Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?

The economic FREEDOM index speaks for itself chief. Denmark actually scores more conservative than the United States.

You might want to do your homework next time before listing nations you know nothing about.


man so dumb

Have you ever looked at the BOTTOM of the list??!? You know, where all the African countries are???

Is Africa suddenly liberal-central or something? Those places with NOTHING for a social safety net? The ones who KILL homosexuals? I mean....they're at the BOTTOM of the economic freedom that means they're super duper liberal right???? Oh look!!! IRAN scored 168th...that means IRAN is MEGA LIBERAL!!

Cause liek....OBVIOUSLY the ones at the top are all super duper conservative...that means the ones at the BOTTOM are super duper Liberal.....OF COURSE!!!


Uh [MENTION=45320]Nyvin[/MENTION] - I hate to be the one to break this to you, but Iran is the epitome of liberal policy. They are an authoritarian government. Now based on your previous post I know you're a bit slow - but considering liberals advocate for government control and conservative advocate for the government to get the fuck out of everything (ie no control) - which sounds closer and more aligned to Iran's authoritarian government to you? :eusa_doh:

Folks - I'm speechless. Liberals have dumbed themselves down to the point where they don't even know liberalism...
Iran...the epitome of liberal policy....ugh....dumb, very very dumb.
Oh right...

Conservatives don't want the government to control who can get an abortion

Or who can get married

Or who can vote at a voting booth

Conservatives Love government control.

And please, authoritarian government does not define liberal policy, that's just scare mongering and no one is going to take you seriously. You just keep making yourself look like a stupid little attention craving troll.
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Somehow, you confuse robust capitalism with strong social programs. Both Sweden and Finland have social programs that put ours to shame while their economies are booming.
Maybe because they understand the value of human capital over raw profit

Says the parasite not willing to invest a second of his time or a penny of his money in "human capital".

By the way - did you just admit "robust capitalism" (the exact opposite of everything the communist Dumbocrat policies stand for and promote)?

Capitalism does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones

We had our most robust economies when we paid labor a reasonable wage

Oh yeah - you guys proved that with Detroit! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Here you go folks - capitalism under complete Dumbocrat control:



Says the parasite not willing to invest a second of his time or a penny of his money in "human capital".

By the way - did you just admit "robust capitalism" (the exact opposite of everything the communist Dumbocrat policies stand for and promote)?

Capitalism does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones

We had our most robust economies when we paid labor a reasonable wage

Oh yeah - you guys proved that with Detroit! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Here you go folks - capitalism under complete Dumbocrat control:




Detroit failed because of a failure of capitalism. They used up the city and then abandoned it

It is now a ghost town
Ohhhhh! I get it now [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]! Because you're "suffering", all of humanity should suffer with you! Silly me, I forgot you're a liberal which means hate and envy for anyone who has it better than you do (very Christian of you by the way). If this is happening to Sheila, by God she's going to force all of America to feel some pain to. Damn it, she will drag you down!

Very American of you Sheila. You've had some back luck, so FUCK all of society. Collapse it all so they can feel your pain... :eusa_doh:

(Pssst...your sons autism hasn't moved me to tears yet. You're husbands Parkinson's hasn't moved me to tears yet. And your cancer hasn't moved me to tears yet. Do you have any more sob stories you would like to share? Any which will move me so deeply, I will agree with your position that we should piss on the Constitution, then wipe our ass with the Constitution, and then move to socialism like Cuba did - where the entire nation has existed in extreme poverty for roughly 60 years now? Well? I'm waiting. Bring on the sob stories! Convince me that I owe you because you've and bad luck and you didn't prepare properly for those possibilities.)

And conservatives wonder why they can't get elected

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] continues to have the most ignorant narrative on USMB. Last time I checked, Republicans dominate the national landscape.

231 Republicans in the House (the majority... :eek:)

45 Repubulicans in the Senate (just 8 less than the Dumbocrats)

30 states are run by Republican governors (there are 50 states RW - which means Republicans own an astounding 60% of this nation :eek:)

Have someone you know do the math for you and then explain it to you. You'll see that the numbers indicate significantly more Republicans have won elections than Dumbocrats.

