Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

I never said it was. Not all bigots are religiously based bigots. Some are the "I'm afraid of the gay in me" bigots and some are just "gays are icky so I hate them" bigots.

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

Yes, it is. Loving v Virginia, Zablocki v Wisconsin, Turner v Safley. All those cases declared marriage a fundamental right. Also, majority support is for marriage equality included in those rights.

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

No, they don't and it's been pointed out where they don't. Civil Unions would give YOU all the rights. Why aren't they good enough for you? I'd be find with civil unions if they applied to straight couples as well as gay couples. Do it Fishy, get the government out of the "marriage business". I'm not going to waste any time on it because I don't care what it's called, you do. I'm legally married and I'm cool with you being legally married too. You're not cool with it so the onus is on you to get it changed...for everyone though Fishy.

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

No, that's your interpretation of our struggle for equality. That's because you oppose it. Of course you're going to see it that way...but nobody is forcing anything on you Fishy. You can pretend I'm not legally married if it suits your fantasy. I'm still filing my taxes and getting my spouse her dependent ID.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

I don't care how it "came about" either. This is just the way I've always felt, from my earliest memories. You're right's not a "normal" human condition. Like being left handed or red haired isn't a "normal" human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

Of course the pun was intended. It might be totally Freudian, but it was intended. What is being forced on you? The polls don't bear out your contention. Support for marriage equality just continues to climb.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

No, I won't STFU I do enjoy my partner and our family and I'm not using the government for anything. People are fighting for equality, period. That the government must get involved is only because some continue to violate the Constitution. Not my fault.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

So go focus and stop flying to gay threads Mr. Moth to a flamer.
I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

#8 spot on.
So get out of the lives of gay folks and quit supporting government denying them a marriage license.
If you really believe #8

Nope, marriage is one man and one woman. I have no issue with gays making a social and legal committment to each other, but its not a marriage. A civil union or mutual support contract gives them all of the rights that they claim to want or need.

But you have to see whats really going on here---------the gay agenda is not about equality or rights, its about government mandated societal acceptance that homosexuality is normal and totally acceptable. Its about thought control and punishment of thoughts and beliefs that are not sanctioned by the government.

this is much bigger than it appears.
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
Bean, we've done this before and ALL your studies get shot down in flames...that's what happens when they aren't peer reviewed and don't appear in any journals of medicine. Please note that this comes from an actual American university.

Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health

This is from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, not "looneybird".

A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples.

Available evidence suggests that male homosexuality is both familial and somewhat heritable and that some cases may be caused by an X-linked gene.

Another from a University...

Fraternal Birth Order and the Maternal Immune Hypothesis of Male Homosexuality

In the end, Being Gay Isn't a Choice, It's a Civil Rights Issue.

^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

You did no such thing... At the time the APA removed Gays from the Retarded Chart, what was their Conclusion in Countering their Previous Data on the issue at that time?...

And you did not deal with the 2nd one about NAMBLA at all.

Try again Seabiscuit... Simpling saying you did doesn't do it, because your links don't deal with either.


well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

#8 spot on.
So get out of the lives of gay folks and quit supporting government denying them a marriage license.
If you really believe #8

Nope, marriage is one man and one woman. I have no issue with gays making a social and legal committment to each other, but its not a marriage. A civil union or mutual support contract gives them all of the rights that they claim to want or need.

But you have to see whats really going on here---------the gay agenda is not about equality or rights, its about government mandated societal acceptance that homosexuality is normal and totally acceptable. Its about thought control and punishment of thoughts and beliefs that are not sanctioned by the government.

this is much bigger than it appears.

Not in 17 states and the District of Columbia it's not...and counting. States are falling like big gay dominoes!

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

#8 spot on.
So get out of the lives of gay folks and quit supporting government denying them a marriage license.
If you really believe #8

Nope, marriage is one man and one woman. I have no issue with gays making a social and legal committment to each other, but its not a marriage. A civil union or mutual support contract gives them all of the rights that they claim to want or need.

But you have to see whats really going on here---------the gay agenda is not about equality or rights, its about government mandated societal acceptance that homosexuality is normal and totally acceptable. Its about thought control and punishment of thoughts and beliefs that are not sanctioned by the government.

this is much bigger than it appears.

This has always been the Need for Validation by the Invalid...

They will never be Validated, no matter what Laws are past.


^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

You did no such thing... At the time the APA removed Gays from the Retarded Chart, what was their Conclusion in Countering their Previous Data on the issue at that time?...

And you did not deal with the 2nd one about NAMBLA at all.

Try again Seabiscuit... Simpling saying you did doesn't do it, because your links don't deal with either.



It was in the first link Mal, go read up honey. The APA removed homosexuality from their list of mental illness due to both political pressure and science. The science since then has more than supported their decision to do so.
I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

I never said it was. Not all bigots are religiously based bigots. Some are the "I'm afraid of the gay in me" bigots and some are just "gays are icky so I hate them" bigots.

