Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

Add 20 years to that and my position still hasn't change because it was right the first time. Trump believe it nothing, unless it pays off for him.
So I'm the guy who smartened up, and you're the one who is still wallowing among the dum dums.
Trump stands for Trump.

"Vote Trump to make Trump's life better".
He makes his own life better while making ALL our lives better. When ISIS is topped from coming here, we ALL avoid nuclear annihilaiton. When illegal aliens are deported, we ALL benefit with more jobs, and less $$ taken out of our economy, and less $$ taken out of our tax treasuries. And we ALL become safer with the abolition of gun-free zones, and establishment of nationwide CCW law.
I think there is a distinction between (a) what Trump himself stands for, and (b) what his candidacy stands for, for his supporters.

Trump is running because he has some vague notion that he can "make America great again" through the sheer force of his personality, which he has leveraged in business over the last few decades (to varying degrees of success). His mixture of fame, abject naiveté and over-the-arrogance has convinced him that he's the guy.

His supporters have chosen to forgive/ignore his myriad flaws and gaffes, probably because those flaws and gaffes remove him as far as possible from the "establishment" types they have been conditioned to loudly reject. So in effect, the more embarrassing his behavior, the more endearing his candidacy becomes to them.

These are clearly two different paths. They have just found some odd intersection somewhere, and Trump is running with it. Even though he has so little in common with those who support him.
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The dopey notion that Trump has continually been changing his positions, doesn't measure up with the facts >>

So Trump only got his CCW license and pistol just with the last 6 months, and only has been against gun control since then ? And he has only been pro-life since August 2015 ? And he has only been against gay marriage and same-sex partner benefits, for 6 months ? And it's only since last August, that he has advocated drastically lowering the corporate tax ? And he only just recently came out in favor of the death penalty ? And he only just now came out in favor of domestic drilling for oil ? Only since August 2015, that Trump has criticized our leniency toward China ? Only opposed Obamacare a few months ago ? Only supports building up the military since last summer ? Has only opposed immigration lately ? Has only advocated for a Mexican border barrier (fence or wall) since August 2015 ? Spoke out against foreign companies taking jobs from the US only recently ? Has only been critical of political insiders for last 6 months ? Only mentioned China's cyber-warfare problem recently ? New to supporting Israel ? Just started calling for end to Iran's nuclear programs ? Only has talked tough against North Korea since last summer ? Has only mentioned restricting welfare, recently ?

1. "I am against gun control"
(USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

2. "I am pro-life,"
(USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples, Trump said "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits." ( New York Daily News, "Offends gay activist", Mar 7, 2011)

4. "0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs" (Time to Get Tough,
by Donald Trump, p. 63 , Dec 5, 2011)

5. "Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is"......" 100% of the people who are executed never commit another crime" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-4 , Jul 2, 2000)

6. "It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil"
(Devonia Smith Political Transcripts Examiner , Mar 16, 2011)

7. "Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.117-18 , Jul 2, 2000)

8. "Obamacare has to be killed now before it grows into an even bigger mess, as it inevitably will." ( Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.121-122 , Dec 5, 2011)

9. "3% of GNP for military is too low" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.149 , Jul 2, 2000)

10. "“I’m opposed to new people coming in,” ..... “We have to take care of the people who are here.
( , Dec 10, 1999)

11. "The point is that properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job. " (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.146-147 , Dec 5, 2011)

12. "Foreign companies are taking jobs from US"....."Foreign companies are ripping off the United States like never before.”
(Pat Eaton-Robb, Associated Press , Dec 2, 1999)

13. "I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

14. "China presents three big threats to the United States in its outrageous currency manipulation, its systematic attempt to destroy our manufacturing base, and its industrial espionage and cyber warfare against America." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 32-33 , Dec 5, 2011)

15. "The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel. This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region, as it has been for administrations of both parties for more than half a century." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000)

16. "Iran's nuclear program must be stopped--by any and all means necessary. Period." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 98 , Dec 5, 2011)

17. "I would let Pyongyang know in no uncertain terms that it can either get out of the nuclear arms race or expect a rebuke similar to the one Ronald Reagan delivered to Ghadhafi in 1986. I don’t think anybody is going to accuse me of tiptoeing through the issues or tap-dancing around them either. Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.274 , Jul 2, 2000)

18. "Let “saints” help teen moms; restrict public assistance" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.107-8 , Jul 2, 2000)
I think there is a distinction between (a) what Trump himself stands for, and (b) what his candidacy stands for, for his supporters.

