Can the Dem Party really be viewed as the ‘big tent’, ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant party’ these days?

Actually, the two "tents" break down pretty much as follows:

The Democrat "tent" houses all of those who believe that Government is the instrument that will make their lives better.

The Republican "tent" houses those who are confident in their own ability to make their own lives better and want the Government to leave them the fuck alone.

The unfortunate reality is that as the Progs gain more and more power, they create more and more programs that are intended to make people dependent on government ("free" college, "free" healthcare, etc.), and therefore willing to get into their tent of misfits and dependents.

This is not a positive development, just as Soetoro's "accomplishment" of doubling the number of people on SNAP was not a positive development.
Probably true

Democrats want Government to help those who need help.
They want Government to provide social services. Healthcare, Education, Welfare

Republicans believe more in survival of the fittest. Help business and the wealthy and everything else will take care of itself. If you can’t cut it, it is your own fault
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
That’s simple...Dems bait minorities in with free shit offerings and a promise to dethrone whitey...The GOP hasn’t stooped to that level YET.
Correct. The Dems have policies that support and attract minorities while Reps don’t. Now how about that question about diversity. Do you support it or not?
Diversity that happens organically is fine by me...Forced or engineered diversity / multiculturalism destroys.
Slade3200 why do you support father government FORCING Americans to foster illegal trespassers?
Thats weird isn’t it?
Very weird… I wonder why you would think that?! I’m just a live and let live kinda guy
Hahaha...sure you are.
Illegal trespassers break into your home and you offer them coffee and tea...right?
Because “live and let live”...right?
No, if somebody broke into my home I’d call the police and give the shotgun a pump
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
That’s simple...Dems bait minorities in with free shit offerings and a promise to dethrone whitey...The GOP hasn’t stooped to that level YET.
Correct. The Dems have policies that support and attract minorities while Reps don’t. Now how about that question about diversity. Do you support it or not?
Diversity that happens organically is fine by me...Forced or engineered diversity / multiculturalism destroys.
Slade3200 why do you support father government FORCING Americans to foster illegal trespassers?
Thats weird isn’t it?
Very weird… I wonder why you would think that?! I’m just a live and let live kinda guy
Hahaha...sure you are.
Illegal trespassers break into your home and you offer them coffee and tea...right?
Because “live and let live”...right?
No, if somebody broke into my home I’d call the police and give the shotgun a pump
Gotcha...but if they break into your yard and pitch a’ll offer them coffee and tea...because “live and let live”...right?
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
That’s simple...Dems bait minorities in with free shit offerings and a promise to dethrone whitey...The GOP hasn’t stooped to that level YET.
Correct. The Dems have policies that support and attract minorities while Reps don’t. Now how about that question about diversity. Do you support it or not?
Diversity that happens organically is fine by me...Forced or engineered diversity / multiculturalism destroys.
Slade3200 why do you support father government FORCING Americans to foster illegal trespassers?
Thats weird isn’t it?
Very weird… I wonder why you would think that?! I’m just a live and let live kinda guy
Hahaha...sure you are.
Illegal trespassers break into your home and you offer them coffee and tea...right?
Because “live and let live”...right?
No, if somebody broke into my home I’d call the police and give the shotgun a pump
Gotcha...but if they break into your yard and pitch a’ll offer them coffee and tea...because “live and let live”...right?
No, id ask them to leave and call the police if they didn’t… if they were homeless I’d offer them coffee tea and a sandwich for sure

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