Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

Trump will say whatever he has to, to get what he wants.

"In 1999, Trump stated that though he “hate[d] the concept of abortion,” that he was “very pro-choice,” and that he would not even ban partial-birth abortions. Trump later stated that after consulting with doctors that he would be in favor of banning partial-birth abortions.

Today, Trump states that he is “pro-life,” with exceptions for rape, incest or when the mother’s life is in danger. His current stance became particularly muddled, however, when in the same interview, he responded that “it depends when” in the pregnancy a woman desires an abortion if it should be permissible."
Top 7 Biggest Donald Trump Flip-Flops
In 2000, Trump indicated that while he “generally oppose[d]” gun control, he was in favor of bans on assault weapons, waiting periods and background checks. He also criticized Republicans on the topic, as he stated that they “walk the NRA line and refuse even limited restrictions.”

Now, Trump states that he is staunchly against gun control, that “the Second Amendment is right, not a privilege,” and that he “do[es] not support expanding background checks.”
In 2000, Trump favored privatization of Social Security, stating that, “Privatization would be good for all of us. Directing Social Security funds into personal accounts invested in real assets would swell national savings, pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into jobs and the economy. These investments would boost national investment, productivity, wages, and future economic growth.”

In 2011, Trump spoke out against any modifications of Social Security, saying that “We as a society must also make an ironclad commitment to providing a safety net for those who can’t make one for themselves. Social Security is here to stay. To be sure, we must reform it, root out the fraud, make it more efficient, and ensure that the program is solvent.”
Trump has a long history with Hillary Clinton, donating to her campaigns in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007, as well as donating a six-digit sum to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton even attended Trump’s 2005 wedding, and Trump once called her a “fantastic Senator.” He had similar praise for Jeb Bush in 2000, saying “He’s exactly the kind of political leader this country needs now and will very much need in the future. . .He’s bright, tough, and principled. I like the Bush family very much. I believe we could get another president from the Bushes. He may be the one.”

Today, Trump calls Hillary Clinton “the worst Secretary of State in the history of our nation” and says that she would be “a terrible president.” On Jeb Bush, he referred to him as “pathetic” for his support of Common Core, and said that his immigration policy is “baby stuff.” He has also said that in regards to Bush facing Clinton, “Jeb Bush will never take us to the promised land. . .No matter what you do, it’s not going to happen.”
I'm with decent American citizens, who would never consider voting for someone like Trump.
No you're not. You're with the govt of Mexico, who is invading the USA, committing imperialism with its cheap labor 'troops", as it has been for 70 years, and is engaging in international burglary, looting our economy of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$ more per year in welfare to Mexicans in the US, through misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, the anchor baby racket, & false documentation, while stealing Americans' jobs in the process. Nothing "decent' about that.

You're also with the Muslim Brotherhood front groups supporting Hillary Clinton, whose goal is to destroy America.

You're also with Benjamin Crump, (Hillary endorser)part of Obama's race hustlers group (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc) who go around instigating riots.

You're also with the National Org of Women, which endorses Hillary, and which hypocritically claims to support women, yet says nothing about about the worst oppression of women in America, that being the oppression of Muslim women by Muslim men.

You're also with the racist NAACP (which endorses Hillary), and hypocritically claims to be for civil rights, but supports and pushes Affirmative Action racial discrimination against white people.

None of these who your are with, are decent.
I'm with decent American citizens, who would never consider voting for someone like Trump.
No you're not. You're with the govt of Mexico, who is invading the USA, committing imperialism with its cheap labor 'troops", as it has been for 70 years, and is engaging in international burglary, looting our economy of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$ more per year in welfare to Mexicans in the US, through misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, the anchor baby racket, & false documentation, while stealing Americans' jobs in the process. Nothing "decent' about that.

You're also with the Muslim Brotherhood front groups supporting Hillary Clinton, whose goal is to destroy America.

You're also with Benjamin Crump, (Hillary endorser)part of Obama's race hustlers group (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc) who go around instigating riots.

You're also with the National Org of Women, which endorses Hillary, and which hypocritically claims to support women, yet says nothing about about the worst oppression of women in America, that being the oppression of Muslim women by Muslim men.

