Can the Ds Survive any D Candidate's nomination?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

Its going to be pretty bad, and the libs know it. That's why they are putting so much effort into this phony impeachment, its the only card they have left.

Even Solid Moderate Republicans like Pierre Delecto, are backing away from the Schiff Show.
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?
Yep, the Dems have no realistic chance of defeating President Trump in November. I believe that's the reason they've gone all in on their impeachment "trial". And they've done this even though the Senate will never vote two-thirds Yes to remove our president from office. This is SUCH a monumental waste of time and money. So yes, unless the Dems find a viable candidate to go against Trump, they are doomed. And after the election this November, the Democratic Party will be pretty much wiped out and in need of a complete overhaul.
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

Sigh..and queue the latest, "the Democrats are doomed" prognostication. Except they aren't. And all I need to know this is to see the reactions of the people who were on Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg's town halls on Fox News. They talked about issues (including healthcare) that resonated with their audience. And those same issues are important to Trump voters when you strip away all of President Loudmouth's other antics they support. So the issue becomes can the Democratic party nominee convince enough of the independent voters in the 5 or 6 key swing states to tip the election in their favor?

In the down ballot races, I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue. The House mostly likely stays Democrat. The Senate comes down to 4 or 5 seats considered toss ups.
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

Sigh..and queue the latest, "the Democrats are doomed" prognostication. Except they aren't. And all I need to know this is to see the reactions of the people who were on Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg's town halls on Fox News. They talked about issues (including healthcare) that resonated with their audience. And those same issues are important to Trump voters when you strip away all of President Loudmouth's other antics they support. So the issue becomes can the Democratic party nominee convince enough of the independent voters in the 5 or 6 key swing states to tip the election in their favor?

In the down ballot races, I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue. The House mostly likely stays Democrat. The Senate comes down to 4 or 5 seats considered toss ups.

Maybe you're right, and people will believe all the nostrums and panaceas that Quacks like Crazy Bernie and Mayor Petey spew about.

But I have my doubts. Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad, the way we are whacking Archterrorists like al-Baghdadi and Soleimani, what President Trump has done with the economy.

They don't want to go back to the days of malaise in economy, and subservience to Eurotrash royalty abroad. They don't want open borders, and reparations, and long queues to be seen by the death panels. They don't want 70% tax rates, they don't want to lose their jobs, IMHO.

Maybe I'm wrong, we'll see soon enough.
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

Sigh..and queue the latest, "the Democrats are doomed" prognostication. Except they aren't. And all I need to know this is to see the reactions of the people who were on Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg's town halls on Fox News. They talked about issues (including healthcare) that resonated with their audience. And those same issues are important to Trump voters when you strip away all of President Loudmouth's other antics they support. So the issue becomes can the Democratic party nominee convince enough of the independent voters in the 5 or 6 key swing states to tip the election in their favor?

In the down ballot races, I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue. The House mostly likely stays Democrat. The Senate comes down to 4 or 5 seats considered toss ups.
Face it, Jackie, the Dems ARE doomed because they're SO DAMNED DUMB. Thank you.
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

Sigh..and queue the latest, "the Democrats are doomed" prognostication. Except they aren't. And all I need to know this is to see the reactions of the people who were on Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg's town halls on Fox News. They talked about issues (including healthcare) that resonated with their audience. And those same issues are important to Trump voters when you strip away all of President Loudmouth's other antics they support. So the issue becomes can the Democratic party nominee convince enough of the independent voters in the 5 or 6 key swing states to tip the election in their favor?

In the down ballot races, I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue. The House mostly likely stays Democrat. The Senate comes down to 4 or 5 seats considered toss ups.
Face it, Jackie, the Dems ARE doomed because they're SO DAMNED DUMB. Thank you.

Donald J. Trump is a WWE Hall of Famer as well as a master of reality TV. He understands strategy, psychology, playing to the crowd and timing.

Libs need to watch and learn, they are about ready to get schlonged royally
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

The Dims are backed into a corner. They shift to the Left every election and now they are so far looney Left that they embrace open borders, abortion of viable infants, free college, free health care, all in an era where the US has the most debt in human history at around $25 trillion. They also embrace the new social craze of a thousand different genders. And if you disagree with any of the PC you will be socially tarred and feathered so that one will want to befriend you or hire you.

But they know that all they have to do is sit back and wait till the American people want some strange and pick them out of idiotic curiosity that will end up turning the US into Venezuela.
Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad

This is your opinion. Why do you preface it as a fact? Hint: It is most certainly not a fact.

I tremble at the thought of what Eurotrash thinks of us.......:ack-1:

No, you don't. That's the point. You fucking lie, and call it 'sarcasm'. You twats have a horrible sense of humor, so why do that?

'Cause I'm an ugly American.
In fact, I was so ugly when I was born, the doctor slapped my mother!
Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad

This is your opinion. Why do you preface it as a fact? Hint: It is most certainly not a fact.
And the FACT is, YOU are a liberal lunatic moron, TT. Congratulations.