But hey - keep up the narrative on your version of "reality". It's serving you so well my friend :lol:

Rotgut, check the top 20 of the Forbes 400 and you will understand your own numbers. Follow the money, nitwit. Always follow the money. That's the reality. SCOTUS passed a law called Citizens United and it's all downhill from there. Between the Waltons, Koch brothers, and Marvin Adelson, the game is over.

And oh, just remember....they don't give a shit about you either, even though you voted for them, you neutered, brainless twit.
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man so dumb

Have you ever looked at the BOTTOM of the list??!? You know, where all the African countries are???

Is Africa suddenly liberal-central or something? Those places with NOTHING for a social safety net? The ones who KILL homosexuals? I mean....they're at the BOTTOM of the economic freedom that means they're super duper liberal right???? Oh look!!! IRAN scored 168th...that means IRAN is MEGA LIBERAL!!

Cause liek....OBVIOUSLY the ones at the top are all super duper conservative...that means the ones at the BOTTOM are super duper Liberal.....OF COURSE!!!


Uh [MENTION=45320]Nyvin[/MENTION] - I hate to be the one to break this to you, but Iran is the epitome of liberal policy. They are an authoritarian government. Now based on your previous post I know you're a bit slow - but considering liberals advocate for government control and conservative advocate for the government to get the fuck out of everything (ie no control) - which sounds closer and more aligned to Iran's authoritarian government to you? :eusa_doh:

Folks - I'm speechless. Liberals have dumbed themselves down to the point where they don't even know liberalism...
Iran...the epitome of liberal policy....ugh....dumb, very very dumb.
Oh right...

Conservatives don't want the government to control who can get an abortion

Or who can get married

Or who can vote at a voting booth

Conservatives Love government control.

And please, authoritarian government does not define liberal policy, that's just scare mongering and no one is going to take you seriously. You just keep making yourself look like a stupid little attention craving troll.

Nyvin - you people have screamed that insurance companies were "evil" and demanded for government to control them (ie Obamacare). Are you really going to sit there and claim that government control is not the foundation of EVERYTHING the Dumbocrats stand for and how they craft their policies? Really? Oh please go there - because there are several hundred thousand posts right here on USMB by liberals which will prove you are either lying or a complete idiot.

As far as abortion - being conservative and wanting government to be restrained by the Constitution does not mean being an anarchist. I'm never going to support the liberal desire to commit murder. Sorry chief.
And conservatives wonder why they can't get elected

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] continues to have the most ignorant narrative on USMB. Last time I checked, Republicans dominate the national landscape.

231 Republicans in the House (the majority... :eek:)

45 Repubulicans in the Senate (just 8 less than the Dumbocrats)

30 states are run by Republican governors (there are 50 states RW - which means Republicans own an astounding 60% of this nation :eek:)

Have someone you know do the math for you and then explain it to you. You'll see that the numbers indicate significantly more Republicans have won elections than Dumbocrats.

But hey - keep up the narrative on your version of "reality". It's serving you so well my friend :lol:

Republicans gerrymandered the House. They received fewer votes than the Democrats. They have 45% of the Senate and lost the WhiteHouse by over 100 electoral votes

They have won the popular vote for the whitehouse only once in 20 years

And yet they have owned the White House for 12 straight years (Reagan through Bush 1) and 20 of the past 33 years!

By the way - you forgot to make excuses for why Republicans own 60% of the states. Couldn't think of anything?

Republicans dominate the political landscape junior. The only thing the Dumbocrats managed to "win" was the election for the White House - and they did that by rigging elections, using the IRS to block conservative campaigns, and lying to the American people (sudden drop in unemployment numbers ring a bell RW)?

By the way, how ignorant do you have to be to proclaim "no wonder a Republicans can't win an election" and then post "they have 45% of the Senate"? :lmao: (Hint - that means they have damn near won HALF - or the same number as Dumbocrats). :lol:
Don't know if this has been mentioned but families give up a lot. Sometimes they even give up their loved one, sometimes its a marriage that doesn't survive.
[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] continues to have the most ignorant narrative on USMB. Last time I checked, Republicans dominate the national landscape.

