Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?

You know the government could try fewer regulations to help the poor. I took in a big pot of soup to the church yesterday. The church gives out sack lunches every Mon-Thurs to those in need. My friend, my oldest son and I work on Mondays. The soup was a hit but I was told not to do it again because I made it at home and my kitchen isn't certified. It's not like a was selling the soup. I was giving away hot soup on a cold day to people in need and according to the government, that's a no-no.

No question that you have the best of intentions and probably make good soup.

But what of those who have questionable meat and rather than throw it out figure it is good enough for the homeless? What about people who don't keep the best sanitary standards in their kitchens?
yep, better that they go without.
You know the government could try fewer regulations to help the poor. I took in a big pot of soup to the church yesterday. The church gives out sack lunches every Mon-Thurs to those in need. My friend, my oldest son and I work on Mondays. The soup was a hit but I was told not to do it again because I made it at home and my kitchen isn't certified. It's not like a was selling the soup. I was giving away hot soup on a cold day to people in need and according to the government, that's a no-no.

No question that you have the best of intentions and probably make good soup.

But what of those who have questionable meat and rather than throw it out figure it is good enough for the homeless? What about people who don't keep the best sanitary standards in their kitchens?
yep, better that they go without.

Better that they recieve food we know is safe

Some people have the opinion that if food is not good enough for is good enough for the homeless.

I have even heard of people donating muffin stumps because they only want to eat the Top of the Muffin

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I think you must be one of the biggest Richard Craniums I've ever encountered.

I hope you don't profess "Christian Values".

Isn't it remarkable how Seawytch tries to pervert the Bible (like she does the Constitution) so she can avoid all personal responsibility in her life.

I'm sorry SW, I just can't seem to recall the part where Jesus said to use him to avoid personal responsibility. :dunno:

When is the last time you read the Bible? If you are a Christian, which I doubt, you are a poor one.

Rottweiler is an asshole and a callous conservative (I guess that's redundant); he would have made a great soldier in Hitler's service. Likely he would have been assigned to the Ghoul Squad, taking gold filling from corpses.
Isn't it remarkable how Seawytch tries to pervert the Bible (like she does the Constitution) so she can avoid all personal responsibility in her life.

I'm sorry SW, I just can't seem to recall the part where Jesus said to use him to avoid personal responsibility. :dunno:

When is the last time you read the Bible? If you are a Christian, which I doubt, you are a poor one.

Rottweiler is an asshole and a callous conservative (I guess that's redundant); he would have made a great soldier in Hitler's service. Likely he would have been assigned to the Ghoul Squad, taking gold filling from corpses.

My neighbors are conservative and they are nothing like Rottweiler. Don't blame them all for his actions.

In fact, my neighbor canned a bunch of homemade applesauce yesterday and put the picture on Facebook. I responded by saying "I'll be over tomorrow to get my share." It was a joke, she knows it was a joke, yet her son was at my door a few minutes later with that jar of applesauce. We'll have it on Thanksgiving and then I have to figure out what to make to give back to her. She's a treasure and she's a conservative. I think most of them are more like her than Rottweiler.
Not sure what the point of this thread is. I've never served and I don't get any kind of government assistance. I also give to charity.

Dunno what else to say I guess.

The point of the thread is that asshole Dumbocrats expect 18 year olds to have their heads blown off for the survival of the United States, but they are not willing to give up entitlements for the survival of the United States.

In other words, while they expect others to make sacrifices on their behalf, they are not willing to make any themselves. This has liberals really pissed off because there is no intelligent response to dispute a statement that is correct.

When Republican Bush started his two wars of choice, he didn't ask Americans to make any sacrifices. He got a tax cut (mostly for the rich) and told everyone to go shopping. Now conservaturds such as yourself want poor people to give up their means of survival rather than the very rich to pay a couple % more in taxes. You want to go after poor people rather than corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, bloated military industrial spending, non humanitarian foreign aid, etc,etc,etc. There are lots of places to cut before you have to fuck with people's lives.
More reason we can't put conservatives in positions of power

The far left has destroyed many countries and have proven time and time again that they should never be in power.

The most prosperous countries in the world today are built on predominantly liberal policies. Conservative policies get you countries like Iran and Pakistan. You must be proud.

Really? So Iran is about a small, limited government with little power? That's funny, I could have sworn that Iran was th epitome of a left-wing authoritarian state.

