Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

Whenever you ask a Drumpf supporter where their messiah stands, they can’t tell you except they seem to know where HRC and BHO stand in a moment’s notice. Says a lot about how much they care for their deity

Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.
I know you're obsessed with Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage.

Okay, he’s for the 45% tariff because I’ve heard both things.

Here is a quote from your messiah:

TRUMP: The 45% tariff is a threat. It was not a tax, it was a threat. It will be a tax if they don't behave. Take China as an example. I have many friends, great manufacturers, they want to go into China. They can't. China won't let them. We talk about free trade. It's not tree free trade; it's stupid trade. China dumps everything that they have over here. No tax, no anything. We can't get into China. The best manufacturers, when they get in, they have to pay a tremendous tax. The 45% is a threat that if they don't behave, we will tax you. It doesn't have to be 45, it could be less. But it has to be something because our country and our trade and our deals and most importantly our jobs are going to hell.?

So, if they don’t “behave”—whatever that means—we may see a tax, maybe not? And how do you tax someone who owns a large % of your debt?

Everyone is for “legal” immigration.

Since you brought it up,

What are his latest/current views on Abortion and Same Sex Marriage?

How thick are you?
China changes the value of it's currency whenever it wants and their government highjacks farmers to slave labor factories.
You're not a very good Liberal when it comes to slave labor.
It's YOUR avatar, not mine.
It seems you are obsessed with pussy; no wonder you support the Clintons.

I would rather be obsessed with pussy than with a short fingered vulgarian.

I'm obsessed with voting against a MEGA Millionaire who thinks she's broke.
Seriously, the woman can't even read a bank statement.

I would rather vote for a woman who gets paid for giving speeches than vote for someone who has to scam people Bernie Maddoff style in a phony university.

Give me one reason to vote for Hillary other than she's not Trump.
I have a rather extroverted personality so I like Trump and I'm for Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.

Puhleeze, you wouldn't vote for H Clinton who do you think you're fooling?

I wouldn't vote for any Clinton or Bush having lived through what both scummy families did to this country.
I voted for Obama to keep "Free Trade" Romney from becoming President.
Hillary hasn't done anything but campaign since Bill left office.
Whenever you ask a Drumpf supporter where their messiah stands, they can’t tell you except they seem to know where HRC and BHO stand in a moment’s notice. Says a lot about how much they care for their deity

Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.
I know you're obsessed with Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage.

Okay, he’s for the 45% tariff because I’ve heard both things.

Here is a quote from your messiah:

TRUMP: The 45% tariff is a threat. It was not a tax, it was a threat. It will be a tax if they don't behave. Take China as an example. I have many friends, great manufacturers, they want to go into China. They can't. China won't let them. We talk about free trade. It's not tree free trade; it's stupid trade. China dumps everything that they have over here. No tax, no anything. We can't get into China. The best manufacturers, when they get in, they have to pay a tremendous tax. The 45% is a threat that if they don't behave, we will tax you. It doesn't have to be 45, it could be less. But it has to be something because our country and our trade and our deals and most importantly our jobs are going to hell.?

So, if they don’t “behave”—whatever that means—we may see a tax, maybe not? And how do you tax someone who owns a large % of your debt?

Everyone is for “legal” immigration.

Since you brought it up,

What are his latest/current views on Abortion and Same Sex Marriage?

How thick are you?
China changes the value of it's currency whenever it wants and their government highjacks farmers to slave labor factories.
You're not a very good Liberal when it comes to slave labor.

Well, I never had my shirts made in China as Drumpf did.
So he’s taking about currency evaluation and “punishing” the Chinese by slapping a tariff on stuff they are tying to sell here? Is that accurate?
Whenever you ask a Drumpf supporter where their messiah stands, they can’t tell you except they seem to know where HRC and BHO stand in a moment’s notice. Says a lot about how much they care for their deity

Fair Trade and LEGAL Immigration.
I know you're obsessed with Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage.

Okay, he’s for the 45% tariff because I’ve heard both things.

Here is a quote from your messiah:

TRUMP: The 45% tariff is a threat. It was not a tax, it was a threat. It will be a tax if they don't behave. Take China as an example. I have many friends, great manufacturers, they want to go into China. They can't. China won't let them. We talk about free trade. It's not tree free trade; it's stupid trade. China dumps everything that they have over here. No tax, no anything. We can't get into China. The best manufacturers, when they get in, they have to pay a tremendous tax. The 45% is a threat that if they don't behave, we will tax you. It doesn't have to be 45, it could be less. But it has to be something because our country and our trade and our deals and most importantly our jobs are going to hell.?

