Can someone verify this?

Does this mean we are at the beginning of the zombie Apocalypse?
From a smart-aleck POV, Jesus was a zombie. He rose after being dead, and he said things about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Oh them crazy Catholics and their cannibalistic ways.... :)
Thing is I don't believe in zombies.:razz:

Yeah, but good advice nonetheless.:razz:

I don't fear the dead they can't hurt you :razz:

Yeah, but it never hurts to have plenty of twinkies and ammo. Staying in shape is important too, but kind of hard when you're eating twinkies. I suppose you could keep a guy in your survival squad to feed the twinkies. You don't have to outrun everybody, you just have to outrun him.
And, don't forget a large size of industrial strength tin foil for your beanie.

I asked if someone could verify it and of course here comes dumb ass with his fucking tin foil hat tightly on.

Just asking indicates your stupidity. There is such a thing as a stupid question.

I know the government has killed people to push an agenda be it go to war or something else.
I know fast and the furious was used for gun control.

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