231 Republicans in the House (the majority... :eek:)

45 Repubulicans in the Senate (just 8 less than the Dumbocrats)

30 states are run by Republican governors (there are 50 states RW - which means Republicans own an astounding 60% of this nation :eek:)

Have someone you know do the math for you and then explain it to you. You'll see that the numbers indicate significantly more Republicans have won elections than Dumbocrats.

But hey - keep up the narrative on your version of "reality". It's serving you so well my friend :lol:

Republicans gerrymandered the House. They received fewer votes than the Democrats. They have 45% of the Senate and lost the WhiteHouse by over 100 electoral votes

They have won the popular vote for the whitehouse only once in 20 years

And yet they have owned the White House for 12 straight years (Reagan through Bush 1) and 20 of the past 33 years!

By the way - you forgot to make excuses for why Republicans own 60% of the states. Couldn't think of anything?

Republicans dominate the political landscape junior. The only thing the Dumbocrats managed to "win" was the election for the White House - and they did that by rigging elections, using the IRS to block conservative campaigns, and lying to the American people (sudden drop in unemployment numbers ring a bell RW)?

By the way, how ignorant do you have to be to proclaim "no wonder a Republicans can't win an election" and then post "they have 45% of the Senate"? :lmao: (Hint - that means they have damn near won HALF - or the same number as Dumbocrats). :lol:

Republicans have reformed themselves into a secondary party that appeals to pockets of ultra conservative extremists. They are incapable of winning the whitehouse because they no longer have the electoral votes. They can no longer win the Senate and brag about winning a gerrymandered House in which they received fewer votes than the Democrats
They hold more governorships because they win sparsely populated Red States
I don't think going back to 1980 is all that relevant. 1992 is already pushing it.

The reason the GOP has 30 governors is primarily the rustbelt area, which usually switches from the sitting president's party to the opposing party. It's not really known why but that's how it is. Virginia usually does too, but Mcauliffe is an exception to that.

Michigan had Granholm (D) during Bush, now they have Snyder (R) during Obama

Pennsylvania had Randell (D) during Bush, now they have Corbett (R) during Obama

I think Wisconsin follows that trend, but don't wanna bother looking it up, and there are others too. The rust belt is older and whiter so it's easier for the GOP to make a play in those states, but in Presidential elections Democrat's voters come out in bigger numbers.
Capitalism does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones

We had our most robust economies when we paid labor a reasonable wage

Oh yeah - you guys proved that with Detroit! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Here you go folks - capitalism under complete Dumbocrat control:




Detroit failed because of a failure of capitalism. They used up the city and then abandoned it

It is now a ghost town

Post #219: "Capitalism does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones" - rightwinger

Post #223: "Detroit failed because of a failure of capitalism" - rightwinger

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

It took this buffoon just 4 posts to contradict himself. After ignorantly declaring Denmark a liberal utopia, I posted a link proving that Denmark is rated as the 9th most economically FREE (ie free market conservatism) nation in the world - even ahead of the U.S.

After realizing he can't poo-poo Denmark after raving about it, he creates the narrative of "yeah, well, capitalism only works under Dumbocrats". When I prove that theory is ignorant because Detroit has been under complete and total Dumbocrat control for about 60 years, he then contradicts his previous statement about how capitalism works under Dumbocrats and declares "capitalism sucks"! Uh, wait, didn't you just rave about it under Denmark and when controlled by Dumbocrats? :lmao:

Oh man, watching this buffoon twist himself in nots trying to find a narrative that fits his willful ignorance is priceless...
Don't know if this has been mentioned but families give up a lot. Sometimes they even give up their loved one, sometimes its a marriage that doesn't survive.

Indeed. I got blessed (or lucky, depending): I got out with most of my health (the VA gave me a disability rating of 0% :lol: ), and we're still married, though we did separate for about 2 years.

A lot of troops lose far, far more than what I...and my family...did.

Thanks, Luddly.
I don't think going back to 1980 is all that relevant. 1992 is already pushing it.

The reason the GOP has 30 governors is primarily the rustbelt area, which usually switches from the sitting president's party to the opposing party. It's not really known why but that's how it is. Virginia usually does too, but Mcauliffe is an exception to that.

