Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?

Sweden, Finland and Denmark are all doing quite well. You don't get more liberal than that

Beat the hell out of "Botswana"

Ok [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] - are you ready to talk about DENMARK? :lmao:

Denmark’s economic freedom score is 76.1, making its economy the 9th freest in the 2013 Index. Its overall score is essentially the same as last year, with modest improvements in the management of public spending and freedom from corruption counterbalanced by declines in labor and investment freedoms. Trailing Switzerland, Denmark is ranked 2nd out of 43 countries in the Europe region.

The Danish economy performs remarkably well in regulatory efficiency, and open-market policies sustain flexibility, competitiveness, and large flows of trade and investment. The transparent and efficient regulatory and legal environment encourages robust entrepreneurial activity. Banking regulations are sensible, and lending practices have been relatively prudent. Inflationary pressures are under control. The judicial system provides strong protection for property rights, and anti-corruption measures are firmly institutionalized.

The European sovereign debt turmoil entails elevated risks for Denmark, particularly with regard to the soundness of the financial sector and long-term fiscal sustainability. Banking has been under increasing strain, and public spending continues to be over half the size of the economy. The overall tax regime needed to finance the large scope of government remains burdensome and complex, although institutional assets such as high degrees of business efficiency and regulatory flexibility have counterbalanced some of the shortcomings of heavy social spending.

That's right folks - the 9th most conservative economy in the world. Oh, and lets not forget this little gem towards the bottom of the article:

"The government took small steps in 2012 to cut back on welfare state benefits and costs."

Denmark Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

Denmark has actually surpassed the United States in economic freedom thanks to the Barack Obama. And rightwinger wants to declare it a "liberal authoritarian state" as "proof" that liberal policy doesn't collapse nations (as we've already seen over and over in Greece, Cuba, Cambodia, etc.)? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The United States, with an economic freedom score of 76, has lost ground again in the 2013 Index. Its score is 0.3 point lower than last year, with declines in monetary freedom, business freedom, labor freedom, and fiscal freedom. The U.S. is ranked 2nd out of three countries in the North America region, and its score remains well above the world and regional averages.

Registering a loss of economic freedom for the fifth consecutive year, the U.S. has recorded its lowest Index score since 2000. Dynamic entrepreneurial growth is stifled by ever-more-bloated government and a trend toward cronyism that erodes the rule of law. More than three years after the end of recession in June 2009, the U.S. continues to suffer from policy choices that have led to the slowest recovery in 70 years. Businesses remain in a holding pattern, and unemployment is close to 8 percent. Prospects for greater fiscal freedom are uncertain due to the scheduled expiration of previous cuts in income and payroll taxes and the imposition of new taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

United States Economy: Population, GDP, Unemployment, Inflation, Spending
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget
As much as I agree with you on liberals, you sound like a republican to me. to get through to people like me you need to stay more balanced within every post and point a finger to neocons who recruit democratic voters as well.
No question that you have the best of intentions and probably make good soup.

But what of those who have questionable meat and rather than throw it out figure it is good enough for the homeless? What about people who don't keep the best sanitary standards in their kitchens?
yep, better that they go without.

Better that they recieve food we know is safe

Some people have the opinion that if food is not good enough for is good enough for the homeless.

I have even heard of people donating muffin stumps because they only want to eat the Top of the Muffin


You're using a tv show for your reference? I've been handing out lunches to the needy for years, my friend has been working for the food bank for nearly as long as I've been alive and never, NEVER has anybody donated muffins with no tops.
Again [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], your sob story is not the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, just because he's too big for you somehow means that you can't pay for the help you need to provide the proper care for your own son? You wanted to have children, you foot the bill sweetie. He's not our responsibility.

By the way - God forbid you take your parenting responsibility serious enough to start seriously lifting weights so that you can be strong enough to do what you need to do. Nope! Easier to sit on the couch and demand that strangers who did not bring him into the world be forced to care for him.

Here we go again. The only thing that will make you happy is if I kill my son and then myself. Like I said before, it ain't gonna happen.

BTW, all the weight lifting in the world is not going to make my ribs or heart stronger. The radiation from the cancer killed that. Yeah, I know, not your fault, not your fault my husband has Parkinson's either. Have to wonder if you have ever had kids or anyone you love who's had "problems". In your would people like my family wouldn't exist.

