Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

Your history books are fake. Abolitionists started the anti-slavery movement,

Abolitionists were not Conservatives. Abolitionists believed the federal government had authority over the states. It's why there was a Civil War. Try finding a Republican or Conservative who supports federal authority over the states today. You won't find a single one.

Christians, not left wing wackos. We love Putin? Republicans got the Civil Rights Act passed, Dems held it up. You have a comic book version of reality.

Christians also supported slavery and used the Bible to justify it. Religion spanned both belief systems then, just as it does today. Republicans did not get the CRA passed. More Democrats voted for the CRA. You are spreading a known falsehood like the good Conservative-Russian puppet you are. BTW - the Republican Party ran a platform against the CRA in 1964.

Civil Right Act - 1964
House Vote
289 Yes votes (153 Democrats, 136 Republicans)
126 Nay votes (91 Democrats, 35 Republicans)

Senate Vote
73 Yes votes (46 Democrats, 27 Republicans)
27 No votes (21 Democrats, 6 Republicans)]
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


God he's pathetic...

Trump sure is doing a great job uniting. Not.
He's only been in office a few months asshole!
NOTHING unites the country more than a growing economy and jobs. That's what President Trump is already accomplishing. Check out the stock market.
BONOBO had eight fucking years and he fucking GOLFED!!!!! and vacationed.
A growing economy, growing jobs, growing stock market is what Obama handed Trump.
Obama did all the work and this trump pos wants to take credit
Well you see, the numbers weren't real then. They are now.
The ability to go to the doctor does nothing to improve health care?

So, this here is the fundamental problem with you and health, the ability to go to the doctor does nothing to improve your health care. Not if you cannot afford to go to the doctor. An insurance company acts as the bouncer to the club that is your provider. Now, how does that improve or enhance your care? Access to care, and care are not congruous. Simply having access to health care does not improve or enhance the health care you receive. The quality of your health care is not affected by your insurance. A doctor doesn't treat a patient with BCBS better than a patient with Anthem. The difference is the access BCBS and Anthem provide. That's a world of difference from the care your doctor gives you. You seem content to have a system that provides access, but not affordability.

Being able to get regular check ups does nothing to improve health care?

You are conflating access to care with actual care. You do that because you either don't understand what health insurance is, or you're being a sophist.
Why the hell should the government, which is administrated by stupid bureaucrats that don't give a shit about us, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups, be telling us what we have to have in our insurance policies?

So I take this impotent response as a concession that health insurance is wholly extraneous to the process. When it comes to stupidity and lying bullshit, no one holds a candle to insurance companies, who regularly lie about their business decisions, so goofballs like you will be unaware of the true costs they are extracting from us.

Medicare already exists. It already has a higher patient satisfaction rating than all forms of private insurance. It runs overhead a fraction of that from private insurers. It currently covers over 64,000,000 of our country's oldest, sickest patients. Many insurers use Medicare as the template when devising their own processes. So why can't Medicare be extended to everyone? Everyone on Medicare right now sure seems to like it a lot. As you can see below, it's got a higher patient satisfaction rating than all forms of private insurance.

Asshole. You asked if I knew what insurance was.

And you didn't even answer that. To think car insurance and health insurance are the same thing is utter stupidity. For one, they go to serve completely different ends. For two, unlike health care, you don't necessarily need a car. You can go your life without having a car, but you cannot go your life without getting health care at some point. Thing is, you don't know when you will need that health care. That's why we have insurance. My issue is that because there are multiple insurers, the bargaining power for rates and fees lies with the providers and drug companies, who play insurers off one another in order to increase those costs and fees which are then realized in profits.

Why do you think Medicare was prohibited by the Part-D legislation from using its leverage in the marketplace to bargain for cheaper drugs? Why on earth would that happen?