I'm a realist. I'm telling you how it is. You simply attack me for criticizing your political figurehead, because that's what you are told to do. You're a good little dime-a-dozen, regressive winger dip shit. A typical useful idiot, if you will. You are a totally useless addition to this conversation, so congratulations yourself, luzerman61.
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

Sigh..and queue the latest, "the Democrats are doomed" prognostication. Except they aren't. And all I need to know this is to see the reactions of the people who were on Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg's town halls on Fox News. They talked about issues (including healthcare) that resonated with their audience. And those same issues are important to Trump voters when you strip away all of President Loudmouth's other antics they support. So the issue becomes can the Democratic party nominee convince enough of the independent voters in the 5 or 6 key swing states to tip the election in their favor?

In the down ballot races, I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue. The House mostly likely stays Democrat. The Senate comes down to 4 or 5 seats considered toss ups.

Maybe you're right, and people will believe all the nostrums and panaceas that Quacks like Crazy Bernie and Mayor Petey spew about.

But I have my doubts. Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad, the way we are whacking Archterrorists like al-Baghdadi and Soleimani, what President Trump has done with the economy.

They don't want to go back to the days of malaise in economy, and subservience to Eurotrash royalty abroad. They don't want open borders, and reparations, and long queues to be seen by the death panels. They don't want 70% tax rates, they don't want to lose their jobs, IMHO.

Maybe I'm wrong, we'll see soon enough.

Well, than maybe my eyesight is going because every time I've seen Trump speaking in front of other world leaders, it's clear that they have no respect for him. They consider him to be an ill-informed jackass who couldn't string two coherent sentences together (mostly because he almost always goes off script) if they were written for him. The rest of your claims about what people do or do not want to see are the same old right wing conservative talk radio/Internet media talking points that the likes of Hannity/Levin/Limbaugh and online publications spout on a daily basis. The economy was growing under Barack Obama, no Democrat is advocating for open borders, only a few are talking about reparations, and seriously, and just stop it with the death panels baloney. This isn't 2010. Republicans have no healthcare alternative. They never did. When they do, I'll listen. In the meantime, they can close it.
Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad

This is your opinion. Why do you preface it as a fact? Hint: It is most certainly not a fact.
And the FACT is, YOU are a liberal lunatic moron, TT. Congratulations.

I'm a realist. I'm telling you how it is. You simply attack me for criticizing your political figurehead, because that's what you are told to do. You're a good little dime-a-dozen, regressive winger dip shit. A typical useful idiot, if you will. You are a totally useless addition to this conversation, so congratulations yourself, luzerman61.
He-he, you're a loon!
Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad

This is your opinion. Why do you preface it as a fact? Hint: It is most certainly not a fact.

I tremble at the thought of what Eurotrash thinks of us.......:ack-1:

No, you don't. That's the point. You fucking lie, and call it 'sarcasm'. You twats have a horrible sense of humor, so why do that?

'Cause I'm an ugly American.
In fact, I was so ugly when I was born, the doctor slapped my mother!

There you go! Self-deprecating humor. I can appreciate that. That tells me you're more intelligent then you let on. We don't need to be so self important and take this political nonsense so seriously. I'm glad you know that.
The candidates are:
Biden the dream candidate of the GOP
More or less open communists like Berne
Various oddballs

The unknowns
blasts from the past like Gore

This will cause damage all the way down to animal control elections but how much?

I actually expect the Democrats to take back the Senate in 2020, lose the presidency and maintain a majority in the House.
Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad

This is your opinion. Why do you preface it as a fact? Hint: It is most certainly not a fact.
And the FACT is, YOU are a liberal lunatic moron, TT. Congratulations.

I'm a realist. I'm telling you how it is. You simply attack me for criticizing your political figurehead, because that's what you are told to do. You're a good little dime-a-dozen, regressive winger dip shit. A typical useful idiot, if you will. You are a totally useless addition to this conversation, so congratulations yourself, luzerman61.
He-he, you're a loon!

Perhaps, but why not explain how I'm incorrect about my assessment rather than dismiss? Are you lazy as well as stupid?
Most people are pleased at America's respect abroad

This is your opinion. Why do you preface it as a fact? Hint: It is most certainly not a fact.

I tremble at the thought of what Eurotrash thinks of us.......:ack-1:

No, you don't. That's the point. You fucking lie, and call it 'sarcasm'. You twats have a horrible sense of humor, so why do that?

'Cause I'm an ugly American.
In fact, I was so ugly when I was born, the doctor slapped my mother!

There you go! Self-deprecating humor. I can appreciate that. That tells me you're more intelligent then you let on. We don't need to be so self important and take this political nonsense so seriously. I'm glad you know that.

I'm so self deprecating sometimes, I gotta wear DEPENDS.

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