Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

I don't usually like Matt Bai, but I think he nailed this one.

What the search for a Trump alternative is really about

And the main job of the advisers and lobbyists we loosely refer to as the Republican establishment has been to navigate the divide between these two worlds — to somehow tutor and moderate the elected leaders who arrive in Washington raging against the machine while figuring out how to exploit the grassroots intensity they need for the next election.

The establishment’s main role has been to make governance look like resistance, and vice versa.

Except that Trump really doesn’t seem interested in being tutored or moderated — or not in any way that lasts for longer than the next news cycle. He may not even govern as a conservative.

If Trump somehow wins (and, as I’ve written, I don’t find this so implausible), the whole professional apparatus of the Republican Party will as likely as not become irrelevant, replaced by the geniuses who ran Trump University and the Taj Mahal. Game over.
This is the goal. We're hoping for it. Looks pretty good right now.
Make America great again.
Intel's CEO planned, then scrapped, a Donald Trump fundraiser

The billionaire's views have made him unpopular in many corners of Silicon Valley, where one study found that immigrants have been behind more than half of the current crop of U.S.-based startups valued at $1 billion or more.
Exactly. And that's exactly why these traitors oppose him. Because he'll put a stop to their TREASON, and rehire all the AMERICAN workers those rogues dumped to make room for their foreign "coolies". And I can't wait to see it happen.
I don't usually like Matt Bai, but I think he nailed this one.

What the search for a Trump alternative is really about

And the main job of the advisers and lobbyists we loosely refer to as the Republican establishment has been to navigate the divide between these two worlds — to somehow tutor and moderate the elected leaders who arrive in Washington raging against the machine while figuring out how to exploit the grassroots intensity they need for the next election.

The establishment’s main role has been to make governance look like resistance, and vice versa.

Except that Trump really doesn’t seem interested in being tutored or moderated — or not in any way that lasts for longer than the next news cycle. He may not even govern as a conservative.

If Trump somehow wins (and, as I’ve written, I don’t find this so implausible), the whole professional apparatus of the Republican Party will as likely as not become irrelevant, replaced by the geniuses who ran Trump University and the Taj Mahal. Game over.
This is the goal. We're hoping for it. Looks pretty good right now.
Yes. That's the good thing about Trump. The bad is his xenophobia and ego.
Intel's CEO planned, then scrapped, a Donald Trump fundraiser

The billionaire's views have made him unpopular in many corners of Silicon Valley, where one study found that immigrants have been behind more than half of the current crop of U.S.-based startups valued at $1 billion or more.
Exactly. And that's exactly why these traitors oppose him. Because he'll put a stop to their TREASON, and rehire all the AMERICAN workers those rogues dumped to make room for their foreign "coolies". And I can't wait to see it happen.

Your buddy trump hired foreign workers by the hundreds because he can't find American waiters, janitors and cooks.
Well, when his water boy Sean Hannity finished up with giving his master a BJ, he brought up the list of Trump possible supreme Court noms. Trump claimed they were all constitutional conservatives. Did that a couple times, but has yet to explain how. That aside, you in the trump legions keep mentioning how nice it will be to have a president who follows the constitution, but have yet to point to anything in any trump policy that mentions anything to do with the constitution.
What a dopey post. Trumps has a long list of policy ideas (about 40) and they all relate to the Constitution in some way or another. Just one Section alone (Article 1, Section 8) has quite a few Here's a few examples >> 1) Tariffs on imports, 2) treatment of captured prisoners 3) the Army 4) the Navy 5) repel invasions etc etc.

Now how about is you answer my question, Mr Dodge ? >> "When/What was he asked ?"

Nothing/never, and anyone who asks him a question is called sleezy. And you want to talk about dopy, morons like your self say Obama has and had many ideas that relate to the constitution. Now stupid, why has no one asked what a tariff means for you lemmings who want to have Trump's baby ? They don't ask because he can't and won't answer. Why? because when normal folks go to Walmart to buy a car battery and instead of say $100 bucks, the battery costs 40 percent more because there is a 40 tariff on stuff made in mexico. Not dodging shit.
Your buddy trump hired foreign workers by the hundreds because he can't find American waiters, janitors and cooks.
That talking point was squashed months ago. If you knew the FLORIDA seasonal situation, you wouldn't be displaying your ignorance here, I live in Florida, I know it. Apparently, you don't.
Nothing/never, and anyone who asks him a question is called sleezy. And you want to talk about dopy, morons like your self say Obama has and had many ideas that relate to the constitution. Now stupid, why has no one asked what a tariff means for you lemmings who want to have Trump's baby ? They don't ask because he can't and won't answer. Why? because when normal folks go to Walmart to buy a car battery and instead of say $100 bucks, the battery costs 40 percent more because there is a 40 tariff on stuff made in mexico. Not dodging shit.
You try to appear smart, and you call me "stupid", and then you display an ignorance of microeconomics (which I taught in college), that thousands of 18 year old college students know, AND YOU DON'T.

For your edification, the battery won't cost one dime more because of a tariff. That's because as the bell-shaped curve of prices vs income shows, firms CANNOT just raise their prices whenever they feel like it. In fact, they don't even decide their price to begin with. Their price is called the market price, and it doesn't come from the firm. It comes from the MARKET. It (the current price) is the HIGHEST price they can charge, without triggering SALES$$ REDUCTIONS, that cause income LOSS.

The foreign firms hit with tariffs can neither stay where they are overseas, or raise prices, Both of those are not economical. They have one recourse only. To return to the USA. You're getting an education (that is, if your're not too "stupid" to understand it)
Nothing/never, and anyone who asks him a question is called sleezy. And you want to talk about dopy, morons like your self say Obama has and had many ideas that relate to the constitution. Now stupid, why has no one asked what a tariff means for you lemmings who want to have Trump's baby ? They don't ask because he can't and won't answer. Why? because when normal folks go to Walmart to buy a car battery and instead of say $100 bucks, the battery costs 40 percent more because there is a 40 tariff on stuff made in mexico. Not dodging shit.
You try to appear smart, and you call me "stupid", and then you display an ignorance of microeconomics (which I taught in college), that thousands of 18 year old college students know, AND YOU DON'T.

For your edification, the battery won't cost one dime more because of a tariff. That's because as the bell-shaped curve of prices vs income shows, firms CANNOT just raise their prices whenever they feel like it. In fact, they don't even decide their price to begin with. Their price is called the market price, and it doesn't come from the firm. It comes from the MARKET. It (the current price) is the HIGHEST price they can charge, without triggering SALES$$ REDUCTIONS, that cause income LOSS.

The foreign firms hit with tariffs can neither stay where they are overseas, or raise prices, Both of those are not economical. They have one recourse only. To return to the USA. You're getting an education (that is, if your're not too "stupid" to understand it)
Your tariffs will be met by my tariffs, and we both lose.
Not hardly. Trade war ? No problem. Bring it on. We'll eat their lunch. Here in the US, we don't need to export. or import. We have the largest and richest MARKET in the world. And what Market does China have ? >> They have us. That's why they need us, we don't need them. Get it ?
Not hardly. Trade war ? No problem. Bring it on. We'll eat their lunch. Here in the US, we don't need to export. or import. We have the largest and richest MARKET in the world. And what Market does China have ? >> They have us. That's why they need us, we don't need them. Get it ?

Yeah, we do have the largest and richest market. We won't, if we start a trade war. Name one country that engaged in protectionism, that didn't have a decline.

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