Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

I guess the point the OP was attempting was to disparage gays for over-dramatizing their cause,

like when the gun nuts start wailing about Nazi Germany every time someone mentions gun control.
so how do you compare their descrimination without comaparing their struggles?

And no being gay is a choice not a genetic defect

So you could choose? You're bi, dude.

Well ive only chosen women, so im hetero, but maybe im born to choose lucky charms.

But you, naturally, find yourself attracted to both men and women, right? I mean you must if you think you could choose. See, I know I didn't choose to be gay but since you are so sure about the choice thing, you must also find yourself wanting to such cock, yes?
So you could choose? You're bi, dude.

Well ive only chosen women, so im hetero, but maybe im born to choose lucky charms.

But you, naturally, find yourself attracted to both men and women, right? I mean you must if you think you could choose. See, I know I didn't choose to be gay but since you are so sure about the choice thing, you must also find yourself wanting to such cock, yes?

The only Choices are the one's that Defy Nature's Design... :thup:

And Kilt #2, what does "such cock" mean?... :dunno:


Gays have it tough yes, but don't try to equate their struggles with those of African Americans because you think it will draw more sympathizes to your cause. Let's try to be accurate and not look to stretch the hardships of one as being completely compatible to the other.

Attempting to paint the picture of the so-called 'oppression of Gays' as a Civil Rights issue is a detestable facet of the Gay Agenda and agrotesuqe insult to African Americans , who are just as disgusted with the Queer Community as are all decent members of society, regardless of whether they feign acceptance or not -

Gays [as a group] have never been , never will be and never can be Socially well adjusted or mentally stable human beings - they are degenrates, perverts, pedophiles and diseased both psychologically and physically.

Oh my yes, why would gays ever consider themselves vulnerable to prejudice or oppression?

It's not like there's anyone around who considers them detestable and gross, incapable of being socially well adjusted or mentally stable, no,

no one who thinks they are degenerate, perverted, diseased pedophiles...

...comon!! It's all in your imagination Gay People!!!!


Maybe they shouldn't have Allied with NAMBLA until they were caught in 1994...

Maybe they shouldn't have called for an end to Age of Consent Laws in their National Charter shortly after Stonewall...

Many Marching with NAMBLA for years was a poor Choice if they didn't want to be Associated with Pedophiles. :thup:

Maybe (as Bodecea recently exposed here on these forums) they shouldn't be "Bears" seeking "Cubs" and then wonder why people think they might like touching little boys.


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Nobody is comparing struggles. Nobody is comparing race to orientation despite they're both being innate traits. What is compared (and comparable) is the discrimination.

History News Network | Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

so how do you compare their descrimination without comaparing their struggles?

And no being gay is a choice not a genetic defect


Whether one is gay as a consequence of choice or birth is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

The 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause guarantees each American the right to self-determination, and the right to make a choice concerning personal, private matters absent interference by the state:

It suffices for us to acknowledge that adults may choose to enter upon this relationship in the confines of their homes and their own private lives and still retain their dignity as free persons. When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.


As a fact of law gay Americans manifest a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections, including the right to exercise one’s liberty as an individual.

If SOTUS believes "Liberty presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct", then that would include cases of polygamy. Yet certain intimate relationships are still deemed socially unacceptable, based upon society's own choice of what they are willing to tolerate and not by any "morality" code of conduct.
Gays have it tough yes, but don't try to equate their struggles with those of African Americans because you think it will draw more sympathizes to your cause. Let's try to be accurate and not look to stretch the hardships of one as being completely compatible to the other.

Nobody is comparing struggles. Nobody is comparing race to orientation despite they're both being innate traits. What is compared (and comparable) is the discrimination.

History News Network | Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

That homosexuality is an innate trait is not established , in fact most evidence seems to indicate otherwise - that it is not something one is born with.

The bible of Gay Media Manipulators, a brilliant book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's by two devious homosexuals, Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and Hunter Madsen . This powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular 1989 book presents an impassioned plea, for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions. It is basically a blueprint for the Gay Agenda, it makes the following statement
We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184); ....... Being Gay is Sick

The scientific community disagrees with you...but you won't find their opinions at "looneybird". :lol:
Nobody is comparing struggles. Nobody is comparing race to orientation despite they're both being innate traits. What is compared (and comparable) is the discrimination.

History News Network | Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

That homosexuality is an innate trait is not established , in fact most evidence seems to indicate otherwise - that it is not something one is born with.

The bible of Gay Media Manipulators, a brilliant book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's by two devious homosexuals, Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and Hunter Madsen . This powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular 1989 book presents an impassioned plea, for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions. It is basically a blueprint for the Gay Agenda, it makes the following statement
We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184); ....... Being Gay is Sick

The scientific community disagrees with you...but you won't find their opinions at "looneybird". :lol:

The scientific community does not disagree with me , Queers and Dykes disagree with me.

