Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.

There's a very Rational one Rooted in the last time the Court was Specific about what Marriage is...

"Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival."

Man/Woman is Unequal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

This is Natural and Scientific Fact.

One Combination of Humans is the ONLY Reason why ANY Combination exists.

They are Distinctly and Documentably Unequal.

The Deviant's Insistence on them being called Equal is either for a sense of Validation that will be False, or it's just more Societal Anarchy from some on the Left who also enjoy watching people Suffer for Generations under their Failed Policies that Assume Failure on entire groups of people that they Feel are Inferior to them and Incapable.


I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.

the most pressing reasons are human biology and anatomy. The human rectum was not designed for intercourse. two females cannot reproduce, neither can two males.

if two people of the same sex wish to share their lives, great, but their union is not a marriage.
well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.

the most pressing reasons are human biology and anatomy. The human rectum was not designed for intercourse. two females cannot reproduce, neither can two males.

if two people of the same sex wish to share their lives, great, but their union is not a marriage.

In Fact it is not Marriage... Marriage is Defined by our very Existence. Homosexuals are Incapable 100% of the time of Reflecting this Naturally.


The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.
Gays have it tough yes, but don't try to equate their struggles with those of African Americans because you think it will draw more sympathizes to your cause. Let's try to be accurate and not look to stretch the hardships of one as being completely compatible to the other.

Attempting to paint the picture of the so-called 'oppression of Gays' as a Civil Rights issue is a detestable facet of the Gay Agenda and agrotesuqe insult to African Americans , who are just as disgusted with the Queer Community as are all decent members of society, regardless of whether they feign acceptance or not -

Gays [as a group] have never been , never will be and never can be Socially well adjusted or mentally stable human beings - they are degenrates, perverts, pedophiles and diseased both psychologically and physically.

Oh my yes, why would gays ever consider themselves vulnerable to prejudice or oppression?

It's not like there's anyone around who considers them detestable and gross, incapable of being socially well adjusted or mentally stable, no,

no one who thinks they are degenerate, perverted, diseased pedophiles...

...comon!! It's all in your imagination Gay People!!!!


so it's not gross to you? So you've tried it out?
The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

Nope, what the people feel about any issue is the only thing that is relevant. The people of your state of caliprunia voted down gay marriage twice, then the will of the people was overridded by an activist liberal court.

This is the worst kind to tyrany. I realize that being a lesbian is the only thing in the world that matters to you, and thats just fine, but losing our country to a dictatorial government should be more important to you than the calling your hook up a marriage.
The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

you want to see gay hate, wytch? go to a muslim country and declare yourself a lesbian who is married to another woman, you would be dead in 2 or 3 days.

but you on the left are all for the muslims having their "rights" in this country.

I just cannot believe the idiotic contradictiions that are today's liberals.
The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

If that was the case you would shut the fuck up and Live... :thup:

Instead you are still here... Expecting everyone to eventually Embrace your Deviancy.

It will never happen.


The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

If that was the case you would shut the fuck up and Live... :thup:

Instead you are still here... Expecting everyone to eventually Embrace your Deviancy.

It will never happen.



As I have said several times, the gay agenda is not about equality and rights-----its about government mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal deviant lifestyle that violates every biological and cultural tenet since the beginning of time.
well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.

There's a very Rational one Rooted in the last time the Court was Specific about what Marriage is...

"Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival."

Man/Woman is Unequal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

This is Natural and Scientific Fact.

One Combination of Humans is the ONLY Reason why ANY Combination exists.

They are Distinctly and Documentably Unequal.

The Deviant's Insistence on them being called Equal is either for a sense of Validation that will be False, or it's just more Societal Anarchy from some on the Left who also enjoy watching people Suffer for Generations under their Failed Policies that Assume Failure on entire groups of people that they Feel are Inferior to them and Incapable.



Think about this.

Left to heterosexuals the species can survive and flourish. Just little ol us

Homosexuals require a cup and some dude whacking it into a cup.

Remind me again how same sex and hetro are so freaking similar?
The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

If that was the case you would shut the fuck up and Live... :thup:

Instead you are still here... Expecting everyone to eventually Embrace your Deviancy.

It will never happen.



Unlike you, I care about more than "I got mine". I will continue to strive for equality for my brothers and sisters living in Utah, Virginia, Alabama, etc.
The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

If that was the case you would shut the fuck up and Live... :thup:

Instead you are still here... Expecting everyone to eventually Embrace your Deviancy.

It will never happen.



As I have said several times, the gay agenda is not about equality and rights-----its about government mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal deviant lifestyle that violates every biological and cultural tenet since the beginning of time.

Nope. It really is about equality.
well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.

the most pressing reasons are human biology and anatomy. The human rectum was not designed for intercourse. two females cannot reproduce, neither can two males.

if two people of the same sex wish to share their lives, great, but their union is not a marriage.