Ohhhhh! I get it now [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]! Because you're "suffering", all of humanity should suffer with you! Silly me, I forgot you're a liberal which means hate and envy for anyone who has it better than you do (very Christian of you by the way). If this is happening to Sheila, by God she's going to force all of America to feel some pain to. Damn it, she will drag you down!

Very American of you Sheila. You've had some back luck, so FUCK all of society. Collapse it all so they can feel your pain... :eusa_doh:

(Pssst...your sons autism hasn't moved me to tears yet. You're husbands Parkinson's hasn't moved me to tears yet. And your cancer hasn't moved me to tears yet. Do you have any more sob stories you would like to share? Any which will move me so deeply, I will agree with your position that we should piss on the Constitution, then wipe our ass with the Constitution, and then move to socialism like Cuba did - where the entire nation has existed in extreme poverty for roughly 60 years now? Well? I'm waiting. Bring on the sob stories! Convince me that I owe you because you've and bad luck and you didn't prepare properly for those possibilities.)

I got news for you. I'm not a liberal. I'm a moderate. This is a society and every civilized society takes care of their less fortunate and their special needs. You are part of this society, so am I. I've worked all my live and I've paid taxes, we got zero help from the state my autistic children until they were over 18. When my son became too much to handle, we had to get help. That's doesn't make me a liberal, that makes me smart. I'd like to see how you handle it when you find out the healthy baby you had has autism and will never even be able to tell you what his favorite color is, let alone, be able to find help if he gets lost or tell someone his name.

It's too bad for you that I'm not rich and can't afford to continue supporting my son now that he's an adult and we are not physically able to take care of him. If that makes me a bad person, so be it, but i think you are the worst example of a Christian I've ever met. You put the Westboro Baptist church to shame as bad examples of Christians.
Here we go again. The only thing that will make you happy is if I kill my son and then myself.

[MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION] - please cite the number of the post in which I said that killing yourself and your son would make me "happy". Or where I said you should kill yourself and your son. Or any variation even remotely close to that. If you do, I will neg myself, then close my USMB account and never come back. Deal?

See, this is the problem with you people. You can't have an honest conversation because you get annihilated with facts and common sense. So you have to create a false narrative - and more often than not you Dumbocrats try to build that false narrative around a "heart-wrenching" sob story to try and garner further support than your false narrative itself is capable of.

Here's the thing sweetie - if I were your neighbor (and so long as you didn't act like an entitled, ungrateful liberal), I would help you myself - and a LOT more than a fuck'n jar of apple sauce (note - that's not to imply anything about your neighbor so don't take it that way - I have no idea what she does or doesn't do for you).

But that's the point here. You think strangers half way across the nation OWE you something. You believe you're entitled to what they have. I believe that nobody is entitled to what someone else has, and that everybody should decide for themselves in this FREE nation who they help, when they help, if they help, how much they help, and why they help.

You want Joseph Staling and the Soviet Union (which ironically enough would end with you and your son being killed since you no longer provided anything to the state). I want George Washington and the United States. I'm proud to stand where I do - firmly along side George Washington and the Constitution. Are you proud to stand along side like people Joseph Stalin in your beliefs? You certainly lie like he does!

It's called logic. You do not want tax dollars to pay for my son. I can't pay for my son's care nor am I capable of caring for him myself. That only leaves one alternative, killing him and then myself, because he is going to need that help forever even if I could provide for his care now, I will eventually die and he will be left to the state, again, using your taxes. The only way to insure he is not a burden is to kill him. As our laws stand today, that makes me a murderer. If I go to jail, I will cost society more than they are now paying for my son, the only way to stop that is suicide. Do you have a better idea? I'd like to hear it.

And I'm not surprised my sob story has not moved you to tears. You have no conscience, you have no feelings, you have no idea what it is to care for others and I doubt you ever will.
When Republican Bush started his two wars of choice, he didn't ask Americans to make any sacrifices. He got a tax cut (mostly for the rich) and told everyone to go shopping. Now conservaturds such as yourself want poor people to give up their means of survival rather than the very rich to pay a couple % more in taxes. You want to go after poor people rather than corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, bloated military industrial spending, non humanitarian foreign aid, etc,etc,etc. There are lots of places to cut before you have to fuck with people's lives.