Any more lies you want to attempt today [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]? By the way, I noticed you couldn't name one "prosperous" nation utilizing left-wing idiocy. Lets look at the nations left-wing policy have collapsed:

North Korea

Wow - that's an appalling list of human rights and a shining example of the poverty created by left-wing idiocy.
Of course. This is why none of these "conservatives" can point out a single country that is being successfully run with policies that they consider "conservative worthy". They live in a fantasy world. That much is plain to see.

Botswana, Singapore, Hong Kong, although more libertarian in principle, follow a reasonably conservative economic policy.

Ahahahaha.....I have some friends from Singapore and also do business with an American in Hong Kong. I would like to hear your definition of "conservative economic policy" for those two countries....You know,....facts. If you don't mind.

HK has one of the best PUBLIC transportation systems in the world. A socialist high-speed train system. SHOCKING!

We have the ancient subway system in New York. We are very conservative in this country and think transportation improvements are too liberal:

It's hilarious how ignorant liberals have all been trained (like puppies) to respond with "we need to build choo-choo's" when a discussion arises about the economy they collapsed. Hey [MENTION=41423]NoTeaPartyPleez[/MENTION] - if you want little choo-choo's so badly, why are you so afraid to fund them? No seriously, build yourself a little choo-choo company and play choo-choo all day (does anyone else see the irony of Dumbicrats reverting back to being children on the tough issues such as the economy they collapsed? :lol:). Wait, what? I'm sorry - I couldn't hear you. What's that you say? Oh, you're a parasite who only burdens the system? You refuse to pay into it? And that's why you won't build your little choo-choo company? Got it... :eusa_whistle:

I simply don't understand why Dumbocrats throw themselves on the floor like children and demand things from others that any normal person (ie a conservative) would just do themselves. You want choo-choo's? Build a fuck'n train! Who is stopping you? God Almighty are liberals helpless fuck'n children. No wonder we have to fuck'n carry their ass through life - providing everything for them (food, housing, healthcare, and on and on and on)...

Oh - one quick thing though NTPP. You know those trains you think are such "successful" liberal policy? Yeah, you might want to read this... :lmao:

Amtrak Serving Free Wine to Steak Loses Millions on Food - Bloomberg

Amtrak loses $72M, while free booze flows | Fox News

Amtrak food service: How to lose money on $9.50 cheeseburgers | The Economist
Not sure what the point of this thread is. I've never served and I don't get any kind of government assistance. I also give to charity.

Dunno what else to say I guess.

The point of the thread is that asshole Dumbocrats expect 18 year olds to have their heads blown off for the survival of the United States, but they are not willing to give up entitlements for the survival of the United States.

In other words, while they expect others to make sacrifices on their behalf, they are not willing to make any themselves. This has liberals really pissed off because there is no intelligent response to dispute a statement that is correct.

When Republican Bush started his two wars of choice, he didn't ask Americans to make any sacrifices. He got a tax cut (mostly for the rich) and told everyone to go shopping. Now conservaturds such as yourself want poor people to give up their means of survival rather than the very rich to pay a couple % more in taxes. You want to go after poor people rather than corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, bloated military industrial spending, non humanitarian foreign aid, etc,etc,etc. There are lots of places to cut before you have to fuck with people's lives.

It's speaks volumes that "people's lives" are dependent on government. There is zero excuse for these people not making their own way through life.

The dumbest fuck'n animal in the wild has figured out how to survive on it's own - and yet Dumbocrats still haven't figured out how.
When is the last time you read the Bible? If you are a Christian, which I doubt, you are a poor one.

Rottweiler is an asshole and a callous conservative (I guess that's redundant); he would have made a great soldier in Hitler's service. Likely he would have been assigned to the Ghoul Squad, taking gold filling from corpses.

My neighbors are conservative and they are nothing like Rottweiler. Don't blame them all for his actions.

In fact, my neighbor canned a bunch of homemade applesauce yesterday and put the picture on Facebook. I responded by saying "I'll be over tomorrow to get my share." It was a joke, she knows it was a joke, yet her son was at my door a few minutes later with that jar of applesauce. We'll have it on Thanksgiving and then I have to figure out what to make to give back to her. She's a treasure and she's a conservative. I think most of them are more like her than Rottweiler.

My God - the irony of this post. This is exactly what I'm advocating over and over and over. That government has no fuck'n business spreading communism under the guise of sob-stories and that people need to stand like adults (with the help of family, friends, neighbors, church, and charity) and figure it out themselves.

