Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

After eight years of receiving bs from the guy you put in office I should think you would be embarrassed to talking about " blindly supporting" damn fools, the lot of you.

#willowtreehasnoclueeither Thank you, next!
WillowTree gives zero shits what you leftist morons think of Trump.
So how do you explain your adoration of Obama? This should be good.
I give Obama almost no chance of winning in 2016.

Thank you, next.
What led you to vote for him twice? You fucked up didn't ewe?
In 2000, Trump indicated that while he “generally oppose[d]” gun control, he was in favor of bans on assault weapons, waiting periods and background checks. He also criticized Republicans on the topic, as he stated that they “walk the NRA line and refuse even limited restrictions.”

Now, Trump states that he is staunchly against gun control, that “the Second Amendment is right, not a privilege,” and that he “do[es] not support expanding background checks.”
Background checks are not the critical sub-issue in the issue of gun control. We already have background checks. I had to wait 3 days before I was able to take home my purchased gun, and if I had not had previous military experience, I would have had to take a training course too. The issues in gun control are gun-free zones. Trump is against them, and Hillary stupidly is for them.

Also, Trump is for nationwide CCW law. Hillary stupidly, opposes it.
PolitiFact awards Donald Trump its 'Lie of the Year' - POLITICO
HA HA. You hear that everybody ? "POLITIFACT" No. Trump isn't the liar of the year. Politifact is.

Politifact Is a Joke
HA HA. You hear that everybody ? "POLITIFACT" No. Trump isn't the liar of the year. Politifact is.

Politifact Is a Joke
OK lets go with a Conservative Publication

Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Start with his wealth. How much is Donald Trump worth? $1.7 billion? $6 billion? “TEN BILLION DOLLARS,” as he claimed in his presidential filing? Tim O’Brien, then a reporter for the New York Times, wrote in his book TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, that in one 24-hour period, Trump claimed two different net worths differing by $3.3 billion. He has never permitted an independent, third-party audit of his finances. The closest anyone has come is Deutsche Bank, which in 2005 estimated that Trump was worth . . . $788 million. Several sources with knowledge of Trump’s finances have put the number significantly lower

Read more at: Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
OK lets go with a Conservative Publication

Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Start with his wealth. How much is Donald Trump worth? $1.7 billion? $6 billion? “TEN BILLION DOLLARS,” as he claimed in his presidential filing? Tim O’Brien, then a reporter for the New York Times, wrote in his book TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, that in one 24-hour period, Trump claimed two different net worths differing by $3.3 billion. He has never permitted an independent, third-party audit of his finances. The closest anyone has come is Deutsche Bank, which in 2005 estimated that Trump was worth . . . $788 million. Several sources with knowledge of Trump’s finances have put the number significantly lower

Read more at: Trump’s Yuuge Lies, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
I've already responded to that. Not every conservative likes Trump. So what ? Not every liberal likes Hillary Clinton either. But more conservatives who didn't like Trump before (some on your list perhaps ?), have now come out and endorsed him (Rubio, McConnell, McCain, Ryan, etc) That's not happening with Hillary. :biggrin:
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I bet if one looked, there would be illegals washing dishes in one of Trumps hotel/resort kitchens. We'll probly find out first couple weeks of November.

Trump is no shining Knight. He is the same animal any politician is. I mean, he ran against "the establishment" but at this time is kissing the "establishment" ass, and soon will have his hand out for money.
Silly post. If Trump wanted money, he would have gotten it well before now. fact is, while 73% of Hillary donations (legal bribery) are coming from big corporations, only 7% of Trump's are. And Trump is not kissing anybody's ass. One GOP establishment politician after another (McConnell, Ryan, Rubio, McCain, etc) has come out and endorsed him. They know they need him. He does not need them.

As for illegals in hotels, no scenario is ever 100% perfect. And illegals are only hired illegally (IRCA law) when the employer "KNOWINGLY" hires them. Since many illegals have realistic-looking computer-generated documents, it is very difficult to tell who is legal and who isn't.

He did get money well before now and will get more. No big deal as he is the republican candidate and the party SHOULD support him. And there is no excuse for hiring illegals. Those who do it know when they are doing it. And if so much as one is found the press will hammer him as a hypocrite. November is a loooong way off. The DNC hit machine ain't even done warming up yet.
Love isn't universal. :biggrin:
Donald Trump lies are...:2up:

General election endorsements (May 4 and after)
Executive branch officials

Vice President Dick Cheney
U.S. Senators

Senator Paul speaking at CPAC in 2013
U.S. Representatives

Rep. Stefanik in 2015

Speaker Newt Gingrich
US Armed Forces members
State governors

Territorial governors

Huckabee in 2015
State officials
State legislators
Mayors and other municipal or county leaders
International political figures

Peter Thiel in 2014
Other politicians
Media personalities
Actors and comedians

Dash in 2016
Athletes and sports figures
Commentators, writers and columnists[edit]
Media personalities and socialites
Radio hosts
Social and political activists
Primary campaign endorsements (before May 4, 2016)

Executive branch officials

Buchanan in 2008
U.S. Senators

Senator Jeff Sessions
U.S. Representatives

Chairman Jeff Miller
US Armed Forces members
State governors

Governor Chris Christie
Territorial governors

Jan Brewer

Sarah Palin
State officials
State legislators
Mayors and other municipal or county leaders[edit]