When Obama passed Obamacare, he made people make sacrifices they didn't want to make. So much for liberals like you caring for the poor. And you know what, Borillar? Obama fucked up millions of people's lives when their insurance got cancelled no thanks to the law which bears his namesake.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Do you know how many children lost their health insurance because of Obamacare? Do you see one fuck'n miserable, greedy, hateful, envious liberal shedding one tear for those children or offering to pay for a new plan for them? Nope! They are just happy that a child has been dragged down to their miserable level.

(I emphasized children because - well - Dumbocrats love a sob story! :lol:)

Obamacare is a disaster but that has nothing to do with taking 50% of help away from the disabled and the poor in this country. Nice deflection though....
"Economic Freedom" has no relation to conservative or liberal all.

We're spending more than at any time since World War II. We didn't spend this much even during the coldest parts of the Cold War when there was an actual existential threat to our country.

Except that liberals like you were claiming there was no "threat" from communism back then as well (and many USMB libtards to do this day as well).

Can you guys just once come up with a consistent, coherent narrative? :dunno:

You surely do lie a lot. You would not even recognize a consistent, coherent narrative.
Again [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], your sob story is not the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, just because he's too big for you somehow means that you can't pay for the help you need to provide the proper care for your own son? You wanted to have children, you foot the bill sweetie. He's not our responsibility.

By the way - God forbid you take your parenting responsibility serious enough to start seriously lifting weights so that you can be strong enough to do what you need to do. Nope! Easier to sit on the couch and demand that strangers who did not bring him into the world be forced to care for him.

Here we go again. The only thing that will make you happy is if I kill my son and then myself. Like I said before, it ain't gonna happen.

BTW, all the weight lifting in the world is not going to make my ribs or heart stronger. The radiation from the cancer killed that. Yeah, I know, not your fault, not your fault my husband has Parkinson's either. Have to wonder if you have ever had kids or anyone you love who's had "problems". In your would people like my family wouldn't exist.

Ohhhhh! I get it now [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]! Because you're "suffering", all of humanity should suffer with you! Silly me, I forgot you're a liberal which means hate and envy for anyone who has it better than you do (very Christian of you by the way). If this is happening to Sheila, by God she's going to force all of America to feel some pain to. Damn it, she will drag you down!

Very American of you Sheila. You've had some back luck, so FUCK all of society. Collapse it all so they can feel your pain... :eusa_doh:

(Pssst...your sons autism hasn't moved me to tears yet. You're husbands Parkinson's hasn't moved me to tears yet. And your cancer hasn't moved me to tears yet. Do you have any more sob stories you would like to share? Any which will move me so deeply, I will agree with your position that we should piss on the Constitution, then wipe our ass with the Constitution, and then move to socialism like Cuba did - where the entire nation has existed in extreme poverty for roughly 60 years now? Well? I'm waiting. Bring on the sob stories! Convince me that I owe you because you've and bad luck and you didn't prepare properly for those possibilities.)

And conservatives wonder why they can't get elected
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget
As much as I agree with you on liberals, you sound like a republican to me. to get through to people like me you need to stay more balanced within every post and point a finger to neocons who recruit democratic voters as well.

I assure you my friend, I loathe liberals. And you and I both know that Republicans are true liberals. John Boehner and John McCain make me physically ill...
Notice how the far left will deny that far left policies have bankrupted most of the worlds countries and it took conservative policies to bring them from the brink of collapse.

Sweden, Finland and Denmark are all doing quite well. You don't get more liberal than that

Beat the hell out of "Botswana"

Sweden? You mean the nation making a killing on CAPITALISM?!?! :lmao:

Yeah - those "socialist" swiss bank accounts. :lmao:

And you want to talk about Finland?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Here stupid, learn something for ONCE in your willfully ignorant life:

Finland’s economic freedom score is 74, making its economy the 16th freest in the 2013 Index. Its score is 1.7 points better than last year, with improvements in half of the 10 economic freedoms including the management of public finance, investment freedom, and labor freedom. Finland is ranked 7th out of 43 countries in the Europe region, and its overall score is well above the world average.