If it is the APA [American Psychological Association] you are referring to , they are not a scientific organization they are a political one . At one time they were a scientific group, but that has long since ceased.

A former President of the American Psychological Association and one of the people who led the movement to have homosexuality declassified as a mental illness speaking to an audience of fellow professionals in 2005, stated the profession of Mental Health, psychology, psychiatry is dominated by social-activist groups.

Another psychiatrist critical of the politicization of the APA is Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. In his talk entitled "Judicial Abuse of Scientific Literature on Homosexuality by the American Mental Health Professional Organizations," he offered a tediously referenced description of ethics and morals breeches in recent legal cases that have led to landmark changes in family-law policy.

Dr. Satinover stated that mental-health organizations had allowed themselves to be manipulated and commandeered by the gay agenda which has deliberately distorted research findings to serve their own goals. He called this distortion of the science, "appalling beyond imagination." Dr. Satinover has also taught constitutional law at Princeton.

American Psychological Association "Owned by The Gays" : Prominent Psychology Professionals

Sorry SeaWytch ... but the data above comes from your favorite site again "loonysbird" :lol: If you can not refute the content than STFU
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They're queer, not gay, and saying they have no choice is like saying rapist have no choice.
Attempting to paint the picture of the so-called 'oppression of Gays' as a Civil Rights issue is a detestable facet of the Gay Agenda and agrotesuqe insult to African Americans , who are just as disgusted with the Queer Community as are all decent members of society, regardless of whether they feign acceptance or not -

Gays [as a group] have never been , never will be and never can be Socially well adjusted or mentally stable human beings - they are degenrates, perverts, pedophiles and diseased both psychologically and physically.

Oh my yes, why would gays ever consider themselves vulnerable to prejudice or oppression?

It's not like there's anyone around who considers them detestable and gross, incapable of being socially well adjusted or mentally stable, no,

no one who thinks they are degenerate, perverted, diseased pedophiles...

...comon!! It's all in your imagination Gay People!!!!


Maybe they shouldn't have Allied with NAMBLA until they were caught in 1994...

Maybe they shouldn't have called for an end to Age of Consent Laws in their National Charter shortly after Stonewall...

Many Marching with NAMBLA for years was a poor Choice if they didn't want to be Associated with Pedophiles. :thup:

Maybe (as Bodecea recently exposed here on these forums) they shouldn't be "Bears" seeking "Cubs" and then wonder why people think they might like touching little boys.



They? lol

Maybe conservatives shouldn't be allied with the KKK.
so how do you compare their descrimination without comaparing their struggles?

And no being gay is a choice not a genetic defect


Whether one is gay as a consequence of choice or birth is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

The 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause guarantees each American the right to self-determination, and the right to make a choice concerning personal, private matters absent interference by the state:

It suffices for us to acknowledge that adults may choose to enter upon this relationship in the confines of their homes and their own private lives and still retain their dignity as free persons. When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.


As a fact of law gay Americans manifest a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections, including the right to exercise one’s liberty as an individual.

If SOTUS believes "Liberty presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct", then that would include cases of polygamy. Yet certain intimate relationships are still deemed socially unacceptable, based upon society's own choice of what they are willing to tolerate and not by any "morality" code of conduct.

So you concede that the social acceptability of homosexual relationships is tolerated by most Americans.
Bean, we've done this before and ALL your studies get shot down in flames...that's what happens when they aren't peer reviewed and don't appear in any journals of medicine. Please note that this comes from an actual American university.

Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health

This is from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, not "looneybird".

A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples.

Available evidence suggests that male homosexuality is both familial and somewhat heritable and that some cases may be caused by an X-linked gene.

Another from a University...

Fraternal Birth Order and the Maternal Immune Hypothesis of Male Homosexuality

In the end, Being Gay Isn't a Choice, It's a Civil Rights Issue.
I guess the point the OP was attempting was to disparage gays for over-dramatizing their cause,

like when the gun nuts start wailing about Nazi Germany every time someone mentions gun control.

Well, you'd be Wrong again, Carby. :thup:



When were gun owners forced to use separate drinking fountains?

Not only are you Wrong but your Frustration about it is Screaming out right now. :rofl:


Bean, we've done this before and ALL your studies get shot down in flames...that's what happens when they aren't peer reviewed and don't appear in any journals of medicine. Please note that this comes from an actual American university.

Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health

This is from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, not "looneybird".

A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples.

Available evidence suggests that male homosexuality is both familial and somewhat heritable and that some cases may be caused by an X-linked gene.

