Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

Hacked in what way? You left that part out.

Well, they literally hacked into the companies that ran the voting machines. They literally hacked into the DNC. They "hacked" the election by spreading false information and "fake news" in an attempt to sway the electorate. Clearly, it worked.
Nonsense. Your desperation is beyond belief.

No, you're in denial because you cannot admit that Conservatives cannot win elections based on the merits of their ideas, so they have to prevent people from voting, collude with hostile foreign powers, and gerrymander districts to such a degree that even the Conservative-leaning Supreme Court throws their redistricting maps out. If your ideas had any merits, none of that would be necessary because people would vote for them. But the only way Conservatives can win elections is if they bend (or break) the rules. That's because their ideas and policies are so unpopular, they have to rely on tricks to win elections.
Like Republicans today, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had both the House and Senate his first two years in office, why didn't he push those things through then?

Because of blue dogs. And why would Conservatives not participate in creating legislation? Forfeiting your duties to govern for the sake of obstruction isn't a viable political strategy, . Is that why in the 7 years of screeching about Obamacare, Conservatives were unable to come up with a replacement plan?
Hacked in what way? You left that part out.

Well, they literally hacked into the companies that ran the voting machines. They literally hacked into the DNC. They "hacked" the election by spreading false information and "fake news" in an attempt to sway the electorate. Clearly, it worked.
What's you evidence? You keep stating your opinions. So you think the Russians cost Hillary by revealing how corrupt the DNC is? Wow.
Every single person forced to buy health insurance, acceptable to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama which has $6,000 to $12,000 deductibles is a legitimate victim.

You fucking idiot...$6K/$12K is the out of pocket cap. You don't seem to know anything about the law you oppose. What a moron.

I went to the Kaiser Insurance Calculator, put in for the US average for two adults, age 50, non-smokers, with income the median of $53K. What I got was a Bronze Plan that cost $2,280 a year with a $500 deductible. So you are lying and exaggerating to compensate for the fact that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
There's no such thing as trickle down economics so how could they repeal it? Now tax and spend liberal, that's a real term.

You can call it whatever you want; "Supply side economics", "Trickle down economics", "voodoo economics", "teabagonomics", "bullshit", it's all the same stupid shit. You can put all the polish you want on the turd, but it's still a turd.
What's you evidence? You keep stating your opinions. So you think the Russians cost Hillary by revealing how corrupt the DNC is? Wow.

Russia hacked into voting machine companies (From The Hill, 6/5/17):
Report: Russians hacked US voting systems maker just before election

Russia hacked the DNC (From CNet, 5/3/17):
How US cybersleuths decided Russia hacked the DNC

Russia "Pizzagate" influenced brain-dead Conservatives (From Newsweek, 3/22/17)

Link #1 is the proof Russia hacked into the companies that make the voting machines...why would they do that?
Link #2 is the proof Russia hacked into the DNC...but we already knew that, so I'm wondering why you think it's an opinion?
Link #3 is an example of Russian disinformation successfully manipulating brain-dead Conservatives...I bet you believed the Pizzagate shit, didn't you?
There's no such thing as trickle down economics so how could they repeal it? Now tax and spend liberal, that's a real term.

You can call it whatever you want; "Supply side economics", "Trickle down economics", "voodoo economics", "teabagonomics", "bullshit", it's all the same stupid shit. You can put all the polish you want on the turd, but it's still a turd.
I'm not interested in polishing you, that's for sure. But supply side works every time it's tried. You confuse government involvement in the marketplace as a failure of it.

But libs only know tax and spend. it doesn't work so instead of embracing reality they smear capitalism.
IF Medicare operates at a fraction of the overhead (a lie) how do you explain the fact that it has $27+TRILLION in unfunded liability? That doesn't seem to be working.

1. It's not a lie. It's a fact that Medicare overhead is a fraction of that of private insurance. Private insurance companies can take as much as 20% of your premium for themselves. That's 20% that doesn't get spent on your health care, and goes to line the pockets of the executives who run the company. Medicare's overhead is about 3%. So which is more? 20% or 3%?

2. $27T unfunded liability! Egads! How terribly exaggerated! Just wondering, over what period of time is that $27T liability? 10 years? 20 years? 50 years? Conservatives like to scare people with big numbers of unfunded liability but what Conservatives purposefully leave out (because Conservatism = sophism) is that you're counting the liability but not the revenue that is collected to pay for it. So you're leaving one half of the equation out! You also cannot say it's an unfunded liability if you don't say what period of time that $27T covers. So that $27T covers what period of time? Because right now, Medicare still is able to pay full benefits out until the mid-2020's. So where's the urgency?
What's you evidence? You keep stating your opinions. So you think the Russians cost Hillary by revealing how corrupt the DNC is? Wow.

