Can the standards and accusations against Cavanaugh be applied retroactively?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls

Wow. What if we could take these standards and use them to
screen out everyone from Obama to Bill Clinton.

Can we throw out all their executive orders and decisions, too?

Or do you believe "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Would anyone be left in govt if we held everyone to perfect standards,
including their high school and college days.

Shouldn't we hold all govt officials to the same standards?
Who would be left standing?

Oops. Sorry! I mistyped Kavanaugh as Cavanaugh.
My apologies for this oversight.
Hate to tell you, but the standards we hold politicians to has been going down over the past few decades.

Shoot.......................Nixon probably would have gotten away with Watergate if it happened in today's political climate, look at all the crap Trump is getting away with.
Hate to tell you, but the standards we hold politicians to has been going down over the past few decades.

Shoot.......................Nixon probably would have gotten away with Watergate if it happened in today's political climate, look at all the crap Trump is getting away with.

What crap is that?
Well when you have sons and forty years later htey are accused of some bs rape lie. Let us know if you help send him to prison or get a wake up call that says hey wait a minute there is no proof but he still sits in prison. Oh imagine that one. Trendy's would of course help send their own sons to prison. They're already indoctrianted man haters.

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