Can TRUMP get 40% supports of Hispanics when General Election? Yes


Dec 27, 2015
PPP poll(Dec,16-17th 2015)
Public Policy Polling national poll
Look at the page 44

Actually TRUMP is doing better than Rubio. I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders.
(With convertion 22/(22+43) = 33.84%).

It is not a 'Mission impossible' for TRUMP to get 40% supports from the Hispanics when General Election Day.
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PPP poll(Dec,16-17th 2015)
Public Policy Polling national poll
Look at the page 44

Actually TRUMP is doing better than Rubio. I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders.
(With convertion 22/(22+43) = 33.84%).

I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders

Hispanic citizens aren't thrilled with the idea of millions of illegals getting amnesty.
PPP poll(Dec,16-17th 2015)
Public Policy Polling national poll
Look at the page 44

Actually TRUMP is doing better than Rubio. I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders.
(With convertion 22/(22+43) = 33.84%).

I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders

Hispanic citizens aren't thrilled with the idea of millions of illegals getting amnesty.

Hispanic citizens also don't appreciate Tchump calling Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug users....he's toast with them.
Trump will be lucky to get Romneys numbers...Which isn't enough to win states like Florida, Co and certainly not enough to win nev.

A poll a few days shown that Trump has about 16% support with hispanics.
PPP poll(Dec,16-17th 2015)
Public Policy Polling national poll
Look at the page 44

Actually TRUMP is doing better than Rubio. I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders.
(With convertion 22/(22+43) = 33.84%).

I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders

Hispanic citizens aren't thrilled with the idea of millions of illegals getting amnesty.

I am generally clueless about lots of things-------in the past few years I came to know ------this or that ---Hispanic group ------does not like----this or that Hispanic
group and----THEY KNOW-----by "accent" who is who. Even long ago I knew
that Mexican Spanish had a bit of a unique ZING-----but it is a lot more specific than
that/ anyone know why Puerto Ricans did not like Domincans------the Mexican
neighbor explained it to me-------but it fell out of my head
a better question would be can he get them to the polls to vote if he walks the party line with voter registration cards ?

ponder that.
Trump will be lucky to get Romneys numbers...Which isn't enough to win states like Florida, Co and certainly not enough to win nev.

A poll a few days shown that Trump has about 16% support with hispanics.

c'mon MATT-----you are being optimistic-------stick to new ANTI TB AGENTS
a better question would be can he get them to the polls to vote if he walks the party line with voter registration cards ?

ponder that.

I do not understand your comment---------who votes party of registration----you is thinking PRIMARIES
a better question would be can he get them to the polls to vote if he walks the party line with voter registration cards ?

ponder that.

I do not understand your comment---------who votes party of registration----you is thinking PRIMARIES

voter registration cards for minority voters... a pet project that Right wingers have been insisting voters have to prevent voter fraud that is virtually non existent, all the cards do is make it more difficult for minority voters to get to the polls and vote giving the Republicans an edge.


Voter ID Cards
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a better question would be can he get them to the polls to vote if he walks the party line with voter registration cards ?

ponder that.

I do not understand your comment---------who votes party of registration----you is thinking PRIMARIES

voter registration cards for minority voters... a pet project that Right wingers have been insisting voters have to prevent voter fraud that is virtually non existent, all the cards do is make it more difficult for minority voters to get to the polls and vote giving the Republicans an edge.

oh sheeesh------are they imposing that? in my town it is just a matter of saying-----
"Yeah-------that one is mine"--------then they point to your name. I tend to LOSE
PPP poll(Dec,16-17th 2015)
Public Policy Polling national poll
Look at the page 44

Actually TRUMP is doing better than Rubio. I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders.
(With convertion 22/(22+43) = 33.84%).

I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders

Hispanic citizens aren't thrilled with the idea of millions of illegals getting amnesty.

Hispanic citizens also don't appreciate Tchump calling Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug users....he's toast with them.

Well, gosh, he wasn't going to get the illegal vote anyway.
Hispanic citizens don't care what he calls illegal alien criminals.
PPP poll(Dec,16-17th 2015)
Public Policy Polling national poll
Look at the page 44

Actually TRUMP is doing better than Rubio. I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders.
(With convertion 22/(22+43) = 33.84%).

I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders

Hispanic citizens aren't thrilled with the idea of millions of illegals getting amnesty.

Hispanic citizens also don't appreciate Tchump calling Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug users....he's toast with them.

Well, gosh, he wasn't going to get the illegal vote anyway.
Hispanic citizens don't care what he calls illegal alien criminals.

Except they're not obtuse to think that Trump was only referencing the illegal alien criminals......Trump uses a broad brush, and has alienated all but the naive fools that keep reading between the lines where there's actually nothing between the lines.

He isn't going to get the legal votes, either, but there's a bunch of dreamers out there who think he's going to get 100% of the black vote, too, like he says......:laugh:
I live next door to a Hispanic family here in Amarillo. He's a data specialist for a large hospital over here. He and his whole family think that Trump is a joke.
I live next door to a Hispanic family here in Amarillo. He's a data specialist for a large hospital over here. He and his whole family think that Trump is a joke.

I live in an area that has many Hispanics.......and they can't believe how Trump gets away with the most vulgar comments that he makes and how he insults everyone. The supporters must be really desperate, they have put all their eggs in a basket that has no bottom.
Trump will be lucky to get Romneys numbers...Which isn't enough to win states like Florida, Co and certainly not enough to win nev.

A poll a few days shown that Trump has about 16% support with hispanics.

I seriously don't think he'll even win the Republican nomination. Establishment Republicans have discussed a brokered convention.....I guess the majority of Republicans don't want Trump as their candidate....:rolleyes:

"Several longtime Republican power brokers argued that if the controversial billionaire storms through the primaries, the party’s establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight in which the GOP’s mainstream wing could coalesce around an alternative," The Post said.

CNN, also reporting on the meeting, noted that "another contributing factor to concerns of a brokered convention is a new Republican National Committee rule that requires any GOP nominee win a majority of delegates from eight different states, a hurdle that could potentially be too high in such a fractured field."

Floor fight in Cleveland? Republicans discuss brokered convention
PPP poll(Dec,16-17th 2015)
Public Policy Polling national poll
Look at the page 44

Actually TRUMP is doing better than Rubio. I mean popularity of The Hispanic.
Rubio got only 22% Hispanics Supports when vs Sanders.
(With convertion 22/(22+43) = 33.84%).

It is not a 'Mission impossible' for TRUMP to get 40% supports from the Hispanics when General Election Day.
This is a hilarious post on so many levels. First, your graphic misspelled conversion, and then you parroted the exact same misspelling.

Second, Sanders isn't going to be the Democratic nominee.

Third, I don't know where you got that graphic from, but it isn't from your PPP link. That poll shows Trump has a 59% unfavorable rating from Hispanics, and only a 24% favorable, not 40%. Sanders has 28% unfavorable, and 42% favorable, from Hispanics

From your own link:


Fourth, let's see how Trump scores with Hispanics when matched up against Clinton. Oh my GOD! He only gets 13%!!!


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