Not my cup of tea but there is a hell of a lot more anal intercourse going on between heterosexuals than gay folks.
A marriage contract has nothing to do with pro-creation much less anal intercourse.
The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

If that was the case you would shut the fuck up and Live... :thup:

Instead you are still here... Expecting everyone to eventually Embrace your Deviancy.

It will never happen.



As I have said several times, the gay agenda is not about equality and rights-----its about government mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal deviant lifestyle that violates every biological and cultural tenet since the beginning of time.

Not the way I see it as I am not gay.
No one is asking you to accept a damn thing. You can believe what you to as long as you do not use your beliefs to deny equal rights to others.
Show us how legalizing interracial marriage forced anyone to accept it.
The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.

the most pressing reasons are human biology and anatomy. The human rectum was not designed for intercourse. two females cannot reproduce, neither can two males.

if two people of the same sex wish to share their lives, great, but their union is not a marriage.

Not my cup of tea but there is a hell of a lot more anal intercourse going on between heterosexuals than gay folks.
A marriage contract has nothing to do with pro-creation much less anal intercourse.

Then please do explain why marriage is limited to just two people. Hint. It is the minimum number required to create a child!


So, the number is not required when including same sex couples!

Where am I wrong?
If that was the case you would shut the fuck up and Live... :thup:

Instead you are still here... Expecting everyone to eventually Embrace your Deviancy.

It will never happen.



As I have said several times, the gay agenda is not about equality and rights-----its about government mandated societal acceptance of an abnormal deviant lifestyle that violates every biological and cultural tenet since the beginning of time.

Not the way I see it as I am not gay.
No one is asking you to accept a damn thing. You can believe what you to as long as you do not use your beliefs to deny equal rights to others.
Show us how legalizing interracial marriage forced anyone to accept it.

So the blind should be granted drivers licenses?
The only motivations for opposing same sex marriage are religious bigotry or hatred of gays without a religious rationale.

There is no valid argument against same sex marriage.

To oppose same sex marriage without a valid argument is irrational. To irrationally wish to deprive someone of a right you yourself and most others enjoy has to have irrational motivation;

the most likely is hatred, in one form or another or to one degree or another.

the most pressing reasons are human biology and anatomy. The human rectum was not designed for intercourse. two females cannot reproduce, neither can two males.

if two people of the same sex wish to share their lives, great, but their union is not a marriage.

Not my cup of tea but there is a hell of a lot more anal intercourse going on between heterosexuals than gay folks.
A marriage contract has nothing to do with pro-creation much less anal intercourse.

If it's not about procreation, then why doesn't the government allow a man to marry his sister?

You morons really don't think these things through.
the most pressing reasons are human biology and anatomy. The human rectum was not designed for intercourse. two females cannot reproduce, neither can two males.

if two people of the same sex wish to share their lives, great, but their union is not a marriage.

Not my cup of tea but there is a hell of a lot more anal intercourse going on between heterosexuals than gay folks.
A marriage contract has nothing to do with pro-creation much less anal intercourse.

If it's not about procreation, then why doesn't the government allow a man to marry his sister?

You morons really don't think these things through.

Look, some have bought into the marketing. Some are simply sympathetic. But it's important to take the long view in either case.

Once this gets too established the dominoes start to fall

What is the states interest in denying plural marriage. What is the state interest in denying brothers to marry? Obviously they can't have abnormal children. This is the successful argument of same sex marriage. Correct? If you don't deny them, you can't deny any demographic.

I've said it before. The closer they get to success, the closer they get to destroying the very thing they claim to desire.

I want everyone happy, but not at the cost of destroying a long honored institution.
I can guarantee you if it were even remotely possible to enforce a law requiring all gay people to drink from separate water fountains there would've been dozens upon dozens found throughout the country back in the day.

But...stop and think about the hell do you enforce that law?????
The federal government doesn't recognize ANY distinction between my marriage license and anyone else's. That's good enough for me. What Mal or Fishy feel about SSM is irrelevant.

If that was the case you would shut the fuck up and Live... :thup:

Instead you are still here... Expecting everyone to eventually Embrace your Deviancy.

It will never happen.



Unlike you, I care about more than "I got mine". I will continue to strive for equality for my brothers and sisters living in Utah, Virginia, Alabama, etc.

That ain't never gonna happen.

Oh yes you will get your little marriage certificates and state recognition of your sham marriages - that's your right as Free Americans, and it never should've been denied. But the world will always detest you, always snicker behind your back , the more merciful ,may pity you ,but most will just feign acceptance and keep you at arms length . Sorry Shefag that's the reality of the situation - you're a disgusting pathetic degenerate mongrol and you're kind are not welcome in a sane society. Get you filthy asses back in the closet or get help . Have a Nice Day :D

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