Yet when I say it, Dumbocrats are too stupid to understand it. I guess I need to dumb it down to their level? Maybe respond with posts similar to Green Eggs & Ham so liberals can digest the facts? :bang3:
Isn't it remarkable how Seawytch tries to pervert the Bible (like she does the Constitution) so she can avoid all personal responsibility in her life.

I'm sorry SW, I just can't seem to recall the part where Jesus said to use him to avoid personal responsibility. :dunno:

When is the last time you read the Bible? If you are a Christian, which I doubt, you are a poor one.

Rottweiler is an asshole and a callous conservative (I guess that's redundant); he would have made a great soldier in Hitler's service. Likely he would have been assigned to the Ghoul Squad, taking gold filling from corpses.

Aw, Wry. Don't be a sore loser because I own you and the Dumbocrats with facts. Like the FACT that you're so caring and not callous, you've helped this woman and her son exactly zero times in your miserable life? Like the fact that your hoard everything you get your hands on like a typical greedy liberal while pretending to care about others so that you can steal even more when government increases the gravy train based on your cries?

Now come one, have another melt down because I'm right and exposed you for the hypocrite parasite that you are...
Rottweiler is an asshole and a callous conservative (I guess that's redundant); he would have made a great soldier in Hitler's service. Likely he would have been assigned to the Ghoul Squad, taking gold filling from corpses.

My neighbors are conservative and they are nothing like Rottweiler. Don't blame them all for his actions.

In fact, my neighbor canned a bunch of homemade applesauce yesterday and put the picture on Facebook. I responded by saying "I'll be over tomorrow to get my share." It was a joke, she knows it was a joke, yet her son was at my door a few minutes later with that jar of applesauce. We'll have it on Thanksgiving and then I have to figure out what to make to give back to her. She's a treasure and she's a conservative. I think most of them are more like her than Rottweiler.

My God - the irony of this post. This is exactly what I'm advocating over and over and over. That government has no fuck'n business spreading communism under the guise of sob-stories and that people need to stand like adults (with the help of family, friends, neighbors, church, and charity) and figure it out themselves.

Yet when I say it, Dumbocrats are too stupid to understand it. I guess I need to dumb it down to their level? Maybe respond with posts similar to Green Eggs & Ham so liberals can digest the facts? :bang3:

If liberals were not dumber than owlshit, they would not be liberals!:lol:
Not sure what the point of this thread is. I've never served and I don't get any kind of government assistance. I also give to charity.

Dunno what else to say I guess.

The point of the thread is that asshole Dumbocrats expect 18 year olds to have their heads blown off for the survival of the United States, but they are not willing to give up entitlements for the survival of the United States.

In other words, while they expect others to make sacrifices on their behalf, they are not willing to make any themselves. This has liberals really pissed off because there is no intelligent response to dispute a statement that is correct.

When Republican Bush started his two wars of choice, he didn't ask Americans to make any sacrifices. He got a tax cut (mostly for the rich) and told everyone to go shopping. Now conservaturds such as yourself want poor people to give up their means of survival rather than the very rich to pay a couple % more in taxes. You want to go after poor people rather than corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, bloated military industrial spending, non humanitarian foreign aid, etc,etc,etc. There are lots of places to cut before you have to fuck with people's lives.

When Obama passed Obamacare, he made people make sacrifices they didn't want to make. So much for liberals like you caring for the poor. And you know what, Borillar? Obama fucked up millions of people's lives when their insurance got cancelled no thanks to the law which bears his namesake.
I have a low functioning autistic son that is now being cared for by the state. I guess that makes me a terrible person, I know some on here think that makes me a welfare queen. You try and care for a 25 year old 220 pound 6 foot tall man that is stronger than you and has temper tantrums like a 2 years old and then tell me how I need to be taking care of him instead of the state. Your way, I'd be dead and the state would still be taking care of him. We've discussed this before and the only option that would satisfy people like you is if I commit murder (my son) and then suicide. Trust me, that isn't gonna happen, sorry you got stuck with the bill. Just remember, it's only a matter of luck that you didn't have a special needs child. (Lucky for the kids, that is)

Again [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], your sob story is not the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, just because he's too big for you somehow means that you can't pay for the help you need to provide the proper care for your own son? You wanted to have children, you foot the bill sweetie. He's not our responsibility.

