Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

Odd, the Republicans didn't produce an alternative, yet they passed the alternative they didn't produce?

You mean the plan they slapped together haphazardly a couple months ago? You'd think if Obamacare is this massive, terrible, horrible thing that is destroying health care they would have had a plan ready to go on day one. Their "plan" kicks 23,000,000 off insurance and spikes costs for seniors and older workers. It doesn't provide universal coverage (Trump's promise), and it doesn't reduce costs (Also, Trump's promise).

To be sure, the Republican plan sucks, but you lied that they have no plan.

The reason that plan sucks is the reason why any plan from Conservatives will suck...they don't understand what health insurance is and the role it plays in your health care.

Even if it is haphazard, your post remains a lie.

We get that you are a (probably paid) hack from the Soros hate sites and that you have not even a speck of integrity. We get that you post what you or your handlers at DailyHATE or ThinkHatred believe will either promote your shameful party or defame the opposition you so deeply hate.

But as I have told you repeatedly, the issue I have with you is not that you are a hack seeking to pervert the American election system on behalf of your Fuhrer George Soros, the problem I have with you is that you lie without compunction. You simply don't care if what you post is true or not, as long as it serves your filthy Reich.
But we understand full well what you commie fucks are all about. History is on our side, not yours.

Conservatives are consistently on the wrong side of history. They supported Jim Crow, they supported segregation, they opposed the Civil Rights Act, they opposed the Voting Rights Act. They oppose abortion. They love Putin. Their tax cuts don't work. They oppose SSM. They find themselves consistently on the wrong side of history when it comes to everything. Is there even one piece of legislation they passed in the last 37 years that didn't have (un)intended negative consequences? Can't think of a single thing.
Liar. What a dumb thing to say. so all this time and people haven't been helped? You're just a brainwashed Moonie.

What is the actual function an insurance company performs? Do they perform checkups? No. Do they perform prostate exams? No. Do they prescribe drugs? No. Do they perform X-rays, CATSCANs, and MRI's? No. All they do is administer reimbursement to providers for those services. There is no role health insurance plays in your health care other than the administration of reimbursements to providers from the premium pool you've already paid into. Medicare does the exact same administration, but does it for a fraction of the cost, and does it for far more, sicker, older people on its own. Many insurance companies use Medicare as their template for process as well. Insurance companies do nothing when it comes to your care. They are wholly extraneous to the process. They do not improve or enhace your care; a doctor doesn't perform a procedure "better" based on your insurance, as much as you are trying to pretend they do.
Nonsense. We have auto insurance because repairs/damages are very expensive. So people pool their money so they can get it taken care of. Same with medical, it's expensive so we pool our resources to lessen the blow. Paying for stuff is how it works, it isn't just a quirk of some kind.
Even if it is haphazard, your post remains a lie.

The fact that it is haphazard proves what I've been saying. 7 years and that shitshow is what they came up with? You said yourself their plan sucks. Could it have anything to do with the fact that they've been posturing about Obamacare the last 7 years? If they didn't have a plan ready to go on day one, doesn't that mean their criticisms of the law, upon which an alternative should be based, were all just a bunch of bullshit exaggerations, lies, and nonsense?
But we understand full well what you commie fucks are all about. History is on our side, not yours.

Conservatives are consistently on the wrong side of history. They supported Jim Crow, they supported segregation, they opposed the Civil Rights Act, they opposed the Voting Rights Act. They oppose abortion. They love Putin. Their tax cuts don't work. They oppose SSM. They find themselves consistently on the wrong side of history when it comes to everything. Is there even one piece of legislation they passed in the last 37 years that didn't have (un)intended negative consequences? Can't think of a single thing.
Your history books are fake. Abolitionists started the anti-slavery movement, Christians, not left wing wackos. We love Putin? Republicans got the Civil Rights Act passed, Dems held it up. You have a comic book version of reality.
Private insurance does nothing to improve or enhance your health care. All it does is restrict access to it.

That has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever posted.

The ability to go to the doctor does nothing to improve health care? Being able to get regular check ups does nothing to improve health care?

Are you fucking stupid? In fact I know you are not, you are merely a demagogue without a shred of integrity. You posted that idiocy because you thought it defamed the enemy of your Reich. BECAUSE you are utterly without an ethical code and will do or say anything to promote your Fuhrer, you post insanely stupid shit like this.