Another from a University...

Fraternal Birth Order and the Maternal Immune Hypothesis of Male Homosexuality

In the end, Being Gay Isn't a Choice, It's a Civil Rights Issue.

^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



Whether one is gay as a consequence of choice or birth is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

The 5th Amendment’s Liberty Clause guarantees each American the right to self-determination, and the right to make a choice concerning personal, private matters absent interference by the state:

As a fact of law gay Americans manifest a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections, including the right to exercise one’s liberty as an individual.

If SOTUS believes "Liberty presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct", then that would include cases of polygamy. Yet certain intimate relationships are still deemed socially unacceptable, based upon society's own choice of what they are willing to tolerate and not by any "morality" code of conduct.

So you concede that the social acceptability of homosexual relationships is tolerated by most Americans.

I Tolerate a lot of things... Like Whores and Drug Addicts.

Acceptance is the Goal... Embracement is the Goal.

Validation is what is being sought... It can never be had because Homosexuality is Inherently Invalid.

No matter how many Laws are passed... No matter if the Church is Silenced...


Oh my yes, why would gays ever consider themselves vulnerable to prejudice or oppression?

It's not like there's anyone around who considers them detestable and gross, incapable of being socially well adjusted or mentally stable, no,

no one who thinks they are degenerate, perverted, diseased pedophiles...

...comon!! It's all in your imagination Gay People!!!!


Maybe they shouldn't have Allied with NAMBLA until they were caught in 1994...

Maybe they shouldn't have called for an end to Age of Consent Laws in their National Charter shortly after Stonewall...

Many Marching with NAMBLA for years was a poor Choice if they didn't want to be Associated with Pedophiles. :thup:

Maybe (as Bodecea recently exposed here on these forums) they shouldn't be "Bears" seeking "Cubs" and then wonder why people think they might like touching little boys.



They? lol

Maybe conservatives shouldn't be allied with the KKK.

Not very eloquent are you ? Or very knowledgeable for that matter either.

KKK = Militant branch of the Democratic Party for many years, Republicans denied membership and lynched along with Blacks.

They ? Read the post a few more times perhaps it'll sink in.
Bean, we've done this before and ALL your studies get shot down in flames...that's what happens when they aren't peer reviewed and don't appear in any journals of medicine. Please note that this comes from an actual American university.

Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health

This is from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, not "looneybird".

A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples.

Available evidence suggests that male homosexuality is both familial and somewhat heritable and that some cases may be caused by an X-linked gene.

Another from a University...

Fraternal Birth Order and the Maternal Immune Hypothesis of Male Homosexuality

In the end, Being Gay Isn't a Choice, It's a Civil Rights Issue.

^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.
Bean, we've done this before and ALL your studies get shot down in flames...that's what happens when they aren't peer reviewed and don't appear in any journals of medicine. Please note that this comes from an actual American university.

Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health

This is from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, not "looneybird".

A family history study of male sexual orientation using three independent samples.

Available evidence suggests that male homosexuality is both familial and somewhat heritable and that some cases may be caused by an X-linked gene.

Another from a University...

Fraternal Birth Order and the Maternal Immune Hypothesis of Male Homosexuality

In the end, Being Gay Isn't a Choice, It's a Civil Rights Issue.

^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.
^Watch what Seabiscuit can't answer...

1.) Provide the Literature from the APA Justifying their Removal of Homosexuals from the list of the Mentally Ill and that Countered their Prior Conclusion.

2.) Let the class know if the Groups like the ILGA were Allied with NAMBLA and into the 90's, if NAMBLA Marched in Gay Pride Parades into the 90's, and if the National Charter for Gays shortly after Stonewall called for an End of Age of Consent Laws Nationally.

Seabiscuit will avoid this post. :thup:



I did Mal...take the time to read the links. Afraid of a little education that goes against your worldview? That's what happens to religious extremists.

well twichey, I see that you are still in denial about this whole subject.

first, being opposed to gay marriage may or may not be religiously based

second, the majority support equal rights for gays, marriage is not a right

third, a legal sanctioned civil union gives you all of the rights you want and need

fourth, the gay agenda is not about equality, its about forced societal acceptance of a deviant abnormal lifestyle.

fifth, I don't care if homosexuality is genetic, environmental, or learned. No matter how it comes about, it is not a normal human condition.

sixth, continuing to try to ram your lifestyle up everyone else's butt (no pun intended) will alienate more than it will convert.

seventh, STFU about it, enjoy your partner, and stop trying to use the government to force societal acceptance.

eigth, of all the things that this country really needs to work on, gay life is way down the list in importance.

#8 spot on.
So get out of the lives of gay folks and quit supporting government denying them a marriage license.
If you really believe #8

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