Government makes everything more expensive and cumbersome

Incorrect. Medicare overhead is about 3%, whereas private insurance overhead can be as high as 20%. Is 3% more or less than 20%? Secondly, most insurers use Medicare as the template when devising their own processes. Not sure from where you got this mistaken belief that government makes things more expensive or cumbersome when it's the private insurers who are responsible for both in the context of health care. An insurance company only profits when they don't reimburse your provider. So it's in the interests of an insurance company to avoid reimbursing doctors for the care they provide. The reason is because of their profit motive. My argument is that profit motive is wholly extraneous to the system, is parasitic, and does nothing to improve or enhance the care you get from your provider. To this day, no one has made a convincing argument that private insurance does anything else. Private insurers also make the system cumbersome because each private insurer processes claims in different ways, which is why administrative costs for providers are so high. One hospital billing department could end up dealing with dozens of different insurances, all with different procedures, all of which require more administrative costs that otherwise would be going to your health care. Entire floors are dedicated to claims processing in the US, whereas in Canada, the UK, Israel, Korea, Japan, and all other single payer systems it's done by one person in one room...maybe that person has an assistant.
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I know exactly what Obamacare is

Do you, though? Because here's what Obamacare is; a marketplace for patients to shop for insurance plans that compete with one another on a level playing field. That's what it is. A market-oriented approach to health insurance. Conservatives have no alternative because Obamacare was their plan. If Obama had passed single payer, Obamacare is what Conservatives would have argued for (since it's what they had been arguing for from about 1994-2009). If you don't think it benefits consumers to have a single place where all available insurance plans are listed, all of which are on a level playing field (the 14 regulations all insurance plans must contain per the ACA), then it doesn't sound to me like you support a market-based approach to health care, in which case I would ask you what you do support? Because we only have two places we can go from here:

1. Back to the system pre-ACA with pre-existing conditions, deceptive plans, and rescission.


2. Single payer

There is no other path forward from where we are now. This is why in the seven years Conservatives were screaming bloody murder about Obamacare they have yet to produce a single, viable replacement that maintains coverage levels and reduces costs.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


God he's pathetic...

Trump sure is doing a great job uniting. Not.
He's only been in office a few months asshole!
NOTHING unites the country more than a growing economy and jobs. That's what President Trump is already accomplishing. Check out the stock market.
BONOBO had eight fucking years and he fucking GOLFED!!!!! and vacationed.
A growing economy, growing jobs, growing stock market is what Obama handed Trump.
Obama did all the work and this trump pos wants to take credit
Well you see, the numbers weren't real then. They are now.
And another joke is how the orange anus says Dems are obstructing How can we be obstructing when they don't include dems in anything?
Yep. You're a speed reader and know which parts makes your case but you love mystery so won't post anything substative.

Unlike you, I'm not coming into the subject with no prior knowledge. Those links I provided you are links I had read before. Right now, it feels like you're just making excuse after excuse for avoiding reality.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

A better question is can Trump have a news conference without insults? I don't think I have ever heard him speak without attacking someone. A person with so much hate must be a pretty miserable person.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

A better question is can Trump have a news conference without insults? I don't think I have ever heard him speak without attacking someone. A person with so much hate must be a pretty miserable person.
And he wonders why Dems don't like him??A real dufus
The ability to go to the doctor does nothing to improve health care?

So, this here is the fundamental problem with you and health, the ability to go to the doctor does nothing to improve your health care. Not if you cannot afford to go to the doctor. An insurance company acts as the bouncer to the club that is your provider. Now, how does that improve or enhance your care? Access to care, and care are not congruous. Simply having access to health care does not improve or enhance the health care you receive. The quality of your health care is not affected by your insurance. A doctor doesn't treat a patient with BCBS better than a patient with Anthem. The difference is the access BCBS and Anthem provide. That's a world of difference from the care your doctor gives you. You seem content to have a system that provides access, but not affordability.

Being able to get regular check ups does nothing to improve health care?

You are conflating access to care with actual care. You do that because you either don't understand what health insurance is, or you're being a sophist.

Well stupid, that is what the insurance does, pay for it.

You're far too much a pathological liar to have a reasoned discussion with.
Well stupid, that is what the insurance does, pay for it.