Arpaio speaking in Phoenix, 2011

Rudy Giuliani giving a speech on November 8, 2009
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More General election endorsements (May 4 and after)


Peña in China, 2009

Robertson in 2006
University and academic figures

Ben Carson in 2015
International political figures

Farage in 2014

Wilders in 2014

U.S. Border Patrol Agents (in the green uniforms) pay tribute to fellow fallen officers during a Law Enforcement memorial service in Washington D.C., 2007
Trade Unions[edit]
Religious leaders
Actors and comedians

Davi performing in 2013
Athletes and sports figures
Commentators, writers and columnists

Coulter speaking at CPAC

Jared Taylor

Milo Yiannopoulos
Media personalities and socialite

Jesse James in 2007
Radio hosts

Alex Jones
Singers and musicians

Kid Rock
Social and political activists

He did get money well before now and will get more. No big deal as he is the republican candidate and the party SHOULD support him. And there is no excuse for hiring illegals. Those who do it know when they are doing it. And if so much as one is found the press will hammer him as a hypocrite. November is a loooong way off. The DNC hit machine ain't even done warming up yet.
FALSE! Not everyone knows when they are hiring illegals (some people have to be told twice) > illegals are only hired illegally (IRCA law) when the employer "KNOWINGLY" hires them. Since many illegals have realistic-looking computer-generated documents, it is very difficult to tell who is legal and who isn't.

As for "will" get money ? Yeah ? Well, IF that happens, we can talk about that THEN. Not now. Up to now, Trump's campaign is almost 100% self-financed and it is likely to say that way. He's already refused big donations that were offered. He has no reason to change that.

And 'the press" HA HA HA. They are the LIBERAL press and they haven't stopped hammering him on everything and anything they can come up with. Most times it generate higher poll #s and more primary votes.

As for the DNC hit machine, bring it on. I can't wait to see Hillary being shredded in the debates, Should be quite a show. :biggrin:

What difference does it make?

As long as he is annoying liberals everything is good.

Trump is far less annoying than the little morons wanting to elect him.
I agree.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I’ve often said that one of the more satisfying things of Hillary’s upcoming victory is that it is good to see bad people fail. Trump’s supporters on this site are generally bad people and it will be particularly satisfying to see them spin their defeat.

What difference does it make?

As long as he is annoying liberals everything is good.

Trump is far less annoying than the little morons wanting to elect him.
I agree.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I’ve often said that one of the more satisfying things of Hillary’s upcoming victory is that it is good to see bad people fail. Trump’s supporters on this site are generally bad people and it will be particularly satisfying to see them spin their defeat.

Damn you must have a miserable little life, I almost feel sorry for you

During the Vietnam war, everybody should have had a draft deferement. That's no longer the case now. We now have a real enemy, who as actually attacked us (repeatedly).

As for divorces, SO ? Lot's of people have divorces. You want to demonize them too ? And he has had only TWO divorces, not three. Get your facts straight, before you post.

During the Vietnam war he got a doctor to certify that he had a bone spur and he got a 4f deferment. He played three sports after getting that deferment. When the chips are down don't depend on Donald Trump.
The chips weren't down during the Vietnam War. We weren't attacked. I'd rather have Trump as president, when the chips are down (as they are NOW) than anyone who was running.

We had a draft during the Vietnam war and to purposefully evade it is an act of cowardice. The best mark of a man is if he is going to run if it gets too scary, Trump did the equivalent. I could never trust him.
He did get money well before now and will get more. No big deal as he is the republican candidate and the party SHOULD support him. And there is no excuse for hiring illegals. Those who do it know when they are doing it. And if so much as one is found the press will hammer him as a hypocrite. November is a loooong way off. The DNC hit machine ain't even done warming up yet.
FALSE! Not everyone knows when they are hiring illegals (some people have to be told twice) > illegals are only hired illegally (IRCA law) when the employer "KNOWINGLY" hires them. Since many illegals have realistic-looking computer-generated documents, it is very difficult to tell who is legal and who isn't.

As for "will" get money ? Yeah ? Well, IF that happens, we can talk about that THEN. Not now. Up to now, Trump's campaign is almost 100% self-financed and it is likely to say that way. He's already refused big donations that were offered. He has no reason to change that.

And 'the press" HA HA HA. They are the LIBERAL press and they haven't stopped hammering him on everything and anything they can come up with. Most times it generate higher poll #s and more primary votes.

As for the DNC hit machine, bring it on. I can't wait to see Hillary being shredded in the debates, Should be quite a show. :biggrin:

Just keep watching TV. It's already happening. And Hillery may not be who he runs against. there are many palitable Democrats who could run instead of Hillery if she backs out. It's not real hard for just about anyone to come off as more reasonable when compared to trump.
Didn't Marco Rubio just have to apologize for saying Trump has a small staff?

Trump defends small staff
Pushes back against NY Times piece describing disarray in his camp.

A source has told Bloomberg BusinessWeek that Trump’s promise to protect Social Security may not be particularly trustworthy. With regard to cutting benefits in order to reduce the deficit, Trump said…

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it,” Trump told Ryan. “But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’ and the Democrat is saying, ‘We’re going to keep it and give you more.’ “

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