By the way - God forbid you take your parenting responsibility serious enough to start seriously lifting weights so that you can be strong enough to do what you need to do. Nope! Easier to sit on the couch and demand that strangers who did not bring him into the world be forced to care for him.

Here we go again. The only thing that will make you happy is if I kill my son and then myself. Like I said before, it ain't gonna happen.

BTW, all the weight lifting in the world is not going to make my ribs or heart stronger. The radiation from the cancer killed that. Yeah, I know, not your fault, not your fault my husband has Parkinson's either. Have to wonder if you have ever had kids or anyone you love who's had "problems". In your would people like my family wouldn't exist.

Ohhhhh! I get it now [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]! Because you're "suffering", all of humanity should suffer with you! Silly me, I forgot you're a liberal which means hate and envy for anyone who has it better than you do (very Christian of you by the way). If this is happening to Sheila, by God she's going to force all of America to feel some pain to. Damn it, she will drag you down!

Very American of you Sheila. You've had some back luck, so FUCK all of society. Collapse it all so they can feel your pain... :eusa_doh:

(Pssst...your sons autism hasn't moved me to tears yet. You're husbands Parkinson's hasn't moved me to tears yet. And your cancer hasn't moved me to tears yet. Do you have any more sob stories you would like to share? Any which will move me so deeply, I will agree with your position that we should piss on the Constitution, then wipe our ass with the Constitution, and then move to socialism like Cuba did - where the entire nation has existed in extreme poverty for roughly 60 years now? Well? I'm waiting. Bring on the sob stories! Convince me that I owe you because you've and bad luck and you didn't prepare properly for those possibilities.)
Here we go again. The only thing that will make you happy is if I kill my son and then myself.

[MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION] - please cite the number of the post in which I said that killing yourself and your son would make me "happy". Or where I said you should kill yourself and your son. Or any variation even remotely close to that. If you do, I will neg myself, then close my USMB account and never come back. Deal?

See, this is the problem with you people. You can't have an honest conversation because you get annihilated with facts and common sense. So you have to create a false narrative - and more often than not you Dumbocrats try to build that false narrative around a "heart-wrenching" sob story to try and garner further support than your false narrative itself is capable of.

Here's the thing sweetie - if I were your neighbor (and so long as you didn't act like an entitled, ungrateful liberal), I would help you myself - and a LOT more than a fuck'n jar of apple sauce (note - that's not to imply anything about your neighbor so don't take it that way - I have no idea what she does or doesn't do for you).

But that's the point here. You think strangers half way across the nation OWE you something. You believe you're entitled to what they have. I believe that nobody is entitled to what someone else has, and that everybody should decide for themselves in this FREE nation who they help, when they help, if they help, how much they help, and why they help.

You want Joseph Staling and the Soviet Union (which ironically enough would end with you and your son being killed since you no longer provided anything to the state). I want George Washington and the United States. I'm proud to stand where I do - firmly along side George Washington and the Constitution. Are you proud to stand along side like people Joseph Stalin in your beliefs? You certainly lie like he does!
The point of the thread is that asshole Dumbocrats expect 18 year olds to have their heads blown off for the survival of the United States, but they are not willing to give up entitlements for the survival of the United States.

In other words, while they expect others to make sacrifices on their behalf, they are not willing to make any themselves. This has liberals really pissed off because there is no intelligent response to dispute a statement that is correct.

When Republican Bush started his two wars of choice, he didn't ask Americans to make any sacrifices. He got a tax cut (mostly for the rich) and told everyone to go shopping. Now conservaturds such as yourself want poor people to give up their means of survival rather than the very rich to pay a couple % more in taxes. You want to go after poor people rather than corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, bloated military industrial spending, non humanitarian foreign aid, etc,etc,etc. There are lots of places to cut before you have to fuck with people's lives.

When Obama passed Obamacare, he made people make sacrifices they didn't want to make. So much for liberals like you caring for the poor. And you know what, Borillar? Obama fucked up millions of people's lives when their insurance got cancelled no thanks to the law which bears his namesake.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Do you know how many children lost their health insurance because of Obamacare? Do you see one fuck'n miserable, greedy, hateful, envious liberal shedding one tear for those children or offering to pay for a new plan for them? Nope! They are just happy that a child has been dragged down to their miserable level.

(I emphasized children because - well - Dumbocrats love a sob story! :lol:)
The far left has destroyed many countries and have proven time and time again that they should never be in power.

The most prosperous countries in the world today are built on predominantly liberal policies. Conservative policies get you countries like Iran and Pakistan. You must be proud.

