Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

I'm fine with going down the State vote path, however this is something that can be repeated. 60% of the population might be "against" in 1990 whereas 60% might be "in favor of" in 2014. Maybe we should have the states vote once every few years.

I'd actually be all for that, but once voted in favor of it's permanent within that states border.

It'd be put up or shut up.

No, Pop. Under that logic all of the laws that were "one and done-ed" in 1786 would remain all throughout history. Popular opinion is ever shifting, and I think these laws ought to be updated continually to better reflect the norms and opinions of the society at hand as they continue to evolve.

Why would you be afraid/weary of a continual vote?

I'm not sure if you understand. If SSM wins, it can't be repealed. If the will of the people demand it, you can't put these people on a yo yo.

Of course I would also like the option of getting rid of marriage as a state institution all together on the same ballot.
Get real. None will happen until SSM is more widespread.

So lets say incestuous marriages are now legal between US adults. What happens next?

Do we have like 11 sets of brother/sister couples who would actually want to marry each start to line up? Does this translate to societal breakdown? Hardly..

You realize this is an extremely, extremely, rare occurrence today (incestuous relationships between adults) that would have absolutely no impact on shaping the norms or trends for the greater society, right?

I would say that those in these relationships would be deeply in the closet. Far deeper then same sex.
I'd actually be all for that, but once voted in favor of it's permanent within that states border.

It'd be put up or shut up.

No, Pop. Under that logic all of the laws that were "one and done-ed" in 1786 would remain all throughout history. Popular opinion is ever shifting, and I think these laws ought to be updated continually to better reflect the norms and opinions of the society at hand as they continue to evolve.

Why would you be afraid/weary of a continual vote?

I'm not sure if you understand. If SSM wins, it can't be repealed. If the will of the people demand it, you can't put these people on a yo yo.

Of course I would also like the option of getting rid of marriage as a state institution all together on the same ballot.

Oh, I see what you mean. I guess that's how it goes with a lot of laws.
Get real. None will happen until SSM is more widespread.

So lets say incestuous marriages are now legal between US adults. What happens next?

Do we have like 11 sets of brother/sister couples who would actually want to marry each start to line up? Does this translate to societal breakdown? Hardly..

You realize this is an extremely, extremely, rare occurrence today (incestuous relationships between adults) that would have absolutely no impact on shaping the norms or trends for the greater society, right?

I would say that those in these relationships would be deeply in the closet. Far deeper then same sex.

Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.
So lets say incestuous marriages are now legal between US adults. What happens next?

Do we have like 11 sets of brother/sister couples who would actually want to marry each start to line up? Does this translate to societal breakdown? Hardly..

You realize this is an extremely, extremely, rare occurrence today (incestuous relationships between adults) that would have absolutely no impact on shaping the norms or trends for the greater society, right?

I would say that those in these relationships would be deeply in the closet. Far deeper then same sex.

Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

If marriage is not about procreation, then arguing that excluding sibling makes any sense is incorrect. Many argue marriage can be for pure economic reasons. If that's the case, how do you exclude siblings simply looking for economic Justice.

No I am not being a smart ass

They have every much the right as the next guy to seek such equality. I simply do not see how one can argue against it.
So lets say incestuous marriages are now legal between US adults. What happens next?

Do we have like 11 sets of brother/sister couples who would actually want to marry each start to line up? Does this translate to societal breakdown? Hardly..

You realize this is an extremely, extremely, rare occurrence today (incestuous relationships between adults) that would have absolutely no impact on shaping the norms or trends for the greater society, right?

I would say that those in these relationships would be deeply in the closet. Far deeper then same sex.

Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

I'm kinda with you on this one. I think siblings of a certain age should be able to civilly marry so they can make decisions for each other and so forth.
I would say that those in these relationships would be deeply in the closet. Far deeper then same sex.

Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

If marriage is not about procreation, then arguing that excluding sibling makes any sense is incorrect. Many argue marriage can be for pure economic reasons. If that's the case, how do you exclude siblings simply looking for economic Justice.

No I am not being a smart ass

They have every much the right as the next guy to seek such equality. I simply do not see how one can argue against it.

There's nothing stopping them from making the argument now. Same goes for Polygamy. The precedent has already been set without gays.
Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

If marriage is not about procreation, then arguing that excluding sibling makes any sense is incorrect. Many argue marriage can be for pure economic reasons. If that's the case, how do you exclude siblings simply looking for economic Justice.

No I am not being a smart ass

They have every much the right as the next guy to seek such equality. I simply do not see how one can argue against it.

There's nothing stopping them from making the argument now. Same goes for Polygamy. The precedent has already been set without gays.

Not without providing proof of infertility. Is that correct?
I would say that those in these relationships would be deeply in the closet. Far deeper then same sex.

Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

I'm kinda with you on this one. I think siblings of a certain age should be able to civilly marry so they can make decisions for each other and so forth.

They already have a mechanism for that. It's called "power of attorney."
Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

I'm kinda with you on this one. I think siblings of a certain age should be able to civilly marry so they can make decisions for each other and so forth.

They already have a mechanism for that. It's called "power of attorney."

Everyone does.
It's not even a matter of what people believe, it's a matter of what they have a right to.

If we governed by Pure Democracy - Native Americans and African Americans would have become extinct a few generations back.

I know it may seem strange , my arguing in favor of a Gay Cause - but you simply can not, as a rational person who claims to believe in the standards this country , who believes in our constitution and our continuing freedom argue with a straight face that Gays have no right to Marry. They have the same rights as you and I - despite their mental illness.

Point is the TREND is support for same-sex marriage.

