Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Can anyone point out where it says in the Constitution (or anywhere other than the Bible) that same-sex couples have to go through all of this bullshit for a marriage license?

Oh, it doesn't say anything about that? What a surprise.

But then why are we still having this debate over whether or not same-sex marriage should be allowed if there isn't a law against it?

Watch out, that Anti-Party dude is gonna get you for being off topic!
For all your rants about gay marriage leading to polygamous bestiality or whatever, you should be able to cite the specific American law that denies the right to marry to homosexual and lesbian couples.

Name the law which has NOT been struck down as unconstitutional.
I guess gays have always had it okay in America, eh? Equal treatment, no discrimination or laws prohibiting their sexual orientation. Is that what you morons are trying to say?

Uh-oh... here comes the HOMO MAFIA.

You're in trouble now mal... :lol:
Bodey, when you hire a new writer for you, get one for this guy

Awww, poor guy can't debate me. Never could, it's no surprise. You have no knowledge to debate with. You are simply a Market Queen trying to get Bling. A superficial taker that is ready to spit on America if needed to get what is best for YOU.

I've kicked you around this place so many times no wonder you're dizzy. Oh my, very exciting.

:rofl: :rofl: Yeah, you're winning.
Bodey, when you hire a new writer for you, get one for this guy

Awww, poor guy can't debate me. Never could, it's no surprise. You have no knowledge to debate with. You are simply a Market Queen trying to get Bling. A superficial taker that is ready to spit on America if needed to get what is best for YOU.

I've kicked you around this place so many times no wonder you're dizzy. Oh my, very exciting.

Your perception of "kicking around" is stating, "You are stupid", very junior high style.

Contact me when you want a factual debate about a topic kid. I'm sure everytime you post, "You are stupid" and I don't respond you think you win. But Politicis isn't about junior high insults. It's about the matter at hand.

I'll debate you anytime, anyday, anytopic.
Can anyone point out where it says in the Constitution (or anywhere other than the Bible) that same-sex couples have to go through all of this bullshit for a marriage license?

Oh, it doesn't say anything about that? What a surprise.

But then why are we still having this debate over whether or not same-sex marriage should be allowed if there isn't a law against it?

Watch out, that Anti-Party dude is gonna get you for being off topic!
For all your rants about gay marriage leading to polygamous bestiality or whatever, you should be able to cite the specific American law that denies the right to marry to homosexual and lesbian couples.

Name the law which has NOT been struck down as unconstitutional.

Get it straight kid. The law was to prevent gay marriage. The law wasn't to enable it. We were a free country to begin with. The law was made along the way. LMGTFY
I guess gays have always had it okay in America, eh? Equal treatment, no discrimination or laws prohibiting their sexual orientation. Is that what you morons are trying to say?

Uh-oh... here comes the HOMO MAFIA.

You're in trouble now mal... :lol:

So you are a Patriot as long as you don't have to accept all the people in America?
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:







Gays Remain Minority Most Targeted by Hate Crimes

If gays wanted to stay alive, they kept those drinking fountains inside their closet. And this thread is a disgusting and dishonest attack on gays. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Matthew's Lover/Drug Dealer Fragged him... Ask around. :thup:


You won't shut your Deviant mouth even if the Law forbid Churches from reading from Leviticus... Your Deviation from your Natural Design is what Defines you... And you will never find the Validation you so Desperately crave.



You're babbling. Speaking in tongues now? Why would anyone ban the reading of Leviticus and why would that "shut me up"? Leviticus and your religious beliefs have nothing to do with civil marriage. What will "shut me up" is when we have full equality.

YOU have full Equality... Fact. And you are seeking special rights regarding your Choice to Defy your Natural Design.

Man/Woman is Inherently, Naturally, Biologically and Factually Unequal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

There is no Debate about that.



Not surprised that was Ignored... :thup:


You won't shut your Deviant mouth even if the Law forbid Churches from reading from Leviticus... Your Deviation from your Natural Design is what Defines you... And you will never find the Validation you so Desperately crave.