You're also with the racist NAACP (which endorses Hillary), and hypocritically claims to be for civil rights, but supports and pushes Affirmative Action racial discrimination against white people.

None of these who your are with, are decent.
Those who would destroy America are those like Trump and his ignorant minions, who know no better.

Keeping you at bay is how we save the place.

“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety. deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” - Ben Franklin

That's you, afraid of the dreaded "others".
Link them? That asshole can't remember what he says from one interview to the next.

Trump vs. Trump: A Look at Donald Trump's Evolving Positions Over the Years - NBC News
So what if his positions have evolved ? So have mine. I was a left-wing liberal for 40 years, and turned conservative about 5 years ago, and am now a registered Republican. What matters is what Trump's positions are now, and this thread is a textbook case of how IGNORANT liberals are of what Trump's policies are, simply because they limit themselves to propaganda factory liberal media, which specialize in OMIITTING information. This thread is a pathetic example of liberal ignorance, and airhead liberals not knowing how much they don't know.

And Trump's position are not so different now from what they were in the past. I did a thread listin 18 positions of Trump that are the same now as they were between 1999 and 2011. There is also a video from the 1980's, with Trump being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey in which he says 90% the same as he says now.
Trump will say whatever he has to, to get what he wants.

"In 1999, Trump stated that though he “hate[d] the concept of abortion,” that he was “very pro-choice,” and that he would not even ban partial-birth abortions. Trump later stated that after consulting with doctors that he would be in favor of banning partial-birth abortions.

Today, Trump states that he is “pro-life,” with exceptions for rape, incest or when the mother’s life is in danger. His current stance became particularly muddled, however, when in the same interview, he responded that “it depends when” in the pregnancy a woman desires an abortion if it should be permissible."
Top 7 Biggest Donald Trump Flip-Flops
EARTH TO JACK: 1999 was 17 years ago. LOL.
Trump will say whatever he has to, to get what he wants.

"In 1999, Trump stated that though he “hate[d] the concept of abortion,” that he was “very pro-choice,” and that he would not even ban partial-birth abortions. Trump later stated that after consulting with doctors that he would be in favor of banning partial-birth abortions.

Today, Trump states that he is “pro-life,” with exceptions for rape, incest or when the mother’s life is in danger. His current stance became particularly muddled, however, when in the same interview, he responded that “it depends when” in the pregnancy a woman desires an abortion if it should be permissible."
Top 7 Biggest Donald Trump Flip-Flops
EARTH TO JACK: 1999 was 17 years ago. LOL.
Add 20 years to that and my position still hasn't change because it was right the first time. Trump believe it nothing, unless it pays off for him.
Link them? That asshole can't remember what he says from one interview to the next.

Trump vs. Trump: A Look at Donald Trump's Evolving Positions Over the Years - NBC News
So what if his positions have evolved ? So have mine. I was a left-wing liberal for 40 years, and turned conservative about 5 years ago, and am now a registered Republican. What matters is what Trump's positions are now, and this thread is a textbook case of how IGNORANT liberals are of what Trump's policies are, simply because they limit themselves to propaganda factory liberal media, which specialize in OMIITTING information. This thread is a pathetic example of liberal ignorance, and airhead liberals not knowing how much they don't know.

And Trump's position are not so different now from what they were in the past. I did a thread listin 18 positions of Trump that are the same now as they were between 1999 and 2011. There is also a video from the 1980's, with Trump being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey in which he says 90% the same as he says now.
Trump has only one position, Trump.
Those who would destroy America are those like Trump and his ignorant minions, who know no better.

Keeping you at bay is how we save the place.

“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety. deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” - Ben Franklin

That's you, afraid of the dreaded "others".
NO! Those who are trying to destroy America are the Muslim Brotherhood (like Hillary Clinton's right-hand girl, Huma Abedin) who she supports, but you are too information-deprived to know it.

Keeping YOU at bay is how WE save the place.

And Benjamin Franklin didn't live in 2016. If he did, he sure wouldn't refer to national security mesures to stop ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the internal jihad as "a little Temporary Safety"

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