Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

It's perfectly fine to discriminate against someone for their actions, not for how they were born.

There has always been a stigma about gays, and that is because the vast majority of people find it digusting. If they don't want to be laughed at, made fun of, ect, then stop acting like a bunch of flammers in a gay pride parade. Stop flaunting your disgusting ways in front of everyone and trying to force them to accept it as 'normal'.

If queers just kept their affairs private and in the privacy of their own homes, not many people would have an issue with them.

I find people that floss their teeth in public places disgusting.
So we discriminate against them also?
Not under the Constitution we don't.
True conservatives are defenders of freedom and seek to protect those they may despise the most.
I find it interesting that you call me GayBikerSailor when you don't know my orientation.

Me? I'm pretty much straight, meaning that I really like women.

However, I also appreciate gays and lesbians (I lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years).

I guess that being open minded scares you.

It must suck to be that close minded (meaning that anything outside of your comfort zone is scary).

Bigot much?

You haven't taken issue with what I said because you can't... Instead you opt for the "Bigot" meme...

My Wife and I talked a close Friend into coming out in our Kitchen... I have plenty of Gay Friends and Family and we don't agree on one thing... Marriage vs Civil Unions.

Funny thing is 10 and 15 years ago I was a Crusader for their Cause because I as Pro-Civil Union... Now I'm a Bigot. :rofl:

Let's try this again and see if you will be just another in a long line of Activists who simply Ignore this Reality:

Man/Woman is not Naturally, Biologically, Physically or Factually Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^That is not up for Debate, it's what is.



So when you begged your gay friend to come out did you do so because he has an "alliance with pedophiles" as you claimed they all do in previous posts?
I am sure you called him a queer, label who he is as faggotness to his face and called him a pervert as you are asking him to come out.
You are telling us you do that to all your gay friends.
You are not a friend to gay people. You trash them and label them as sub human.
Who are you trying to shit with your bull shit?

It was a she... and History doesn't Lie... The Charter after Stonewall called for an End to Age of Consent Laws and NAMBLA regularly Marched with Gays and the ILGA's ties to NAMBLA are Indisputable.

That has nothing to do with EVERY Individual Gay person, but it is a Reality about some of the Activists.

And I have NEVER said they were sub human... Please quote me ever saying that?

I've Advocated for Civil Unions for over 2 Decades for Gays.

Because I Observe that Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man and Woman/Woman and that they are Willfully Defying their Natural Design and Equipment does not make me think anything of them.

I have all kinds of Friends and Family that do all kinds of things and I don't Judge them Differently.

Those who Insist on Obsessively making those things Public or Demanding that Law be Changed to Respect those Choices have and will always hear from me about it.


Okay, you're slightly on track on that one - but you still didn't answer the question ....are you the product of inbreeding ?

Bean, seriously. I am against gay marriage. Everyone should realize that by now. That was a low blow. I would seriously like to have a civil discussion. Not sure it's even possible with one side calling the other homophobes and bigots (which in my opinion is just as low) and the other side also slinging slurs.

No matter what happens I want SeaWytch, you, mal and everyone a happy life. I have yet to be convinced that that can't happen.

That’s not going to happen with same-sex couples denied their equal protection rights.

And those rights should be acknowledged not solely to make anyone ‘happy,’ but because to do so comports with the Constitution and its case law, and where it is consequently the right thing to do.

Would then taxing single or non child bearing couples, regardless of sexuality, higher because they do not produce the children that are required to care for, and provide taxes for the non child bearing?

That would also appear to be the right thing to do? Can't see where there's even an argument.
Gay people aren't the problem.

The problem is bigots who think that their brand of religion trumps everyone else's.

Sorry, but I can live with gays in my neighborhood a lot better than I can live with bigots.

This Thread isn't about religion... So why don't you take your Emotion somewhere it would make more sense being spilled. :thup:

It's this simple, GayBikerSailor...

Man/Woman is not Naturally, Biologically, Physically or Factually Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^That is not up for Debate, it's what is.



I thought it was about separate is not equal. Or did you somehow change the topic?

Separate is equal millions, if not billions of times a day. Are you still riding that hoax?
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So you are a Patriot as long as you don't have to accept all the people in America?

No, I'm normal because I find two men butt fucking, disgusting.


Normal is relative. In a gay bar, you'd be weird for thinking that.

You might want to pinpoint a more accurate word, given the rather ambiguous nature of the "normal".

That's where you get lost. Normal is not relative. Normal is a constant.

You might want to find a new angle for trying to bastardize nature.
No, I'm normal because I find two men butt fucking, disgusting.