You're babbling. Speaking in tongues now? Why would anyone ban the reading of Leviticus and why would that "shut me up"? Leviticus and your religious beliefs have nothing to do with civil marriage. What will "shut me up" is when we have full equality.

YOU have full Equality... Fact. And you are seeking special rights regarding your Choice to Defy your Natural Design.

Man/Woman is Inherently, Naturally, Biologically and Factually Unequal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

There is no Debate about that. :thup:



Not quite, but I'm much closer today to full equality than I was a few years ago. With the striking down of parts of DOMA, my legal marriage is treated EXACTLY like yours with one small exception...that mine isn't "good" in all 50 states, just close to half. That will change though when the rest of DOMA is struck down, THEN I will have full marriage equality and you won't have "special rights" anymore. :lol:
If it's not about procreation, then why doesn't the government allow a man to marry his sister?

You morons really don't think these things through.

Name the state, county, municipality or locality where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Oh, you can't?

I can name some instances where the inability to procreate is a requirement before civil marriage can occur.

I'll ask you again. Why is the number two the only number allowed to marry. And your cute argument about couples that can't be fertile is to insure those not too closely related don't procreate. OH WAIT, procreate!

And I told you that I don't really care about polygamy. It's a long shot and I wish you luck with it.

You made my point for me and don't even realize it. Procreation has nothing to do with civil marriage or it wouldn't be prohibited to some couples would it?
"Back in the Day" Faggots and Dykes knew enough to stay in the closet .

Poor little the haters are the minority and have to stay in the closet. Hope you like the view! :lol:

Haters ? I don't hate you , you poor pathetic confused little Dyke -I pity you . I speak to you unkindly and venemously in hopes of making you hate yourself - which you probably do subconsiously anyway, that may also be a contributing factor to your Mental Illness .

You knowShefag - there really is help for perverts like you - honesty - it works - you can conceivably be a whole person instead of the unwanted degenrate that you are. PM me and I'll refer you to a colleague of mine who specializes in helping people like you .

You certainly are earnest in your hate. Not terribly original, but we will give you an "E" for effort.
You're babbling. Speaking in tongues now? Why would anyone ban the reading of Leviticus and why would that "shut me up"? Leviticus and your religious beliefs have nothing to do with civil marriage. What will "shut me up" is when we have full equality.

YOU have full Equality... Fact. And you are seeking special rights regarding your Choice to Defy your Natural Design.

Man/Woman is Inherently, Naturally, Biologically and Factually Unequal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

There is no Debate about that. :thup:



Not quite, but I'm much closer today to full equality than I was a few years ago. With the striking down of parts of DOMA, my legal marriage is treated EXACTLY like yours with one small exception...that mine isn't "good" in all 50 states, just close to half. That will change though when the rest of DOMA is struck down, THEN I will have full marriage equality and you won't have "special rights" anymore. :lol:

You and no other Consenting Adult is being Denied Marriage in this Country.

Man/Woman is not Equal to Woman/Woman or Man/Man... I don't care what the Law says eventually, that Natural, Biological Fact will remain.

But you've Lied to yourself for many years so continuing to won't be difficult for you.

You and someone of the same sex cannot reflect Marriage any more than a Mother and Daughter or two Brothers can or Bill Clinton and his Dog... No, not Monica... He can Marry her if he wants. :lol:

Sorry... Get pissed at Nature's Design, not me.

I wasn't the one who Designed and Equipped you to Couple with the Opposite Sex...

By the way, it's that very thing why you are even typing today.

Always has been, always will be. :thup:


Can anyone point out where it says in the Constitution (or anywhere other than the Bible) that same-sex couples have to go through all of this bullshit for a marriage license?

Oh, it doesn't say anything about that? What a surprise.

But then why are we still having this debate over whether or not same-sex marriage should be allowed if there isn't a law against it?

Watch out, that Anti-Party dude is gonna get you for being off topic!
For all your rants about gay marriage leading to polygamous bestiality or whatever, you should be able to cite the specific American law that denies the right to marry to homosexual and lesbian couples.

Name the law which has NOT been struck down as unconstitutional.

When have I argued SSM would lead to bestiality?

Here's a clue, I've chided those that have made the assertion.