Trump is running because he has some vague notion that he can "make America great again" through the sheer force of his personality, which he has leveraged in business over the last few decades (to varying degrees of success). His mixture of fame, abject naiveté and over-the-arrogance has convinced him that he's the guy.

His supporters have chosen to forgive/ignore his myriad flaws and gaffes, probably because those flaws and gaffes remove him as far as possible from the "establishment" types they have been conditioned to loudly reject. So in effect, the more embarrassing his behavior, the more endearing his candidacy becomes to them.

These are clearly two different paths. They have just found some odd intersection somewhere, and Trump is running with it. Even though he has so little in common with those who support him.
Doesn't matter if he has anything in common with us or not. FDR was a rich guy who had nothing in common with the working class, but he still was their champion. Nothing new about this.
No, you are the liar. He says the politicians are witholding the water for some reason.

How exactly does one withhold rainwater?

Can't. Never said they did, skunt.

“He says the politicians are withholding the water"
Miketx from Today.

Not only do you not know where your Messiah stands, you don’t know where you stand.

Like all liberals you live for twisting what people say in hopes that someone will believe you, but your tactics do not work. It simply shows you for what you are. What I posted was what I read that Trump said about the water. Knowing the lowlife politicians in California, anything is possible.
No, you are the liar. He says the politicians are witholding the water for some reason.

How exactly does one withhold rainwater?

Can't. Never said they did, skunt.

“He says the politicians are withholding the water"
Miketx from Today.

Not only do you not know where your Messiah stands, you don’t know where you stand.

Like all liberals you live for twisting what people say in hopes that someone will believe you, but your tactics do not work. It simply shows you for what you are. What I posted was what I read that Trump said about the water. Knowing the lowlife politicians in California, anything is possible.

I quoted you saying what you stated you did not say. No twisting was involved. Next!
Trump stands for Trump.

aside from that, hillary doesn't stand for what she claims to support.

stank doesn't even pay her female staff as much as the men

She’s not pro choice?
She’s not for tougher gun restrictions?
She’s not for nationwide healthcare?
She’s not in favor of SSM?

OF course she is for all of those things.
I'm with decent American citizens, who would never consider voting for someone like Trump.
No you're not. You're with the govt of Mexico, who is invading the USA, committing imperialism with its cheap labor 'troops", as it has been for 70 years, and is engaging in international burglary, looting our economy of $23 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions$ more per year in welfare to Mexicans in the US, through misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, the anchor baby racket, & false documentation, while stealing Americans' jobs in the process. Nothing "decent' about that.

You're also with the Muslim Brotherhood front groups supporting Hillary Clinton, whose goal is to destroy America.

You're also with Benjamin Crump, (Hillary endorser)part of Obama's race hustlers group (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc) who go around instigating riots.

You're also with the National Org of Women, which endorses Hillary, and which hypocritically claims to support women, yet says nothing about about the worst oppression of women in America, that being the oppression of Muslim women by Muslim men.

You're also with the racist NAACP (which endorses Hillary), and hypocritically claims to be for civil rights, but supports and pushes Affirmative Action racial discrimination against white people.

None of these who your are with, are decent.

I bet if one looked, there would be illegals washing dishes in one of Trumps hotel/resort kitchens. We'll probly find out first couple weeks of November.

Trump is no shining Knight. He is the same animal any politician is. I mean, he ran against "the establishment" but at this time is kissing the "establishment" ass, and soon will have his hand out for money.
I quoted you saying what you stated you did not say. No twisting was involved. Next!

Oh golly. I got mixed up. I was thinking this was the drought thread. Sorry about that liberal.
I quoted you saying what you stated you did not say. No twisting was involved. Next!

As liberal I'm sure you know most everything.

Pretty much. lol

No; not really. I do know, we’re what, a gazillion posts into this subject and there isn’t even a consensus among Drumpf supporters on what he stands for. All in all he sounds pretty liberal in some cases. If he were not a small fraction of a man who finds joy in making fun of people, I’d consider voting for him.
You’re not going to get a serious response from any Trump supporter, or most republicans, for that matter, as they blindly fall in line behind Trump – although a few months ago they were denouncing him and refusing to vote for him.

But you knew that already.
After eight years of receiving bs from the guy you put in office I should think you would be embarrassed to talking about " blindly supporting" damn fools, the lot of you.
You’re not going to get a serious response from any Trump supporter, or most republicans, for that matter, as they blindly fall in line behind Trump – although a few months ago they were denouncing him and refusing to vote for him.

But you knew that already.
After eight years of receiving bs from the guy you put in office I should think you would be embarrassed to talking about " blindly supporting" damn fools, the lot of you.

#willowtreehasnoclueeither Thank you, next!

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