Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

A Bombshell Letter Exposes Donald Trump’s Hated For And War On Disabled Veterans

While Trump is campaigning on his love of the troops a letter that Trump once wrote trying to deny disabled vets an opportunity to make a living sheds light on his real feelings.…

The New York Daily News reported on Trump’s decades-long war on New York’s disabled veteran street peddlers:

But Trump has time and again pushed New York to limit laws on peddling — including by veterans, who can get special vendor licenses from the Department of Consumer Affairs in thanks for their service.

“While disabled veterans should be given every opportunity to earn a living, is it fair to do so to the detriment of the city as a whole or its tax paying citizens and businesses?” Trump wrote in a 1991 letter to John Dearie, then-chairman of the state Assembly’s Committee on Cities.

“Do we allow Fifth Ave., one of the world’s finest and most luxurious shopping districts, to be turned into an outdoor flea market, clogging and seriously downgrading the area?” Trump demanded.


He complained in a letter to then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg that the ambiance of Fifth Ave. — the address of his gleaming Trump Tower headquarters — was being wrecked by peddlers, including some he accused of only posing as vets.
Sounds like his position is reasonable, and has nothing to do with being against veterans.
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

I think it depends on what time of the day he's for something, because 5 minutes later he's not. In fact some people believe he has early signs of dementia.

I’m one of them but not because of the inability to remember; he does something (I think it was my grand mother) did and you could really pick it up during the debates….he repeats himself immediately two and three times.
I’m one of them but not because of the inability to remember; he does something (I think it was my grand mother) did and you could really pick it up during the debates….he repeats himself immediately two and three times.
That's a personality trait. I've seen a number of people who have that characteristic. They were all in their teens and 20's. Nice try.

I think it depends on what time of the day he's for something, because 5 minutes later he's not. In fact some people believe he has early signs of dementia.

You mean unlike someone like Hillary who was broke,
I mean, who was worth 25 million,
I mean, who was worth 35 million,
I mean, who was worth 65 million,
I mean who is worth 85 million.
Yep, Hillary is one "with it" chick.
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.

Have you considered Indexed glasses?
I mean, what with Obama and Hillary running the US, you should have been able to buy the best glasses.
And how about a picture of you WITHOUT your mom?
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.

Have you considered Indexed glasses?
I mean, what with Obama and Hillary running the US, you should have been able to buy the best glasses.
And how about a picture of you WITHOUT your mom?

HaHa, a wannabe comedian. I bet your bath toys as a child were an Iron and a toaster.
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.

Have you considered Indexed glasses?
I mean, what with Obama and Hillary running the US, you should have been able to buy the best glasses.
And how about a picture of you WITHOUT your mom?

HaHa, a wannabe comedian. I bet your bath toys as a child were an Iron and a toaster.

It's YOUR avatar, not mine.
It seems you are obsessed with pussy; no wonder you support the Clintons.
Whenever you ask a Drumpf supporter where their messiah stands, they can’t tell you except they seem to know where HRC and BHO stand in a moment’s notice. Says a lot about how much they care for their deity
Whenever you ask a Drumpf supporter where their messiah stands, they can’t tell you except they seem to know where HRC and BHO stand in a moment’s notice. Says a lot about how much they care for their deity

Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.
I know you're obsessed with Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage.
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.

Have you considered Indexed glasses?
I mean, what with Obama and Hillary running the US, you should have been able to buy the best glasses.
And how about a picture of you WITHOUT your mom?

HaHa, a wannabe comedian. I bet your bath toys as a child were an Iron and a toaster.

It's YOUR avatar, not mine.
It seems you are obsessed with pussy; no wonder you support the Clintons.

I would rather be obsessed with pussy than with a short fingered vulgarian.
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.

Have you considered Indexed glasses?
I mean, what with Obama and Hillary running the US, you should have been able to buy the best glasses.
And how about a picture of you WITHOUT your mom?

HaHa, a wannabe comedian. I bet your bath toys as a child were an Iron and a toaster.

It's YOUR avatar, not mine.
It seems you are obsessed with pussy; no wonder you support the Clintons.

I would rather be obsessed with pussy than with a short fingered vulgarian.

I'm obsessed with voting against a MEGA Millionaire who thinks she's broke.
Seriously, the woman can't even read a bank statement.
During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.

Have you considered Indexed glasses?
I mean, what with Obama and Hillary running the US, you should have been able to buy the best glasses.
And how about a picture of you WITHOUT your mom?

HaHa, a wannabe comedian. I bet your bath toys as a child were an Iron and a toaster.

It's YOUR avatar, not mine.
It seems you are obsessed with pussy; no wonder you support the Clintons.

I would rather be obsessed with pussy than with a short fingered vulgarian.

I'm obsessed with voting against a MEGA Millionaire who thinks she's broke.
Seriously, the woman can't even read a bank statement.

I would rather vote for a woman who gets paid for giving speeches than vote for someone who has to scam people Bernie Maddoff style in a phony university.
Have you considered Indexed glasses?
I mean, what with Obama and Hillary running the US, you should have been able to buy the best glasses.
And how about a picture of you WITHOUT your mom?

HaHa, a wannabe comedian. I bet your bath toys as a child were an Iron and a toaster.

It's YOUR avatar, not mine.
It seems you are obsessed with pussy; no wonder you support the Clintons.

I would rather be obsessed with pussy than with a short fingered vulgarian.

I'm obsessed with voting against a MEGA Millionaire who thinks she's broke.
Seriously, the woman can't even read a bank statement.

I would rather vote for a woman who gets paid for giving speeches than vote for someone who has to scam people Bernie Maddoff style in a phony university.

Give me one reason to vote for Hillary other than she's not Trump.
I have a rather extroverted personality so I like Trump and I'm for Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.
Whenever you ask a Drumpf supporter where their messiah stands, they can’t tell you except they seem to know where HRC and BHO stand in a moment’s notice. Says a lot about how much they care for their deity

Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.
I know you're obsessed with Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage.

Okay, he’s for the 45% tariff because I’ve heard both things.

Here is a quote from your messiah:

TRUMP: The 45% tariff is a threat. It was not a tax, it was a threat. It will be a tax if they don't behave. Take China as an example. I have many friends, great manufacturers, they want to go into China. They can't. China won't let them. We talk about free trade. It's not tree free trade; it's stupid trade. China dumps everything that they have over here. No tax, no anything. We can't get into China. The best manufacturers, when they get in, they have to pay a tremendous tax. The 45% is a threat that if they don't behave, we will tax you. It doesn't have to be 45, it could be less. But it has to be something because our country and our trade and our deals and most importantly our jobs are going to hell.?

So, if they don’t “behave”—whatever that means—we may see a tax, maybe not? And how do you tax someone who owns a large % of your debt?

Everyone is for “legal” immigration.

Since you brought it up,

What are his latest/current views on Abortion and Same Sex Marriage?
HaHa, a wannabe comedian. I bet your bath toys as a child were an Iron and a toaster.

It's YOUR avatar, not mine.
It seems you are obsessed with pussy; no wonder you support the Clintons.

I would rather be obsessed with pussy than with a short fingered vulgarian.

I'm obsessed with voting against a MEGA Millionaire who thinks she's broke.
Seriously, the woman can't even read a bank statement.

I would rather vote for a woman who gets paid for giving speeches than vote for someone who has to scam people Bernie Maddoff style in a phony university.

Give me one reason to vote for Hillary other than she's not Trump.
I have a rather extroverted personality so I like Trump and I'm for Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.

Puhleeze, you wouldn't vote for H Clinton who do you think you're fooling?

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