Can Someone Definitively Say what Trump Stands For?

Anyone who has been watching Trump since the 80s knows that Trump stands for himself.

He was a democrat when it was convenient to be a democrat. He became a republican when he discovered that it was easy to manipulate the tea party base.

Trump has never displayed discernible principles beyond his drive for personal profit and recognition. He is a shameless self-promoter.

He has shown zero literacy or concern for deep policy issues. He uses the tabloids as information sources when it suits him. He has zero qualms about lying.

He is the most dangerous and uninformed person to ever run for president. He would never have succeeded without talk radio, which primed a generation of Republicans to buy into his carefully constructed outsider persona.

If he gets elected, the USA could see policy blunders worse than Bush 43, where deep incompetence lead to the destabilization of the Middle East and the destruction of the U.S. Housing and Financial markets.

The problem we face is that many Trump voters have very little post high school education - and they lack the tools to critically analyze what trump is feeding them.

God help us if he gets elected.
Trump stands for Trump.

aside from that, hillary doesn't stand for what she claims to support.

stank doesn't even pay her female staff as much as the men

She’s not pro choice?
She’s not for tougher gun restrictions?
She’s not for nationwide healthcare?
She’s not in favor of SSM?

OF course she is for all of those things.
she's pro murder
she's anti Constitution
she's pro tyranny
and who gives a fuck

and none of that list will do anything for the country and it is straight from the dnc marching orders. She has no stance that was not told to her.

What difference does it make?

As long as he is annoying liberals everything is good.

Trump is far less annoying than the little morons wanting to elect him.
I agree.

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I’ve often said that one of the more satisfying things of Hillary’s upcoming victory is that it is good to see bad people fail. Trump’s supporters on this site are generally bad people and it will be particularly satisfying to see them spin their defeat.

Damn you must have a miserable little life, I almost feel sorry for you


I almost feel sorry for you (except for the "almost" part).
He's going to win in a landslide.....

  • Hillary Vs. Trump: Polls show many millenials turning towards Trump if they can't have Bernie
    The Inquisitr News ^ | May 30, 2016 | Kim McLendon
    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are currently the presumed nominees of the Democratic and Republican party, however, Bernie Sanders and his devoted young supporters are not giving up just yet. They do have their various reasons, and among those is the thought that neither Trump nor Clinton compare well to Bernie from their point of view. If forced to make a decision between the two, which will they choose? Donald Trump’s popularity among the under-30 crowd is not exactly soaring, as dislike for Hillary Clinton has reached new heights just this month. According to Fortune, 53 percent of people under...
He's going to win in a landslide.....

  • Hillary Vs. Trump: Polls show many millenials turning towards Trump if they can't have Bernie
    The Inquisitr News ^ | May 30, 2016 | Kim McLendon
    Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are currently the presumed nominees of the Democratic and Republican party, however, Bernie Sanders and his devoted young supporters are not giving up just yet. They do have their various reasons, and among those is the thought that neither Trump nor Clinton compare well to Bernie from their point of view. If forced to make a decision between the two, which will they choose? Donald Trump’s popularity among the under-30 crowd is not exactly soaring, as dislike for Hillary Clinton has reached new heights just this month. According to Fortune, 53 percent of people under...
Anything could be the deciding factor for the Dems. If they lose even a significant portion of blacks, Latinos, women, the young, or any of those combined, it will spell doom for them. Especially if they can't turn out the vote.

If they don't, well, we know the story.

All of it hinges on the TV and the algorithms of the companies that control the social media from now until election day.

In the end, nothing significant will change. The wars will continue, the nation will continue to fragment, and the economy will continue to disintegrate.

He stands for not being a crime family, that has been breaking laws while in public office since 1979.

So you don’t know either…next!

Oh, you want to know his officially released political position. I assumed you were being ridiculous, because anyone can punch in and find his "official" position.

My error was assuming you really wanted to know why we're supporting him.

The reason I am supporting Trump is only because he's not Hillary. I disagree with at least half of his official position. But I'd rather have someone I disagree with, but at least know his position on, than to vote for someone I know for fact is a liar, and you can't trust anything she says no matter what she says. If Hillary said she hired a new cook at the White house, I'd check the Star Tabloid first, as a more credible source of information.

But back to Trump. I'm not nearly as concerned with specific official positions anyway, for several reasons.

1. Politicians make promises that they have no intention of keeping, but must make those promises to get retarded voters who actually believe all those 'official positions', to vote for them.

2. Politicians make promises that once they get into office, they discover are either impossible, illegal, or impractical. They may have really intended to do X, but then found out... oh... that's right we are under binding treaties with South Korea to keep those troops stationed there.

3. Politicians make promises that, while they may fully intend to do, they are not a dictatorship as president, and other politicians elected to represent the people, completely oppose their promises. The president is just that. He's not Hitler, or Stalin, or Castro, or even Putin. They are just a president. If you really look at how our constitution works, the president has far less power than you think, and often than even the people running for president think.

And how many times do presidents get elected based on those lame official positions, and end up never achieving them?

Remember how Obama promised to eliminate all tax deductions for oil and gas companies? Whoops..... Can't do that without wiping out deductions for many other companies, which would cause an up roar across the country. Thus it didn't happen. Fail.

Remember how he promised to end all no-bid contracts? Whoops. That was a joke to begin with. Only idiots even thought that had a chance.

