Can the Devil repent, or be absolved by Man and leave Hell?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?
Googling 'can the devil be forgiven' seems I'm not the first to ask. :) Consensus seems to be no. So my followup is why not? Does God need a devil as opposite for comparison? If God's infinitely good, but has nothing to compare that goodness to as with the devil, God's goodness is meaningless.

Any Scripture of doctrine to substantiate that? Kinda what I was after.
There is no redemption for fallen angels. Only for the descendants of Adam and Eve. Satan was not a descendant of Adam and Eve. See Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 14:12. Also John 10:35

It is written:

If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
John 10:35

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
Colossians 2:15

Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the cross, Delta. Why would God cancel out His Own victory? He wouldn't. It is too late for Satan. He challenged God Almighty and he lost.

God changes not. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His Word shall stand eternally. Heaven and earth may pass away but God's Word is eternal. There is no hope for Lucifer. He knows it. He knows his future is eternal torment in the lake of fire. He knows it. He knows the Scriptures.
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Sure, the Devil can ask for and receive forgiveness.

No doctrine or scripture prohibits such an event.

However, if it happened, the spiritual world would be turned on its axis.

And it won't happen.
What about a Pope or other pries or clergy? If their denomination says the Devil's real, then couldn't some rogue priest come along and say the Devil asked him for forgiveness and he gave it and now the Devil's in Heaven as far as that religion was concerned?
What about a Pope or other pries or clergy? If their denomination says the Devil's real, then couldn't some rogue priest come along and say the Devil asked him for forgiveness and he gave it and now the Devil's in Heaven as far as that religion was concerned?

They don't have the authority to make decisions for God.
Genesis 3: 15 reveals that enmity will exist between woman and deception, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

Isaiah 14: 12 reveals to the depths that the devil has fallen, but it does not mean that it is eternal.

John 10: 35 tells of Christ talking to the Pharisees. It has nothing to do with Satan. We are all God's children, in that we are God's creation. So is the Devil.

Be careful of the Jeremiahs who profess to the servants of God but are rather the servants of the Fallen One. I raise my arm to the square and in the Holy Name of Jesus rebuke such on the Board and record their names for judgment on the Final Day.

I am messing with Jeremiah in the immediate paragraph. She has no power either here or in Eternity. I pray she turns to the real Jesus of the Bible.
Angels and Humans are different entities. Different rules. You can't equate the 2.

Priests and Pastors (religious leaders of all kinds) have no power greater than any other Christian.
What about a Pope or other pries or clergy? If their denomination says the Devil's real, then couldn't some rogue priest come along and say the Devil asked him for forgiveness and he gave it and now the Devil's in Heaven as far as that religion was concerned?

They don't have the authority to make decisions for God.

Catholics do as far as they're concerned.
Guess my question's really, what would happen to a denomination or religion is a rogue element within it forgave the Devil? :)

Is there a mechanism to overrule or invalidate such a confession and absolution? Or would things be really chaotic for a while in that denomination until they figured it out? :)
"I just love fucking with the clergy. Man I love keeping those guys on their toes."

"Loki" "Dogma" :)
Guess my question's really, what would happen to a denomination or religion is a rogue element within it forgave the Devil? :)

Is there a mechanism to overrule or invalidate such a confession and absolution? Or would things be really chaotic for a while in that denomination until they figured it out? :)

Some things just can't/won't be done - ever - and sometimes there is no explanation, at least, not in the Earthly life....
Can the Devil ask forgiveness of God and enter Heaven? Can a Pope or other clergy absolve the Devil of its sins like they sometimes do posthumously for people?

If the Devil's real, then unlike the deceased, it at least could conceivably contact a priest, say it's sorry for being a dick (or whatever actual reason it's the Devil) and conceivably be forgiven. Yes, no, maybe so?

After the war in heaven--Michael defeated satan and his angels and they were cast down to the earth, never allowed back in heaven--judgement has already been passed for them--the lake of fire( eternal destruction) is their end. unfortunately Gods word shows about 99% will be mislead to follow him. Rev 16, Rev 19:17-19
Googling 'can the devil be forgiven' seems I'm not the first to ask. :) Consensus seems to be no. So my followup is why not? Does God need a devil as opposite for comparison? If God's infinitely good, but has nothing to compare that goodness to as with the devil, God's goodness is meaningless.
In a world without wolves; shepherds are out of work...
there are non to repent - they are all DEAD.

* if you are wondering why there is an Almighty, now you know ...


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