YES! OK! Good! Now you are at least caught up to the rest of the class! So OK, if all a health insurance company does is pay for the care your doctor gave you, then why are we allowing those companies to take as much as 20% of every dollar we pay in premiums for themselves? Why do we allow that when Medicare does the exact same thing, but does it for about 3% overhead? Don't you want to save money? The "paying" the insurance company does has another's called administration. So in what world is a 20% administration fee acceptable? Even Ticketmaster doesn't charge 20%. That's not even getting into the fragmented multi-payer market which is why drug costs are so high.

You're far too much a pathological liar to have a reasoned discussion with.

No, the problem is you're a fucking idiot who postures on the internet message boards for the sake of your own pathetically fragile ego. So run Forrest, run!!! Run away lik the fucking coward we all know you are. Adios! Adieu! Shalom! Aloha! Sayonara! Bye bye, fragile ego boy!
Well stupid, that is what the insurance does, pay for it.

YES! OK! Good! Now you are at least caught up to the rest of the class! So OK, if all a health insurance company does is pay for the care your doctor gave you, then why are we allowing those companies to take as much as 20% of every dollar we pay in premiums for themselves? Why do we allow that when Medicare does the exact same thing, but does it for about 3% overhead? Don't you want to save money? The "paying" the insurance company does has another's called administration. So in what world is a 20% administration fee acceptable? Even Ticketmaster doesn't charge 20%. That's not even getting into the fragmented multi-payer market which is why drug costs are so high.

You're far too much a pathological liar to have a reasoned discussion with.

No, the problem is you're a fucking idiot who postures on the internet message boards for the sake of your own pathetically fragile ego. So run Forrest, run!!! Run away lik the fucking coward we all know you are. Adios! Adieu! Shalom! Aloha! Sayonara! Bye bye, fragile ego boy!

What the company "takes: is none of your business. If you don't like what the company "takes' go to a different company.

Further, as a fascist you are yet again lying. (It's what you do.) Private insurance does not "take" the 20% you are lying about, the overhead is in the COMPANIES that provide insurance. If you had even had a private sector job, which you have not, the HR function of the company would have to manage intake forms and open enrollment, as well as COBRA. This is typically about 7% but can rise as high as 20% in smaller companies.

As far left Politifraud points out;

{However, the administrative burden for private plans get more complicated the deeper you dig. There are large variations between different types of insurance plans. The data cited by CBO found that administrative costs were about 7 percent for employers with at least 1,000 employees, but 26 percent for firms with 25 or fewer employees. }

So despite you lies Anthem and Cigna are not putting this overhead on the consumer.

Further, you and Barbra Boxer who did your thinking for you didn't relate the facts.

{When we asked Boxer’s office for their source for the 20 percent-to-30 percent statistic, spokesman Andy Stone told us that prior to passage of the Democratic health care bill in 2010, health plans in California were only required to spend 70 percent of premiums on medical care, with insurers able to spend up to 30 percent on profits and administrative costs. He also cited some opinion and news articles that cited figures in the 20 percent to 30 percent range, and even higher.

We don’t doubt that there are cases in which overhead reaches or exceeds 30 percent, but those cases are both anecdotal and at the high end of the range. The averages cited by CBO and CMS are significantly lower -- 11 percent to 12 percent -- and many of the bigger plans undercut even that level.}

Even MORE telling is the dishonesty in calculating the overhead of Medicare;

{The difference stems from whether Medicare essentially freeloads off other parts of the federal government for services that private insurers have to pay for on their own. }

Barbara Boxer says Medicare overhead is far lower than private insurers' overhead
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
Me too Funny .trumps own people have told him if he shuts up about it it would go away
They aren't going to shut up about it for four more years and if he actually runs again in four years, they'll still be screaming about Russia.
Do you believe if you do the crime you do the time?? If trump was in anyway implicated in Russian interference in our election shouldn't he be sent away given a nice double ex large orange jump suit?
To this date, investigators have repeatedly said that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Time to move on already.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
Me too Funny .trumps own people have told him if he shuts up about it it would go away
They aren't going to shut up about it for four more years and if he actually runs again in four years, they'll still be screaming about Russia.
Do you believe if you do the crime you do the time?? If trump was in anyway implicated in Russian interference in our election shouldn't he be sent away given a nice double ex large orange jump suit?
To this date, investigators have repeatedly said that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Time to move on already.
One week after former FBI Director James Comey testified to Congress that the president had lied to the American public, President Donald Trump's disapproval rating has hit a new record high.