Normal is relative. In a gay bar, you'd be weird for thinking that.

You might want to pinpoint a more accurate word, given the rather ambiguous nature of the "normal".

That's where you get lost. Normal is not relative. Normal is a constant.

You might want to find a new angle for trying to bastardize nature.

correct, the entire gay agenda is about having government force societal acceptance of abnormal, deviant behavior. homosexuality is not normal and never will be.

We accept them for what they are and want them to have fair and equal treatment, but a gay union will never be a marriage.
No, I'm normal because I find two men butt fucking, disgusting.


Normal is relative. In a gay bar, you'd be weird for thinking that.

You might want to pinpoint a more accurate word, given the rather ambiguous nature of the "normal".

That's where you get lost. Normal is not relative. Normal is a constant.

You might want to find a new angle for trying to bastardize nature.

Sorry, but this really doesn't make any sense, 007.

It was "normal" in 1776 for women to behave submissively, not hold jobs, and not vote. It was "normal" in 1776 to consider blacks as subhuman and to auction them off to various buyers. It was "normal" in 1776 for women to die more frequently during childbirth. It was "normal" in 1776 for a wealthy female to wear a corset.

Those "normal" standards have obviously changed, so how in the world can "normal" be a constant?
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Normal is relative. In a gay bar, you'd be weird for thinking that.

You might want to pinpoint a more accurate word, given the rather ambiguous nature of the "normal".

That's where you get lost. Normal is not relative. Normal is a constant.

You might want to find a new angle for trying to bastardize nature.

Sorry, but this really doesn't make any sense, 007.

It was "normal" in 1776 for women to behave submissively, not hold jobs, and not vote. It was "normal" in 1776 to consider blacks as subhuman and to auction them off to various buyers. It was "normal" in 1776 for women to die more frequently during childbirth. It was "normal" in 1776 for a wealthy female to wear a corset.

Those "normal" standards have obviously changed, so how in the world can "normal" be a constant?

the roles of male and female mammals has not changed for millions of years. Normal behavior has been defined by biology and anatomy, not societies or governments.
the roles of male and female mammals has not changed for millions of years. Normal behavior has been defined by biology and anatomy, not societies or governments.

The roles have not changed? I would argue against that.

The female / male dynamic with regards to roles in a society have changed DRASTICALLY over the past 250 years. Today, we have women working and men staying home with the kids. We have women voting, owning property, making decisions for the family, etc, whereas a few hundred years ago that was unheard of.

"Normal" changes all the time.
"Normal" used to be men in tight leggings with heeled shoes wearing powdered wigs and owning black people.

That changed, so why can't other forms of "normal" change, too?

Also, in case anyone isn't aware, homosexuality predates Christianity by about 6,000 years, so which is more "normal"?
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"Normal" used to be men in tight leggings with heeled shoes wearing powdered wigs and owning black people.

That changed, so why can't other forms of "normal" change, too?

Also, in case anyone isn't aware, homosexuality predates Christianity by about 6,000 years, so which is more "normal"?

So does Fucking Animals and the Dead. :thup:

What is Normal is what is Natural... Nature's Design.

Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

Religion is Irrelevant, this is Biological Fact.


The gay agenda has morphed into some type of cult following.

The actual gay agenda is to punish the church and use the term marriage and press so anyone can gain access to your SS trust.

That is the basis of the gay agenda no matter how they want to flower it up.
This Thread isn't about religion... So why don't you take your Emotion somewhere it would make more sense being spilled. :thup:

It's this simple, GayBikerSailor...

Man/Woman is not Naturally, Biologically, Physically or Factually Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^That is not up for Debate, it's what is.



I find it interesting that you call me GayBikerSailor when you don't know my orientation.

Me? I'm pretty much straight, meaning that I really like women.

However, I also appreciate gays and lesbians (I lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years).

I guess that being open minded scares you.

It must suck to be that close minded (meaning that anything outside of your comfort zone is scary).

Bigot much?

You haven't taken issue with what I said because you can't... Instead you opt for the "Bigot" meme...

My Wife and I talked a close Friend into coming out in our Kitchen... I have plenty of Gay Friends and Family and we don't agree on one thing... Marriage vs Civil Unions.

Funny thing is 10 and 15 years ago I was a Crusader for their Cause because I as Pro-Civil Union... Now I'm a Bigot. :rofl:

Let's try this again and see if you will be just another in a long line of Activists who simply Ignore this Reality:

Man/Woman is not Naturally, Biologically, Physically or Factually Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^That is not up for Debate, it's what is.




It's in red... Take issue with it with it and Illustrate how it's Wrong. :thup:


Man/Woman is not Naturally, Biologically, Physically or Factually Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

So what?