Now, go look it up and post back my quote.

Also, instead of ranting, attempt to answer the question. Name the compelling governmental interest in excluding polygamists from marrying?

This is the question you base your entire argument for same sex marriage. Wouldn't denying them the same right you desire be discriminatory?
Name the state, county, municipality or locality where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage. Oh, you can't?

I can name some instances where the inability to procreate is a requirement before civil marriage can occur.

I'll ask you again. Why is the number two the only number allowed to marry. And your cute argument about couples that can't be fertile is to insure those not too closely related don't procreate. OH WAIT, procreate!

And I told you that I don't really care about polygamy. It's a long shot and I wish you luck with it.

You made my point for me and don't even realize it. Procreation has nothing to do with civil marriage or it wouldn't be prohibited to some couples would it?

Another deflection from SeaWytch. Not surprised that you refuse to defend your greatest argument for SSM when it appears to be equally true for polygamists.

What is the compelling government interest in denying married status to polygamists?

Oh, and you do understand that you argue in support of incest. Two brothers apply for a marriage license. What compelling governmental interest would the state have in denying their marriage? After all, they can't procreate. Then a brother and a sister file for the same license and are told they can't. Procreation?

You opened the door. Let's see if you're willing to walk through it.
Last edited:
Watch out, that Anti-Party dude is gonna get you for being off topic!
For all your rants about gay marriage leading to polygamous bestiality or whatever, you should be able to cite the specific American law that denies the right to marry to homosexual and lesbian couples.

Name the law which has NOT been struck down as unconstitutional.

When have I argued SSM would lead to bestiality?

Here's a clue, I've chided those that have made the assertion.

Now, go look it up and post back my quote.

Also, instead of ranting, attempt to answer the question. Name the compelling governmental interest in excluding polygamists from marrying.

This is the question you base your entire argument for same sex marriage. Wouldn't denying them the same right you desire be discriminatory?

They don't want to be Honest about the Debate regarding "Equality"...

Nobody is claiming Homosexuality "leads to" Beastiality, Pedophilia or Incest.

What IS being asked is why Man/Man and Woman/Woman deserve special Rights to call them Equal to something they are not... What Created each of us. Man/Woman.

Why are there Special Rights being Expanded to the Exclusion of other "Couples" who Love each other and who Care for Children together?...

A Mother and Daughter Caring for Daughter's Child for example.

Polygamists are another.

Homosexuals want to Conveniently limit their new Definition of Marriage to (2) Consenting Adults.

And it's not because they have anything Against Polygamist... Or Pedophiles for that matter... It's because they know that Associations out in the open with them will Kill their Cause and they oh so close.

Pedophiles?... Yep. After all, the National Charter for Gays Voted on at their Convention in Chicago just after Stonewall called for an End to Age of Consent Laws...

And of course their Alliance with NAMBLA pre-mid-90s is well Established and it included Marching for "Rights" together and seeing their International Representation @ the World Conference on Population and Disease removed from the Conference because the ILGA was shown to be Allied with NAMBLA.

They learned a lesson in 1994.

It's why so many won't answer if they Marched in Gay Pride Parades in the 70's and 80's... Because they know who they were Marching with.

After all... They are oh so close...

Wait until they get the next thing what will come.


I'll ask you again. Why is the number two the only number allowed to marry. And your cute argument about couples that can't be fertile is to insure those not too closely related don't procreate. OH WAIT, procreate!

And I told you that I don't really care about polygamy. It's a long shot and I wish you luck with it.

You made my point for me and don't even realize it. Procreation has nothing to do with civil marriage or it wouldn't be prohibited to some couples would it?

Another deflection from SeaWytch. Not surprised that you refuse to defend your greatest argument for SSM when it appears to be equally true for polygamists.

What is the compelling government interest in denying married status to polygamists?

Oh, and you do understand that you argue in support of incest. Two brothers apply for a marriage license. What compelling governmental interest would the state have in denying their marriage? After all, they can't procreate. Then a brother and a sister file for the same license and are told they can't. Procreation?

You opened the door. Let's see if you're willing to walk through it.