The Finnish economy continues to be one of the 20 freest in the Index. Well-secured property rights, including for intellectual property, promote entrepreneurship, productivity growth, and economic resilience. Minimum tolerance for corruption is institutionalized in an efficient legal framework that strongly sustains the rule of law. The judicial system, independent of political influence, ensures effective and transparent enforcement of commercial contracts.

Finland’s openness to foreign trade and investment provides real stimulus for a dynamic and resilient economy. A sound regulatory environment and minimal barriers to trade have contributed to competition and innovation. However, with government spending over 50 percent of GDP and public debt growing in recent years, fiscal policy is a serious concern. In a move to restore fiscal sustainability, the 2013 budget aims for greater prudence and balance in government budgeting.

Finland Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

Only a fuck'n ignorant libtard like [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] could try to credit a damn-near conservative utopia of an economy to "liberal policy". :eusa_whistle:

Somehow, you confuse robust capitalism with strong social programs. Both Sweden and Finland have social programs that put ours to shame while their economies are booming.
Maybe because they understand the value of human capital over raw profit
Sweden, Finland and Denmark are all doing quite well. You don't get more liberal than that

Beat the hell out of "Botswana"

Ok [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] - are you ready to talk about DENMARK? :lmao:

Denmark’s economic freedom score is 76.1, making its economy the 9th freest in the 2013 Index. Its overall score is essentially the same as last year, with modest improvements in the management of public spending and freedom from corruption counterbalanced by declines in labor and investment freedoms. Trailing Switzerland, Denmark is ranked 2nd out of 43 countries in the Europe region.

The Danish economy performs remarkably well in regulatory efficiency, and open-market policies sustain flexibility, competitiveness, and large flows of trade and investment. The transparent and efficient regulatory and legal environment encourages robust entrepreneurial activity. Banking regulations are sensible, and lending practices have been relatively prudent. Inflationary pressures are under control. The judicial system provides strong protection for property rights, and anti-corruption measures are firmly institutionalized.

The European sovereign debt turmoil entails elevated risks for Denmark, particularly with regard to the soundness of the financial sector and long-term fiscal sustainability. Banking has been under increasing strain, and public spending continues to be over half the size of the economy. The overall tax regime needed to finance the large scope of government remains burdensome and complex, although institutional assets such as high degrees of business efficiency and regulatory flexibility have counterbalanced some of the shortcomings of heavy social spending.

That's right folks - the 9th most conservative economy in the world. Oh, and lets not forget this little gem towards the bottom of the article:

"The government took small steps in 2012 to cut back on welfare state benefits and costs."

Denmark Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

Denmark has actually surpassed the United States in economic freedom thanks to the Barack Obama. And rightwinger wants to declare it a "liberal authoritarian state" as "proof" that liberal policy doesn't collapse nations (as we've already seen over and over in Greece, Cuba, Cambodia, etc.)? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The United States, with an economic freedom score of 76, has lost ground again in the 2013 Index. Its score is 0.3 point lower than last year, with declines in monetary freedom, business freedom, labor freedom, and fiscal freedom. The U.S. is ranked 2nd out of three countries in the North America region, and its score remains well above the world and regional averages.

Registering a loss of economic freedom for the fifth consecutive year, the U.S. has recorded its lowest Index score since 2000. Dynamic entrepreneurial growth is stifled by ever-more-bloated government and a trend toward cronyism that erodes the rule of law. More than three years after the end of recession in June 2009, the U.S. continues to suffer from policy choices that have led to the slowest recovery in 70 years. Businesses remain in a holding pattern, and unemployment is close to 8 percent. Prospects for greater fiscal freedom are uncertain due to the scheduled expiration of previous cuts in income and payroll taxes and the imposition of new taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

United States Economy: Population, GDP, Unemployment, Inflation, Spending

Because Denmark, Sweden and Finland have booming economies that makes them conservative in your book?

Want to look at the healthcare they provide their people? Free education? Subsidized housing? something we like to call a paid vacation?

They put us to shame while their economies boom

Want to guess how much their CEOs get paid compared to ours?
yep, better that they go without.

Better that they recieve food we know is safe

Some people have the opinion that if food is not good enough for is good enough for the homeless.

I have even heard of people donating muffin stumps because they only want to eat the Top of the Muffin


You're using a tv show for your reference? I've been handing out lunches to the needy for years, my friend has been working for the food bank for nearly as long as I've been alive and never, NEVER has anybody donated muffins with no tops.