According to the latest Gallup data, 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president, a new high point for disapproval. His approval rating has dropped to 36 percent concurrently.

SEE MORE: Trump's approval rating steadily slides -- See what he's been up to

The new disapproval rating breaks Trump's earlier record of 59 percent disapproval, which the president hit in March.

Out of the previous three presidents -- including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama -- Bush is the only other president who reached the 60 percent disapproval mark, but Trump reached the record far quicker.

RELATED: Barron's shirt raises eyebrows as he moves into the White House
Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
Me too Funny .trumps own people have told him if he shuts up about it it would go away
They aren't going to shut up about it for four more years and if he actually runs again in four years, they'll still be screaming about Russia.
Do you believe if you do the crime you do the time?? If trump was in anyway implicated in Russian interference in our election shouldn't he be sent away given a nice double ex large orange jump suit?
To this date, investigators have repeatedly said that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Time to move on already.
One week after former FBI Director James Comey testified to Congress that the president had lied to the American public, President Donald Trump's disapproval rating has hit a new record high.

According to the latest Gallup data, 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president, a new high point for disapproval. His approval rating has dropped to 36 percent concurrently.

SEE MORE: Trump's approval rating steadily slides -- See what he's been up to

The new disapproval rating breaks Trump's earlier record of 59 percent disapproval, which the president hit in March.

Out of the previous three presidents -- including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama -- Bush is the only other president who reached the 60 percent disapproval mark, but Trump reached the record far quicker.

RELATED: Barron's shirt raises eyebrows as he moves into the White House
CNN, MSNBC and similar polls are conducted in predominantly left-leaning areas and thus one can expect low approval ratings.
Oh Pleeze Obama was real kind to the incoming president while Trump who bashed all 16 candidates at the debates bashed Obama relentlessly

You're being facetious, aren't you?
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Personally, I'd like to have one news day without hearing about: Trump, Russia.....Flynn, Russia....Trump, Flynn, Russia....Russia, Russia, Russia.
Me too Funny .trumps own people have told him if he shuts up about it it would go away
They aren't going to shut up about it for four more years and if he actually runs again in four years, they'll still be screaming about Russia.
Do you believe if you do the crime you do the time?? If trump was in anyway implicated in Russian interference in our election shouldn't he be sent away given a nice double ex large orange jump suit?
To this date, investigators have repeatedly said that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. Time to move on already.
As the saying goes, It ain't over till it's over. In Complex criminal investigations, there is no way to know who will be the final subject(s) because the investigation follows the evidence as it is uncovered. Trump may have never colluded with the Russians but he may have knowledge as to who has or maybe Trump and everyone connected to the campaign are completely innocent and Trump or others ends up being charged with obstruction. It is also quite possible that this investigation could drag on for many months or event years and never reach any conclusion. You never know until it's over.
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Guess I'd shoot but trying not to kill A shoulder a leg an arm ? You ever fight anyone close to 230,240 lbs ? Can't see how he was overcome and beaten like that Something smelled at least imo

You've never been in a fight, have you? You don't exactly have time to take aim for an arm or leg. Police or anyone being trained to use a gun is not taught to "wing" 'em or hit them in the leg. You shoot at center mass and you keep shooting until the perpetrator hits the ground. As long as they keep coming, you keep shooting.
Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

Who cares? I find it a badge of honor that such a disgusting creature, a Manchurian Pure Bred Orange Hair Russian Poodle would insult people of honor and integrity. Unlike Republicans, who are currently working long hours crafting a bill that would ruin the lives of millions of Americans while giggling and laughing over it the entire time knowing that it will ruin the lives of millions of Americans.

What will be the death total by the time the Republicans are finally stopped?

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