Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

I love the idea of Civil Unions...for everyone. It would satisfy the thumpers and we gays don't give a shit what you call it. It's just the straights that think they should have "special rights" that want the gays to have civil unions while they get civil marriage.

(Oh look, back to the separate fountains analogy)

What part of my post below did Seabiscuit Conveniently Ignore?...

Nothing, its gay marriage that is wrong. D'uh.

Oh...whew...good thing there is no such thing as "gay marriage", there is only marriage. Just like there is no "gay driver's license" or "gay tax form".

While your religion might find that unions between people of the same sex are "wrong", the government has to actually prove the "wrongness". In other words, you must have a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality to gay and lesbian couples. Your religion has no such restrictions.

It isn't always about "wrong", Seabiscuit... It's about what's not Equal.

You as an Individual are Equal to other Individuals.

Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman... This is a Natural Fact and it is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival." as the Court put it.

There is NOTHING about Same Sex Coupling that is that thing. :thup:

You are Equipped and Designed by Nature to Couple with the Opposite Sex. Your Choice to Defy that should not be Society's Burden.



Oh yeah... The part about Nature's Design and how Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman... This is a Natural Fact and it is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival." as the Court put it.



I guess gays have always had it okay in America, eh? Equal treatment, no discrimination or laws prohibiting their sexual orientation. Is that what you morons are trying to say?

Actually what I believe he is getting at is, there haven't been any stories of people being raped, beaten, falsely accused, hanged, dragged, pulled over by officers of the law and questioned or targeted, tortured, shackled and sold, living in well below human standard conditions, etc..... all because of their sexual orientation. There is no real comparison to conditions that blacks were forced to endure as being lawfully accepted and condoned as well as spat upon .... with gays who are ridiculed, judged, and denied service simply because they desire to display their affections openly.

You don't think any of those things have happened to gays? Matthew Shepard ring any bells? He was tortured and left to die on a fence. Why do you think Stonewall happened? Because gays were getting fucking tired of being harassed by police. The only reason MORE of that didn't happen is because we could hide when we needed to.

you got your gay marriage, now can you please shut the fuck up, you screeching harpie

Actually what I believe he is getting at is, there haven't been any stories of people being raped, beaten, falsely accused, hanged, dragged, pulled over by officers of the law and questioned or targeted, tortured, shackled and sold, living in well below human standard conditions, etc..... all because of their sexual orientation. There is no real comparison to conditions that blacks were forced to endure as being lawfully accepted and condoned as well as spat upon .... with gays who are ridiculed, judged, and denied service simply because they desire to display their affections openly.

You don't think any of those things have happened to gays? Matthew Shepard ring any bells? He was tortured and left to die on a fence. Why do you think Stonewall happened? Because gays were getting fucking tired of being harassed by police. The only reason MORE of that didn't happen is because we could hide when we needed to.

you got your gay marriage, now can you please shut the fuck up, you screeching harpie



Gospel. :thup:


What's "wrong" about my filing joint taxes?

Nothing, its gay marriage that is wrong. D'uh.

Oh...whew...good thing there is no such thing as "gay marriage", there is only marriage. Just like there is no "gay driver's license" or "gay tax form".

While your religion might find that unions between people of the same sex are "wrong", the government has to actually prove the "wrongness". In other words, you must have a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality to gay and lesbian couples. Your religion has no such restrictions.

Don't forget singles and polygamists. No compelling state interest in denying them either
I love the idea of Civil Unions...for everyone. It would satisfy the thumpers and we gays don't give a shit what you call it. It's just the straights that think they should have "special rights" that want the gays to have civil unions while they get civil marriage.

(Oh look, back to the separate fountains analogy)

But ignore the separate shower analogy, that you must.
Nothing, its gay marriage that is wrong. D'uh.

Oh...whew...good thing there is no such thing as "gay marriage", there is only marriage. Just like there is no "gay driver's license" or "gay tax form".

While your religion might find that unions between people of the same sex are "wrong", the government has to actually prove the "wrongness". In other words, you must have a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality to gay and lesbian couples. Your religion has no such restrictions.

Don't forget singles and polygamists. No compelling state interest in denying them either

There is "no compelling state interest' in denying a Mother and Daughter who care for the Daughter's Child together the same "rights" of Marriage that Gays are Demanding...

Do you Think that Seabiscuit can be Honest about that either?... Nope. :thup:


First question, are the gay fountains nice?

Follow up question: If they are can I use one without being gay? My fountain sucks.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



I'm fairly certain that women were never discriminated against in this country to the extent that blacks have been,

but that's a pretty idiotic jumping off point to try to argue that women shouldn't have acquired equal rights.

Its a good jumping off point, if you are trying to compare the two groups. Especially since one is a decision and the other is a race.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



I'm fairly certain that women were never discriminated against in this country to the extent that blacks have been,

but that's a pretty idiotic jumping off point to try to argue that women shouldn't have acquired equal rights.

Its a good jumping off point, if you are trying to compare the two groups. Especially since one is a decision and the other is a race.