I'm not arguing with you about Polygamy. I think you're right. I think that the government would be hard pressed to come up with a compelling state interest in denying polygamist marriages...although they've done it before. Polygamy has been ruled on.

Nobody argues in support of incest you dolt, especially not the royal family. :lol: There is a compelling state interest in denying too close familial ties in marriage and yes it has to do with procreation. This is why cousins that are too close are denied a marriage license until they can prove they lack of fecundity. Too close familial ties is why marriage registries started in the first place.

You're trying to argue that gays should be denied a marriage license because they cannot procreate with each other "naturally". It is irrelevant as you have been shown time and again.

But let's go back to Polygamy for a minute since ya'll think that my being married to my life partner will lead us down that "slippery slope". Name a country with marriage equality that has also legalized polygamy. Name a county that has legalized polygamy and then went down the "slippery slope" to marriage equality for gays.


YOU have full Equality... Fact. And you are seeking special rights regarding your Choice to Defy your Natural Design.

Man/Woman is Inherently, Naturally, Biologically and Factually Unequal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

There is no Debate about that. :thup:



Not quite, but I'm much closer today to full equality than I was a few years ago. With the striking down of parts of DOMA, my legal marriage is treated EXACTLY like yours with one small exception...that mine isn't "good" in all 50 states, just close to half. That will change though when the rest of DOMA is struck down, THEN I will have full marriage equality and you won't have "special rights" anymore. :lol:

You and no other Consenting Adult is being Denied Marriage in this Country.

Man/Woman is not Equal to Woman/Woman or Man/Man... I don't care what the Law says eventually, that Natural, Biological Fact will remain.

But you've Lied to yourself for many years so continuing to won't be difficult for you.

You and someone of the same sex cannot reflect Marriage any more than a Mother and Daughter or two Brothers can or Bill Clinton and his Dog... No, not Monica... He can Marry her if he wants. :lol:

Sorry... Get pissed at Nature's Design, not me.

I wasn't the one who Designed and Equipped you to Couple with the Opposite Sex...

By the way, it's that very thing why you are even typing today.

Always has been, always will be. :thup:



You do realize that we have marriage equality in 17 states and counting right? How can you continue to contend that gays already have marriage equality when mounting evidence to the contrary is piling up in Federal Court after Federal Court? Not a single court has agreed with your position, that I already have marriage equality.

Are you simply trying to delude yourself so you don't go completely over the edge? You seem like you're getting really close.
Not quite, but I'm much closer today to full equality than I was a few years ago. With the striking down of parts of DOMA, my legal marriage is treated EXACTLY like yours with one small exception...that mine isn't "good" in all 50 states, just close to half. That will change though when the rest of DOMA is struck down, THEN I will have full marriage equality and you won't have "special rights" anymore. :lol:

You and no other Consenting Adult is being Denied Marriage in this Country.

Man/Woman is not Equal to Woman/Woman or Man/Man... I don't care what the Law says eventually, that Natural, Biological Fact will remain.

But you've Lied to yourself for many years so continuing to won't be difficult for you.

You and someone of the same sex cannot reflect Marriage any more than a Mother and Daughter or two Brothers can or Bill Clinton and his Dog... No, not Monica... He can Marry her if he wants. :lol:

Sorry... Get pissed at Nature's Design, not me.

I wasn't the one who Designed and Equipped you to Couple with the Opposite Sex...

By the way, it's that very thing why you are even typing today.

Always has been, always will be. :thup:



You do realize that we have marriage equality in 17 states and counting right? How can you continue to contend that gays already have marriage equality when mounting evidence to the contrary is piling up in Federal Court after Federal Court? Not a single court has agreed with your position, that I already have marriage equality.

Are you simply trying to delude yourself so you don't go completely over the edge? You seem like you're getting really close.

I've told you already, it doesn't matter what any Law says...

Man/Woman is not Equal to Man/Man and Woman/Woman... <Fact.

And you have yet to Deny it... Because you can't. :lol:

You have Rights as an Individual... You do not have Rights based on whatever combination of Humans you want call yourself part of. If you do then ultimately Sisters will Marry... And that will be partly your doing.



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