Remember how Obama promised to close gitmo? That never had any chance. Shockingly Obama assigned his legal team to closing gitmo, and they gave a report which said.... we can't close gitmo. Then magically the entire issue disappeared.

Remember Obama promising to raise the minimum wage to $9.50 by 2011? Oops... that didn't happen either.

So here is my position........

I don't really care much what specific detailed positions politicians give out. They are either outright lies, which they use to dupe stupid mindless voters into voting for them "He's going to close Gitmo!", or he actually wants do to it but finds out it's not possible or practical "Cut tax deductions for oil and gas!", or he really wants to do it, but finds out the rest of the government flat out isn't going to let him "Raise the minimum wage to $9.50!".

In short, anyone who votes for a politicians because they think by electing him, he'll magically have dictatorship powers, and make all those things happen.... is an idiot.

So how do I choose who to vote for? Politicians that believe in more taxes, generally move towards more taxes. Politicians who believe in more regulations, generally move towards more regulations. Politicians who believe in lower taxes, more free-markets, and less government control, generally move that way.

They may not achieve the exact specific detailed control and regulate plans they have, but they will pass the CARD Act, and jack up interest rates on everyone.

This is how it works. Then you just hope for the best.

In absence of someone with the general ideology you want... you pick the lesser of two evils. The super evil satanic devil chick..... or the Joker from Gotham. I'm picking the Joker.


Secure borders

Following the constitution and not allowing sharia law or overreach of government

Not allowing radical Muslims to invade by hopping in the Trojan horse known as the economic refugee crisis. (The left is totally ignoring the fact that the U.N. admitted that the Muslim refugees are in no danger and are merely seeking to improve their status)

A stronger economy without oppressive government interference in the market.

As opposed to what Hillary is for/against.

She loathes the military and has always treated them like shit.

She wants socialism.

She has made many quotes similar to Hitler.

She is all about big government controlling our lives.

She wants higher taxes.

She wants government-run healthcare.


Secure borders

Following the constitution and not allowing sharia law or overreach of government

Not allowing radical Muslims to invade by hopping in the Trojan horse known as the economic refugee crisis. (The left is totally ignoring the fact that the U.N. admitted that the Muslim refugees are in no danger and are merely seeking to improve their status)

A stronger economy without oppressive government interference in the market.

As opposed to what Hillary is for/against.

She loathes the military and has always treated them like shit.

She wants socialism.

She has made many quotes similar to Hitler.

She is all about big government controlling our lives.

She wants higher taxes.

She wants government-run healthcare.

What's one time Trump has answered a question about the constitution.
I’ve often said that one of the more satisfying things of Hillary’s upcoming victory is that it is good to see bad people fail. Trump’s supporters on this site are generally bad people and it will be particularly satisfying to see them spin their defeat.
I've often said if you're going to DREAM, dream for the ridiculous.
We had a draft during the Vietnam war and to purposefully evade it is an act of cowardice. The best mark of a man is if he is going to run if it gets too scary, Trump did the equivalent. I could never trust him.

Another example of the quote refuting the post.

The quote >> "The chips weren't down during the Vietnam War. We weren't attacked. I'd rather have Trump as president, when the chips are down (as they are NOW) than anyone who was running."
Just keep watching TV. It's already happening. And Hillery may not be who he runs against. there are many palitable Democrats who could run instead of Hillery if she backs out. It's not real hard for just about anyone to come off as more reasonable when compared to trump.
That's absurd. All the Dems are for endangering America with ISIS immigration and gun-free zones, as well as allowing Mexican imperialism to continue.
A source has told Bloomberg BusinessWeek that Trump’s promise to protect Social Security may not be particularly trustworthy. With regard to cutting benefits in order to reduce the deficit, Trump said…

“From a moral standpoint, I believe in it,” Trump told Ryan. “But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’ and the Democrat is saying, ‘We’re going to keep it and give you more.’ “
Trump has been saying we need to protect Social Security for DECADES. Keep talking ridiculous if it makes you feel better.
more.’ “
Trump has been saying we need to protect Social Security for DECADES. Keep talking ridiculous if it makes you feel better.[/QUOTE]
Trump says a lot of things ..Trump says the best things...Trump says things....later he says "opposite things "...
Since when did standing for anything mean anything? Most Americans are too busy stuffing their fat faces, shopping till they drop, and obsessing over their porn, sports, and reality tv, to care about such things. Most will vote for whoever their favorite celebrity dolt tells em too. The U.S. is an Idiocracy.
Anyone who has been watching Trump since the 80s knows that Trump stands for himself.

He was a democrat when it was convenient to be a democrat. He became a republican when he discovered that it was easy to manipulate the tea party base.

Trump has never displayed discernible principles beyond his drive for personal profit and recognition. He is a shameless self-promoter.

He has shown zero literacy or concern for deep policy issues. He uses the tabloids as information sources when it suits him. He has zero qualms about lying.

He is the most dangerous and uninformed person to ever run for president. He would never have succeeded without talk radio, which primed a generation of Republicans to buy into his carefully constructed outsider persona.

If he gets elected, the USA could see policy blunders worse than Bush 43, where deep incompetence lead to the destabilization of the Middle East and the destruction of the U.S. Housing and Financial markets.

The problem we face is that many Trump voters have very little post high school education - and they lack the tools to critically analyze what trump is feeding them.

God help us if he gets elected.

The problem we face is that many Hillary voters have too much post high school MISeducation - and they lack the tools to critically analyze what Trump is informing them.

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