So, if they don’t “behave”—whatever that means—we may see a tax, maybe not? And how do you tax someone who owns a large % of your debt?

Everyone is for “legal” immigration.

Since you brought it up,

What are his latest/current views on Abortion and Same Sex Marriage?

How thick are you?
China changes the value of it's currency whenever it wants and their government highjacks farmers to slave labor factories.
You're not a very good Liberal when it comes to slave labor.

Well, I never had my shirts made in China as Drumpf did.
So he’s taking about currency evaluation and “punishing” the Chinese by slapping a tariff on stuff they are tying to sell here? Is that accurate?

I see you have never run a business.
Trump has stated numerous times he wants to play on an even playing field.
Now please explain to us how Hillary has EVER presented an idea on her own to resolve the Cheap Labor problem...
But you can't because she's owned by Goldman-Sachs.
Hillary has always been pro choice. Not Drumpf
Hillary has always been for tougher gun control. Not Drumpf
Hillary has always been for nationwide healthcare. Not Drumpf
Hillary has always been for a stronger social safety net. Not Drumpf
Hillary has always been for stronger worker protections in the workplace Not Drumpf

Please tell us what governmental policies Mr. Drumpf has been in favor of?

Lower taxes is probably one but then again, during the campaign…he’s been all over that one.
Less regulations is probably a winner but when you have less regulations, you end up with industry writing it’s own rules.

Anything else you can point to that will highlight Mr. Drumpf’s consistency there sport? Didn’t think so.
1. "Pro choice" means women who want an abortion for no reason other than they don't want the kid, will go and kill that PERSON before he's born. That's WRONG, and Hillary should NOT be for it.

2. Hillary's "tougher gun control" includes removing CCW licensing and expansion of gun-free zones. Both of those positions are harmful, endanger Americans, and will get Americans killed, as proven by statistics.

3. FALSE! Here's a quote from Trump's book Crippled America (page 72) "We can't let Americans go without healthcare because they don't have the right resources"

FALSE! Here's a quote from Trump's book Crippled America (page 74) "We cannot cut either Social Security or Medicare benefits. That's off the table."

5. The protection that American workers need the most is to be protected from losing their jobs from foreign cheap labor. Trump supports deportation of illegal aliens who are taking millions of jobs away from Americans, while Hillary is helping to deprive Americans of jobs by supporting legalization of illegal aliens and Sanctuary Cities. Trump also supports cutting back work visas.

Clearly, you don't know what you're talking about. This usually the result of liberal media pollution.
Donald Trump is the human equivalent of the congressional bill that you have to pass to see what's in it.
Donald Trump is the human equivalent of the congressional bill that you have to pass to see what's in it.
You may find it perturbing to know that EVERY Bill has at least HUNDREDS of earmarks inserted by House and Senate members, so the fact is that Bills ALWAYS have to pass before we know what's in them.
Donald Trump is the human equivalent of the congressional bill that you have to pass to see what's in it.
You may find it perturbing to know that EVERY Bill has at least HUNDREDS of earmarks inserted by House and Senate members, so the fact is that Bills ALWAYS have to pass before we know what's in them.

That sounds just like Donald Trump too. I bet the press ends up calling him Sir Flops-A-Lot.
Donald Trump is the human equivalent of the congressional bill that you have to pass to see what's in it.
You may find it perturbing to know that EVERY Bill has at least HUNDREDS of earmarks inserted by House and Senate members, so the fact is that Bills ALWAYS have to pass before we know what's in them.

That sounds just like Donald Trump too. I bet the press ends up calling him Sir Flops-A-Lot.

They will call him, President "Who Gets Stuff Done Or Calls Out The Phonies Who Need To Be Voted Out Of Office" Trump.

  1. Cancel Paris
  2. Cut Funds for UN Climate
  3. Save the coal industry
  4. Rescind all EOs under Obama
  5. Build the wall
  6. End illegal immigration
  7. Cancel unfair trade agreements.
  8. End Obamacare
  9. Appoint Constitutional conservatives to the SC
  10. Put Hillary in prison
During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.
The chips weren't down during the Vietnam War. We weren't attacked. I'd rather have Trump as president, when the chips are down (as they are NOW) than anyone who was running.

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