You can’t continue to deny the installment of same-sex marriage when 80% of the population is in favor of it, Greenbean. We might not be there yet, but by all means the TREND is going in that direction. Older people tend not to support while younger people overwhelmingly support. It’s a fact of life that in 30 years the opinion of the younger people will win out (because the old people will either be retired or gone).

That’s just the way of things amigo.

Back up Amigo, and read what you replied to, this is one ofthe few topics we agree on
I would say that those in these relationships would be deeply in the closet. Far deeper then same sex.

Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

I'm kinda with you on this one. I think siblings of a certain age should be able to civilly marry so they can make decisions for each other and so forth.

Are you fcking kidding me ?!? , you slimy little pervert -did I read that right ? Are you actually advocating incest WTF ! I didn't even think you were that pathetic !! Are YOU the product of inbreeding - is that what happened to you ???
99.999% of the people in sodom were pro sexual perversion and they paid the price!!!! must you join them???? THINK!
If marriage is not about procreation, then arguing that excluding sibling makes any sense is incorrect. Many argue marriage can be for pure economic reasons. If that's the case, how do you exclude siblings simply looking for economic Justice.

No I am not being a smart ass

They have every much the right as the next guy to seek such equality. I simply do not see how one can argue against it.

There's nothing stopping them from making the argument now. Same goes for Polygamy. The precedent has already been set without gays.

Not without providing proof of infertility. Is that correct?

What? In some states close cousins can marry only after they can prove a lack of fecundity. That has nothing to do with what I said.

I said the precedent (this is only for the "slippery slope" folks) was set to pave the way for polygamists and sibling marriages with Loving v Virginia and subsequent cases, not SSM. We didn't set the equal protection precedent, other cases before Windsor did.

Statistically, polygamy and incest are heterosexual institutions. :lol:
Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

I'm kinda with you on this one. I think siblings of a certain age should be able to civilly marry so they can make decisions for each other and so forth.

Are you fcking kidding me ?!? , you slimy little pervert -did I read that right ? Are you actually advocating incest WTF ! I didn't even think you were that pathetic !! Are YOU the product of inbreeding - is that what happened to you ???

I wasn't advocating anything. I'm saying that the small minority of siblings that WOULD want to marry each other is so small as to not register statistically and that most of them would be elderly. Read next time, imbecile.
Well ya, but I hear folks bring up the incest marriage argument as a sort of slippery slope type stance and I usually say "so what"? There's very few people in the US who would actually marry their sister, and there's very few people who would marry multiple people (polygamy). I say, just let them do it. Whatever. Has no effect on anyone.

You can make the argument that incestuous relationships result in kids with deformities, however that would be the extent of me arguing against those sorts of marriages.

I'm kinda with you on this one. I think siblings of a certain age should be able to civilly marry so they can make decisions for each other and so forth.

They already have a mechanism for that. It's called "power of attorney."

That does some things, but you can't deny that civil marriage does a lot more than that for a couple.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:







Gays Remain Minority Most Targeted by Hate Crimes

If gays wanted to stay alive, they kept those drinking fountains inside their closet. And this thread is a disgusting and dishonest attack on gays. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Was Jeffery Dahmer gay?

Why yes, yes he was

The creep not only killed homosexuals, he ate em

Why no pick?

There are so many straight mass murderers, it's not even news anymore, unless they kill like a hundred people.

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America
I'm kinda with you on this one. I think siblings of a certain age should be able to civilly marry so they can make decisions for each other and so forth.

Are you fcking kidding me ?!? , you slimy little pervert -did I read that right ? Are you actually advocating incest WTF ! I didn't even think you were that pathetic !! Are YOU the product of inbreeding - is that what happened to you ???

I wasn't advocating anything. I'm saying that the small minority of siblings that WOULD want to marry each other is so small as to not register statistically and that most of them would be elderly. Read next time, imbecile.

Okay, you're slightly on track on that one - but you still didn't answer the question ....are you the product of inbreeding ?




Gays Remain Minority Most Targeted by Hate Crimes

If gays wanted to stay alive, they kept those drinking fountains inside their closet. And this thread is a disgusting and dishonest attack on gays. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Was Jeffery Dahmer gay?

Why yes, yes he was

The creep not only killed homosexuals, he ate em

Why no pick?

There are so many straight mass murderers, it's not even news anymore, unless they kill like a hundred people.

A Guide to Mass Shootings in America

The second picture. The "we found the dyke" photo. You do realize the "dyke" did that herself. You realize that right? She faked the whole thing. Hundreds of college kids had a moonlight vigil to support her and push the police to find the guys who did those terrible things to her.

It was a hoax. She faked it, did jail time for it

Charlie Rogers, Nebraska Lesbian Who Faked Anti-Gay Hate Crime, Sentenced To Jail
Are you fcking kidding me ?!? , you slimy little pervert -did I read that right ? Are you actually advocating incest WTF ! I didn't even think you were that pathetic !! Are YOU the product of inbreeding - is that what happened to you ???

I wasn't advocating anything. I'm saying that the small minority of siblings that WOULD want to marry each other is so small as to not register statistically and that most of them would be elderly. Read next time, imbecile.

Okay, you're slightly on track on that one - but you still didn't answer the question ....are you the product of inbreeding ?

Bean, seriously. I am against gay marriage. Everyone should realize that by now. That was a low blow. I would seriously like to have a civil discussion. Not sure it's even possible with one side calling the other homophobes and bigots (which in my opinion is just as low) and the other side also slinging slurs.

No matter what happens I want SeaWytch, you, mal and everyone a happy life. I have yet to be convinced that that can't happen.

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