If the people of society decide that two men ought to have the right to marry - that's really the only thing that matters. No one has to demonstrate that a man/man relationship is equal to a man/woman relationship; all that matters is popular opinion.

There's no reason people can't decide that man/man relationships are OK and should fall under the umbrella of marriage. There's no rule saying you can't do that.
I find it interesting that you call me GayBikerSailor when you don't know my orientation.

Me? I'm pretty much straight, meaning that I really like women.

However, I also appreciate gays and lesbians (I lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years).

I guess that being open minded scares you.

It must suck to be that close minded (meaning that anything outside of your comfort zone is scary).

Bigot much?

You haven't taken issue with what I said because you can't... Instead you opt for the "Bigot" meme...

My Wife and I talked a close Friend into coming out in our Kitchen... I have plenty of Gay Friends and Family and we don't agree on one thing... Marriage vs Civil Unions.

Funny thing is 10 and 15 years ago I was a Crusader for their Cause because I as Pro-Civil Union... Now I'm a Bigot. :rofl:

Let's try this again and see if you will be just another in a long line of Activists who simply Ignore this Reality:

Man/Woman is not Naturally, Biologically, Physically or Factually Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^That is not up for Debate, it's what is.




It's in red... Take issue with it with it and Illustrate how it's Wrong. :thup:



So..................only people who are equal to each other should be allowed to marry? What about a black man marrying a white woman? Prior to the 60's, whites and blacks were considered to be unequal on all counts you mentioned.

Like I said..................bigot much?

If two people want to marry, it shouldn't matter what gender they are, just like color no longer matters. Several years from now, people are going to look back and wonder what the big fuss was.
Where does it say in the Constitution that gay people can't get married?

It doesn't say that? So would that mean that gay people can get married since there isn't anything illegal about it in the first place?
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



You are conflating Civil Rights with the Civil Rights struggles of 1950's-70's.

Civil Rights belong to every Ameircan.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



You are conflating Civil Rights with the Civil Rights struggles of 1950's-70's.

Civil Rights belong to every Ameircan.

And Gays have ever single one that I have... And if Marriage is a "Right" as the SCOTUS said when they called it "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" then they have that one also.

Of course they can't Defy their Natural Design and that is at the Core of "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"...

There is nothing Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival about Man/Man or Woman/Woman... That is Distinctly a Man/Woman thing...

And by the way, why each and every single one of them Exists.

Fact not Fiction. :thup:


Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



You are conflating Civil Rights with the Civil Rights struggles of 1950's-70's.

Civil Rights belong to every Ameircan.

And Gays have ever single one that I have... And if Marriage is a "Right" as the SCOTUS said when they called it "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" then they have that one also.

Of course they can't Defy their Natural Design and that is at the Core of "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"...

There is nothing Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival about Man/Man or Woman/Woman... That is Distinctly a Man/Woman thing...

And by the way, why each and every single one of them Exists.

Fact not Fiction. :thup:



That is partially correct, the Justices in the Loving v Virgina ruling were affirming marriage as a fundamental Constitutional right. What the Court did not do is establish that marriage was solely THE function of Human existance.

Im sure the Justices were well aware that marriage in not nessasary to procreate or to keep the human species alive.

Just as well... any future Court will fully understand that affirming Same Gender Marriage rights would not cause the human race to cease.
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You are conflating Civil Rights with the Civil Rights struggles of 1950's-70's.

Civil Rights belong to every Ameircan.

And Gays have ever single one that I have... And if Marriage is a "Right" as the SCOTUS said when they called it "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" then they have that one also.

Of course they can't Defy their Natural Design and that is at the Core of "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"...

There is nothing Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival about Man/Man or Woman/Woman... That is Distinctly a Man/Woman thing...

And by the way, why each and every single one of them Exists.

Fact not Fiction. :thup:



That is partially correct, the Justices in the Loving v Virgina ruling were affirming marriage as a fundamental Constitutional right. What the Court did not do is establish that marriage was solely THE function of Human existance.

Im sure the Justices were well aware that marriage in not nessasary to procreate or to keep the human species alive.

Just as well... any future Court will fully understand that affirming Same Gender Marriage rights would not cause the human race to cease.

Just as well... any future Court will fully understand that affirming Animal/Human Marriage rights would not cause the human race to cease

Just as well... any future Court will fully understand that affirming Sibling Marriage rights would not cause the human race to cease

Just as well... any future Court will fully understand that affirming Adult/Child Marriage rights would not cause the human race to cease

It's this simple... It's not Religious... It's not Opinion:

Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^Fact. :thup:



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