You and your ilk are not new, we have seen you many times before, goosestepping behind men like Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, et al. You are the mindless drones who are the foundation of true evil.
Even if it is haphazard, your post remains a lie.

The fact that it is haphazard proves what I've been saying. 7 years and that shitshow is what they came up with? You said yourself their plan sucks. Could it have anything to do with the fact that they've been posturing about Obamacare the last 7 years? If they didn't have a plan ready to go on day one, doesn't that mean their criticisms of the law, upon which an alternative should be based, were all just a bunch of bullshit exaggerations, lies, and nonsense?
Once something is federal law it is extremely difficult to undo. That was the whole idea to begin with. Now that people have been paying into it it's not so simple to simply undo. You have no interest in honesty. You're a shill for obiecare.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


God he's pathetic...

Trump sure is doing a great job uniting. Not.
He's only been in office a few months asshole!
NOTHING unites the country more than a growing economy and jobs. That's what President Trump is already accomplishing. Check out the stock market.
BONOBO had eight fucking years and he fucking GOLFED!!!!! and vacationed.
A growing economy, growing jobs, growing stock market is what Obama handed Trump.

You claimed for 8 years that nothing was Obama's fault, now you want to take credit? :eek:
Nonsense. We have auto insurance because repairs/damages are very expensive.[/QUOTE]

Health insurance and auto insurance are two different, mutually exclusive things. We are talking specifically about health insurance, so let's stay on topic. Now, you haven't been able to articulate anything an insurance company does besides administration. The reason is because they don't do anything more. An insurance company serves an administrative function. What they are administering is the reimbursement from the premium pool to providers. That's all they do. Now why does there have to be a profit motive tied to that administration? That profit motive is reason #1 for why health care costs are so high. Figure we're paying at most 17% above what the true cost of health care is just from the administrative costs to have a private insurance system. Eliminating that cost increase will have a waterfall effect on health care costs...the reason hospitals charge $20 for a dose of Tylenol is because they need the insurer to reimburse them so they can use the excess from that cost to pay down costs for other patients who have insurance that does not reimburse at those levels. So you end up with a "robbing Peter to pay Paul" scenario where all you're doing is shifting cost, not reducing it. We all have to come to terms with the fact that private insurance is driving most of the cost for health care. That's why single payer nations spend half as much of a % of GDP as we do on health care.
Once something is federal law it is extremely difficult to undo.

So now the excuses come. Is this a "no one knew health care could be so complicated" situation? Obamacare was conceived, created, and executed in about a year's time. Conservatives had 7 years, and this is the excuse?????
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


God he's pathetic...

Trump sure is doing a great job uniting. Not.
He's only been in office a few months asshole!
NOTHING unites the country more than a growing economy and jobs. That's what President Trump is already accomplishing. Check out the stock market.
BONOBO had eight fucking years and he fucking GOLFED!!!!! and vacationed.
A growing economy, growing jobs, growing stock market is what Obama handed Trump.

You claimed for 8 years that nothing was Obama's fault, now you want to take credit? :eek:
I am not responsible for your dementia.
Even if it is haphazard, your post remains a lie.

The fact that it is haphazard proves what I've been saying. 7 years and that shitshow is what they came up with? You said yourself their plan sucks. Could it have anything to do with the fact that they've been posturing about Obamacare the last 7 years? If they didn't have a plan ready to go on day one, doesn't that mean their criticisms of the law, upon which an alternative should be based, were all just a bunch of bullshit exaggerations, lies, and nonsense?

You lied that the Republicans have no plan. That is an absurd lie considering they passed the damned thing through the house.

You lied because it served the narrative you promote on behalf of your Reich. You lie as a matter of course, you have no integrity and post anything that furthers the agenda of your Reich, you don't give a shit whether it is true, false, or half-true. The ONLY consideration by you is whether it furthers the agenda of the Reich.
Once something is federal law it is extremely difficult to undo.

