Zone1 Can someone explain this to me?

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Sorry. But, you never hear me describing myself as an Irish American. I'm just American. That is the way it is, if you are American. I really don't care if you are black. I really don't care if people are gay, or bi, or trans, either, as long as not trying rub my face in it. I care if you are a decent person, not an asshole. I care if you have decent values in the way you handle yourself and interact with others. I care whether you can be counted on by decent people. I care whether you handle your responsibilities and hold yourself responsible for your actions. I care whether you honor yourself enough to keep your word. I care whether you can be trusted not to steal or attack. I give not a rats ass for (insert national origin here) American. Oh, and I have only flown over the land of my ancestors, never landed there. My ancestor were probably good people, but they weren't American until they came here and became Americans.
Spare me. When you describe your ancestry, you're calling yourself an Irish American. We call our selves African American and that is not even accurate. No because some may have never seen Africa, but because we may not know what specific country in Africa that we came from. I am not going to read your damn lecture on what is American or the standard white man I'm colorblind testimonial. Whites do not get to define what is American nor do they get to determine what we call ourselves. Start treating us as equal Americans before you lecture somebody and don't give me that I'm an individual garbage. We are Americans that descend from Africa, thats where our ancestry began and it matters not that we have never been there. You are not a descendant of an original here, Lakota, Billyboom and the other members of the First Nations are. And in fact the name America is not the original name of this continent. So again, whites do not get to determine what other groups call themselves.
First off, where is the link? Is this a clean start? Why do some people get to start threads like this while others doing the same get moved? Or is this one of the approved topics that can violate zone 1 rules? Why is it that people who are responsible for upholding the rules are leaving this thread here.?
Why are whites so concerned about what we call ourselves? And there are whites who call themselves Irish-American, German-Americans, Italian-Americans. You do it every time you talk about your ancestry. African-American denotes our ancestry. You guys talk about where you immigrated from. How many of you have even been to the country of your family's origin?
No one is "officially" called or termed to be e.g. an Irish-American, or German-American or European-American - but simply as an AMERICAN - only natural born racists like you, term themselves to be African-American. - simply because you and other lefty&lib nitwits got a problem with the word Black.

Obviously American racists are trying to point out, I am an American but also an African. When will born racists like you, ever learn to integrate into an existing society? Liberia was specially founded for guys like you - why don't you go there?

For a Black-American to tell people that his ancestry initially comes from Africa - is anyway about as stupid as stupid can get.

If people want to give an indication, or are simply proud upon their ancestry, they will at least forward that their ancestry comes from country xxxxxx, and not just, e.g. Europe. Which if one simply looks at senile Biden or human scumbag Trump - its evidently clear that they are of European ancestry - well probably not for you.
How many Irish Americans have been to Ireland?
Lol nice try. Do they, by a huge margin like black people, claim they are "irish american" or just "american?"
Did ireland sell their people as slaves?
Way to completely miss the point.
Why are whites so concerned about what we call ourselves? And there are whites who call themselves Irish-American, German-Americans, Italian-Americans. You do it every time you talk about your ancestry. African-American denotes our ancestry. You guys talk about where you immigrated from. How many of you have even been to the country of your family's origin?
Why do you show loyalty to a place that sold your ancestors into slavery?
How many white descendants of immigrants have seen the land of there ancestry.?

This is a race bait thread and you're adding to it.
No, I generally wonder why. It doesnt make sense to me.
Africans didn’t sell Africans. A group of Kingdoms in West Africa sold war captives into slavery. Blaming the whole of Africa for what West Africa did is ridiculous.

But most importantly, saying Africans sold Africans is a very colonialist view of Africa. The colonialists view Africa as just one humongous country. One huge country with homogeneous citizens, homogeneous culture and custom.

That view of Africa is so pervasive that Time Magazine once wrote a whole article about the “Africa’s Drinking Problem” based on data from just TWO AFRICAN COUNTRIES. Times wouldn’t have generalized something about Europe from data just two European countries. But it did about Africa because for many Westerners, Africa is a country.

Of course, Africa is not a country. It is a continent made up FIFTY-FOUR countries with different cultures, languages, and religions.