Top of the muffin to you
Here we go again. The only thing that will make you happy is if I kill my son and then myself. Like I said before, it ain't gonna happen.

BTW, all the weight lifting in the world is not going to make my ribs or heart stronger. The radiation from the cancer killed that. Yeah, I know, not your fault, not your fault my husband has Parkinson's either. Have to wonder if you have ever had kids or anyone you love who's had "problems". In your would people like my family wouldn't exist.

Ohhhhh! I get it now [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]! Because you're "suffering", all of humanity should suffer with you! Silly me, I forgot you're a liberal which means hate and envy for anyone who has it better than you do (very Christian of you by the way). If this is happening to Sheila, by God she's going to force all of America to feel some pain to. Damn it, she will drag you down!

Very American of you Sheila. You've had some back luck, so FUCK all of society. Collapse it all so they can feel your pain... :eusa_doh:

(Pssst...your sons autism hasn't moved me to tears yet. You're husbands Parkinson's hasn't moved me to tears yet. And your cancer hasn't moved me to tears yet. Do you have any more sob stories you would like to share? Any which will move me so deeply, I will agree with your position that we should piss on the Constitution, then wipe our ass with the Constitution, and then move to socialism like Cuba did - where the entire nation has existed in extreme poverty for roughly 60 years now? Well? I'm waiting. Bring on the sob stories! Convince me that I owe you because you've and bad luck and you didn't prepare properly for those possibilities.)

And conservatives wonder why they can't get elected

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] continues to have the most ignorant narrative on USMB. Last time I checked, Republicans dominate the national landscape.

231 Republicans in the House (the majority... :eek:)

45 Repubulicans in the Senate (just 8 less than the Dumbocrats)

30 states are run by Republican governors (there are 50 states RW - which means Republicans own an astounding 60% of this nation :eek:)

Have someone you know do the math for you and then explain it to you. You'll see that the numbers indicate significantly more Republicans have won elections than Dumbocrats.

But hey - keep up the narrative on your version of "reality". It's serving you so well my friend :lol:
Ok [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] - are you ready to talk about DENMARK? :lmao:

Denmark’s economic freedom score is 76.1, making its economy the 9th freest in the 2013 Index. Its overall score is essentially the same as last year, with modest improvements in the management of public spending and freedom from corruption counterbalanced by declines in labor and investment freedoms. Trailing Switzerland, Denmark is ranked 2nd out of 43 countries in the Europe region.

The Danish economy performs remarkably well in regulatory efficiency, and open-market policies sustain flexibility, competitiveness, and large flows of trade and investment. The transparent and efficient regulatory and legal environment encourages robust entrepreneurial activity. Banking regulations are sensible, and lending practices have been relatively prudent. Inflationary pressures are under control. The judicial system provides strong protection for property rights, and anti-corruption measures are firmly institutionalized.

The European sovereign debt turmoil entails elevated risks for Denmark, particularly with regard to the soundness of the financial sector and long-term fiscal sustainability. Banking has been under increasing strain, and public spending continues to be over half the size of the economy. The overall tax regime needed to finance the large scope of government remains burdensome and complex, although institutional assets such as high degrees of business efficiency and regulatory flexibility have counterbalanced some of the shortcomings of heavy social spending.

That's right folks - the 9th most conservative economy in the world. Oh, and lets not forget this little gem towards the bottom of the article:

"The government took small steps in 2012 to cut back on welfare state benefits and costs."

Denmark Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

Denmark has actually surpassed the United States in economic freedom thanks to the Barack Obama. And rightwinger wants to declare it a "liberal authoritarian state" as "proof" that liberal policy doesn't collapse nations (as we've already seen over and over in Greece, Cuba, Cambodia, etc.)? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The United States, with an economic freedom score of 76, has lost ground again in the 2013 Index. Its score is 0.3 point lower than last year, with declines in monetary freedom, business freedom, labor freedom, and fiscal freedom. The U.S. is ranked 2nd out of three countries in the North America region, and its score remains well above the world and regional averages.