Yes, it is. Loving v Virginia, Zablocki v Wisconsin, Turner v Safley. All those cases declared marriage a fundamental right. Also, majority support is for marriage equality included in those rights.

No, they don't and it's been pointed out where they don't. Civil Unions would give YOU all the rights. Why aren't they good enough for you? I'd be find with civil unions if they applied to straight couples as well as gay couples. Do it Fishy, get the government out of the "marriage business". I'm not going to waste any time on it because I don't care what it's called, you do. I'm legally married and I'm cool with you being legally married too. You're not cool with it so the onus is on you to get it changed...for everyone though Fishy.

No, that's your interpretation of our struggle for equality. That's because you oppose it. Of course you're going to see it that way...but nobody is forcing anything on you Fishy. You can pretend I'm not legally married if it suits your fantasy. I'm still filing my taxes and getting my spouse her dependent ID.

I don't care how it "came about" either. This is just the way I've always felt, from my earliest memories. You're right's not a "normal" human condition. Like being left handed or red haired isn't a "normal" human condition.

Of course the pun was intended. It might be totally Freudian, but it was intended. What is being forced on you? The polls don't bear out your contention. Support for marriage equality just continues to climb.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

No, I won't STFU I do enjoy my partner and our family and I'm not using the government for anything. People are fighting for equality, period. That the government must get involved is only because some continue to violate the Constitution. Not my fault.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

So go focus and stop flying to gay threads Mr. Moth to a flamer.

nice try, but you did not refute a single one of my points.

I am passionate about this, not because I really give a shit about gays or gay unions, but because the whole thing is very Orwellian. government mandated thought control bothers the crap out of me. Losing the freedom of belief and thought scares the crap out of me. Having beliefs forced on the population by the government is WRONG.

Orwell and Rand had it figured out years ago and its coming true.

I hope you understand, but I do not count on it.
Oh my yes, why would gays ever consider themselves vulnerable to prejudice or oppression?

It's not like there's anyone around who considers them detestable and gross, incapable of being socially well adjusted or mentally stable, no,

no one who thinks they are degenerate, perverted, diseased pedophiles...

...comon!! It's all in your imagination Gay People!!!!


Maybe they shouldn't have Allied with NAMBLA until they were caught in 1994...

Maybe they shouldn't have called for an end to Age of Consent Laws in their National Charter shortly after Stonewall...

Many Marching with NAMBLA for years was a poor Choice if they didn't want to be Associated with Pedophiles. :thup:

Maybe (as Bodecea recently exposed here on these forums) they shouldn't be "Bears" seeking "Cubs" and then wonder why people think they might like touching little boys.



They? lol

Maybe conservatives shouldn't be allied with the KKK.

The "Conscience of the Senate" for the DemocRATS in the Modern Day was a Grand Kleagle for the KKK and Filibustered Civil Rights in 1964 as a US Senator... He was still droppin' "******" into this Millenium and the DemocRATS Praised him until the Day he made the final Journey to Hell.

Fuck you, you Dishonest ****... Fuck your Deviant Agenda... And MOTHERFUCK your Low Expectations of Minorities and Women. :thup:


I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

You did no such thing... At the time the APA removed Gays from the Retarded Chart, what was their Conclusion in Countering their Previous Data on the issue at that time?...

And you did not deal with the 2nd one about NAMBLA at all.

Try again Seabiscuit... Simpling saying you did doesn't do it, because your links don't deal with either.



It was in the first link Mal, go read up honey. The APA removed homosexuality from their list of mental illness due to both political pressure and science. The science since then has more than supported their decision to do so.

Show me what their Justification was at the time Scientifically that Countered what their Conclusions were into the early 70's... Hell, show me, cut and paste it out, where they EVER Directly Countered their Science prior as Wrong.

Then Deal with the Homosexuals and their Historic Alliance with Pedophiles as Documented. :thup:

It only came to end because the ILGA was busted in 1994 and it made national news.

Prior to that the Gays and Pedos Marched together and called for an end to Age of Consent Laws together.

Even today, according to Bodecea, the Gays have a "Bear/Cub" Creepiness that really should be looked into by the Authorities.


If you want to break up a global child sex ring then you should burn down every Catholic church, not ban gay marriage.
If you want to break up a global child sex ring then you should burn down every Catholic church, not ban gay marriage.

why not just put all pedifiles in jail for life---whether they are priests or gay men?

Oh, I know, you libs have to feel sorry for them because they can't help themselves.

liberalism is such a contradiction---------you are for everything that you are against. :cuckoo:
If you want to break up a global child sex ring then you should burn down every Catholic church, not ban gay marriage.