Carby believes that Homos lack Self-Control. :thup:


Tell us how you "decided" to be straight.
How long did you guys contemplate cock before you made your decision to be straight?
Did not happen that way with me but if you guys claim you contemplated all your choices and you sat and thought long and hard about how a cock in your mouth is one of your choices I believe you.
But that shit never happened with me.
I never thought about that and never chose my sexuality.
I was born that way. No one chooses who they are attracted to.
I guess gays have always had it okay in America, eh? Equal treatment, no discrimination or laws prohibiting their sexual orientation. Is that what you morons are trying to say?

Actually what I believe he is getting at is, there haven't been any stories of people being raped, beaten, falsely accused, hanged, dragged, pulled over by officers of the law and questioned or targeted, tortured, shackled and sold, living in well below human standard conditions, etc..... all because of their sexual orientation. There is no real comparison to conditions that blacks were forced to endure as being lawfully accepted and condoned as well as spat upon .... with gays who are ridiculed, judged, and denied service simply because they desire to display their affections openly.

So gays have not been falsely accused, spat on, beaten, dragged and lived below the human standard in this country?
I have seen gays having to endure all of those many times in my life, mostly in the 60s and 70s.
But since African Americans have not been baked in ovens like the Jews have then under that logic African Americans have never had a claim for equal rights in this country.
You must be very young.
Reagan opposed a referendum as Governor that would have fired thousands of homosexual public school teachers.

Gays had to endure mostly from the religious fanatics who would so love to put all their focus into judging them, as if judging and condemning are the keys to drawing people closer to God and religion. Notice I said religion, because if they were "Christians" who use the examples set in the Bible surrounding Christ, they wouldn't be acting as they do today. Homosexuals deserve to live as they choose like everyone else. You can't force others through threats of fire and brimstone into a faith walk, Christ never used fear or condemnation as a means to obtain followers. These religious zealots should tread carefully and look in the mirror, before they find themselves sounding like the Sadducees and Pharisees who thought they had it all together regarding religion.
You don't think any of those things have happened to gays? Matthew Shepard ring any bells? He was tortured and left to die on a fence. Why do you think Stonewall happened? Because gays were getting fucking tired of being harassed by police. The only reason MORE of that didn't happen is because we could hide when we needed to.

No gays were not shackled, sold, raped, whipped into submission, or had a community of whites track them down and drag them from the home or vehicle to be hanged .... sorry. Why don't you take some time to watch 12 years a slave and educate yourself with our nation's dark history, then find me an article where gays had to endure the same.

You haven't either so under your own logic you should not receive the same equal rights as those that have.

Gays have it tough yes, but don't try to equate their struggles with those of African Americans because you think it will draw more sympathizes to your cause. Let's try to be accurate and not look to stretch the hardships of one as being completely compatible to the other.
What's "wrong" about my filing joint taxes?

Nothing, its gay marriage that is wrong. D'uh.

Oh...whew...good thing there is no such thing as "gay marriage", there is only marriage. Just like there is no "gay driver's license" or "gay tax form".

While your religion might find that unions between people of the same sex are "wrong", the government has to actually prove the "wrongness". In other words, you must have a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality to gay and lesbian couples. Your religion has no such restrictions.

Religion and government should be completely separate going on both sides of the issue. Religion can't force others who don't believe in a God to believe in the same interpretations and values as you do. Likewise government can't ever force religion through laws to recolonize and accept what they don't "believe" to be correct and justified in THEIR eyes. If the left want to believe there is somehow this wall of separation between church and state, that wall goes both ways and not based on personal and political convenience.
Nothing, its gay marriage that is wrong. D'uh.

Oh...whew...good thing there is no such thing as "gay marriage", there is only marriage. Just like there is no "gay driver's license" or "gay tax form".

While your religion might find that unions between people of the same sex are "wrong", the government has to actually prove the "wrongness". In other words, you must have a compelling state reason to deny marriage equality to gay and lesbian couples. Your religion has no such restrictions.

Don't forget singles and polygamists. No compelling state interest in denying them either

Well they would try and say polygamy is somehow immoral or that it's a lifestyle is simply against law, but so were the views concerning sodomy at one point as well. All one has to do is look at the laws, views and opinions concerning various states in this country ..... let's say about 30 years or so ago?
First question, are the gay fountains nice?

Follow up question: If they are can I use one without being gay? My fountain sucks.

Please do ! With all the disease and pestilence that queers spread maybe we can eliminate some Liberals in the process ..... :badgrin:
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Tell us how you "decided" to be straight.
How long did you guys contemplate cock before you made your decision to be straight?
Did not happen that way with me but if you guys claim you contemplated all your choices and you sat and thought long and hard about how a cock in your mouth is one of your choices I believe you.
But that shit never happened with me.
I never thought about that and never chose my sexuality.
I was born that way. No one chooses who they are attracted to.

Contemplating being "NORMAL" is not something that happens , however, there are people for what ever reason suffer from sexual orientation dysphoria - a Mental disorder commonly known as homosexuality. Many sufferring from this disorder are intelligent enough or moral enough to resist it - Others successfully seek counseling and are helped and others choose the low road and give in to become Faggots, Dykes, Pedophiles, Transvestites and assorted perverts. Which one are you ?

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