Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?


Even his advisors and spokespeople can't say what he's for. So if anyone tell you, they are making it up and don't know for sure.

The same is true when even HRC is asked about her accomplishments. She and her cabal are speechless.

I said spokesperson and advisor and you reply with "cabal". See how you tried to compare Trump's advisors to random Hilary supporters? Thats was pretty slick tho. Nice try.
That's a lot of wants on basic things with nothing more than wants.

Treat vets better!!

Education is a disaster!!

Bring jobs back. Not his jobs that are in Mexico and China but trust him.

Build a wall, Mexico will pay. What of they don't pay? Trump says don't worry, they will. Oh ok.

Funding his own campaign because he's not bought like other pols...except now he's looking for donations. Not because he will be paid for...different rules for Trump.

Object to easily objectionable things and say you'll make it better. How? Trust.

Liberals. Standing for nothing, bending over for everything.
That's a weird defense.
Trump and Hillary have the same 2 objectives in this campaign



enriching themselves

Neither gives a damn about the country

The problem with your "theory" is that Donald Trump is already rich, famous and has a great family. Best-selling author, highly successful TV show, incredibly successful executive. Oh...that's right, the position of President of the United States is an EXECUTIVE position.
Trump and Hillary have the same 2 objectives in this campaign



enriching themselves

Neither gives a damn about the country

The problem with your "theory" is that Donald Trump is already rich, famous and has a great family. Best-selling author, highly successful TV show, incredibly successful executive. Oh...that's right, the position of President of the United States is an EXECUTIVE position.

The problem with your theory is that. like any businessman, Trump wants to be the top dog, and have an even bigger bank account.

and there is NO bigger executive position than the presidency.
The question that everyone wants to know is does he even pay taxes?

I hope as little as is legally possible.

I always took any deduction possible. If there was a question, I took the deduction. If IRS questioned it, they had to prove it wasn't if they did, I paid the tax. If I was audited, so what, I got a free audit.

None of my tax returns ever showed the current market value of any of the properties I owned. Neither would any of Donald Trumps.

They just want to know how much tax he paid and what his gross income was for the year.

Of more interest is why, when the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation suddenly revised their last FIVE tax returns when the Foundation came under scrutiny. You do know the FBI is looking into their slush fund too do you not?
No, you are the liar. He says the politicians are witholding the water for some reason.

You are quite right.

There would be no draught were it not for the environmentalists withholding the water to SAVE THE DELTA SMELT. A two or three-inch fish that does...nothing.
The problem with your theory is that. like any businessman, Trump wants to be the top dog, and have an even bigger bank account.
and there is NO bigger executive position than the presidency.

How is that a problem? Has it worked out better having a president who has spent eight years apologising for the success of our nation?

Neither President Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders have accomplished anything in private life. The Clinton's and President Obama have become multi-millionaires by being in office. Bernie Sanders didn't even have a real job until he was 40 years old. Somehow, he managed to get thrown out of a commune for being too lazy. Poor Bernie hasn't even accumulated any great wealth in office and has not accomplished anything legislatively either.

Personally, I have always followed WINNERS, I would only work with them, chose them as a mentor, hired them.

Why do Progressives admire losers? Because they are one and they love being with like losers?
While I have no skins in this game, I find it hilarious that the only argument that leftards have for touting Hitlery Clinton, the biggest bitch/witch that ever lived is by attacking Trump. They sure can't use Hitlery's record, point to it and speak of her accomplishments.

She supported NAFTA and then claimed that she was against it, she was onboard with the TPP, now she is against it. So many examples of her lying, so many examples of her ducking and dodging questions concerning everything from Whitewater, Benghazi, Libya and E-Mailgate....

Seems like their campaign slogan is "Vote Hitlery....She isn't the Donald!!!".

Yeah, you go with that......
To make matters worse, anti-Semitic white supremacists recently announced that they view Trump’s relative silence on the issue “as an endorsement.”

This surge of anti-Semitism has been unsettling to many, but is hitting one group especially hard: Jewish political reporters who cover Trump, many of whom who say they are regularly subject to anti-Semitic harassment by his supporters online.

Please show us the source and links stating that all the Jewish reporters covering Donald Trump say they are subject to anti-Semitic harassment by any of Trumps employees.

Even his advisors and spokespeople can't say what he's for. So if anyone tell you, they are making it up and don't know for sure.

The same is true when even HRC is asked about her accomplishments. She and her cabal are speechless.
Grammy winner
8 years FLOTUS
2 time elected Senator from NY
4 years as US SoS

Easily the most qualified person to seek the office since Bush 41.

Your move.
No, you are the liar. He says the politicians are witholding the water for some reason.

How exactly does one withhold rainwater?

You're joking, right?


Not sure how, if it’s raining outside, a politician stops the water from falling.

Sure. Here you go. He turns you upside down and lets you "collect" it.

Well, it’s an answer. Childish, stupid, and non-sensical but hey, you’re a Drumpf supporter. Its exactly the type of answer I suspected.

Now issue a profane statement. GO!

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