Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

Successful businessman? Bankrupt four times and how many failed businesses? A man who professes to be a billionaire who has to scam people out of money from a phony university?
If you had a net worth of $10 Billion and major real estate properties all over the world, you'd be called successful too. What a laugh, liberals trying to paint one of the most succe$$ful people in th world as unsuccessful. Sheeesh. No end to the idiocy liberals will stoop to.

Does an authentic billionaire have to run a money making scheme from a phony university?
NOT being like Hillary and Obama. He at least likes this country and wants to help it rather than just himself.

Let me stop the liberals right there and save them time and effort by responding FOR them:

- "UH-UH!"

- "You're a racist!"

- "You're a liar!"

- "You suck!"

- "Provide a link!"

- "B...B...B... Buuuuuusssshhhhhh!" :crybaby:
NOT being like Hillary and Obama. He at least likes this country and wants to help it rather than just himself.

Let me stop the liberals right there and save them time and effort by responding FOR them:

- "UH-UH!"

- "You're a racist!"

- "You're a liar!"

- "You suck!"

- "Provide a link!"

- "B...B...B... Buuuuuusssshhhhhh!" :crybaby:

Release the returns and prove he likes the country by paying taxes and not off shoring money.
To know what Trump stands for, try to think like a con man. Trump intentionally changes his positions to keep people off balance and to keep himself slippery so he doesn't have to defend his positions (he can't because he hasn't thought them through enough). He makes grand statements, then backs away from them in order to first grab the attention of the mad-as-hell types, then softens in an attempt to appease those turned off by extreme positions.
There's no depth to his knowledge(to put it mildly), and far too often he's just flat out wrong in his assessments of economics, foreign policy, national defense and social issues. In a nutshell, the man doesn't know what in the hell he's talking about, so he's forced to be slippery, lie, and shift positions just like a con man does.
Don The Con is intellectually and emotionally unfit for office.
To know what Trump stands for, try to think like a con man. Trump intentionally changes his positions to keep people off balance and to keep himself slippery so he doesn't have to defend his positions (he can't because he hasn't thought them trough enough). He makes grand statements, then backs away from them in order to first grab the attention of the mad-as-hell types, then softens in an attempt to appease those turned off by extreme positions.
There's no depth to his knowledge(to put it mildly), and far too often he's just flat out wrong in his assessments of economics, foreign policy, national defense and social issues. In a nutshell, then man doesn't know what in the hell he's talking about, so he's forced to be slippery, lie, and shift positions just like a con man does.
Don The Con is not intellectually or emotionally fit for office.
Literally the entire "progressive" movement.....
Liberals. Standing for nothing. Bending over for everything.

Shouldn't you be out cornholing a canoer?

It's memorial day, not butt fuck a liberal day.

So I guess you’ll be able to sit down for a change?

Smoke snark shiggle jiggle blow twist and gag. The liberal play book.
If laughter is the best medicine your posts could cure the world. Ha Ha
When Trump is president, liberal tears will end the cali drought before Trump does.
No one ,in the last year, has made any sense when they talk about Trump. A few posts above some said Trump is for the chain of command.

That's about as sensible as the rest of the drivel I've read from Trumpies.

I can only assume that his supporters don't know anything about him. He makes a few outrageous statements and non-thinkers act as if he's a new messiah. I guess they take him on faith only.
That was already refuted in Post # 57. here it is again >> :biggrin:

Dum dum liberals actually believe the spinfeathers they are fed by their liberal media dogs. Never mind that the Trump policies have already been out for months in both the Trump website and the book Crippled America. Doesn't matter. Pitiful, hypnotized liberals still plod merrily along with the talking lines their masters laid out for them months before the website and book came out.

You almost feel compelled to feel sorry for the poor souls. Just for the record, I counted 27 policies stated in the book and website, and there have been more announced since these were written. Total probably is somewhere around 40. Liberals won't admit it though. They've gotten used to their no policy line, and they're in love with it.

Is there a doctor in the house ?
Trump just got through saying there is no California drought.

The national weather service says differently. I'd say there is a 99.999999999 percent chance that you are a liar.
No, you are the liar. He says the politicians are witholding the water for some reason.

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