And every Public School... :thup:

Because the percentage of Abuse is right about the same...

And they even moved Teachers around who had priors.

And the Catholic Church Abuse was almost Exclusively Homosexual... Should we do like the Muslims?... :dunno:


Bean, we've done this before and ALL your studies get shot down in flames...that's what happens when they aren't peer reviewed and don't appear in any journals of medicine. Please note that this comes from an actual American university.

Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health

This is from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, not "looneybird".

A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples.

Available evidence suggests that male homosexuality is both familial and somewhat heritable and that some cases may be caused by an X-linked gene.

Another from a University...

Fraternal Birth Order and the Maternal Immune Hypothesis of Male Homosexuality

In the end, Being Gay Isn't a Choice, It's a Civil Rights Issue.

^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

No you DID NOT - the only thing you provided was Gay Propaganda - which is being exposed for it is Lies, distortion and blatant PROPAGANDA.

1.] The USDavis link yo provided references the Evelyn Hooker Study and other Homo pandering trash
Hookers Studies however were the product of a deliberate campaign by Gay activists to bring forward particular, pre-arranged outcomes, an approach that ignores scientific objectivity. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc ... Hookers Studies failed the most basic of Litmus tests regarding Objectivity. Hooker was an associate of the Mattachine Society and was lobbied and eventually convinced to conduct a research study of homosexuality for the sole purpose of advancing their Agenda.

2.] The second link you provided is slightly more credible , but only addresses the instances of male homosexuality with family gropus in a weak attempt to argue that Homosexuality is inheritable , but fails to address the issue of nature over nurture in familial relations and also does not draw upon a large enough sampling to be conclusive.

3.] The third link you provided is not a scientific article at all - I guess you just liked the title - huh [Do you buy books just to look at the pictures, you can't judge a book by its cover sweety] it admits the following ... "it may be politically expedient to say homosexuality is inborn, doing so glosses over how “fluid” sexuality really is and denies us the freedom of choosing our own identity"

Go Fish Bitch
Last edited:
If you want to break up a global child sex ring then you should burn down every Catholic church, not ban gay marriage.

So you think the priests who molest alter boys aren't gay?

According to the the Side that used to March with NAMBLA and called for the End of Age of Consent Laws in their National Charter, there is no such thing as Homosexual Pedophiles.

All Pedophiles are White Christian Republican Males and Catholic Priests. :thup:


Well, you'd be Wrong again, Carby. :thup:



When were gun owners forced to use separate drinking fountains?

Not only are you Wrong but your Frustration about it is Screaming out right now. :rofl:



You know, since you might very well be the best known self-hating closet homosexual on the internet,

someone who just to my knowledge has started at least a thousand threads on various forums attacking homosexuals,

the irony of your projecting frustration and screaming on me is priceless.
^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.
well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

I never said it was. Not all bigots are religiously based bigots. Some are the "I'm afraid of the gay in me" bigots and some are just "gays are icky so I hate them" bigots.

Yes, it is. Loving v Virginia, Zablocki v Wisconsin, Turner v Safley. All those cases declared marriage a fundamental right. Also, majority support is for marriage equality included in those rights.

No, they don't and it's been pointed out where they don't. Civil Unions would give YOU all the rights. Why aren't they good enough for you? I'd be find with civil unions if they applied to straight couples as well as gay couples. Do it Fishy, get the government out of the "marriage business". I'm not going to waste any time on it because I don't care what it's called, you do. I'm legally married and I'm cool with you being legally married too. You're not cool with it so the onus is on you to get it changed...for everyone though Fishy.

No, that's your interpretation of our struggle for equality. That's because you oppose it. Of course you're going to see it that way...but nobody is forcing anything on you Fishy. You can pretend I'm not legally married if it suits your fantasy. I'm still filing my taxes and getting my spouse her dependent ID.

I don't care how it "came about" either. This is just the way I've always felt, from my earliest memories. You're right's not a "normal" human condition. Like being left handed or red haired isn't a "normal" human condition.

Of course the pun was intended. It might be totally Freudian, but it was intended. What is being forced on you? The polls don't bear out your contention. Support for marriage equality just continues to climb.

No, I won't STFU I do enjoy my partner and our family and I'm not using the government for anything. People are fighting for equality, period. That the government must get involved is only because some continue to violate the Constitution. Not my fault.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

So go focus and stop flying to gay threads Mr. Moth to a flamer.

nice try, but you did not refute a single one of my points.

I am passionate about this, not because I really give a shit about gays or gay unions, but because the whole thing is very Orwellian. government mandated thought control bothers the crap out of me. Losing the freedom of belief and thought scares the crap out of me. Having beliefs forced on the population by the government is WRONG.

Orwell and Rand had it figured out years ago and its coming true.

I hope you understand, but I do not count on it.

Rand.....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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