Europeans to be recognized as indigenous peoples of Europe with rights protected by groups like Amnesty International(which would kill off all but the "far right" parties there).

I want white people anywhere and everywhere to be able to have the same reverence for their ancestors and their culture as anyone else is allowed to without being called "a racist".

This is equality.
That would be this? Pass.

Have no fear, hummus is here.

The white man will be equal, when all others are.
More racist nonsense....
When you represent White Pride, playing the Race Card is very ineffective.

His race card is the Ace of Base.

(lol, pop culture trivia: How A Pop Band Tricked 9 Million Americans Into Being Nazis)
You little lying turd.

You said:
"How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Then you said:
"I pointed out what his tax returns would show. Too bad you weren't interested enough to learn something."

So you proved nothing about what his tax liability would be or what his net worth is. For thinking you could get away with it that makes you a dumb asshole.

The problem here is that you object to the idea that his returns would show his net worth. An idea you and only you brought up.

Then please show where I said that.

You said:
How do we know he is a successful businessman ? because he says so? The Wall Street Journal and Forbes both have said he is worth much less and unless he releases his tax returns to prove it I say he is a colossal failure in the middle of a scam."

So I said:
"STILL stuck on stupid. Tax returns don't show net worth. I explained and and you cannot grasp it. Do you even have a job?"

Do you see it?

His tax returns will show how much he made and how much he lost, to a great extent. Cumulatively you can get a rough idea of his net worth. That's my guess anyway.

The question that everyone wants to know is does he even pay taxes?

Using pure reason and logic, it's a great bet that he paid very little, simply because there is no other good reason for taking the heat of not releasing them.
Successful businessman? Bankrupt four times and how many failed businesses? A man who professes to be a billionaire who has to scam people out of money from a phony university?
If you had a net worth of $10 Billion and major real estate properties all over the world, you'd be called successful too. What a laugh, liberals trying to paint one of the most succe$$ful people in th world as unsuccessful. Sheeesh. No end to the idiocy liberals will stoop to.

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