Also, the claim Africans sold Africans erases a major reason why some Africans were selling some other Africans: it was because these people were not part of their tribe, their culture. Africans were not selling their fellow Africans. Instead citizens of one kingdom were selling citizens of another kingdom.

When the British enslaved the Irish, do whites consider that as whites enslaving each other? When whites had World Wars, did whites describe this as whites slaughtering each other? No. Whites have accurately been able to describe the exact countries who were fighting. But when it comes to this, we have to read idiocy whites use as excuses to deny their participation in slavery.

According to this information , 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860, there were four million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least one thousand percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

The white controlled slave breeding "industry" IN AMERICA created 10 times more blacks than the number that came from Africans who "sold other Africans".

So let's end repeating the ignorance you read on various alt right, right wing, or white supremacist websites. None of it is factual.

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Ignore my point, AGAIN.
Why dont you just answer the question dude?
Spare me. When you describe your ancestry, you're calling yourself an Irish American. We call our selves African American and that is not even accurate. No because some may have never seen Africa, but because we may not know what specific country in Africa that we came from. I am not going to read your damn lecture on what is American or the standard white man I'm colorblind testimonial. Whites do not get to define what is American nor do they get to determine what we call ourselves. Start treating us as equal Americans before you lecture somebody and don't give me that I'm an individual garbage. We are Americans that descend from Africa, thats where our ancestry began and it matters not that we have never been there. You are not a descendant of an original here, Lakota, Billyboom and the other members of the First Nations are. And in fact the name America is not the original name of this continent. So again, whites do not get to determine what other groups call themselves.
Dont ruin my thread with your racist trife
So most American blacks identify as "African American" even though most of them have never seen Africa. Many probably didn't have a grandparent that saw Africa, yet, they claim it instead of just being "American"
My question is, why do they show loyalty to a continent that sold their ancestors into slavery?
If it was me, I wouldn't claim Africa. Why do they? I don't understand it.
It's a racial designation.

You ain't never been "White" but you're White.

You're welcome.
Thanks for not answering the question.

Is ums upset cause ums didn't get the wacist diatwibe ums wanted?

Deal with it.

African American is a racial/social designation, like
Asian-American, Irish American, Arab-American, MAGAT American.

I know you'd rather go back to N*GGAR, Coon, Spade, or JiggyBoo but most real Americans have moved past the ignorant bigotry that drives your life.

Is ums upset cause ums didn't get the wacist diatwibe ums wanted?

Deal with it.

African American is a racial/social designation, like
Asian-American, Irish American, Arab-American, MAGAT American.

I know you'd rather go back to N*GGAR, Coon, Spade, or JiggyBoo but most real Americans have moved past the ignorant bigotry that drives your life.
Nice projection, fool.
Why would they show loyalty to a place that sold their ancestors into slavery? Can you not answer that question?
Lol nice try. Do they, by a huge margin like black people, claim they are "irish american" or just "american?"
Did ireland sell their people as slaves?
Way to completely miss the point.

Most Irish I know proudly claim to be Irish
As do Italians
As to Texans

Stop blaming slavery on blacks……it is unbecoming
Where is the link? Why is this thread still here in violation of Zone 1 rulles?
And Petro,

I think I know why we call ourselves African American since I happen to be one.
Thing 1 Ape Boy
Racial designations are not about loyalty.
African Americans didn't come up with the race designations, WHITE PEOPLE DID.

Thing 2 Mr Tiny Mind
Africa didn't sell anyone so both your premise and your racism are based on complete ignorance.

And best of all...

isn't it HILARIOUS that White people are bitching about their own racist history.

Its nationality. They claim Africa when they sold their ancestors into slavery. Im asking why they show loyalty to that. Please, for the love of gawd, read and think.
First off, where is the link? Is this a clean start? Why do some people get to start threads like this while others doing the same get moved? Or is this one of the approved topics that can violate zone 1 rules? Why is it that people who are responsible for upholding the rules are leaving this thread here.?
What link goes with this thread?
Why is it that all you do is complain about people and the past?
Will you ever grow up?
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