Michigan had Granholm (D) during Bush, now they have Snyder (R) during Obama

Pennsylvania had Randell (D) during Bush, now they have Corbett (R) during Obama

I think Wisconsin follows that trend, but don't wanna bother looking it up, and there are others too. The rust belt is older and whiter so it's easier for the GOP to make a play in those states, but in Presidential elections Democrat's voters come out in bigger numbers.

Which is why we've had 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush Sr., and 8 years of Bush Jr. in the time you've had 8 years of Clinton and 5 years of Obama... :cuckoo:
Don't know if this has been mentioned but families give up a lot. Sometimes they even give up their loved one, sometimes its a marriage that doesn't survive.

Reading comprehension my friend (this thread was specifically NOT about military). A military family is military chief.

We're talking about the parasites of this nation - not those who sacrifice and earn what they receive.
Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?

Mitt and his five sons chose to serve there quasi-christian religion over their country. Is that who you're whining about?
I don't think going back to 1980 is all that relevant. 1992 is already pushing it.

The reason the GOP has 30 governors is primarily the rustbelt area, which usually switches from the sitting president's party to the opposing party. It's not really known why but that's how it is. Virginia usually does too, but Mcauliffe is an exception to that.

Michigan had Granholm (D) during Bush, now they have Snyder (R) during Obama

Pennsylvania had Randell (D) during Bush, now they have Corbett (R) during Obama

I think Wisconsin follows that trend, but don't wanna bother looking it up, and there are others too. The rust belt is older and whiter so it's easier for the GOP to make a play in those states, but in Presidential elections Democrat's voters come out in bigger numbers.

Which is why we've had 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush Sr., and 8 years of Bush Jr. in the time you've had 8 years of Clinton and 5 years of Obama... :cuckoo:

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] continues to have the most ignorant narrative on USMB. Last time I checked, Republicans dominate the national landscape.

231 Republicans in the House (the majority... :eek:)

45 Repubulicans in the Senate (just 8 less than the Dumbocrats)

30 states are run by Republican governors (there are 50 states RW - which means Republicans own an astounding 60% of this nation :eek:)

Have someone you know do the math for you and then explain it to you. You'll see that the numbers indicate significantly more Republicans have won elections than Dumbocrats.

But hey - keep up the narrative on your version of "reality". It's serving you so well my friend :lol:

Republicans gerrymandered the House. They received fewer votes than the Democrats. They have 45% of the Senate and lost the WhiteHouse by over 100 electoral votes

They have won the popular vote for the whitehouse only once in 20 years

And yet they have owned the White House for 12 straight years (Reagan through Bush 1) and 20 of the past 33 years!

By the way - you forgot to make excuses for why Republicans own 60% of the states. Couldn't think of anything?

Republicans dominate the political landscape junior. The only thing the Dumbocrats managed to "win" was the election for the White House - and they did that by rigging elections, using the IRS to block conservative campaigns, and lying to the American people (sudden drop in unemployment numbers ring a bell RW)?

By the way, how ignorant do you have to be to proclaim "no wonder a Republicans can't win an election" and then post "they have 45% of the Senate"? :lmao: (Hint - that means they have damn near won HALF - or the same number as Dumbocrats). :lol:

If democrats and republicans spent 1/2 as much time fixing our country as they do fighting with each other over which party is better, our country would be number 1 in the world.
Don't know if this has been mentioned but families give up a lot. Sometimes they even give up their loved one, sometimes its a marriage that doesn't survive.

Indeed. I got blessed (or lucky, depending): I got out with most of my health (the VA gave me a disability rating of 0% :lol: ), and we're still married, though we did separate for about 2 years.

A lot of troops lose far, far more than what I...and my family...did.

Thanks, Luddly.

My father was career Air Force. My parents split for 4 years and remarried. The government screwed with them in so many ways. They paid in extra so my mother would be covered by the VA, then, after more than 40 years of paying those premiums, congress eliminated that benefit for military retirees. No refunds were made.

You're right, the military families do pay. Even their kids pay when their daddies or mommies aren't home, especially for the Holidays.
Don't know if this has been mentioned but families give up a lot. Sometimes they even give up their loved one, sometimes its a marriage that doesn't survive.

Reading comprehension my friend (this thread was specifically NOT about military). A military family is military chief.

We're talking about the parasites of this nation - not those who sacrifice and earn what they receive.

I'm from a military family and you hate me.

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