So now the excuses come. Is this a "no one knew health care could be so complicated" situation? Obamacare was conceived, created, and executed in about a year's time. Conservatives had 7 years, and this is the excuse?????
It's a fact, not an excuse. They were supposed to have a plan for the last 7 years? WTF?
Health insurance and auto insurance are two different, mutually exclusive things. We are talking specifically about health insurance, so let's stay on topic. Now, you haven't been able to articulate anything an insurance company does besides administration. The reason is because they don't do anything more. An insurance company serves an administrative function. What they are administering is the reimbursement from the premium pool to providers. That's all they do. Now why does there have to be a profit motive tied to that administration? That profit motive is reason #1 for why health care costs are so high. Figure we're paying at most 17% above what the true cost of health care is just from the administrative costs to have a private insurance system. Eliminating that cost increase will have a waterfall effect on health care costs...the reason hospitals charge $20 for a dose of Tylenol is because they need the insurer to reimburse them so they can use the excess from that cost to pay down costs for other patients who have insurance that does not reimburse at those levels. So you end up with a "robbing Peter to pay Paul" scenario where all you're doing is shifting cost, not reducing it. We all have to come to terms with the fact that private insurance is driving most of the cost for health care. That's why single payer nations spend half as much of a % of GDP as we do on health care.
Asshole. You asked if I knew what insurance was. And I don't agree they are mutually exclusive, where did you dig that up from? Government makes everything more expensive and cumbersome, you're naive to think otherwise. And learn to quote.

So, as I said, you have no fucking idea what alternatives there are because you haven't bothered to do the work of understanding what Obamacare is, what health insurance is, and what amount of influence health insurance has on your actual health care.

I know exactly what Obamacare is which is more than those idiot Democrat assholes that voted for it and didn't even bother to read the damn bill.

You, being a Moon Bat is simply too damn stupid to understand that the government doesn't need to be telling how to do health care or taking our money away and giving it to shitheads as subsidies.

The filthy ass oppressive government doesn't need to be telling me what I have to have in a policy, telling me what doctor to use, what the doctor can charge, what fucking records they have to keep, what has to be covered and sure as hell shouldn't be taking away my freedom to either have insurance or not.

The only thing that stupid bill did was run up the cost of premiums, co payments, deductibles and taxes from the paying customers in order to give the filthy ass welfare queens and illegals their stupid subsidies.

That stupid bill also had a silly welfare scheme where if you didn't pay into insurance you could still get coverage because of pre existing condign. That would be like not having to getting a home owners insurance but the government requiring that the insurance pay you for your house burning down.

The Democrats have been a disaster for this country. Under a Democrat administration poverty increased, family income decreased, debt sky rocked, income disparity increased and we had dismal economic growth not to include an embarrassing foreign policy that had us at war every day of the stupid Negro's administration.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


God he's pathetic...

Trump sure is doing a great job uniting. Not.
He's only been in office a few months asshole!
NOTHING unites the country more than a growing economy and jobs. That's what President Trump is already accomplishing. Check out the stock market.
BONOBO had eight fucking years and he fucking GOLFED!!!!! and vacationed.
A growing economy, growing jobs, growing stock market is what Obama handed Trump.
Obama did all the work and this trump pos wants to take credit
Nonsense. We have auto insurance because repairs/damages are very expensive.

Health insurance and auto insurance are two different, mutually exclusive things. We are talking specifically about health insurance, so let's stay on topic. Now, you haven't been able to articulate anything an insurance company does besides administration. The reason is because they don't do anything more. An insurance company serves an administrative function. What they are administering is the reimbursement from the premium pool to providers. That's all they do. Now why does there have to be a profit motive tied to that administration? That profit motive is reason #1 for why health care costs are so high. Figure we're paying at most 17% above what the true cost of health care is just from the administrative costs to have a private insurance system. Eliminating that cost increase will have a waterfall effect on health care costs...the reason hospitals charge $20 for a dose of Tylenol is because they need the insurer to reimburse them so they can use the excess from that cost to pay down costs for other patients who have insurance that does not reimburse at those levels. So you end up with a "robbing Peter to pay Paul" scenario where all you're doing is shifting cost, not reducing it. We all have to come to terms with the fact that private insurance is driving most of the cost for health care. That's why single payer nations spend half as much of a % of GDP as we do on health care.[/QUOTE]

Why the hell should the government, which is administrated by stupid bureaucrats that don't give a shit about us, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups, be telling us what we have to have in our insurance policies?

We don't need the government telling us how to run out lives, do we? Well maybe you pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats aren't capable of taking care of your own welfare so you want the government to do your thinking for you and to force other people to pay your bills.

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