Registering a loss of economic freedom for the fifth consecutive year, the U.S. has recorded its lowest Index score since 2000. Dynamic entrepreneurial growth is stifled by ever-more-bloated government and a trend toward cronyism that erodes the rule of law. More than three years after the end of recession in June 2009, the U.S. continues to suffer from policy choices that have led to the slowest recovery in 70 years. Businesses remain in a holding pattern, and unemployment is close to 8 percent. Prospects for greater fiscal freedom are uncertain due to the scheduled expiration of previous cuts in income and payroll taxes and the imposition of new taxes associated with the 2010 health care law.

United States Economy: Population, GDP, Unemployment, Inflation, Spending

Because Denmark, Sweden and Finland have booming economies that makes them conservative in your book?

Want to look at the healthcare they provide their people? Free education? Subsidized housing? something we like to call a paid vacation?

They put us to shame while their economies boom

Want to guess how much their CEOs get paid compared to ours?

The economic FREEDOM index speaks for itself chief. Denmark actually scores more conservative than the United States.

You might want to do your homework next time before listing nations you know nothing about.
Sweden, Finland and Denmark are all doing quite well. You don't get more liberal than that

Beat the hell out of "Botswana"

Sweden? You mean the nation making a killing on CAPITALISM?!?! :lmao:

Yeah - those "socialist" swiss bank accounts. :lmao:

And you want to talk about Finland?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Here stupid, learn something for ONCE in your willfully ignorant life:

Finland’s economic freedom score is 74, making its economy the 16th freest in the 2013 Index. Its score is 1.7 points better than last year, with improvements in half of the 10 economic freedoms including the management of public finance, investment freedom, and labor freedom. Finland is ranked 7th out of 43 countries in the Europe region, and its overall score is well above the world average.

The Finnish economy continues to be one of the 20 freest in the Index. Well-secured property rights, including for intellectual property, promote entrepreneurship, productivity growth, and economic resilience. Minimum tolerance for corruption is institutionalized in an efficient legal framework that strongly sustains the rule of law. The judicial system, independent of political influence, ensures effective and transparent enforcement of commercial contracts.

Finland’s openness to foreign trade and investment provides real stimulus for a dynamic and resilient economy. A sound regulatory environment and minimal barriers to trade have contributed to competition and innovation. However, with government spending over 50 percent of GDP and public debt growing in recent years, fiscal policy is a serious concern. In a move to restore fiscal sustainability, the 2013 budget aims for greater prudence and balance in government budgeting.

Finland Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

Only a fuck'n ignorant libtard like [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] could try to credit a damn-near conservative utopia of an economy to "liberal policy". :eusa_whistle:

Somehow, you confuse robust capitalism with strong social programs. Both Sweden and Finland have social programs that put ours to shame while their economies are booming.
Maybe because they understand the value of human capital over raw profit

Says the parasite not willing to invest a second of his time or a penny of his money in "human capital".

By the way - did you just admit "robust capitalism" (the exact opposite of everything the communist Dumbocrat policies stand for and promote)?
The economic FREEDOM index speaks for itself chief. Denmark actually scores more conservative than the United States.

You might want to do your homework next time before listing nations you know nothing about.


man so dumb

Have you ever looked at the BOTTOM of the list??!? You know, where all the African countries are???

Is Africa suddenly liberal-central or something? Those places with NOTHING for a social safety net? The ones who KILL homosexuals? I mean....they're at the BOTTOM of the economic freedom that means they're super duper liberal right???? Oh look!!! IRAN scored 168th...that means IRAN is MEGA LIBERAL!!

Cause liek....OBVIOUSLY the ones at the top are all super duper conservative...that means the ones at the BOTTOM are super duper Liberal.....OF COURSE!!!

Last edited:
Ohhhhh! I get it now [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]! Because you're "suffering", all of humanity should suffer with you! Silly me, I forgot you're a liberal which means hate and envy for anyone who has it better than you do (very Christian of you by the way). If this is happening to Sheila, by God she's going to force all of America to feel some pain to. Damn it, she will drag you down!

Very American of you Sheila. You've had some back luck, so FUCK all of society. Collapse it all so they can feel your pain... :eusa_doh:

(Pssst...your sons autism hasn't moved me to tears yet. You're husbands Parkinson's hasn't moved me to tears yet. And your cancer hasn't moved me to tears yet. Do you have any more sob stories you would like to share? Any which will move me so deeply, I will agree with your position that we should piss on the Constitution, then wipe our ass with the Constitution, and then move to socialism like Cuba did - where the entire nation has existed in extreme poverty for roughly 60 years now? Well? I'm waiting. Bring on the sob stories! Convince me that I owe you because you've and bad luck and you didn't prepare properly for those possibilities.)