Spot on!

And yet neither of you can name one... :lmao:

Only a libtard Dumbocrat could scream "spot on" to the lack of a real answer by another libtard Dumbocrat... :lmao:
Where in the Constitution does it mandate how much must be spent on defense?

More proof that the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Oh goody, another expert on the Constitution of the United States. Tell us oh wise one, where in the Constitution did it authorize the Federal Government to provide the Salk Vaccine to the citizens of the United States? Do you believe the Eisenhower Administration was acting illegally in doing so? Would you prefer the parents of afflicted children purchase an Iron Lung to keep their child alive instead?

No [MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION], I would prefer that a loud mouth asshole like you actually put your fuck'n money where you big cum-catching mouth is (just once) and pay for those vaccinations yourself!

What's wrong Wry - to fuck'n greedy to help someone in need? Yeah - I thought so. Better to have a Joseph Stalin Soviet government put a gun to my head and make me do what you yourself are not willing to do.
Botswana, Hong Kong, and Singapore beg a differ.

Notice how the far left will deny that far left policies have bankrupted most of the worlds countries and it took conservative policies to bring them from the brink of collapse.

Sweden, Finland and Denmark are all doing quite well. You don't get more liberal than that

Beat the hell out of "Botswana"

Sweden? You mean the nation making a killing on CAPITALISM?!?! :lmao:

Yeah - those "socialist" swiss bank accounts. :lmao:

And you want to talk about Finland?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Here stupid, learn something for ONCE in your willfully ignorant life:

Finland’s economic freedom score is 74, making its economy the 16th freest in the 2013 Index. Its score is 1.7 points better than last year, with improvements in half of the 10 economic freedoms including the management of public finance, investment freedom, and labor freedom. Finland is ranked 7th out of 43 countries in the Europe region, and its overall score is well above the world average.

The Finnish economy continues to be one of the 20 freest in the Index. Well-secured property rights, including for intellectual property, promote entrepreneurship, productivity growth, and economic resilience. Minimum tolerance for corruption is institutionalized in an efficient legal framework that strongly sustains the rule of law. The judicial system, independent of political influence, ensures effective and transparent enforcement of commercial contracts.

Finland’s openness to foreign trade and investment provides real stimulus for a dynamic and resilient economy. A sound regulatory environment and minimal barriers to trade have contributed to competition and innovation. However, with government spending over 50 percent of GDP and public debt growing in recent years, fiscal policy is a serious concern. In a move to restore fiscal sustainability, the 2013 budget aims for greater prudence and balance in government budgeting.

Finland Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

Only a fuck'n ignorant libtard like [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] could try to credit a damn-near conservative utopia of an economy to "liberal policy". :eusa_whistle:
Yeah. All you assholes on Social Security and Medicare, get the fuck off the government tit!

I could do very nicely on 50% of my entitlements but that would give morons like you more money to piss down your thank you.
Sweden, Finland and Denmark are all doing quite well. You don't get more liberal than that

Beat the hell out of "Botswana"

Ok [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] - are you ready to talk about DENMARK? :lmao:

Denmark’s economic freedom score is 76.1, making its economy the 9th freest in the 2013 Index. Its overall score is essentially the same as last year, with modest improvements in the management of public spending and freedom from corruption counterbalanced by declines in labor and investment freedoms. Trailing Switzerland, Denmark is ranked 2nd out of 43 countries in the Europe region.

The Danish economy performs remarkably well in regulatory efficiency, and open-market policies sustain flexibility, competitiveness, and large flows of trade and investment. The transparent and efficient regulatory and legal environment encourages robust entrepreneurial activity. Banking regulations are sensible, and lending practices have been relatively prudent. Inflationary pressures are under control. The judicial system provides strong protection for property rights, and anti-corruption measures are firmly institutionalized.

The European sovereign debt turmoil entails elevated risks for Denmark, particularly with regard to the soundness of the financial sector and long-term fiscal sustainability. Banking has been under increasing strain, and public spending continues to be over half the size of the economy. The overall tax regime needed to finance the large scope of government remains burdensome and complex, although institutional assets such as high degrees of business efficiency and regulatory flexibility have counterbalanced some of the shortcomings of heavy social spending.

That's right folks - the 9th most conservative economy in the world. Oh, and lets not forget this little gem towards the bottom of the article:

"The government took small steps in 2012 to cut back on welfare state benefits and costs."

Denmark Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

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