Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

What's one time Trump has answered a question about the constitution.
When/What was he asked ?

Well, when his water boy Sean Hannity finished up with giving his master a BJ, he brought up the list of Trump possible supreme Court noms. Trump claimed they were all constitutional conservatives. Did that a couple times, but has yet to explain how. That aside, you in the trump legions keep mentioning how nice it will be to have a president who follows the constitution, but have yet to point to anything in any trump policy that mentions anything to do with the constitution.
Just keep watching TV. It's already happening. And Hillery may not be who he runs against. there are many palitable Democrats who could run instead of Hillery if she backs out. It's not real hard for just about anyone to come off as more reasonable when compared to trump.
That's absurd. All the Dems are for endangering America with ISIS immigration and gun-free zones, as well as allowing Mexican imperialism to continue.

Okay. Y'all start asking the Donald what was discussed in his secret meeting with the times.

He is anti establishment? How about y'all ask The Donald why he is getting cozy to Mitch McConnell and all the other establishment Repubs.

Y'all are to willing to give it all up on promises. Y'all remind me of Bama worshippers.
Anyone who has been watching Trump since the 80s knows that Trump stands for himself.

He was a democrat when it was convenient to be a democrat. He became a republican when he discovered that it was easy to manipulate the tea party base.

Trump has never displayed discernible principles beyond his drive for personal profit and recognition. He is a shameless self-promoter.

He has shown zero literacy or concern for deep policy issues. He uses the tabloids as information sources when it suits him. He has zero qualms about lying.

He is the most dangerous and uninformed person to ever run for president. He would never have succeeded without talk radio, which primed a generation of Republicans to buy into his carefully constructed outsider persona.

If he gets elected, the USA could see policy blunders worse than Bush 43, where deep incompetence lead to the destabilization of the Middle East and the destruction of the U.S. Housing and Financial markets.

The problem we face is that many Trump voters have very little post high school education - and they lack the tools to critically analyze what trump is feeding them.

God help us if he gets elected.

The problem we face is that many Hillary voters have too much post high school MISeducation - and they lack the tools to critically analyze what Trump is informing them.

Please, do critically analyze Trumps agenda. That would clear up allot of stuff.
New York investigating Trump’s closing of Trump Tower atrium for campaign events

New York City is investigating Donald Trump’s practice of closing down the public atrium in Trump Tower for presidential campaign events that are off limits to the public.

In order to add more floors than zoning rules would otherwise allow, Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, agreed to create a two-story public atrium on the ground and lower floors of the building, which opened in 1983 on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue.

But security staff wearing Trump badges spent several hours shooing away a growing crowd of New Yorkers and tourists from the doors on Tuesday morning after Trump decided to hold a news conference in the atrium to discuss his fundraising for veterans groups.
Well, when his water boy Sean Hannity finished up with giving his master a BJ, he brought up the list of Trump possible supreme Court noms. Trump claimed they were all constitutional conservatives. Did that a couple times, but has yet to explain how. That aside, you in the trump legions keep mentioning how nice it will be to have a president who follows the constitution, but have yet to point to anything in any trump policy that mentions anything to do with the constitution.
What a dopey post. Trumps has a long list of policy ideas (about 40) and they all relate to the Constitution in some way or another. Just one Section alone (Article 1, Section 8) has quite a few Here's a few examples >> 1) Tariffs on imports, 2) treatment of captured prisoners 3) the Army 4) the Navy 5) repel invasions etc etc.

Now how about is you answer my question, Mr Dodge ? >> "When/What was he asked ?"
Okay. Y'all start asking the Donald what was discussed in his secret meeting with the times.

He is anti establishment? How about y'all ask The Donald why he is getting cozy to Mitch McConnell and all the other establishment Repubs.

Y'all are to willing to give it all up on promises. Y'all remind me of Bama worshippers.

1. You don't have shred of evidence on anybody giving up on promises, nor have you even presented here one particular allegation.

2. If you have some info about a meeting with the Times, let's hear it. If you don't, then you have noting to say about it. And it couldn't be too secret, with you knowing about it.

3. "Cozy" ? I won't even bother with that. It's enough to say that a president and a Senate majority leader will have to work together to get things done, Since Trump is holding the high cards (as set by the VOTERS), the if anybody will need to defer to the other it will be McConnell who will need to defer to Trump. same with ryan and all th eother RINOs. Ho hum.

I'm going to preface this by saying i am not a Dem (I don't like Hillary or Sanders) so objectively, Trump is a salesman.

He is speaking to what he knows the right wants to hear, and also, the general public.... he knows the US People are fed up with politics as usual
Please, do critically analyze Trumps agenda. That would clear up allot of stuff.
In order to do that, I would need to type for 2 days straight and produce something the size of Trump's latest book (Crippled America) + go through his whole website + numerous statements made by him. Reading these is what YOU should have done, prior to posting in this forum about Trump. If you had read the book and website, you wouldn't be ignorant now, and have to be asking questions.

If you ask me about a certain issue (one at time), I'll answer with an analysis, no problem.
New York investigating Trump’s closing of Trump Tower atrium for campaign events

New York City is investigating Donald Trump’s practice of closing down the public atrium in Trump Tower for presidential campaign events that are off limits to the public.

In order to add more floors than zoning rules would otherwise allow, Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, agreed to create a two-story public atrium on the ground and lower floors of the building, which opened in 1983 on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue.

But security staff wearing Trump badges spent several hours shooing away a growing crowd of New Yorkers and tourists from the doors on Tuesday morning after Trump decided to hold a news conference in the atrium to discuss his fundraising for veterans groups.
Sure, liberals all over America are "investigating" this and investigating that, all scrounging up whatever dirt they can find, or something to portray as dirt, to try to derail Trump's candidacy. :laugh: You think New York would be any different ? Ho hum.
I'm going to preface this by saying i am not a Dem (I don't like Hillary or Sanders) so objectively, Trump is a salesman.

He is speaking to what he knows the right wants to hear, and also, the general public.... he knows the US People are fed up with politics as usual
And isn't nice just to have somebody finally even talking about that ? (as opposed to stuffy politicians taking bribes from lobbyists, and ignoring us)
I don't usually like Matt Bai, but I think he nailed this one.

What the search for a Trump alternative is really about

And the main job of the advisers and lobbyists we loosely refer to as the Republican establishment has been to navigate the divide between these two worlds — to somehow tutor and moderate the elected leaders who arrive in Washington raging against the machine while figuring out how to exploit the grassroots intensity they need for the next election.

The establishment’s main role has been to make governance look like resistance, and vice versa.

Except that Trump really doesn’t seem interested in being tutored or moderated — or not in any way that lasts for longer than the next news cycle. He may not even govern as a conservative.

If Trump somehow wins (and, as I’ve written, I don’t find this so implausible), the whole professional apparatus of the Republican Party will as likely as not become irrelevant, replaced by the geniuses who ran Trump University and the Taj Mahal. Game over.

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