And conservatives wonder why they can't get elected

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] continues to have the most ignorant narrative on USMB. Last time I checked, Republicans dominate the national landscape.

231 Republicans in the House (the majority... :eek:)

45 Repubulicans in the Senate (just 8 less than the Dumbocrats)

30 states are run by Republican governors (there are 50 states RW - which means Republicans own an astounding 60% of this nation :eek:)

Have someone you know do the math for you and then explain it to you. You'll see that the numbers indicate significantly more Republicans have won elections than Dumbocrats.

But hey - keep up the narrative on your version of "reality". It's serving you so well my friend :lol:

Republicans gerrymandered the House. They received fewer votes than the Democrats. They have 45% of the Senate and lost the WhiteHouse by over 100 electoral votes

They have won the popular vote for the whitehouse only once in 20 years
Sweden? You mean the nation making a killing on CAPITALISM?!?! :lmao:

Yeah - those "socialist" swiss bank accounts. :lmao:

And you want to talk about Finland?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Here stupid, learn something for ONCE in your willfully ignorant life:

Finland’s economic freedom score is 74, making its economy the 16th freest in the 2013 Index. Its score is 1.7 points better than last year, with improvements in half of the 10 economic freedoms including the management of public finance, investment freedom, and labor freedom. Finland is ranked 7th out of 43 countries in the Europe region, and its overall score is well above the world average.

The Finnish economy continues to be one of the 20 freest in the Index. Well-secured property rights, including for intellectual property, promote entrepreneurship, productivity growth, and economic resilience. Minimum tolerance for corruption is institutionalized in an efficient legal framework that strongly sustains the rule of law. The judicial system, independent of political influence, ensures effective and transparent enforcement of commercial contracts.

Finland’s openness to foreign trade and investment provides real stimulus for a dynamic and resilient economy. A sound regulatory environment and minimal barriers to trade have contributed to competition and innovation. However, with government spending over 50 percent of GDP and public debt growing in recent years, fiscal policy is a serious concern. In a move to restore fiscal sustainability, the 2013 budget aims for greater prudence and balance in government budgeting.

Finland Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption

Only a fuck'n ignorant libtard like [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] could try to credit a damn-near conservative utopia of an economy to "liberal policy". :eusa_whistle:

Somehow, you confuse robust capitalism with strong social programs. Both Sweden and Finland have social programs that put ours to shame while their economies are booming.
Maybe because they understand the value of human capital over raw profit

Says the parasite not willing to invest a second of his time or a penny of his money in "human capital".

By the way - did you just admit "robust capitalism" (the exact opposite of everything the communist Dumbocrat policies stand for and promote)?

Capitalism does better under Democratic presidents than Republican ones

We had our most robust economies when we paid labor a reasonable wage
The economic FREEDOM index speaks for itself chief. Denmark actually scores more conservative than the United States.

You might want to do your homework next time before listing nations you know nothing about.


man so dumb

Have you ever looked at the BOTTOM of the list??!? You know, where all the African countries are???

Is Africa suddenly liberal-central or something? Those places with NOTHING for a social safety net? The ones who KILL homosexuals? I mean....they're at the BOTTOM of the economic freedom that means they're super duper liberal right???? Oh look!!! IRAN scored 168th...that means IRAN is MEGA LIBERAL!!

Cause liek....OBVIOUSLY the ones at the top are all super duper conservative...that means the ones at the BOTTOM are super duper Liberal.....OF COURSE!!!


Uh [MENTION=45320]Nyvin[/MENTION] - I hate to be the one to break this to you, but Iran is the epitome of liberal policy. They are an authoritarian government. Now based on your previous post I know you're a bit slow - but considering liberals advocate for government control and conservative advocate for the government to get the fuck out of everything (ie no control) - which sounds closer and more aligned to Iran's authoritarian government to you? :eusa_doh:

Folks - I'm speechless. Liberals have dumbed themselves down to the point where they don't even know liberalism...

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