Russia hacked into voting machine companies (From The Hill, 6/5/17):
Report: Russians hacked US voting systems maker just before election

Russia hacked the DNC (From CNet, 5/3/17):
How US cybersleuths decided Russia hacked the DNC

Russia "Pizzagate" influenced brain-dead Conservatives (From Newsweek, 3/22/17)

Link #1 is the proof Russia hacked into the companies that make the voting machines...why would they do that?
Link #2 is the proof Russia hacked into the DNC...but we already knew that, so I'm wondering why you think it's an opinion?
Link #3 is an example of Russian disinformation successfully manipulating brain-dead Conservatives...I bet you believed the Pizzagate shit, didn't you?
You won't post evidence so that's fine with me. I don't let punks jerk me around. BUT the US media tried to hack the voters with day after day of propaganda and yellow journalism. No Russian influence, if there was any could over come it.

I didn't follow Pizzagate, thanks for proving how brain dead you are again.
Even the California's own budget analysis has stated that the state cannot afford single payer.

They can afford it, it just requires doing the hard work of figuring out taxation and fee rates. There are dozens of countries with populations the same as or smaller than CA that have single-payer health care systems. Those systems routinely beat us in nearly every single health metric there is including life expectancy, infant mortality, and cost per patient.
I made an excellent living for more than 40 years, self-employed, working for commission doing nothing but negotiating and solving problems. You see, I determined my own six figure income.

I don't believe anything you say about yourself. For all I know, you could just be making that shit up because you have no facts to support your argument. You wouldn't believe me if I told you I was Tom Brady, so why the fuck should I believe anything you say about yourself?

If there is a single payer, the bargaining power lies with that single payer who can then dictate how much they will reimburse a provider for a procedure. It's then on the provider to compete for patients, which means your choices increase because there are no more networks. What is created is a level playing field, where all providers are reimbursed at the same rate for the same procedures. That puts the competition on providers who then must compete for your care. They do that by improving health outcomes, thus retaining patients.
I'm not interested in polishing you, that's for sure. But supply side works every time it's tried.

No, it doesn't. They just tried it in Kansas and it failed, so they repealed it. In KS, they cut taxes on businesses to zero and cut income taxes. Is that not supply-side economics?
8 years of open hatred was fine with you under Obama, now you suddenly care about unity?

Oh, and America hates your vile and dishonest press.

  • 32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
  • 14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
  • Confidence drops among younger and older Americans
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

Uh, the Internet took off full speed around 1990.

Obama only spoke through party ministers in CNN, NBC, the Nazi Yokel Times, etc. Trump tries to bypass the corrupt little Goebbels of the DNC press so that America knows what he is actually saying.

I started debating politics right after 9/11, and it was still quit new , especially political forums..
They really took off with the Iraq bombings..
But not to many people had a computer yet..

I wonder if Eaglewings understands that the Web and Internet are not the same thing.
Obama used the internet to win the election, which was new so he blew the RNC away..Now they all do that.


Funny, I started on the Internet in 1978, and the forums were booming.

I met BriPat on Compuserve Internet Services in about 1985.

That YOU didn't know what was going on around you didn't mean that nothing was going on.
heh - internet has been around awhile to be sure. but consumers didn't start jacking it up that early on. :)

makes you wonder - if they knew facebook was coming would they still have built it? :)

The Internet was the domain of we geeks until the Web came along.
You won't post evidence so that's fine with me.

I did post the evidence, in links no less! You are choosing to not accept it because doing so would mean you'd have to admit Russia was involved in the election, which then means you'd have to admit that Trump and the GOP may have colluded with them, which means you'd have to admit you've been bullshitting everyone this whole time...and your ego simply cannot handle that. Even on an anonymous message board. Talk about a snowflake!
I'm not interested in polishing you, that's for sure. But supply side works every time it's tried.

No, it doesn't. They just tried it in Kansas and it failed, so they repealed it. In KS, they cut taxes on businesses to zero and cut income taxes. Is that not supply-side economics?
That's thee definition of "trickle down economics"? Is it possible Kansas had all kinds of obligations to meet? When did Reagan eliminate business tax? You don't know what you're talking about.
You won't post evidence so that's fine with me.

I did post the evidence, in links no less! You are choosing to not accept it because doing so would mean you'd have to admit Russia was involved in the election, which then means you'd have to admit that Trump and the GOP may have colluded with them, which means you'd have to admit you've been bullshitting everyone this whole time...and your ego simply cannot handle that. Even on an anonymous message board. Talk about a snowflake!
No, I said I don't let punks jerk me around. You posted links, not evidence. You spend two seconds and I spend four hours? You think that's happening? Or maybe you are too stupid to find the content to make your case?

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